Mine is a little different. I have the power lines, but I'm on the freeway and there are over-passes too. And, I'm not the one flying! I'm on a big jet and don't even control my own destiny.

I?ve had this one. Crazy landing approaches in an airliner, flying under freeway interchanges and I?m the only passenger who seems to recognize this as abnormal! Always wake up (sweating) before I see how it ?turns out.?

Mine is I left a cleko in the most important hole in the airplane and can't find it. I just know the airrplane is going to fall apart. I usually wake up and go to the shop and start looking for it.:eek:
My weirdest one was that I was teaching someone how to fly an airplane (I am not a CFI) and something was going wrong when I figured out I was in the back seat of the plane and not in the co-pilot seat. That was empty.

I don't recall how the dream ended.
I occasionally have a dream where I take off from a street, then fly along looking for a gap in the overhead wires so I can climb on out. It never comes.:eek:

Miles, we must be using the same batch lot of Ambien :D

I can't recount how many times I've had that dream; but probably because it's a common daydream muse while driving. The other one is dreaming I've successfully landed on the 500' long river island behind/below my airstrip, ringed by tall trees, and there's no way I'm getting out again. If the dream lasts long enough it then involves a lot of stripping non-essential items to lighten the plane for the attempt:eek:

Edited to add: replied to this before realizing it was a LONG and OLD thread with LOTS of replies more or less identical to mine. Oh, well. Add me to the therapy group roster.

Final observation: in my ground school days when I had yet to ride in a small plane, I used to imagine the gas pedal was "right rudder" when driving up a mountain grade. True story.
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Old thread, but fun :) Yep, same dream about the wires (haven't had one in a long time, though). Never able to escape. Be an interesting poll to see what percentage, of those who have had the dream, have been able to "escape" LOL!

I have occasional dreams about the plane or flying, usually just kind of random things. Last night, I dreamt that I had to store the plane away from the hangar for some reason for a short time, so put it in a sort of shop where several other RVs were being built. When I went back, the shop was filled with RV kits in various stages of construction, rows and rows of parts, etc., and I was unable to find my plane, nor had anybody seen it. Don't know what that means...

And yeah, also have had the dream about finals week in college, OR finding out that I had to present at a major milestone review coming up at work, and I never knew I was even on the project!
Obviously they used yours as a parts donor. The remains of the airframe are probably out back - when you go to sleep tonight, you should poke around and see.

Report back :p
Obviously they used yours as a parts donor. The remains of the airframe are probably out back - when you go to sleep tonight, you should poke around and see.

Report back :p
I have read somewhere where a king had his interpreter beheaded for certain interpretations. This may qualify.
OMG! I too have the recurring dream about trying and failing to climb up and around and endless series of wires. I assumed it was a dream combination of piloting and driving a car since there are always wires above you when driving.
I used to have the wire dream years ago. Hope I don't have it again now that I've read this! Never did get above those wires before the dream ended. Maybe I'll find out if the dream starts up again.
Old thread, but fun :)

And yeah, also have had the dream about finals week in college, OR finding out that I had to present at a major milestone review coming up at work, and I never knew I was even on the project!

My college nightmare was that it was time to graduate and I was short a required course. This went off and on for about 10 years before it went away.
Navy maintenance on my RV!

I had a dream when I left on my last cruise in the Navy that I?d brought my airplane along. I went down to the hangar deck and it was next to all the Hornets and Hawkeyes with the maintainers were slapping splotchy grey paint and RTV all over it for ?corrosion prevention?. It was pretty vivid, and woke me up in the middle of the night! :D
Yep, I have had the same power line dreams several times. Now I find myself when awake just dreaming about building an RV 14!
My college nightmare was that it was time to graduate and I was short a required course. This went off and on for about 10 years before it went away.

Funny you should mention that...as a grad student with a TA, I taught College Algebra, a *required* course for graduation regardless of major. And yes, I had students come in after the final, who didn't pass the class *as 2nd semester seniors* who were expecting to graduate ("But I already told my family and sent out all the announcements and..."). Why they didn't get this class out of the way early, I have no idea. Some I could help, some I couldn't and they didn't graduate that semester. Must have been a shock :)
Not really a nightmare but I straight up had a dream last night that Vans was sending me a C-130 quick build kit for $390K. In this incredibly detailed dream my only concerns seemed to be that the annual would be expensive and the hangar was $850 per month. The demo C-130 had a Garmin G3X panel as I was doing transition training with Mike Seagar who looked an awful lot like my local CFII. I have no particular desire to have a C-130, no idea where this came from. :p
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You carry a gun in your aircraft??? :eek::eek::eek:Far out!

