How is your daughter doing? hope everything is well.

Drs think she's on the mend, she's starting to look and act like a little girl again. We're hoping the progress keeps up and we'll get to go home Monday.

Thanks to everyone for the shared experiences and show of support, helps to keep this daddy "coordinated."
Amen to that!

Every daddy here just breathed "Hallelujah!"
Dan Horton

Amen to that, Dan!

Really happy to hear she is on the mend. What a terrible experience for you both, but out of such struggles?we emerge stronger.
Heading Home!!!

We just got the news, we should be heading home with PIE tonight!!! Lots of work/recovery to do but we are going home!!
As they say, parenting is not for the weak at heart. This is where the gray hair comes from! So glad to hear she's going home! God bless all of you!
Great news Andy! Hoping for a continued speedy recovery at home. Get that kiddo back in airworthy condition!
Amen. As mentioned earlier, all of us are feeling a great relief for you and your family. Being a father - grandfather is the best and worst. This is one of the best times for you and all of us too.
This is great new Andy! I have been waiting impatiently to hear some good news that everything is going to be OK.
Great news

Happy news about your Pennypie. She such a cute little girl.
She deserves to have a healthy, happy childhood.
Long overdue Update

I've wanted to add a short update on our PennyPie for some time now, but I'm still trying to nail down a new photo hosting source. Short story is she is doing GREAT and better than ever expected by her Dr. As of our last visit we are close to 90% kidney function compared to 60ish% a year and a half ago. The Dr.'s goal is to actively monitor kidney function so that these 2 little kidneys will last her lifetime. Prayers answered and prayers continued.

We flew to her last Dr. Visit to downtown KC...


We got an impromptu tour of the Children's Mercy hangar while we were there.


Pie REALLY likes visiting Gma and Gpa at the Lake, departing on a drizzly morning...


She's always ready to fly if there's food involved...


IMC puts her to sleep, her favorite flying is 500-1000 AGL spotting things on the ground.


Pie and her little brother visiting TruTrak...


Pie helping me polish the bottom of the horizontal stabilizer...

Wonderful news.
Continued prayers for complete recovery.
Great pictures........they grow up so fast.
Whoo Hoo!!

Giddy up, Andy! to many more years of flying for food and spotting stuff on the the ground!
Even better news at our last annual Nephrology appointment, off the BP med we've been on and just monitoring yearly. Yehawww!

I've wanted to fly to Angel Fire for the past several years but it never worked out. Angel Fire's been getting a fair amount of snow this year and it looked like the weather was going to be doable over my 1 1/2 day weekend. My older girls already had plans with friends, but my Pie was READY. My wife sent me this pic the day after we made plans to fly to Angel Fire.


We just received a round freezing rain, ice pellets and snow the night before. We waited for the precip to move east and the ceilings to improve leaving sunshine across several states for the next couple days. Taxing out, braking was good enough for a 1400 RPM runup.


I packed plenty of in-flight snacks for the 3.5 hour flight.




We started out under the Broken layer trying to stay out of the winds, but the captain couldn't drink his coffee with the moderate turbulence. We climbed above the clouds little by little as we worked our way west staying about 2500 AGL the whole way in decently smooth air. My fuel flow always oscillates below 9 gph, CHT's about as cold as I've ever had in cruise.

Crop circle country, check out the 1/4 mile radius pivot (160 ACRES) within the 1/2 mile radius piovot (640 ACRES).


After snacks and an hour of droning airplane vibrations......


I love the eastern New Mexico landscape.


Capulin Volcano:


Unfortunately KAXX was reporting 1/2 mile visibility and direct crosswinds gusting over 40, we diverted to KRTN. 450+ miles in 3.3 hours and 26 gallons averaged about 7.8gph.


KRTN has a great FBO with friendly people and animals, we tucked the airplane in a hangar and snagged a car.


I was disappointed we had to divert, but the 1.5 ish hour drive had lots of cool scenery we would've missed in the 15 minute flight. The drive goes through the Cimmarron Canyon, it's also where the Philmont training center for the Boy Scouts is located.


Once over the pass and into the valley, I had no doubts I made the right decision to divert. I snapped a picture of the blowing snow before I realized I was taking a picture of the Angel Fire airport.


Watching the snow blowing around in opposite directions within the same mile.


We checked into the lodge and checked out the slopes and of course the pool. We walked 2 blocks to the Peruvian restaurant, I'm a Green Chili guy and abruptly stopped reading the menu at "Chicken Fried Ribeye with Green Chili Gravy."

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All set to be dropped off at ski school, it was still single digit temps at best. Pie was beyond excited for this little adventure, I've been through this with my older 2 but it really hit me as a dad moment.....


I ventured off to explore the mountain solo. I've only been skiing/boarding a handful of times and it's been several years, it was about like riding a bike. You start cautiously and feel you've got the hang of it than you start getting cocky and you know, start crashing........I was amazed at the lack of "traffic" at Angel Fire, biggest lift line I waited in I was #2.



I made numerous trips back down the mountain to spy on Pie and her ski school, every time I was convinced she was having a ball and didn't need dad messing things up. I did get a proud "I'm such a big girl" wave once....


After a solid 3 hours of morning boarding with no lift lines I had to take my share of breaks in the afternoon....


We hit the local pizza spot for dinner and than hit Pie's new favorite Hot Tub, I'm not gonna lie that I probably needed it more than her!


