
Active Member
Crazy nightmare last night that someone broke into my shop and started bending all the trailing edges of the control surfaces. They also took a hammer and started breaking stuff
left and right. Then woke up sweating and I just HAD to go look and make sure it was just a bad dream. Well at 2am everything was quiet and to my relief no crazy guy with a hammer in the shop.

Am I crazy or has anyone else had those kinds of nightmares???

I woke up early one morning to discover the garage door had been open all night long (heater was kicking on a lot). Luckily, we live in a good neighborhood, and no signs of tampering or theft were evident. However, my heart skipped a few beats as I was initially thinking the worst.
Builder's insurance stopped my nightmares. $300 per year covers 50K through Falcon Insurance (only a customer).
Crazy nightmare last night that someone broke into my shop and started bending all the trailing edges of the control surfaces. They also took a hammer and started breaking stuff
left and right. Then woke up sweating and I just HAD to go look and make sure it was just a bad dream. Well at 2am everything was quiet and to my relief no crazy guy with a hammer in the shop.

Am I crazy or has anyone else had those kinds of nightmares???

My RV has been flying over 15-years. I once had an EX-Wife (She was not an EX at the time.) threaten to put a hammer to my project.

During the Divorce, I did not drink or chase wild women. Instead, I concentrated on finishing the airplane.
I actually had a RV dream last night

:confused:I was flying to Atlanta from Orlando in my 10. Then I realized that I had not gotten its airworthness certificate yet, or even done a preflight after my trip down for the flight back. Then I started freaking out that I should have at least looked under the cowl after it's first flight before making a second one. I did notice it was much quiter and no vibrations at all from the engine in my dreams.
:confused:I was flying to Atlanta from Orlando in my 10. Then I realized that I had not gotten its airworthness certificate yet, or even done a preflight after my trip down for the flight back. Then I started freaking out that I should have at least looked under the cowl after it's first flight before making a second one. I did notice it was much quiter and no vibrations at all from the engine in my dreams.

I had a real similar dream, where i had gone flying in my 9A only to realize during my flight that i had none of the AROW items completed. Then i was circling the airport, scared to land for fear of getting busted. The nightmare came when i woke only to find i am no where near flying:mad:
I had one where I screwed up building my wingtip lenses, so I bought a new piece and started all over again. Once those were done and finally perfect, I broke one.

No wait that actually happened, never mind. :mad:
I occasionally have a dream where I take off from a street, then fly along looking for a gap in the overhead wires so I can climb on out. It never comes.:eek:

I had one where my HS fell so I got up and braced it on the bench with my furniture clamps so it couldn't possibly fall off. My VS is currently braced the same way in between work sessions. Sleeping better now.
I occasionally have a dream where I take off from a street, then fly along looking for a gap in the overhead wires so I can climb on out. It never comes.:eek:

Weird.....That is a reoccurring dream of mine too! I'm trying to climb through multiple strings of power lines only to see them coming right at me. I haven't hit one yet in my dreams (or reality).
Same here for the powerline dream. It's been awhile, but more than once I've been trapped on that urban street trying to find a hole thorugh the wires. Spooky. Glad I'm not alone.
Same here for the powerline dream. It's been awhile, but more than once I've been trapped on that urban street trying to find a hole thorugh the wires. Spooky. Glad I'm not alone.

Definitely not alone, that's a recurrent theme for me as well. Must be a pilot thing...
Mine is a little different. I have the power lines, but I'm on the freeway and there are over-passes too. And, I'm not the one flying! I'm on a big jet and don't even control my own destiny.
I haven't had the dream about overhead wires, but I think about taking off and flying up without hitting them every time I'm driving in my truck. It's like yeah I could have made it there, or no couldn't make it at this spot. Hmmm weird.

Me too for both the power lines and the Ex wife with a hammer.
I feel much better now.....
Even though both those posibilities could be real enough.
Is there a shrink in the house? I think we need some mass therapy. Unless it's just a psychosis caused by aluminum dust.
My name is Andy and I have powerline dreams too. Sometimes I'm trapped at street level and just can't find a gap large enough to fly through, and sometimes I get through and am climbing and there are more wires and more wires, and I'm at 5000 feet dodging wires and they just never stop! Seriously, I thought I was odd. Well...
+1 for power line

+1 for power line dream. Please somebody tell me what it means. maybe it is symbolism for things in life that are preventing us from doing what we love???
+1 for power line dream. Please somebody tell me what it means. maybe it is symbolism for things in life that are preventing us from doing what we love???

