Here she is.
Looks great Matt! Do you have a picture of the wing top too? Looks like it has a neat design on top of the wing also.
Looks great Matt! Do you have a picture of the wing top too? Looks like it has a neat design on top of the wing also.

I will have to take one. The wing is similar to the fuse, the horizontal stab is solid silver. All of the checkers fade. I have to credit Fernando for inspiration on the fuselage checker lines. We will be flying formation Oshkosh 2014!
Looks very nice!

Hi Matt - we met this past weekend at KGED at lunch. Plane looks very nice in person too! Stop by KPTW sometime - lots of RV activity every weekend.

I guess it's time to show my finished RV-8A. N880EE is an RV-8A with 200 Hp IO-360 with custom painted BA prop. The aircraft was expertly built by multiple repeat offender Sheril Helton & Myself. Panel by Stein (of course) is a dual G3x with probably the last G430W sold and Garmin stack with back up Gemini EFIS. Classic Aero seats.
Amazing paint by Craig Roberts and equally amazing airbrush work by Jason Prouty of Garage 31. Both were a pleasure to work with. The scheme is an homage to P-40's and especially the 85th fighter squadron that flew under the Flying Skull. The Flying Skull was later adopted by the ****'s Angels as their moniker. While I love the plane I have yet to join the ****'s Angles.
There is a ton of detail in the paint scheme including an awesome tail hook, bullet casing exhaust ports, real looking soot coming out of the V-12. I want to thank everyone involved with the project but especially my wife Nova who figured out about 3/4's of the way through the build that there was another RV coming....I had convinced her that N880EE was just scraps left over from the RV-10 build. ;-)








Additional images can be seen at:
HD Video can be seen at
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Thanks Nemo. I love the A models regardless of how we may be shunned by the more pure of gear. I can consistently place her back down to earth without ever feeling the transition from flight to ground. Unfortunately that was never the case when I flew my RV-4. Maybe I have become a better pilot but I think it's our training wheel. :)

Fantastic job Robin!!! My hats off to you for the attention to detail and conceiving such a beautiful design and carrying it through too completion. It is one of those rare times when you see an airplane and it elicits that true ?WOW? response. You have reached an exceeded that bar, BZ!!!:):):)
Thank you Tim! Very kind of you. I have to say the plane is much more beautiful in person but she does OK by photos too. I have to take some photos from under the wing as there is a really cool USMC under the Left wing and a Star under the Right plus of course some bomb and ferry fuel tank attachment points on her belly. There are also some really convincing Browining 50 Cal machine gun bullet loading hatches on the top of each wing. Good fun for sure. Of course the best part is that 85 is an RV. You can't do much better than that!
The paint looks great!

The paint job looks great. I think you should fly to Sun and Fun next month to show it off. I know a place you could stay.
N880EE lives on the west coast of CA. I like SNF but those XCountry flights are more comfortable in the RV-10. Nice to have choices. :).
The cowl is the extended James cowl with nice baffle system. No plenums for me. Extended cowl with to ~4 prop extension.

Gotta take it to the show

Gorgeous photos! Looks like maybe Morro Bay? Is it?
SnF too far, then how about Chino in May?
C'mon, Robin...modesty is a very becoming trait, but these photos are much better than "OK". They are Van's calendar-worthy!
It's not that SNF is too far, I have attended SNF twice. It's that on a long X-Country the RV-10 is just too comfortable to leave home. Chino is a possibility as I have come to CNO 2 of the last 3 years. Last year I took the -10 and in the ~4 hours I was parked a swarm of bees took residence in my tail cone and there were literally thousands starting a new hive near the -10 empenage inspection plate. My only solution was to fly home and see if they could hold on. About half did but by the next day they decided to choose a home that didn't move at 200 MPH.
I will attend Chino this year if I am not traveling. Chino puts on a solid airshow and a nice selection of RV's.
And yes the area is Morro Bay around the point past Avlia Beach and down to Pismo Beach.

Thanks. The best part about the photos is that they are all taken within 8 miles of my home. I am very fortunate.

You guys are forcing me to post a few more photos... Thanks for all the kind words.




Ok ?? these are Great pictures

We shot some air to air photos over the weekend. Turned out OK.


Those are really good pictures. I like the nice prop disks in these two.....the background is stunning as well.....
Definitely not taken with a digital camera.

I disagree. You CAN get pictures like that with a digital camera...a digital SLR (like my Canon Digital Rebel). The trick is to slow the shutter down to 1/60 of a second or as close to that as you can. A gyro-stabilized lens helps a bunch!

Here's a picture I took of Rosie's 628PV with my Digital Rebel at LOE 2005.


Had the shutter set to 1/125 and hand held (no IS lens). Not a full blur on the prop, but you can tell it's moving.
My point is, with the right type of digital camera, you can get those type of pictures pretty easily.
I disagree. You CAN get pictures like that with a digital camera...a digital SLR (like my Canon Digital Rebel). The trick is to slow the shutter down to 1/60 of a second or as close to that as you can. A gyro-stabilized lens helps a bunch!

