Under the Wires Dream

I too have had this dream many times. Obviously, this is the pilots version of the classic "I can't get it up" dream.;)

Well, that should put a stop to anyone else confessing up to the wires dream!
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How about the one where you're flying along in flight and slowly begin to realize you don't have any clothes on. Then you amazingly find there are about a dozen people with you in your 2-seater and for some reason they don't seem to notice you are naked - so you nonchalantly try to ignore that fact yourself......
College and wire dream

Well I already responded to the wire dream in an earlier post. I had the college dream and the flying dream too. The college dream scared me so much I actually went to admissions to see if it was true. I love the flying without a plane dream. I think these dreams say some pilots have flying in their DNA, others have to learn it.
1942, the skies over Kent, England. I was admiring my good aim when I was blind sided from the sun's glare and strafed, my Spitfire began to smoke and burn, I bailed out but my chute didn't open, my God, this is it for me, no more Newcastle brown ale and pretty blondes, I was tumbling badly, altitude speedily diminishing until I landed softly in the open canopied cockpit of an RV9A. I closed the canopy and have been flying happily ever after. Gotta love the RV's
Sounds like we need a shrink! This sounds like some kind of therapy group!

It's the people who invented those #!$%!! power lines! It's all their fault! :D

What kind of flying dreams did people have before there were power lines? :confused: Course... power lines have been around about as long as airplanes. Hmmmm...

I, too, have had the powerline dreams. Thought I was alone and part crazy. In the daytime, though, I'm often driving down the freeway and start thinking to myself... if this was my RV I'm sitting in, I wonder if I could take off in this stretch and miss those lines ahead there? Our daytime thoughts probably become nighttime dreams.

I woke up the other morning, after dreaming that I was flying... it was the maiden flight of my plane, just flying along in the clear blue. Then I suddenly realized "hey, I'm not even a pilot yet! What am I doing up here?!" I looked at my new panel and didn't know how to read it and figure out where I was or how I was going to safely land it. It was so real it woke me right up.

I've also had dreams about horrible things happening to my project in the middle of the night. I've gotten up out of bed to go open the garage door and turn the lights on, just to make sure it was just a dream.

It's nice to know I'm not crazy after all, and lots of you are experiencing the same things.

Naked Pilot

In one of the Howard Hughes books there was a story about him flying some British airplane with a factory pilot. Fairly big airplane. He got in the airplane, took off all his clothes, sat down in the left seat, strapped in and went flying. Howeird, long before another loose nut with the same name.
Power Lines!

I occasionally have a dream where I take off from a street, then fly along looking for a gap in the overhead wires so I can climb on out. It never comes.:eek:

That is VERY interesting! I had that same dream for years! Must be a common fear. But... I will tell you this. I had a bad accident with an engine out - tried to land on a road (actually an unfinished interstate - seemed perfect). Hit a powerline. (At least they didn't make me pay to fix that too!) The strangest thing is, I've yet to have that dream since that accident which was 5 years ago!
-- Sam Hart
+1 for the power line dream.

Except I'm in a helicopter. Funny to hear that this is so common. I have to fly near power lines a lot in Eastern Kentucky, so I thought that's what caused it.
Plus 1 more

I thought I was the only one-I really wanna know what it means.
One more dream: I start running and each step gets higher and higher, so real it makes my stomach hurt . I get so high im going up and down 500 feet.
It's kinda like double rainbow on utube ---what does it mean?
Evil wires

I dreamed that I hit two different wires in one week.......... No wait, I am a retired Ag pilot I did hit two wires in one week. Didn't hurt the Thrush to bad but sure got one heck of a law suite out of it.
Right with you Miles

I've had that same dream about the wires. I never thought it would have been so common. I like it better when I have the dream that I can fly like Superman, only not so fast.
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Damon, that's almost it except for me it's tall brick buildings on either side and a skyscraper at the end of the block. One thing I'm sure of is that it's nowhere around here.

Thanks Damon - I could not even imagine that many wires! My recurring dream is that once I get past one level of wires, there are always more!