According to Dream Moods Dictionary:

"'I'm Flying'

Flying dreams fall under a category of dreams known as lucid dreams. Lucid dreams occur when you become aware that you are dreaming. Many dreamers describe the ability to fly in their dreams as an exhilarating, joyful, and liberating experience.

If you are flying with ease and are enjoying the scene and landscape below, then it suggests that you are on top of a situation. You have risen above something. It may also mean that you have gained a new and different perspective on things. Flying dreams and the ability to control your flight is representative of your own personal sense of power.

Having difficulties staying in flight indicates a lack of power in controlling your own circumstances. You may be struggling to stay aloft or stay on set course. Things like power lines, trees, or mountains may be obstacles that you encounter in flight. These obstacles symbolize something or someone who is standing in your way in your waking life. You need to identify what or who is trying to prevent you from moving forward. Difficulty flying may also be an indication of a lack of confidence or some hesitation on your part. You need to believe in yourself and not be afraid.

If you are feeling fear when you are flying or that you are flying too high, then it suggests that you are afraid of challenges and of success. Perhaps you are not ready to take the next step.

In reality, we cannot really fly, of course. Thus, such dreams can be representative of things that are beyond your physical limitations. In your mind, you can be anybody and do anything. Another way of interpreting flying dreams is that these dreams symbolize your strong mind and will. You feel undefeatable and that nobody can tell you what you cannot do and accomplish. Such dreams are sure to leave you with a great sense of freedom."

Or, it could be just a dream. And, yes, I've had the powerline dream too.
I sincerely think that it is fascinating that so many of us have had this dream about something that pretty much doesn't happen. You would think the ag pilots would be the ones to have the dream but Pierre hasn't said anything. I have had minor power line scares in gliders but that is probably unusual.

In my version I keep seeing a possible break in the power lines that should allow me to get above all that mess, but it always closes in again.

I have been flying over 45 years and have NEVER heard of anyone experiencing this dream. It turns out to be pretty common. Who would have thunk it?
As a young child, and before I ever knew I would be a pilot, I would dream I could fly by swimming into the air. Up to some level that I couldn't swim above, like the surface of the water. (I also swam on a swim team then).
It was empowering, I could swim up away from bad guys and such.
Funny about the power line dream, my wife Marilyn just now told me her mom had those dreams, and she never knew about private pilots or ever flew in a plane.
As a young child, I would dream I could fly by swimming into the air.

Frequently had that exact same dream as a child.

Pierre may find this amusing - Although I don't fly AG I work with aerial applicators fairly frequently. I have the 'power line dream' where I'm flying an Air Tractor and I come over the wires at the end of the field to find more towers and lines I have to frantically weave up and down and turn to get through them....

I also have one where there are really tall walls on each end of the field that I have to do sharp hammerhead turns on each end of the field while spraying to get turned around and not hit the walls.... :cool:

I had one last night where I went to the hangar to fly my grandfather's Super Cub... There were burn spots in the fabric and smoke coming out of the right wing! Looking inside - there were autopilot servos mounted on each wing rib and they were all shorting out.
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This is just too wierd!

Power lines and overhanging trees.

+1 for this scenario with both trees that I have to dodge laterally AND power lines preventing an easy escape from above. Guess that means that I must have more than my fair share of obstacles to overcome, according to the earlier post describing what this is all supposed to mean.

Luckily mine ended with finally finding a way out of both the trees and the power lines, thanks to some really awesome flying skills! I woke up feeling exhausted. I am curious how this one ends for the rest of you, or do you just keep flying through these obstacles right up to the point where you wake up. Are you in an RV or some other airplane? I am in the RV, so my interpretation is that the RV is such a great plane that it can get you through just about any obstacle you might face.

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Me too

I have also had the Powerline dream, and the swimming through air as a kid dream. Breast stroke was the only one I could get into the air with... not sure what that says.
+1 for powerline dream and below...

As a young child, and before I ever knew I would be a pilot, I would dream I could fly by swimming into the air.