Fun times go fast and we had to head back in the morning, I recommend the Hail Holy BBQ green chili breakfast burrito (large enough for a family of 3)!

There's about 45 miles of high plains grazing land between the Cimarron Canyon and Raton, we were talking about Cactus and pulled off on the shoulder to get a first hand experience. Pie was all about it but wanted to keep her distance of 10' from said Cholla Tree Catcus, this is her best attempt at "touching" the cactus to freak mom out.


Airplane was plugged in and ready to go thanks to the people at KRTN. Blinding sun and very light winds as we loaded up.


I had just strapped Pie in after loading the baggage and was hot stepping it around the airplane and up on the wing when this made me stop mid-stride on the wing walk. One of my favorite pics so far, I tried moving the plane around for other pics but they were all terrible.

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Giddy up!

Best news all week, Andy! Looks like a great trip. She looks like the best kind of trouble a dad could have!!
Great Photos

Glad to hear everything is getting better and better.

Incredibly beautiful daughter you have.

Brings back memories from when my daughter was young and we used to go flying in my old Cherokee 140. Precious moments well spent!

Best regards,
Mike Bauer
This is the first I have seen of this whole thread. What a saga. How blessed you and Pi are to have come through this all. The best hope that she continues to improve and live a totally normal life. And along the way, the best co-pilot you could hope for, although it helps to have some cockpit resource management in IMC, not just fall asleep ;)
I knew it might be a hurdle, but we donned the cannulas shortly after takeoff from KRTN. With a little coaching Pie begrudgingly listened to my coaching and the O2D2 pulse demand controller verified O2 delivery with every breath. I couldn't get my pulse oximeter to read her finger, so I kept a close eye for any physical symptoms of hypoxia by little alphabet and number games and the never ending "I spy with my little eyes......"

I really like the added flexibility of altitude for fuel burn and winds, I know the engine failure scenario at cruise is less likely but again more options. I haven't verified with the pump yet but my best guess is 14-15 gallons for the 2.5 hour flight. Pie didn't want me to take her pic with the cannulas on, she was either tired or had flash backs to hospital days. I can see her reflection in the MFD.


The big boys seem so much closer up here.


The home runway was in about the same shape as when I left, I'm still trying to interpret the new Notam description. Light winds with marginal crosswinds favored the pavement over the grass. I still made the first taxiway after landing, hardest part was pushing the airplane into the hangar.


Amazing airplanes and amazing people, keep building you'all!
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Heartwarming... Very happy for you and Pie.

I have a 10-year-old granddaughter born with DiGeorge syndrome and Tetralogy of Fallot. Olivia had her first open heart operation at 8 months. A baby’s heart at that age is size of a walnut. Five repairs including mechanical valve. Second heart operation at 2-1/2 re-routed a pulmonary artery, closed a second hole in her heart, and replaced mechanical valve with a valve from a pig. Most humbling day of my life.

To put life in perspective, read the book Walk on Water: The Miracle of Saving Children's Lives

Olivia is ten years old now and runs like the wind. Ornery and stubbiness I think are inherited from the pig…
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What a wonderful update! Great to hear about Pie and her ongoing recovery. Enjoyed getting an update on what's been going on. Looks like the last few days was the trip of a lifetime.

We need to get together one of these days, have a cup of coffee, and catch up.

That was a fun read. Albeit a bit scary in the beginning.....You are truly blessed Andy. Best of luck to you, Pie and your whole family! Thanks for sharing!
Blessed we are, I am thankful for the therapeutic writing and support I receive on VAF.

What wonderful news regarding your amazing daughter! Thank you for update and great trip report. I smiled through the whole thing.

Made my day!

Andy: Great story and photos. You can't beat Angel Fire for fantastic "comfort" skiing, ask me how I know.

Watch out for those cholla cactus, they'll actually chase you down.
Heartwarming... Very happy for you and Pie.

I have a 10-year-old granddaughter born with DiGeorge syndrome and Tetralogy of Fallot. Olivia had her first open heart operation at 8 months. A baby?s heart at that age is size of a walnut. Five repairs including mechanical valve. Second heart operation at 2-1/2 re-routed a pulmonary artery, closed a second hole in her heart, and replaced mechanical valve with a valve from a pig. Most humbling day of my life.

To put life in perspective, read the book Walk on Water: The Miracle of Saving Children's Lives

Olivia is ten years old now and runs like the wind. Ornery and stubbiness I think are inherited from the pig?

Thanks for the story, humbling indeed. I?m putting in a hold on that book....

What a wonderful update! Great to hear about Pie and her ongoing recovery. Enjoyed getting an update on what's been going on. Looks like the last few days was the trip of a lifetime.

We need to get together one of these days, have a cup of coffee, and catch up.


Hope the 14 is doing well and yes, I?ve got a punch card at ?Mug Shot!?
That was a fun read. Albeit a bit scary in the beginning.....You are truly blessed Andy. Best of luck to you, Pie and your whole family! Thanks for sharing!

Thanks Ben,
Yes Truly Blessed!
If I’m ever visiting my Father in Law in Vista, Ca I’ll look you up!
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What wonderful news regarding your amazing daughter! Thank you for update and great trip report. I smiled through the whole thing.

Made my day!


Thanks again for hosting this outlet for RV nerds. It has been the most helpful resource while building my RV, and since I?ve been flying the best resource for going out and meeting like minded friends across the country.