200kt club

An official welcome to this elite club!I knew you could get there since you ditched that slow Cessna trainer! HAHA! I am sure this will be only 1 of many memorable flights that you will have in you beautiful, FAST RV-10! Congratulations!:D:cool:
200kt club

OH and BTW 221kts is awesome! And I am sorry this club will never get old!:D Keep pounding those rivets! You can do it!

I joined the club Monday

I've been looking forward to joining this rare club.
Location: just west of Washington, DC (LDN VOR)
Alt: 7,500
RV-4 160hp with CS Hartzel

Oh Boy.
The picture is not that sharp as I do not have George to rely on, and so a quick from my phone to my iPad.

Thank you wind gods👍

Always thankful when the tail wind gods choose to visit my RV-4FB��


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A while back I managed to get my little 150hp RV-8 into the 200Kts Club with a ground speed of 208Kts. I kind of forgot about it until the other day when I was looking for a photo of Stormy's Hop Along airfield.

That's when I found this little gem ...
Just barely made it

Winds weren't any faster up here at 10k than they were down at 8, but I couldn't know that without trying :D
170KTAS, 203 GS
I've been 200+ a few times, as high as 215 knots ground speed. I had 70 knot headwinds one time, and was tempted to both turn around for a bit to get 240 GS, and then slow to < 70 TAS to get 0 or negative, but the thought of having to cover the same ground twice at 100 knots was so painful I opted not to do it! :)

Had the great joy of an average tailwind of 34kt on our return flight from Stinson field in San Antonio to Lexington in KY past Monday. Started of with GS of 195 with increasing winds nearer home with GS to 217. Did about 875NM in 4h26min
Here is a link to my track in FlightAware: https://uk.flightaware.com/live/flight/N245JM

Some compensation for my flight there on Friday against similar winds!!

Congrats!! Now clean your EFIS screen. :D

As of now I'm in the 186-kt club with my -9A. :eek: One of these days I'll find the perfect tailwind.
I know, I know, we were having fun - OK :D

It was a gentle run up to it. We had at least 30 seconds worth left ;)
89kt tailwind is smokin' !!!

St. Louis to Ft. Myers 3:51!

Bill, no pictures so it did not happen (me not you) , but yesterday I was doing some Phase I at 9000ft and only had a 72KT tailwind, for a GS of 248kts. 46F OAT, but temps below 3500 were 34F.

OK, OK . . . so pictures next time.
Me To

Did the 200+ knot thing. Straight and level at 5500ft, WOT, full rich, with a pretty good tail wind - parking brake not engaged ;).


Posted this before but here's my RV looking fast on the ground.

My RV-9A Numbers!

?.It seems as if I usually have headwinds and rarely see favorable tailwinds.
It must be some kind of conspiracy, or something of sorts. I did find about 37
MPH on the tail at 14,500' the other day on my way to Oregon, but that seems
rare for me these days. :confused:
My little RV-3 doesn?t have to work too hard to get to 200kts groundspeed. I?ve seen significantly bigger numbers with bigger winds, but wanted to at least get on the board!

This is on the way home from an impromptu trip from KFNL to KSBS. I was at 13,500 feet just west of Estes Park and slightly north of the summit of Trail Ridge Road.

My TAS was 179kts so there was very little wind.



200 kts GS


Hoping the pic works....

Firewalled leaving CYTB yesterday in my 7 with a climb to 3000' and a 21 kt tailwind. Running ROP on a 180 hp O-360, Marvel 10-3878 with the Mooney mod, Sensenich 85" FP and dual mags. Took a little more than 2700 rpm to get there but she did!

Same airspace

My little RV-3 doesn?t have to work too hard to get to 200kts groundspeed. I?ve seen significantly bigger numbers with bigger winds, but wanted to at least get on the board!

This is on the way home from an impromptu trip from KFNL to KSBS. I was at 13,500 feet just west of Estes Park and slightly north of the summit of Trail Ridge Road.

My TAS was 179kts so there was very little wind.




Hey Rod
I flew on that same route the next morning bringing 170 of my friends back from Lihue and was doing about 400 kts. Id post a picture but I dont have it set up.


Hoping the pic works....

Firewalled leaving CYTB yesterday in my 7 with a climb to 3000' and a 21 kt tailwind. Running ROP on a 180 hp O-360, Marvel 10-3878 with the Mooney mod, Sensenich 85" FP and dual mags. Took a little more than 2700 rpm to get there but she did!


Gee that's really pushing the RPM into the red, I sure as **** wouldn't do that! I get my RPM back to 2600 just after t/off, I almost feel sorry for your engine! -:(
Gee that's really pushing the RPM into the red, I sure as **** wouldn't do that! I get my RPM back to 2600 just after t/off, I almost feel sorry for your engine! -:(

Not to worry. It?s a Canadian RV?-those are metric RPMs!
A few evenings ago, normal cruise:

Many years ago I was flying freight in a Piper Lance at 11,000' near LaCrosse, WI and saw 260 kt on the DME (yes, DME). Verified GS with ATC. 100 kt tailwind. Routine for an airliner but not seen often down low.
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Just got this one today coming back from picking up a new prop from Catto, It obviously preforms amazingly.
