
I got 220kts straight and level, but the only pic I took that had the VSI included was still with a 100fpm climb. I'm happy to claim 215kts in a climb...

I got 220kts straight and level, but the only pic I took that had the VSI included was still with a 100fpm climb. I'm happy to claim 215kts in a climb..

How about 210 knots groundspeed in a steady 1080 fpm climb?

Yesterday, south of St Louis:


And groundspeed when level:

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Its was the Australia Long weekend this side of the world last weekend and Anne-Marie and I flew across Bass Strait to Tasmania for a 3 day break, managed an over the water speed of 212 knots.


20K ft, 207 kt, -27C with some ice

20K ft, 207 kt, -27C with some ice. developed a buzz in the airframe, prop had some ice causing vibration, not a good place to be....

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Dave, maybe I should knock it off. I came into our home town from Ft. Collins last week and they were using 03R. I was pushing 200 miles per hour approaching the class Delta. The trainee seemed flustered and told me I was NOT going to get traffic advisories outside Delta.
There was only one student on base for the right. Just seemed like good use of avgas to get home sooner.
Might have "just" made it into the club yesterday, but check that fuel burn with 201 knots across the ground! 7.5 GPH well lean of peak.

There is a big difference in hearing other's amazement at these machines that they've built and actually experiencing it yourself!

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Full Power Run.

I finished up the wheel pants and decided to see what kinda speed gain I got. Everything forward level at 900'. 198KTS / 227MPH.
Still working through Phase I but I'm starting to see the light of Phase II.


Do you mind telling us what gain you saw with the wheel pants on?

I have been downloading the Skyview for every flight, mainly checking on the engine temps but comparing IAS for the same power settings this is what I get.

Going from no fairings to just the wheel pants 3-6 KTS.
Installed gear leg and intersect fairings & painted all gear fairings. 7-10 KTS.
A total of 10 to 16 KTS gain in IAS. This is in no way the most controlled test it was just pulled off the downloaded information.

Van's post for RV8 top speed 180HP solo is 213 MPH I got 228 MPH Don't know how much the Fastback Canopy mod adds but so far I'm happy with the speeds.
Van's post for RV8 top speed 180HP solo is 213 MPH I got 228 MPH Don't know how much the Fastback Canopy mod adds but so far I'm happy with the speeds.

The canopy question is a tough one, since I doubt anyone has actually flown the same airplane with a slider and then a fastback tip over. Perhaps a ballpark is possible. Looks like you have a nice, clean 180 horse -8, largely stock except for the canopy. There must be more than a few with the same engine, prop, etc. Have you calibrated your airspeed yet, using three-leg NTPS runs?
Jesse - Nice fuel burn! I was surprised when indicating 202 kts GS on my second flight - no pants, gear or intersection fairings. Did you fly your brother yet?
Patience makes the 200Kt Club

Flew up to NY on Friday...great flight and was able to join the 200Kt+ club with a 60% power setting :)

Made the 200 KT club

On a recent trip from Pagosa Springs, CO to McKinney TX we showed 222 KTS ground speed. Mixture was 40 degrees LOP, 6.7 GPH, 2400 rpm and airspeed was 162 KTAS. The 566 NM trip took 3 hours 33 seconds takeoff to touchdown. I'm just glad that we weren't westbound!

Winds were picking up a bit above 6500 or so today, so while just bombing around, thought I'd see what I could get around 8500' or so (didn't bother climbing higher as it was getting a bit bouncy...)

tomorrow looks like a great day to go for a high speed run. :D
going light and going high. o2 on board.
showing close to 100 kts @ 17,500

Sat 7:00 AM
Until Sat 7:00 PM 289° @ 36 289° @ 44 289° @ 52 288° @ 56
+32°F 288° @ 57
+32°F 288° @ 57
+30°F 278° @ 60
+28°F 278° @ 64
+27°F 278° @ 67
+23°F 268° @ 72
+23°F 268° @ 77
+21°F 268° @ 82
+18°F 268° @ 87
+16°F 268° @ 92
+14°F 268° @ 97
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tomorrow looks like a great day to go for a high speed run. :D
going light and going high. o2 on board.
showing close to 100 kts @ 17,500. . .

Post pics. Highest I have had mine is 16K to catch a good tail wind coming home from Osh.
Join the 250 knot club!!

only went to 12,500 east bound for slow flight backwards then turned east for a high speed run. some bumps up to 5,000 then smooth from there. glad the wind was down the runway, 25 with gusts to 38. :)


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only went to 12,500 east bound for slow flight backwards then turned east for a high speed run. some bumps up to 5,000 then smooth from there. glad the wind was down the runway, 25 with gusts to 38. :)

You could have had the first 300 knot RV hiding up there @ 17,500'.
Turbo how you got attitude display on that thingy?:)

yes comrade i will give you top secret info. :D

it is part of the stratus2. download the app and off you go. :eek:

did you notice the reverse flight numbers? :)

the activate button is the blue one that looks like an attitude indicator.
Thanks Mother Nature. . . I think!

After reading many of your posts on this thread, I did not think there would ever come a day when I would be posting here. After all, I typically fly around 160-170 MPH TAS in cruise. That is a far cry from reaching 200 KTS. Even ground speeds do not usually get me close. Well, last week I had an opportunity to see what it is like to get up to these speeds.

