Andy: Great story and photos. You can't beat Angel Fire for fantastic "comfort" skiing, ask me how I know.

Watch out for those cholla cactus, they'll actually chase you down.

I take it you have personal intel.......I?m still thinking of another trip this year.
Glad to hear everything is getting better and better.

Incredibly beautiful daughter you have.

Brings back memories from when my daughter was young and we used to go flying in my old Cherokee 140. Precious moments well spent!

Best regards,
Mike Bauer

You seem way more experienced it?s snow than me! Much less sharing the experience with the kiddos.
This is the first I have seen of this whole thread. What a saga. How blessed you and Pi are to have come through this all. The best hope that she continues to improve and live a totally normal life. And along the way, the best co-pilot you could hope for, although it helps to have some cockpit resource management in IMC, not just fall asleep ;)

Affirm on the above. I?m still trying to savor the extreme positives we?ve been experiencing with her health while tucking the future unknowns into the shadows. We?ll deal with it if and when.
Pie is defenitely more of a passenger than co-pilot. I do believe my lil? man has surpassed Pie?s co-pilot ability when he turned 2, we just seem to get each other and airplanes a little bit better....
What an awesome trip. And I also hadn't seen this story until now - very special!

Angel Fire is one of my favorite places, haven't been there in a while (and the airport can be very tricky a lot of the year). It's a beautiful place. I grew up near there and miss it.