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Hi Bob,

May Heavenly Father be with you and your wife. My family will also include you in our prayers.
I'm so sorry..

We have all read on this webpage about those of us who have been married and then divorced but we infrequently hear from those who are and have been happily married. Some of us have been lucky to find just the right person to marry and we have led a rich life as a result. That's not to say that every day is a picnic. There are periods in every marriage that are blissful and other periods that are a considerably less so but overall the right companion makes the journey infinitely better. I know that you are now dealing with a Jeanine-sized hole in your heart and my heart aches for you. God's peace, my brother.
Bob, I'm so sorry for your loss and I also share in others' enormous respect and gratitude for all you have done for this community while finding your way through such difficulties.

Prayers lifted

a shared interest in the art of flying has brought together a world-wide group of interested souls to share your sorrow. May that knowledge bring you comfort.
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Bob, sorry for the loss of your life's partner.

Your VAF family mourns ..............

I never knew Jeanine and I only know you through these forums, but my computer screen went blurry when I read of your post. This VAF Family is for real.

My wife, her mother, and her sister (also Jeanine, BTW) are all breast cancer survivors, and I can't imagine being without any one of them. My mother passed away 21 years ago next week at age 55 of Multiple Myeloma. We will add your Jeanine to the list of those for whom we sponsor luminaria at the ACS Relay for Life in Lancaster, CA on April 7.

RE: So Sorry


I am very sorry for your loss and add my condolences to all the other VAF family members. May God Bless you in this time of trial.
Very sad indeed............Condolences Bob, looks like you had lots of good memories. So sorry for your loss.

I'm so very sorry to hear of your loss... but at the same time I'm also thankful for the privilege of meeting Jeanine and for the rays of sunshine and inspiration she brought into my life.

Your words- "She told me that I should get a pilot's license, she partnered with me in buying an Archer II, She helped me build our RV-6A, she raced with me all over the country and she traveled with me all over the world."

While Jeanine is now with the Lord freed from all pain and suffering, she will always be with you... giving you her love, appreciation, and continuing encouragement to do the things you enjoy. And from your friends here in the aviation/race community, we're waiting to hear about your latest mods and test results. Don't keep us waiting too long! We love you, Bob.

Personal regards,
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Meeting Jeanine only once and seeing you guys together was enough to see the bond of love, for each other and for flying, that you shared.

You've been an incredibly strong and steadfast husband and wife, as you fought an inspirational (to many) battle together.

I said it on the SARL group, and its clear here too...your racing and VAF family has you surrounded with love, brother!

We race for Jeanine this year!

Thoughts and prayers with you Bob.

Thoughts and concern coming your way, Bob. Almost all of us have had family go through the battle your Jeanine fought. My mother fought it for two years and she slipped away in '88. Please know that your VAF family is hurting with you during this time.
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My condolences, so sad to read that news. I have lost too many friends and family to that awful disease, I wish we could drive a stake through it and banish it forever. My thoughts are with you, Bob.
We are saddened but the passing of those who made such a difference in the world, as much for the loss as for the future that will be lessened without their presence.

Bob, you're in our thoughts as we pause to listen to world that has lost a truly wonderful person.
thank you

Mr. Axsom:

Thank you for sharing your trials with us; we are grieving with you and praying for you.

My wife will get an especially tight hug tonight.
None of us are without loss, eventually everyone dies.
Your loss is the end of such a deep and positive relationship.
It is hard to imagine right now, but you will laugh again and enjoy life,
you know Jeanine wants you to recover and be richer in her memory.
My first day of flight after the loss of a son was a disaster.
Take it one step at a time, and maybe have someone fly with you a few times for a while.

I am very sorry for the loss of yur life partner, Jeannie. I know you will cherish the time you had together. Life is so precious and time is so short.

Condolences Bob

Have not met you in person, but I got an appreciation for your special relationship with Jeanine through your posts. Count the good times extra and take that strength to soldier on in her memory. God bless.

I read your post with a heavy heart as I just lost my mother a few days before Christmas. I am helping my dad get through his daily life and I know how hard it is. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Bob, sorry to hear your sad news.

Hang in there buddy. We are all thinking about you and your family.

so sorry for your loss


You have my deepest sympathy. I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you in person but I always enjoy reading about your adventures.


I never met her, or you for that matter, but your post touched me deeply. I will keep you both in prayer.
Deepest sympathy

I have only met you through these forums but like others have been moved by your loss. The connection we all have through our love of flying and RV's in particular is heartwarming.

My thoughts are with you and all those who knew and loved her.
Sorry for your loss


I only know you through your postings on this forum, and I always look forward to reading them. Tonight I was saddened to read your post and learn of your loss, but I was also touched by how you talked about Jeanine and the wonderful times you had together. Words fail me, but please know you are in my thoughts.
Bob, I'm saddened by your loss.

For Whom the Bell Tolls
by John Donne

No man is an island,
Entire of itself.
Each is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less.
As well as if a promontory were.
As well as if a manor of thine own
Or of thine friend's were.
Each man's death diminishes me,
For I am involved in mankind.
Therefore, send not to know
For whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee.
In reading all these posts, all in just one day, I am impressed with the effect and respect you have on people in this community. Jeanine was obviously a blessing to you, and you must have been a blessing to her as well. I wish you peace and fond memories of those times you two shared together.
Im sorry for your loss


We have never met, i have read your posts and when i saw her name it felt like a family member. thoughts and prayers from a aviation brother.
I was saddened to see this. I was fortunate to meet her at the Memphis SARL race a few years ago.
That you all

Thank you all for your heartfelt thoughts. We were married for 44 years, it seems to have passed in an instant and life will never be the same joyful experience it was when I was with her. I read every one of your messages and I know you thought about them and tried to give me comfort - they have. Know that for the future - human kindness does not go unnoticed by the receiver.

Thank you for Jeanine and I.

Bob Axsom

The viewing will be 9 am and the service will be at 1 pm in the chappel at the Resurrection Cemetary located at:

6901 Mackenzie Road
St. Louis, MO 63123
Located South of St. Louis, MO off Interstate 44
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Your words tell of a lovely person, the pictures show a beautiful women. You have been blessed. I know that it sounds like a clich?, but truly she is now in a better place. We celebrate for her, and mourn with you. Our prayers are with you.
Very sorry for your loss. I'm sure everyone here will think of her when along with other loved ones we have lost or watched suffer the from breast cancer when donating toward a cure. Without the support she gave you through the years in your aviation passions and endeavors, many of us would probably not have enjoyed your wisdom on this forum. Stay with us as it sounds like this is what she would have wanted.
Bob, My deepest condolences. Jeanine was a rare find, to provide you with the encouragement and support that she did. May those memories continue to provide you a gentle tailwind...
Another Angel...

Has taken wing...she will be flying with you for eternity; grieve, weep, and face life as we all here know you will, until we meet,
Blue Skies,
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