I thought everybody did! I have for years!

I too have had the dream about the power lines.

The other one that I have is where I am flying like Superman through a narrow hallway at the top of the ceiling having to fly underneath pipes and through door frames. Anyone else have that one?

:eek: CJ
Not really a nightmare but I straight up had a dream last night that Vans was sending me a C-130 quick build kit for $390K. In this incredibly detailed dream my only concerns seemed to be that the annual would be expensive and the hangar was $850 per month. The demo C-130 had a Garmin G3X panel as I was doing transition training with Mike Seagar who looked an awful lot like my local CFII. I have no particular desire to have a C-130, no idea where this came from. :p

You know the funniest part of this? That it was a C-130 *quick build*. :)
I to had the wires dream once a month or so and most nights it would wake me up in a sweat and I wouldn?t be able to get back to sleep. This brings me to why I?m dredging up this old thread. This dream came up in conversation today and I realized I HAVE NOT had it since reading this thread all those years ago??? Not sure why knowing all you crazies out there like me have this dream stopped me from having it. Here?s to hoping I didn?t jinx it as it often ruined a nights sleep.

Thank you Ben! I too haven?t had the wire dream since I first brought it up in this thread nearly six years ago. I don?t recall having any flying dreams since I retired and moved onto an airport (3-1/2 years ago), and my hangar is just on the other side of the wall from my bed. I guess that if you?re ?living the dream? you don?t actually have to dream about it.:)

My most recurrent dream (nightmare?) now is that I?m back at work and thinking, ?I retired once; I don?t have to put up with this $#!+ anymore!?
Nightmares Continued

Strange-I too have the dream where I have taken off and am looking for a break in the power lines to climb out. Some times I get the hole, most of the time not. Weird!
I dreamed I scheduled transition training with Mike Seager, flew to Oregon and found the weather much worse than forecast, so spent more time sitting on ground watching weather than flying. Wait, it's actually happening right now, not a dream..... (Have a couple more days to make it up but it's a bad dream right now)

On the plus side, I get to spend some time getting to know Mike, checking out his shop and RC aircraft and driving around snowy/rainy/cloudy Oregon....
I dreamed I scheduled transition training with Mike Seager, flew to Oregon and found the weather much worse than forecast, so spent more time sitting on ground watching weather than flying. Wait, it's actually happening right now, not a dream..... (Have a couple more days to make it up but it's a bad dream right now)

On the plus side, I get to spend some time getting to know Mike, checking out his shop and RC aircraft and driving around snowy/rainy/cloudy Oregon....

That is Mike's backup plan, Pure Seager!! He was flipping his helicopter upside down over the top if the RV7 while we waited. Such confidence.
I dreamed I scheduled transition training with Mike Seager, flew to Oregon and found the weather much worse than forecast, so spent more time sitting on ground watching weather than flying. Wait, it's actually happening right now, not a dream..... (Have a couple more days to make it up but it's a bad dream right now)
On the plus side, I get to spend some time getting to know Mike, checking out his shop and RC aircraft and driving around snowy/rainy/cloudy Oregon....

That's why they call it "The Pacific NorthWet!"
That's why they call it "The Pacific NorthWet!"

We got 'er done. +/- 5 hours flying over 4 days! I've seen every kind of wet weather there is now. Rain (heavy, light, misty, raining when the sun is out, etc), snow (heavy, very heavy, light and in between), sleet/hail, etc - all in one day!

For this Florida boy the combination of terrain and weather was quite a changeup, especially while learning to fly a hotrod. I've flown Bonanzas before (and lots of Cherokees etc) but the acceleration, climb and general performance of the RV-14A are a whole 'nother deal.

We even saw some bald eagles flying near Scappoose airport - worth the price of admission right there.
Honestly, my RV nightmare is that I'm flying along and the thing comes apart due to some stupid workmanship problem. It's in the back of my mind every time I make a decision during the build: I'm an amateur with an amateur's judgment. In my nightmare, the NTSB accident report finds that one of my rivet holes is oblong or something and shame on me as the builder. My gravestone says, He Built On but should have read AC 43-13, and then I wake up!