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Cancer took my mother in law 5 years ago. She was one of my dearest friends, and my wife's rock. Cancer is especially despised in this household, and my wife dedicates much of her work to researching the rare form that took her best friend and mom.
Please accept our deepest sympathies, and prayers for strength and comfort during this very difficult time.
Mark and Melissa Ohlau
thinking of you...

What can be said, really... I hope that you continue to be involved with racing and that you carry fond memories of your time together whenever you fly.
So sorry for your loss. May the memories of 44 great years together bring you comfort, and although some of us haven't had the privilege of meeting you or Jeanine, know that you have many people keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.
Location Error

I do not expect anyone to be there but I don't want to mislead anyone. I had previously stated that both the viewing and the funeral service would be tomorrow (1-9-12) at the chapel in the Resurection Cemetary in St. Louis County (Missouri, USA) but that is not correct. The Funeral service will still be there at 1pm but the viewing will be at the Kutis Funeral home in downtown St. Louis at the corner of Arsenal and Gravois. I'm sorry for the confusion it was due to a misunderstanding on my part.

Bob Axsom
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Sorry Bob for your loss

Bob, I can see from reading the comments that there is lots of respect for you and your wife. Lots of caring. I have only been on the forum for a few weeks and don't know you - but I lost my mother to breast cancer about 13 years ago. What a terrible disease and it is so prevalent. From my wife, my family, and I, we want you to know we have you in our hearts and prayers. We wish you well in this difficult time and know peace will be with you.
Rockwood and Deb

We here at ASA have not had the pleasure of meeting you or your wife in person but feel we know you from your contributions here. We all are somewhat diminished with the loss of one of our community. Bob our harts and prayers go out to you and yours in this trying time. Regards, Allan and staff of ASA.
I think I need to report the case to those with responsibility

Thanks again all. I have been stewing over this for several days now and as some who know me and how I docummented the build of our RV-6A are probably aware, I tend to keep pretty good records and can methodically correlate specific photographs with actual times and events. There is a lot that went on in Jeanine's case that needs improvement and I think I need to report the facts to those with different responsibilities in the research and treatment of breast cancer - and hospital care as well. Maybe it can help prevent someone else's loss.

Bob Axsom

I lost my wife of 25 years in April 2010, so I can say without reservation I know what you are going through. If it helps any, time will make a big big difference and help heal. When I talk about her now it's with a smile on my face.
If I can give any advice it would be to cherish the time you had with her and keep all the good memories fresh.
I Appreciate your experienced input and I am truely sorry for your loss

I lost my wife of 25 years in April 2010, so I can say without reservation I know what you are going through. If it helps any, time will make a big big difference and help heal. When I talk about her now it's with a smile on my face.
If I can give any advice it would be to cherish the time you had with her and keep all the good memories fresh.

Yes the good times were many.


I have been working all night organizing a record or report that I plan to submit to someone about this even though it would be best for me to just let it go - something in me doesn't want to.

Bob Axsom
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I'm so sorry


There really isn't anything I can say that would compare to your loss.

I'm sorry I had not seen this post sooner..

Just a little side note on cancer research

I received this from the American Cancer Society this morning regarding a package I submitted to them with a lot of information about our first hand experience for treatment application research that they lost and I am painfully going through construction of a replacement:

"Once received, your study will be forwarded to the appropriate American Cancer Society advisory group for consideration as part of their overall role in determining American Cancer Society positions and actions on a given topic. The American Cancer Society carefully monitors the scientific literature on a regular basis and, as with any reputable scientific organization, develops or amends its positions based on the breadth of this literature and not on the results of any single study. Please note that the Society does not perform research but provides grants to qualified researchers who choose their own subject to study. Furthermore, due to our large volume of mail, you might not receive acknowledgment that your cancer cure was received."​

Who is watching the store?

Bob Axsom
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This is a little more encouraging

Dear Bob,

Thank you for contacting us again regarding the research you have done, and
thank you for the passion you have for alleviating the suffering that cancer
causes. Once again, please accept my sincere condolences on the loss of your
wife. This surely seems like an issue that is dear to you, and I am honored that
you?ve chosen to share your work with us.

I apologize for any frustration these events have caused you. I have passed your
feedback along to our National Home Office, and we will take it into
consideration. Regarding your research, please reference the previous e-mails
for instructions on submitting your work. For your convenience, I have reposted
the address you may send it to below:

American Cancer Society
Attention: Research Department
250 Williams St NW
Atlanta, GA 30303-1002

As Anne noted, once we receive your study, it will be forwarded to the
appropriate American Cancer Society advisory group for consideration.

Thank you again for contacting your American Cancer Society.

Online Cancer Information Specialist
More power to you!

Bob - you're trying to provide some good from the loss you have suffered, and I admire you for it! Perhaps your documentation and ideas will provide a basis for improving care for others.
That is my intention

I tend to keep very thorough records and I certainly did my best with this but where the rubber meets the road there is an unbelievable amount of inertia to overcome. I'll just leave it at that and keep brute forcing on maybe something good will happen.

Bob Axsom
Arkansas Department of Health Response

Previously the Joint Commission looked into the hospital and informed me that they cannot reveal any information. This is from the Arkansas Department of Health. It appears that they did all that they could but when I made a follow up call they said the rule to kick out all but staff at shift changes and overnight in the ICU is a hospital policy not subject to government regulation. Bottom line they got the hospital's attention but this effort was ineffective.

Bob Axsom

Keep stirring the pot. It does work. I had a phone conversation with my US Rep.s chief of staff in DC reguarding astronomical health care costs. Low and behold--a certain chief of staff forwarded a reply from a certain insurance carrier ( not to be named here)-----so stirring the pot does get peoples' attention.
I think the Medical Board is Taking this Serious

As you suggest we have to persist if we want to change a bad situation.

Bob Axsom

American Cancer Society Response

I sent them a three volume 10" thick set of documentation after they lost the original 2" binder for detailed actual case research. I followed up after some time of no response and got the letter below. They can't use it and they are returning it to me. If anyone feels like the appropriate focus is being applied to cure cancer - well we are at odds. This is an example of free enterprise system failure as a method to solve this kind of problem when the problem is a major source of money making.

Bob Axsom


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Bob, keep fighting for what you believe in, but also, dont run yourself into the ground or get sick over this. See you in Mitchell. Byron
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