Same thing, except my dream involved me putting my arms inside my pillowcases (one pillow for each arm), then I would flap to fly. Once, when I was little, it was so vivid, that when I woke up, I tried it. I jumped off the top bunk bed with a pillow on each arm and nearly broke my ankle. Later in life, my parents found me and my sister on the roof. We were about to jump off with bedsheet parachutes I had rigged up with clothesline rope. (Hey, it worked for rocks, GI joe and a couple of her stuffed animals... why not us kids?) :D ahhhh, to be young again..
Same thing, except my dream involved me putting my arms inside my pillowcases (one pillow for each arm), then I would flap to fly. Once, when I was little, it was so vivid, that when I woke up, I tried it. I jumped off the top bunk bed with a pillow on each arm and nearly broke my ankle. Later in life, my parents found me and my sister on the roof. We were about to jump off with bedsheet parachutes I had rigged up with clothesline rope. (Hey, it worked for rocks, GI joe and a couple of her stuffed animals... why not us kids?) :D ahhhh, to be young again..

HAHA! Oh the memories.... I used to make parachutes for our cats and throw them off the roof. The cats got harder and harder to catch as time went on...
I occasionally have a dream where I take off from a street, then fly along looking for a gap in the overhead wires so I can climb on out. It never comes.:eek:

Holy cr@p! I've had the same dream a couple of times!! Funny, I've never seen you in it.
Ha ha I have had both the break-in and the flying below the wires dreams. The break-in dreams stopped as soon as I got my plane out of the garage. The flying below the wires dreams still recur sometimes though...

The one other recurring dream I have is that I fly in, land, taxi in and shut down at a familiar towered' airport, and only then do I realize I never talked to the tower.

Sometimes I have this wonderful dream that I'm flying over the forested coastal mountains with puffy clouds all around, and I'm looping and rolling among them with my favorite music on the headphones. Oh wait, that's not a dream... :)
I frequently have a dream where I am motoring down a street looking for the runway. It's usually up a hill around a bunch of trees.

I also have a dream of driving along a road looking for a place without wires where I can takeoff.

Really strange because I've never done anything like that!
When I was young I had the seagull flying on the cliffs dream, pre-dating Richard Bach by a few decades.


They stopped when I learned to fly.

I'll also admit to occasionally having the street takeoff and power line dream, but I usually manage to get clear....:)
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Powerlines here too

I have the powerlines-dream now and then, and most of the times I cannot get up through them. Sometimes a quick vertical climb does the trick and I get through ok.
When those climbs occur, I usually fly the F-5, which was the first fighter I flew in the airforce.

Pretty strange that the same dream happens to so many of us... and even across the Atlantic ...? :confused:
Maybe pilots on other continents have it too...?
Same dream with wires, and one where I take off and then realize I've forgotten to even talk to the tower for clearance, or pre-flight or something and here I am in the air already.

I find it very weird so many people have that same dream.
Me too

I too have had the power line/ trees dream many times, and I also had the breast stroke flying dreams when I was a kid.

One of the weirdest flying dreams I ever had was a couple of years after 9/11 - I had a dream that I flew into a building at high speed. I could see it coming and I knew it was going to be the end, but when I hit the building my consciousness flew out the other side, and I realized I had survived after all. Woke me right up.

The swimming/ flying dreams seem logical, we all probably felt like we were flying when we were kids swimming - but sharing the powerline dream with so many people is truly fascinating.
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OK, Put me down for the swim flying dream (where only a very specific and slow deliberate breast stroke works) and the trapped under the wire dreams. I thought the wire thing was maybe related to being a helo pilot.

I bet the same people also have the "at college and realizing that you have not attended a class for the entire semester" dream. I know that one has been discussed before here.

Very very weird!!!
Another one....

Flying along the road though, 4 feet high, looking for a place to "pull up" and not hit wires or tree limbs.... had it more than once!! Someone should send this to a Doc, maybe there is a reason to the madness ??? :)
OK, Put me down for the swim flying dream (where only a very specific and slow deliberate breast stroke works) and the trapped under the wire dreams. I thought the wire thing was maybe related to being a helo pilot.

I bet the same people also have the "at college and realizing that you have not attended a class for the entire semester" dream. I know that one has been discussed before here.

Very very weird!!!

In my flying-without-an-aircraft dreams, I don't have to "swim", but just float along, able to just go where I want to go.

I've never been in a helicopter, so that's not necessarliy a prerequisite for the wires dream.

+1 for dreaming being at college and realizing that you have not attended a class for the entire semester, though I only remember having those AFTER graduation.:confused:
Never actually had the trapped-under-the-wires dream, but I used to have a dream where for one reason or another, I was falling. Got to where I'd recognize it as "that kind of dream" and wake before hitting anything.

The dream had nothing to do with flying - had it before I took lessons and after I was an active pilot.

The dream never reappeared after making a static-line parachute jump.
