Nice job Jan. Way to stick with it. Thanks Sean, I'll mail you the latest pics. Just a few dozen details left. Since my strip is snowed in until probably April, it should be a nice leisurely finish. I'll probably get my DAR here first part of January.
Skis? Why didn't I think of that? It should only take a few minutes to whip up some skis. Pretty sure I've got some old Rossignol Stratix that would work. They're taller than me and the Look bindings will probably clip right on. Otherwise I'll just have to wait for a chinook.
Engine / FF Mostly Done

Just awaiting panel to finish up...


OshKosh this year?!

Interesting. I have used the rear outlet to do the "hot tunnel Y and cold air" mod and I think I am going to change it to the front one on the other side, as the air coming out of the rear one is much hotter than what I thought it will be after coming over the cylinders.

Good job, Dwight! I can't wait to see the whole thing sitting in your hangar. Or maybe, sitting on the grass at OSH!

WOW! Nice, Very nice !!! 3 into 1 SS exh, super craftsmanship, looks like a 1000 hp pro stock set up!! NICE!! Awesome, Excellent keep up the good work, I can only dream of something that nice.
Crossed the 1000H Mark and Reserved ZU-LUX

Then for the BIG NEWS:
I quietly reserved my registration for my RV10 (ZU-LUX) as you can see if follows the same theme as my RV7 (ZU-LUZ i.e. ZULU-7) with it being ZULU-X or ZULU-10.
RV ZULU 7 over here:

I had my seats done exactly like my RV7 and designed my own RV ZULU 10 logo and had it embroided. I am happy with how my RV10 Seats turned out, so I can now show?em to you! It was all done in South Africa, with some geniune south african cow hide, :D sounds so foreign and luxurious :D;)
The Two Front Seats:

The Embroidery and Double Stitching detail with perforated RED Leather inserts

The Bottom Seat Detail
The Embroidery and Double Stitching detail with perforated RED Leather inserts

My Rear Seats is split, Left, center, Right and run the full length of the back like a car SIDEwall to SIDEwall. Also like a car you can remove any portion of the seats for extra storage space. i.e. Remove only center section for LONG stuff in between PAX. OR simply remove the whole LEFT ( OR RIGHT) rear seat for more bulky long stuff.

After a long ordeal wtiht UPS this week to get my fourth Lord mount (Yes, Van's shipped me three, so I had to get one from ACS), I finally got my engine hung.


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Looks great!

I am glad you got your back order for the Lord mount sorted out.
I know how disappointing it can be when you have to change plans
midstream and start something else.
Now on to the prop, baffles and cowl.
Wings on the first time:


Cowling and airbox at home for a little fiberglass work, propeller sitting on the ground waiting for the correct alternator belt to arrive.
She's got legs!

This weekend we got her up on the gear and tucked away into the garage. She clears the garage door by 3-4 inches and when I tuck her tail into the corner I can actually get quite a bit of room on the nose. That's great news because I should be able to install the avionics and engine without having to move to a hangar. I don't think I can can get the prop to clear the door, but I can get quite a bit done before shelling out more cash on rent.


Nice Phil. Received my FAA registration in the mail yesterday. Only took 2 weeks! Better than the 2-3 months they say to plan for.

I am finally back to building on a regular basis! Here the right tank is ready to break down and debur.

Joel, I am curious if your overhead is from Flightline AC? Yours looks a LOT nicer than the one I got from them when I bought my AC kit. (3 years ago).
Also, are you using Flightline's new compressor mount that puts the compressor on the left side of the engine, or is yours an electric compressor?
"Fixing" Wesael's link, unfortunately, only brings up one of the several AC photo's on his site.
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Yeah, that's the only one he put in the post (as you can see if you quote his post). That looks like the same tray and evaporator I got from Flightline; I can't speak to the rest of his equipment as it's not shown in the photo. I haven't started the FWF installation yet, so I can't tell you anything useful about it.
Thanks to all of you!!!

I am not sure why the first link didn't work but thank you for fixing it.

If you go to my blog in the signature of the post you can see all the pictures from this build.

I do not spend a lot of time on the blog so dint expect much here but it is useful for reference and documentation.