You know, this has the makings of a decent video game for pilots... Several levels, different size planes, helicopters, get really good and the wires start moving...
flying under wires!!!

been flying 52 yrs!!! have had that same dream, take off from airport or street, caught under wires and can't find a way out!!! had the dream many many times??? wonder what somw shrink would say causes that??? don't really need to know, i guess! just keep the shinny side up and PRESS ON
I had nightmares but none were as bad as my Wife calling me at work to tell me the plane parts fell off the wall, I put them there to cure after painting. she got back at me because I comented on FB that she did not notice them on the wall.
Same here for the powerline dream. It's been awhile, but more than once I've been trapped on that urban street trying to find a hole thorugh the wires. Spooky. Glad I'm not alone.

I've had the powerline dream since childhood - waay before I became a pilot.
I've responded to a few bad aviation incidents during my career as an aircraft rescue firefighter. Where flying is what I do for recreation, I couldn't help but see myself in that situation. Every now and then I've had dreams about auguring in and woke up in a cold sweat.

Oh yeah, I've had the wire dream to. :)
Damon, that's almost it except for me it's tall brick buildings on either side and a skyscraper at the end of the block. One thing I'm sure of is that it's nowhere around here.

I've never had the power lines dream. But I've had one multiple times where I do canyon runs (think the Star Wars trench run on the Death Star) through some gigantic state-sized city in a 727; it's rather fun :D

And I've also had ones where I have to circle or shoot through gaps in treetops (who knew there were thousand-foot-tall trees?) to get out of grass fields.

The worst ones, though, are the ones where I'm back in school and either have no pants on, or realize that it's finals week and I'm scheduled for a final in a class I never knew I was signed up for.
Wire dream

I occasionally have a dream where I take off from a street, then fly along looking for a gap in the overhead wires so I can climb on out. It never comes.:eek:

After I got my license in 1969 I had the wire dream for the next 30 years or so. It slowly diminished to the point that I rarely have it, though I did a week ago.

My flying-without-airplane dream goes like this: I dive off a high place such as a building as if going off a high dive. About half way down my flying ability "takes" and I soar up in the fashion of Superman.

Wire nightmare

Reassuring, in a perverse way, to read that others have had the overhead wire nightmare. I thought it was just us old retired crop dusters that had that, but apparently it is a generic pilot nightmare. Incidentally, if you ever have occasion to fly under wires, don't look at the wires. Look at the spot you want to go and aim the airplane there. Ignore the wires. If you look at the wires you might fly up into them. Even when there is room to spare the wires always look like they are going to hit you right under the chin. That's one reason I opted for the slider canopy, it has wire deflection built in.
Seems like anyone who has flown has had weird, sometimes scary dreams about it.

I have dreams mostly about dumb stuff like, loosing a nav kit in the middle of a flight, or showing up for work without the required uniform items or flying low down main street where you know the wings will be ripped off.

Where this brain activity comes from is a mystery....sooth sayers have been trying to read something into it for thousands of years. Sometimes people do dream future events, most times not.

RV builders have mostly day time dreams. :)

I found the easy way out in my dream.... piloted a VTOL fighter jet out of a cosmopolitan nightmare of powerlines and tall office buidings. However I had trouble reverse parking it once back on ground.
Which came first?

The chicken, or the egg?

Do we pilots have the dream because we are pilots, or are the people who have these dreams destined to become pilots?

I had the wires-in-the-street dream long before I became a pilot, although I always knew that I wanted to fly. I used to also dream that I could fly by jumping. Each time that I would land, by timing perfectly, I would put more energy into each jump and get progressively higher and higher and...

The chicken, or the egg?

Do we pilots have the dream because we are pilots, or are the people who have these dreams destined to become pilots?

I had the wires-in-the-street dream long before I became a pilot, although I always knew that I wanted to fly. I used to also dream that I could fly by jumping. Each time that I would land, by timing perfectly, I would put more energy into each jump and get progressively higher and higher and...

Just when I thought I had this particular dream figured out. (Lots of flying low, dog-fighting amongst the trees etc, etc.) Someone comes along with the same nightmare before he even he learned to fly!:p Darn!:rolleyes:
i had a dream of flying at night among a tree covered victorian house. got my pilots license and the dream stopped.:rolleyes:

i had a dream of trying to get through the overhead wire and obstructions. got my helo rating and the dream stopped. ;)

loss of vision

No power lines, but quite often I try to land a huge, very slow aircraft on a residential street when my central vision goes out. My peripheral vision is ok, but no straight ahead detail. I never lose vision in any other dreams, just this one.

