under seat toolbox, gust locks and clip mirrors

Now that's the Tool Box (Practice Kit) that Van's should sell. :D
Took this of my dad's -8 this morning at KPHD. Second time flying in it since I was away at school all spring. Was proud to grease on a nice wheel landing from the rear seat on our way back in! Hopefully getting insured to fly it on my own soon...
Certificate of Airworthiness Received!

Just under two years after receiving the tail kit N317DC is finished and ready for paint. C of A issued by Reno FSDO on 22 Jun 12. Special thanks to Seher and Porta who were there every rivet of the way fixing everything I screwed up.

Thanks to these folks for making such fine products.

Smoking Airplanes



I won't be out of Phase I in time for Oshkosh this year. See ya'll there in 2013.

Dave Casey
RV-3 Race 89
Yup. Good eye. That is Stead (KRTS), home of the Reno National Championship Air Races. RV-8 N317DC restricted to 100 mile radius from Stead for Phase One. She'll be on static display during the races in September. Everybody is welcome to stop by the hanger for a cold one.



Dave Casey
RV-3 N789RV Race 89 (Sport Class)

Hi Dave,

I'm in Reno and fly out of Stead in a Decathlon at the mo. I'm thinking about an RV8 and wondered if it would be possible to meet up. I would love to have a look at yours as I'm currently trying to convince the wife.... Will be out there next on the 7th about midday, I'll be the one doing aerobatics.... Let me know if we can meet up sometime.


RV-8 643RV


Here is 643RV after ten years 1 month and 7 days of building. Now with 120 hours and flying great! Makes all that waiting worth it!

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Here you go :)

Jeff, I tried to edit your post, but ???

So, here is your photo.

Good looking plane:D

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Thanks Mike I appreciate the help with the picture. Tried to post it via tinypics and for some reason could get it to work. Probably pilot error!
Never really finished

Not finished with all of the tinkering.... But after 14 years and 5 months all we are waiting on is transition training with Alex in a couple of weeks.


By rv8riveter at 2012-07-18


Wade, I like your cowl. I did mine in a 3 piece but have the standard rectangle openings to a reshaped james plenum. I am planning first flight in august.Let us know how it all works out. Looks good Ron
Wade, Looks great.

I think we first traded messages 10 or so years ago on the old matronics bulletin boards and then I can't recall seeing any posts for years! I remember you saying you weren't a fast builder but that is a REALLY long time to stick with this kind of a project. Is that a record? ;-)

Congradulations and have a safe phase 1!
N819WB finally painted!

After flying naked for two years (airplane not me...most of the time) I finally got it painted. Ray's Aviation at Santa Paula Airport. Did a great job. Crystal Silver and Surf Blue. Both Mini Cooper colors.


By n819wb at 2012-08-29


By n819wb at 2012-08-29
It Flys

Well - after 3 years and 5 months - TO THE DAY, N32SE is an airplane.

The grin aside - when I brought the tail up on this thing for the first time,
well, you know.

Half an hour over the airport. Some minor squawks, but all the numbers are good and transition training by Jan Bussell made the first flight a non-event.




Those of you banging rivets - keep banging. Like childbirth, you will forget those rivets, the fiberglass, the cooling plenum the moment the wheels break free.

There are a bunch of you - and you don't even know who you are, who have contributed to this airplane in the way that these forums do. I hope to thank you personally once this time machine leaves phase I.

I'm a test pilot now :)

Thank you.

Congrats Scott,

I can only imagine the feeling at this point....one day, I'll get there!

All the best with it..it's a beauty!

Scott: Congratulations, beautiful aircraft and workmanship. Really like your paint job...what's the story there?


Thanks for all of the nice comments.

Regarding the paint, I was an enlisted man in the Marines in 1976. Went to college on the old GI bill when I got out (and got my pilot license).

I never felt too proud of those days till recently. Since there were no Marine P-51's I started looking for other ideas and I found this nice website http://www.markstyling.com/F4Ukorea.08.htm and got interested in the Korean War Corsair's.

Mine is a take on the top one on the page.

Phillip Fox at Woodway Signs turned that into my concept and the rest is just paint, well and sanding and buffing.

Oh and if I squint my eyes, I pretend my wings are W shaped :)

The flat pack build of G-JBTR started in December 2006 and she first flew "naked" on the 23 May 2012. I have since had her painted and the final icing on the cake was to have a photo shoot by Ed Hicks, who I regard as the best aviation photographer in the UK.

To wet your appetite below are two of the shots and for more please check out this photo thread and Ed's Flickr page.

Van's RV-8 G-JBTR by Ed Hicks, on Flickr

Van's RV-8 G-JBTR by Ed Hicks, on Flickr

To those still building keep at it and enjoy the journey as you are going to have so much fun when she's completed.
Another UK 8 ready for flight testing!!

My first post here.
After tooo long, my 8 is painted (nose still to finish off) and ready for flight testing.

Hope you like it...






I'll let you know how it goes!!

David Davidson.
XP-IO-360, cold air induction, twin P-Mags, Hartzell 74" blended airfoil, 4 into 4 Vetterman, Raven inverted, Smokin Airplanes smoke, 1000 Skyview, G695, Rockrack switches, and a whole lot more!
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Welcome to VAF !

Wow ! Very nice paint scheme. It seems that we are getting more and more eye-catching RVs in western europe.
You gave me an other reason to cross the channel with my 8! :D

PS: love the registration number ;)
What's in a name

Flying in the face of planes in name of women, I think I'm going to call him... Al.

In the same family as aluminum mistress, I am greatly trying to resist the temptation to add the symbols for:
Vanadium, Silver, Iodine and Sodium..


This is the only one I could find commercially, back to Woodway Signs!

P.S. saw 207kts ground speed yesterday 24^2 breaking in engine temps in the 320's, all within 5 degrees of each other.
First flight!

Today was the day! I had planned the flight, scouted the local area for off airport landing sites appropriate to the planned circuit and ask a couple friends to be my ground crew. Today N188DW became a real flying airplane and I flew in a machine built with my own hands. An absolutely priceless experience.

The engine, an Aero Sport Power IO-375 turning a Whirlwind 200 RV prop, ran strong and remarkably smooth. All numbers were well in the green and the only issues were a couple minor calibration things to be revisited.

Many thanks to the wonderful Houston area RV and sport aviation community and a special shout out to Doug Knab for his encouragement and assistance.



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Today was the day!

Today N188DW became a real flying airplane and I flew in a machine built with my own hands.

"Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of Earth,
And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings –--"

Congratulations on the new fledgling:D
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@ Skyflyer:

Sweet! Where'd you get those nifty seats? I saw one's like 'em in another -8 but didn't think to ask where they came from...

Thank you all for the nice comments, messages and calls. Two more flights now on the Hobbs, each better than the last. What a difference from my Cardinal! Lots of taildragger time with Joy at Texas Taildraggers and two sessions with Alex DeDominicis had me well prepared for the transition.

The seats are by Classic Aero Designs. Luke was great to work with, indeed as were each of the vendors I used. They are all here on VAF which reminds me, I forgot an important acknowledgement in my initial post. A huge thanks to Doug Reeves and the VAF community. How builders moved forward before the internet and sites like this I do not know.

The grin is yet to fade.


Chuck. That sure is an awesome looking plane -- very nice! Let the fun begin!

You are so right about the VAF site being awesome. The availability of information is just excellent, and so many people have such great ideas. For $25/yr, it's well worth it! Thanks Doug.