Here's a picture I took of Rosie's 628PV with my Digital Rebel at LOE 2005.


Had the shutter set to 1/125 and hand held (no IS lens). Not a full blur on the prop, but you can tell it's moving.
My point is, with the right type of digital camera, you can get those type of pictures pretty easily.

Ah...didnt think about the shutter speed. Most digital photographs you see taken by pilots are usually with cell phones or cameras where they don't control the shutter speed.
Significance of the design?

Mr Marks:


Appreciate the homage to the 85th Fighter Squadron; the work is well thought-out and very well executed.

What's the significance of the underwing "USMC"? I like it- wondering if there's a story you're willing to share...

My wife veto'd a military paint scheme so it gives me much pleasure to see one done so well - brilliant - great photos - enjoy the fruits
The photos of 85 were taken with a Canon 7D, zoom EF lens with image stabilization. The photo platform was a Piper Pacer with the left rear door removed. Unfortunately there is no right rear door to remove. The Pacer made for a nice stable platform from which to film. I gained new respect for that little plane while spending 30 minutes in formation flight for the shoot.
Thanks for the compliments Bruce, esco, Ed & Bob.
esco, the USMC flew P-40's out of Gaviota, CA which is about 60 miles south of my home airport so I figured why not. Anything to **** of those Navy guys. :).
Little known is that the US made over 15,000 P-40's in the 3+ year war effort. That is even faster than the VANS Hobbs meter is turning.
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Little known is that the US made over 50,000 P-40's in the 3+ year war effort. That is even faster than the VANS Hobbs meter is turning.

The actual number of P-40's produced according to several sources is just shy of 14,000 (13,700+) not 50,000. It placed second to the P-47 (15,600+) in US production. The Bf/Me-109 was the most produced aircraft of the Second World War period at just over 33,000 produced.

Sorry my bad. I had the photo of the 15,000 P-40 produced stuck in my mind and got all dyslexic on the numbers.
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Fred Hollendorfer, RV8, N998W @ KFTG

Just finishing up my 3rd C/I... 200 hrs.
ECi IOX-360 180hp AeroComposites C/S prop
1 EMag & 1 PMag... Never had conventional mags. The EMags are sweet!
2 Grand Rapids Horizon I screens & EIS, P/S intercom.
Garmin 430 & 327, TruTrak ADI Pilot/ alt hold.
Empty wt... 1117. Speeds true to Van's specs.
Paint color and N# are from one of two of my grandfather's aircraft that he designed
and built in the early 1930's. The squadron nose art & the triangle "L" on the vertical
stab are representative of my Dad's B-17 Squadron & Group in WWII.


Squadron emblem "533 Bomb Sq. Ridgewell UK 1944-45"


Fred Hollendorfer, RV-8, N998W


Perry ParK (CO93)


Front Seat N998W
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Fred, the airplane turned out really nice and I hadn't seen a picture of it till now - nice job. I'm not sure what is more impressive though, the airplane or the caslte it's partked in front of! :)


Just finishing up my 3rd C/I... 200 hrs.
ECi IOX-360 180hp AeroComposites C/S prop
1 EMag & 1 PMag... Never had conventional mags. The EMags are sweet!
2 Grand Radips Horizon I screens & EIS, P/S intercom.
Garmin 430 & 327, TruTrak ADI Pilot/ alt hold.
Empty wt... 1117. Speeds true to Van's specs.
Paint color and N# are from one of two of my grandfather's aircraft that he designed
and built in the early 1930's. The squadron nose art & the triangle "L" on the vertical
stab are representative of my Dad's B-17 Squadron & Group in WWII.
Thanx for the kind words! The castle you refer to is my sis and bro -in-laws place
At CO93. It's always fun to run down and see them. BTW... Thanks for the great panel you guys built me! I've really enjoyed it! :)
Fred, the airplane turned out really nice and I hadn't seen a picture of it till now - nice job. I'm not sure what is more impressive though, the airplane or the caslte it's partked in front of! :)


...what Stein said. Beautiful airplane.


Beautiful workmanship. We talked a long time ago and I remembered the story of your Father at Ridgewell. My cousin was a copilot early in the war (before escorts) and was killed on his fifth mission! He was in the same squadron and was flying the "F" model. If you haven't checked out their site, please do. Every mission the wing flew is described in detail. They even had a picture of the aircraft my cousin flew.

If you get over Durango way, stop by Animas Air Park (Zero Zero Charlie) and give me a holler.

Jim Thornton
That's a great job you have done, I really like the paint scheme.

Interestingly I live just 10 minutes from the old Ridgewell airfield, just a few gliders and a tow plane there now.

Ken Krebaum's RV-8

The aircraft has been flying for a little over 3 years. The picture was taken by Ernie Butcher at the April 2012 SARL air race.


Ken, good job figuring out the photo thing.

Good looking plane, and a great action shot------borrowed it for my desktop:D