My opinion - -

you pretty much have to put the wing on and trim it for the type seal you are using. I am not using the original. I very much like the stuff I bought. I took a picture of all the stuff I had out, and as usual, it takes lots of tools. Special - not so much.

Note : I use a 6' table with a packing blanket on it to protect the paint, and just pull it out as needed. When trimming, I only pulled it out maybe 3', and left a short part of the spar still inside. Kept it stable. Used a Dremel with course sanding drum.

The video was unintended, but there are more pictures beyond that.

By the way - I did all this by myself.

Added note : A 90 degree drill atachment seems almost a necessity.

John Bender
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Hi John, thanks for the pictures. Helps to know what the task entails. I plan to install in February with my next condition inspection.
How much is "just Deep Enough?

Step 22:

"Step 22: Machine countersink all of the rivet locations in the F-1270A and F-1270D Side
Skin Doublers where CS4-4 rivets will be installed. Use a 120 Degree cutter with a #30 pilot and
cut just deep enough for a flush fit of the rivet. See Figure 6."

When I'm doing this, to get just deep enough for a flush fit seems pretty deep compared to thickness of piece. As I've never seen anyone post any problems with this am I being over cautious?


Jim D

If your worried get a piece of scrap al that is the same thickness and csink a test hole. As long as you don't get a knifedge you're OK.