Courtesy of a High rotating in one direction and Low rotating in the other direction the two fronts were squeezing the air right over Oklahoma. It turns out I had to make a flight on the very day this was going on last week. I had to fly from OKC almost directly in the same direction as the screaming prevailing winds. The photo below is of the EFIS and Garmin Pilot during cruise on this flight. The lighting was not ideal but hopefully you can see enough of the details. 182 MPH TAS (158 KTS), Winds 324/101 MPH (88 KTS), Tailwind component 79 MPH (69 KTS), Ground speed 234 KTS, Fuel Flow 6.8 GPH that equated to around 40 MPG! The flight was only 132 nautical miles but made it in less than 40 minutes. :D


Of course as everyone knows, there are no free rides. I had to return the next day and the winds were only slightly slower and in the same direction. Which meant I would have just about as strong a headwind as I had tailwind the previous day. I first tried to stay down low (2500 MSL) in hopes of avoiding the strong headwinds. It only took a couple of minutes of pounding my head on the canopy to decide that was not such a good idea. So up I went into the headwinds. I escaped the turbulence around 8500 but soon encountered some clouds so I went on up to 10.5K for the remainder of the flight. The 132 nautical miles that took 40 minutes the previous day took 1.5 hours on the return trip. :eek:


Never thought it could happen flying my 9A but here it is. I have joined the club!

Live Long and Prosper!

Here's one with none of that high altitude, tailwind assisted, groundspeed nonsense... ;)


This is 202 knots INDICATED (on the way to 211), level flight, at -80 feet MSL.

Sorry for the horrible picture, but I did not have time to properly compose the shot - kinda busy at the time.

Location was Death Valley while conducting flight test on my new dual CPI ignition.
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Ok, Here's one with none of that high altitude, tailwind assisted, groundspeed nonsense...
Yes, I am not worthy! I flew on the good graces of Mother Nature. Even so, it was fun! Flying in my lowly 9 in the realm of the likes of all you Rocket pilots out there. Gives me a momentary taste of being able to fly like a Rocket pilot. Probably the same if you were to make it to the realm of jet jockey in your world.

Perspective is the master of reality! :cool:
The "nonsense" comment was not aimed at you Steve - this whole thread is using mother nature to advantage; nor was it intended with any air of superiority.

Shown just as a contrast for fun - after all, how often do you get to fly below sea level at 200 knots?

Would have liked your fuel burn though - the picture above took 25+ GPH!
I have now joined...... :)

On the way to Lakes Entrance with my father..

35Kt tailwind saw us at 210 kts....

Only able to capture 209kts...

Although it shows 100ft decent rate it was straight and level. The second shot verifies with ascent and 207kts....

very quick flight :)


300+ mph, RV-6 Race 411 N790DW


Yes, that is 300 mph.
Yes, that is 7.6 gph.

My best GS, sustained for over an hour, enroute KENW to KGRD Saturday April 2, 2016. Winds stayed strong the next day when I posted my best race speed of 243.42 mph for the 2016 400 mile Sunshine Express air race, KGRD to Winter Haven FL.
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The weather was too bad to get into Petit Jean so on to Plan B for my wife's Birthday, Santa Fe for the weekend!

We had a great time and really enjoyed the Fall weather - especially since Fall in Texas is still 90 degrees!

Strong headwinds there on Friday but we got a good push coming home on Sunday. MP of 20.1 and 2200 RPM and we were at 207 kts g/s at 9500 ft. A little bumpy so apologize for the off center picture. If it was smoother I would have seen what the max speed was! This was near Las Vegas NM.

3:19 to get there, 2:39 to get back (470nm):D

Sorry we missed the gathering but had a great time in Santa Fe!

one more member....just NOT me!!!

so my RV-9a, 150 hp, finally joins the 200 kt club!!!

.....I just wish I were the pilot!


famous world rounder Dave McElroy is ferrying with new owner Laurie Doering to Hamilton, and catching a wee tailwind on the way!
OK, I know the 200 KT club is getting old:rolleyes:, and I have been there quite a few times, but just thought I post this one that is firmly past 200KT. Just so I can say I'm in. Don't kibbitz the fuel flow- I hadn't leaned for the cruise condition yet.

A brisk wind aloft pushed us to 202kt GS on the way to dinner this weekend over Wisconsin.
This is rich cruise; typical 75% LOP config after this photo gave 187kt GS, about 32 SMPG.
Tampa to Raleigh in under 3 hours yesterday thanks to a ~50 knot tailwind at 11,500. Would have been faster but ducked under an overcast in SC so I wouldn't get stuck on top, and lost 30 knots. Ended up clear when we landed but ads-b had said otherwise.

Still not bad for 150HP, 55% power and less than 7GPH. I Love this plane.

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Running full rich and part throttle at this altitude to keep rpm's below 2700. Superior IO360 with a Catto 3 blade prop. Local flight with an opportunity to join 200 knot club
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Cool Chris

Tampa to Raleigh in under 3 hours yesterday thanks to a ~50 knot tailwind at 11,500. Would have been faster but ducked under an overcast in SC so I wouldn't get stuck on top, and lost 30 knots. Ended up clear when we landed but ads-b had said otherwise.

Still not bad for 150HP, 55% power and less than 7GPH. I Love this plane.

Still lingering in the low 190kts. One of these days I'll catch a good tailwind and join the club.

Way to go!
252 Knots GS


Rusty Crawford sent me this shot today from his 7A.

"On my way to Ohio this week for work, I experienced a nice tailwind. I was cruising at 11500 feet 172 knots true airspeed, 57% power, lean of peak, 7.7 gallons an hour fuel flow, 32.72 nautical miles per gallon. Works out to 80 knot tailwind. Of course, what comes around goes around though, terrible head winds, bad weather and icing coming home. But it's all good. The "Working Girl" is flying very nice with your SDS system."
First cross country in the new (and new to me) -10 this Sunday, enroute back from IA we joined the club:


Many thanks to Jon Hubbell, the originator of this thread, who not only did a thorough prepurchase inspection with me but has been a real mentor and source of information as I "get up to speed" in the RV-10!