a200 icom

Just my 2 cents... if the 210 is as good as the 200 we are all in for a treat. It's hard to beat the Icom radio at any price. Huge bang for the buck!!

Chris 9A
I am betting on it too!

RIGHT NOW I am typing up the details of the group buy!

I will hyperlink it to this thread when it is posted.

Stay tuned!

;) CJ
Before John announced he was going to do the group buy, I plunked down my money at Oshkosh for what I thought was a good price - but I am betting that John will beat it by a good margin for all of you!

Just an info - I have still not gotten the radio, but have been checking every week. Last Thursday I was told that the first shipment was in the country, awaiting Customs clearance, and that my dealer was expecting to have them to ship this week. We'll see how that goes....

Has anyone else gotten a production version delivered yet?

Paul, I understand that 600 are anticipated for arrival in this country, if not... they are here already.

Here are the details for the group buy:


Paul, could you see to it that this gets front page billing on this website for the entire 30 day period?

The last group buy for governors was missed by too many people. It seems that not all delve too deeply into the forums and many will miss the buy if not billed effectively.

Thanks All!

:) CJ
I also pre-purchased at Oshkosh and have not received my radio. I called today and was told they will have them maybe this week. I also heard the stuck in customs story. Of course I heard the exact same story 2 weeks ago. Maybe this time it's correct.
You are getting everyone a stupendous price John - great service to the community!

Captain_John said:
Paul, could you see to it that this gets front page billing on this website for the entire 30 day period?

Hey, I don't even work here..... ;)

I asked Icom about when information on the A210 would be available on their web site. What follows is their response. I went to the site and it has everything you could possibly want to know about this radio. Check out the operation manual. WOW!

Their response:

Hi Jim,

The web site will be updated with the roll out of our new site that should be happening any day. The instruction and installation manuals are currently available in our knowledge base found at: www.IcomAmerica.com go to support, then knowledge base.

Thank you,

Rick Waedekin Sr., N9PMR
Technical Support Representative

ICOM America, Inc.
2380 116th Ave. NE
Bellevue, WA 98004
Ph. (425) 945-2000
Fax (425) 637-8417
Captain_John said:
Paul, I understand that 600 are anticipated for arrival in this country, if not... they are here already.
Sounds like there may be a lot of KY-97s and A-200s for sale here or Ebay real soon!
Use with Garmin 496

Does anyone know whether the 496 has the required aviation frequency database needed to auto tune the radio?