
Well Known Member
I've been in the hospital with my little girl fighting E Coli O157:H7 ( for a week. Who knows the why or how but we're in the thick of it, we are expected to have a positive outcome but my heart is broken yet revived every day. We are working on day 3 of dialysis and more possible blood/platelets transfusions. This is mostly for my sanity along with any extra prayers grabbed along the way.

My little Pie:










We're wishing and praying for a fast and full recovery.

I had a little one in the pediatric ICU for a week for a freak respiratory conditon .. heartbreaking; I don't think I slept at all during that time.

No worries, I hope; she'll be asking for the keys to the plane soon...
Understand what you're going through. Our daughter had a misdiagnosed diaphragmatic hernia at 9 months old. Ten days in ICU until they finally decided to operate when her abdomen was the size of a basketball. The surgeon, called in from another hospital, told us later that in his estimation she had only 3 hours left. That was 29 years ago now, but you never forget the experience. Hang in there. She'll be back in the passenger seat before you know it.
The toughest of tough times.
Kids get sick fast, and can look really sick, but then they turn the corner and get better fast. They have amazing resilience.
I know it is hard at times to be reassured, but she is in good hands and she will draw strength from you and your family being with her.
Best wishes to Pie and all her family, from all the way around the world.
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If you're in Kansas, then maybe your nephrologists are at KC Children's Mercy? That's my specialty, and KC is one of the five best Ped Neph centers in the world. Brad Warady (chairman) literally wrote the book on Ped dialysis.

It is scary for families, but I've seen some wonderful outcomes. Happy to chat offline if it helps.
Prayers too..

Prayers for your Pie...
Get well wishes...
Kind of puts the RV in perspective.....
Wonderful pictures.
Thanks for sharing.
Oh dear! Must be a younger sister to the young aviator we met at Petit Jean! Our prayers are with you!
Andy, thank you for sharing and please know that were all here for you. We'll keep your family in our thoughts and prayers. Airplanes seem pretty unimportant when someone in your family is really sick.
Andy, praying for Penny's speedy recovery. Thought about you just this morning as I flew over KOWI on the way home.
Nothing is worse than a sick or injured child, you're both in our thoughts and prayers.
You have our thoughts and prayers


I know exactly what you mean. We spent 10 days with our then 3 year old at the hosptial, and I would not wish that on my worst enemy. Hang in there, and keep holding your Pie's hand. Kids are incredibly tough. She will be back fllying with you in no time.

Andy---our thoughts and prayers are with you and yours at this time. VAF stands with you.
She will be just fine.
Man! A parents & grandparents worst nightmare. Hang in there. Thoughts and prayers headed your way.

BTW she is beautiful!

O No!, so sorry, so hard on us when our kids get ill or hurt, saying prayers my friend!
Praying for a speed recovery!

Very hard to imagine such a serious medical condition on such a young little girl. My experience says ask many questions, no one is thinking about the situation as much as you are. If they are doing something you do not understand, ASK MORE QUESTIONS!
Best wishes.
Cutie Pie


Pam and I wish ?Cutie Pie,? you, and your family great success in winning this tough confrontation with e-coli.

Best Wishes and Prayers,

Just saw the post. Prayers are with your family.

As you know, we don't live far apart, if there's anything I can do to help, please let me know!!


What a beautiful angle. Certainly count me in I'll be praying for your little pie daily! God bless her, you and your family!
So sorry. Missed this until my wife mentioned it. It doesn't seem fair what kids have to go through sometimes. Wishing you and her all the best.

Vic & Carol
Prayers for you and the Pie. Had similar issues with my girl at that age, tonight enjoying just she and I together in the house for dinner, drinking wine, planning our trip to Milan to see Bruce, as we make Zucchini noodle Alfredo with grilled chicken. Enjoy the ride, both up and down, it is all worth it, even the tough part.
Thoughts and best wishes.

Wishing a speedy recovery for your little pie and best wishes for you and your family.


Andy- My prayers to your daughter and family. My middle daughter, Sarah, got e-coli when she was 3 yrs old. Spent 7 days in ICU. I still choke up whenever I tell the story. She's now 20 and about to graduate college. Hardest thing a parent can go thru.
Andy, Extremely hard to see our children in this condition. On the positive she is being treated and they know what it is. Our daughter three weeks ago was diagnosed with Kawasaki Disease, its very rare (Google it). Similar to what you said, don't know where it came from or how its transmitted but it was diagnosed and treated. One of the most painful experience she will likely have in her life they say and what was hard to see was how they diagnosed the disease. It is ruled by exclusion and only after 5 days of 101 and above temperature, with swollen hands and feet, blood shot eyes, extreme chapped lips with full body rash and extreme irritability. 24 hours after the imuneoglobin IV she was already turning the corner and once again returning to the little girl with big smiles and laughs that we missed so deeply for two weeks prior. We still deal with the after effects of it today.

Seeing our kids like this is heart breaking and really makes us self reflect on our lives and what is most important. Prayers coming your way. Take care of her and wishing yall the best.
Tell her to hang in there, you both have a lot of work to do in the hangar!!! Hope she feels better soon.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

I live about 20 minutes up the road from Children's Mercy if that is where your daughter is hospitalized. If you need a place to get away from the hospital or anything else, my place is your place. Just let me know.

Also, if you see Brad Warady there you can ask him about his medical student circa 1980 (me) when he was an intern. That is a top notch program.

Liberty, MO
Our thoughts and prayers are with all of the CrabAndy clan. Bless you all and may this be over very soon.