The worst ones, though, are the ones where I'm back in school . . . and . . . realize that it's finals week and I'm scheduled for a final in a class I never knew I was signed up for.

Exact same dream. For me it's always a math final.
Me To

I've had the powerline and low tree limbs dreams many times. Sometimes I escape above them, sometimes I don't. Maybe we should start talking about primer again? Bill of Georgia, RV-8A

Me too..........

I haven't had it since I built the RV7A, 6 years and over 1,000 hours.

I used to have the power line dream when I was flying Cherokees. Since I finished the RV the dreams have stopped. I guess my subconscious self knows I can just climb straight up through them now.

When it was time to fit the wings, I moved my fuse out into the carport in full view of from the street where it stayed for more than a year. Noone ever bothered it. That should have caused a few nightmares, but I never had any. We could never move with neighbors like that.

I have had that same dream (or similar ones) on multiple occasions. Amazing...if somebody on here is a psychologist maybe they can tell us the deeper meaning of these dreams!

Jim Bower
RV-6A N143DJ

I have had that same dream (or similar ones) on multiple occasions. Amazing...if somebody on here is a psychologist maybe they can tell us the deeper meaning of these dreams!

Jim Bower
RV-6A N143DJ

Hmmm - powerlines are bad? :cool:

"Now, tell me about your relationship with your mother..."
Have two weird ones...

I OF COURSE have the wire dream. BTW I think that I have it because I want to live with my airplane and the government tries to do everything to keep me from flying it. :p

I didn't read them all but do you have the fight for control dream?

The one I have MOST often is I am taking up a passenger. Sometimes it's a friend and sometimes a stranger. At some point he (always a He) tries to grab the controls and kill himself with me along. I always get out of it by leaning as far forward as I can coming back really hard with an elbow to the kisser. Problem solved. Sometimes there is a fight over my pistol, and sometimes we crash, but I, and most of the time he lives. Dream ends in the wreckage or when he is out of the fight....

Pilots as a whole could make Psychologist and Psychiatrist very happy and very wealthy, no?
Dream on....

I have made an extensive study of dreams... curious about my own.
It seems that all the images in a dream are within us and accessible.
Because of that, we can "dialogue" with any and all elements in that dream.
we can ask the powerlines what they mean, and they will tell us.
we can query the street, the plane, even the clouds and they will respond.

Also, a recurrent dream is our subconscious trying to tell us something. Once we get the message to our consciousness, the dreams will stop.

I once told the kids at the Children's time at Church about dreams. I asked if they had ever had a falling dream. They all agreed. I suggested that they could take charge of that falling dream and turn it into a flying dream.

A week later one mom caught me and said, "She did it!" Must be a future pilot.....

Jim Frisbie
Pilot, pastor, poet, student of life.
RV-9A 300 hrs.
As a kid I had the swimming in the sky dreams, but it has been many years since I have remembered dreaming at all.

I suspect that if I were to have a nightmare about aircraft, and electrical wires, it would be something like this........................

Me too!

I'm so thankful to hear that so many people have the "wires" dream. That is a recurrent one for me and I always thought I was the only one. Btw I also have the end-of-semester/finals dream.
I thought of a great name for the video game version of this dream previously mentioned...

Got a great idea for the splash screen too...

I to had the wires dream once a month or so and most nights it would wake me up in a sweat and I wouldn’t be able to get back to sleep. This brings me to why I’m dredging up this old thread. This dream came up in conversation today and I realized I HAVE NOT had it since reading this thread all those years ago??? Not sure why knowing all you crazies out there like me have this dream stopped me from having it. Here’s to hoping I didn’t jinx it as it often ruined a nights sleep.
Am I crazy or has anyone else had those kinds of nightmares???

Every day since paint. Didn't help that about 10 minutes after I landed at home base from the paint shop that one of the locals leaned over a wing and a spoon fell out of his shirt pocket. The ding was deafening.