Congrats on your move! (and N-Number)

I just talked to the good folks at FAA/Oklahoma City------

N210LM is now officially assigned to my aircraft shaped pile of parts, and the registration in in the mail as of yesterday.

Getting closer....................................


Good job! I saw pics of your move to the airport. That must have been a big day for you and your wife. I hope to start building my own RV-10 soon and I'm very excited seeing you pics. Good luck with your Phase I!

You plan all the hard work for Oct and March when you live in Houston. I've been holding out on fitting the cabin top for the majority of the summer. Now that the temperature and humidity are getting perfect I am getting the dirty work done.

I'm doing just a little bit of work every evening until I get it to fit. This is tonight's status.....

Getting closer.


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good progress

That cabin top is a lot of fitting and trying on.
It really is a lot of work to get it to fit properly.
Make sure you finish the inside of the cabin before grafting it to the "boat"
Keep it up.
Looking good..


Nice pics of your bird/boat in its current state. We really need to keep up the postings of RV-10'rs in order to keep up the activity levels on VAF. I've heard from a lot of people that the majority of RV-10 builders spend they're time on Matronics, but I prefer the VAF site for its ease of use. We just need more RV-10 content.

Besides, with pics like that, it's certainly motivating for aspiring 10 builders like me! Keep up the good work..

Wings on

Here are a few shots of the current status of the final assembly.

Wing all hooked up, flaps and ailerons and wiring etc, even the tip.


More of same, tail feathers go on tomorrow:D (Still working on the VTOL feature, C/G issues right now.)


A little bit of inspiration from the local Chinese eatery.


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Looking nice Rudi.

Having seen your build when I was last in SA I had a little despair with how much was left to do. But I have kept going and now the front fuselage is complete with most of the systems and controls in. Holding off on joining the tailcone because I don't quite have your excellent build facilities. My wife is not keen on the necessary temporary extension to the garage until the last possible moment :eek:

Back in SA later in the month - off to Hazyview again.
Fridays work.

Got the tail on today.


Close up of the rudder trim.


Amazing how installing 17 bolts can take two people all day.

Airframe pretty much together and ready for inspection.

Here is Laura vacuuming out all the little hidden treasures that come out of hiding after the ride on the "scary trailer" as she called it.


Time to run some fuel through the tank, flush out any goobers hiding in there.



Both tanks flushed, fuel flow checked ---apx 30 gph---oil pump putting out to the pressure tap, guess it is time to see what happens when you twist the key:eek: Chocks down,


Pilot (??) committed.


Fire extinguisher at the ready-------


Too young to smoke.




Time for an adult beverage.

Engine smooth, Prop cycles just fine, temps OK, Tach not working, oil pressure too high---99---hopefully just a calibration thing.

Did I mention time for an adult beverage??

Here is a link to various photos during my build, as well as some junk I dont know how to edit out for this post..........
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Congratulations Mike and Laura!! That is a big day and I remember mine well. It really looks like an airplane now!:)
Started with upholstery

We have started doing the upholstery. Seats are done by the pros, but all the carpet fitting and cutting and side panels are home brewed :D

More 10's more better


Excellent, its coming along nicely.
How long before first flight?
Are you going to beat Mike S. for first flight.
someone has to put him in his place.;)
I think Mike WILL beat us :eek:
Just an interesting observation here. Where I am (South Africa) I have yet to see an RV doing the maiden without paint, etc. We tend to finish everything before that first flight. Don't ask me why.

Right now even the final paint is on every part. Just this Saturday a friend came by and talked me into some vanity boxes that I had to make for the RV10 - I admitted it was a good idea. So I have spent 4 hours this morning from 5:30 am to 9:30 am doing just that.

We are looking at another two weeks or so in the shop and then the big move. From there maybe two weeks more. Can't wait.

Go for it Mike:D
W/B done

Got the 10 weighed yesterday, 1630 pounds.

Vans uses the figure of 1615 pounds for the W/B calc in the instructions, so it appears to be about 15 lbs heavy-------but then I have dual battery, and alternators, and full headliner.

So, I feel pretty good about the 1630:D

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Moving on slowly but surely, working from the back forward :)

Note the vanity pockets in the rear side panels.
How did you get it that light?

I know I have a lot of Copper in mine, but that is 53lbs lighter than we did!:eek:

Well done all the same!:)
Thanks Mike :)
The flap covers hinges where the carpet and leather meets. Two reasons:- one is to make it much easier to remove the front seats during inspections and secondly to store the o2 cannula's in. And yes the two brass fittings are o2 fittings for the pax.