The overhead console that I am using is Aerosports Products and is really nice to say the least. The fit is great and the workmanship is top-notch!!!:D

The A/C is Flightline and I am setting it up with the electric compressor as you can see in the blog.
Started testing on the Air Conditioner

Started testing on the Flightline all electric A/C stuff!!!!!:D

Brandi you should be in the picture not Brian. I always see you doing all the work. Way to go. Keep up the good work.

RV10 Twin Turbo Progress

I've been getting a lot more hours in on my -10 lately. Have the turbos out to be ceramic coated, getting engine wiring routed and connected, gearbox is installed and drive coupling bolted up, temp and pressure sensors installed, turbo adapters bolted up to the exhaust manifolds, twin alternators installed and mostly wired up, crank sensor installed.

Only about 499 things left to do...:)



Many hours spent looking in boxes for parts I know I made before the project was stalled 2 years ago and wondering how I'd planned to do many things.
I dunno, Weasel. The airframe build looks good but it looks like you've got a few years to go on the (co)pilot. ;)
Looks like it'll fly!!

Couldn't resist putting the parts "together" for a motivational shot!! As you can tell, I've got several things going on at the same time.

This never gets old:D

............and what did your wife say about the cleeco's on the pool table :mad:

hehehehe ohh well a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do! :D
............and what did your wife say about the cleeco's on the pool table :mad:

hehehehe ohh well a mans gotta do what a mans gotta do! :D

It didn't stay on the pool table long enough to be an issue.... BTW, that is the same pool table I took the first picture of my RV-7 emp.....they say use a flat surface:eek::D
Couldn't resist putting the parts "together" for a motivational shot!! As you can tell, I've got several things going on at the same time.

As soon as I get done with Spring cleaning, I've got to take a shot of my hangar. I've got the tail cone in the back, the mid fuselage in the middle, the firewall section at the front, and two wing spars scattered amongst them. But there's a reason: when I hit a stopping place on one section (waiting for a parts order or whatever), I can keep moving in another area. Not that much has happened this semester but after May 15th... Graduation!
Moving along

With some help from the wife and a fellow builder (thanks Pilot Mike!), making good headway.


Like that profile view!

Any time Dwight!

With some help from the wife and a fellow builder (thanks Pilot Mike!), making good headway.

It was my pleasure helping. Thanks for the practice. More importantly, thanks (ahead of time) for all the stupid questions I'm going to ask you during my build! :)
Garage is almost done, my parts and tools are axiously waiting, and I'll start playing with Kitlog to get a site up and running for my pics. I can't wait to start pounding (my own) rivets!! :)
We finally finished the doors, cabin cover and overhead console

Section 43 through 45 are done! The Aerosport Overhead has been installed, the headliner is in work and the door handles installed. The Overhead console looks great, the lights are not yet mounted but will be completed when I start the wiring. Sean's door latch works like a charm and the McMaster Carr seal makes the whole setup look factory. I am setting the whole thing aside to begin with the wings and then on to the electrical and the panel. We will also be using the Aerosport STD panel with a 3 screen G3X system very similar to Sean's. It hurt to spend $500 on the vents, but they sure look good! The paint is a satin finish to match the Aerosport Tan interior panels. All the glass will be installed when the cabin cover is permanently attached after the wiring.


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No more PINK

Looking good Bill!
It is a good day when you finally see no more pink stuff.:eek:


I commend you on some great progress. Let me know if I can help you hang the wings. I have another friend who is interested as well and is very mechanically inclined. He's the special project's engineer for my company. Give me a call if you're planning hangar activities for this weekend.

Thanks Mike, see you again soon.

Bill, thanks, it looks great from 10 ft away :rolleyes:. I used S-W JetGlo Express. Really liked it, turned out great (except for all the mistakes I made, not the paint's fault). Found it pretty easy to spray.

Ok, so I promised to show the hangar chaos. It's not as bad as it looks; I can work on each section without bumping into anything else. But I'm about ready to dimple and rivet the bottom skins of the mid-fuselage, finish assembling the forward fuselage, close the tail cone, and both wing spars are done. What I'm really waiting for is the wiring harnesses so I can route them through the structure while it's all still open. Once I get that, it'll resolve pretty quickly into one fuselage and two wings.


The audio stuff is my bass practice rig (what better to do while waiting for primer to dry?) and the PA we will be using at the airport open house this weekend.