I really like your idea with the cover. Might still do it as it is really easy to implement.
Firewall rivets

BE SURE to address the firewall rivets before you get too far along with the engine installation.

There are a few 3 or 4 on each side that are almost impossible to squeeze with the motor mount in place, and just about as hard to shoot/buck.

I waited too long to address these rivets, and wish I had not done so, I ended up tearing the side skin with the rivet gun, while trying to set the rivet at the top motor mount on one side of the plane.

There is a stiffener inside the skin, runs horizontal along the skin joint------this stiffener ends a bit short of the firewall, and when you place the rivet gun on these rivets, it can catch the skin between the end of the stiffener, and the face of the rivet set, this will cause the skin to be damaged ------ just about like being in a shear -----if you have insufficient force on the bucking bar.

Take a good look at the area, you should be able to see what I am trying to describe.
3 years, 2000 hrs

95% complete, 95% to go... Passed my 3 year and 2000 man-hrs milestones last month. Here's some recent pics:




Ordered avionics yesterday, panel will be done mid-Dec, I'll post some pics then too. I can see the light!

Way to go!

Again, congratulations Dwight! I can't wait to see your airframe, and of course, the panel as it "evolves." Thanks for the motivation!
Off to a slow start

Got my wife's blessing to start on a -10. Faxed the tail kit order to Van's on 10/26. On 10/29, while cleaning the garage to get ready to start building, I managed to tear my right bicep tendon from where it attaches to the bone in my lower arm. Had surgery on 11/4 to fix it and the kit was delivered the very next day.

I'll be in an arm brace for 6-8 weeks with some PT likely to continue past that so I don't know how soon it will be before I really get started. Plus I assume it will be equally as long before I can fly my -9A as well. Oh well. At least I get out of shoveling snow this winter.
Sorry to hear about the injury, dont rush the recovery--just take it easy.

You can make the down time productive by reading and re-reading the plans, and doing an inventory check.

One thing that you could do is re-package the stuff that is in all the little brown bags, and label it with something that makes sense-----like the page number and part where the contents will be used.

Good luck, enjoy the project. And, get well.

Good to see someone driving on the correct side of the road ;):D

Plane is looking great too! not long now! :)
Naaah, mate


Good to see someone driving on the correct side of the road ;):D

Plane is looking great too! not long now! :)

You beat me to it..."wrong" side of the road.

Congratulations are definitely in order! BTW, who is Jan? The one with hair, or the one without? LOL

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BTW, who is Jan? The one with hair, or the one without? LOL
Pierre - I am the one with the pink marble behind the right ear:)
Seriously - I am on the right with hair left :confused:
Section 29 done!

Whew. Began bending longerons and skins on labor day weekend. Just finished bolting in the landing gear weldments. I was hung up for a few weeks till I got a friend over to help shoot some rivets, so I worked ahead, and now sections 30, 31, and parts of 32 and 33 are done. But 29 was a bear, and am glad to have it off my back.




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Sweet, Andy....

...when you put the steps in, take care to not allow any rotational movement. This issue was discussed here, not too long ago. I mention it because on my bought-flying -10, both steps have some rotational movement and it's almost impossible to do anything about it now.

...when you put the steps in, take care to not allow any rotational movement. This issue was discussed here, not too long ago. I mention it because on my bought-flying -10, both steps have some rotational movement and it's almost impossible to do anything about it now.


Yep, but there is a fairly easy fix for that, as long as the floor is not yet installed.

Get a piece of steel tubing that is a slide fit over the step mount, and rivet a nut plate to the exterior of it. You could also weld a nut on if that suits you better.

The steel nut/ring only needs to be wide enough to hold the nut----half inch or thereabouts. Slide it on the step mount, use JB weld or similar to fix it in place. Nut down toward the belly.

Last step is to drill an access hole in the floor, in line with the mounting bolt, so it can be tightened later if needed. Or, in the rather unlikely event you need to remove or replace the step.

Get a round snap in cover for the hole.

Last step is to drill an access hole in the floor, in line with the mounting bolt, so it can be tightened later if needed. Or, in the rather unlikely event you need to remove or replace the step.

If you take a close look at your baggage compartment (Directly over the steps), I'll bet you find these reference holes. The plans have you drilling them and I'll bet the builder put them in. #30

After many trails a tribulations, my Van's OSH special engine finally arrived. I won't bore folks with the delivery debacles. I'm just happy it finally arrived at 9:00pm on Thursday.



Look at the serial number!

Wow Bob, Look at the serial numner on the box.
I bet you are about the only one who now has a serial number that you can almost remember.