
I have some really good pricing already in hand and am waiting on another vendor and some other details before this is a go.

I am planning on having the units into everyones hands by Halloween.

Lemme do some more work on the housekeeping issues and I will let you all know!

:cool: CJ
i'm in

if price is good, i'm in. really don't need for at least a year, but price matters! will we have options of TSO'd or not? may also be interested in audio panel. keep us posted.
Thanks for you work onthis
jeff h
austin tx
Right now, it is Non-TSO'ed only.

I don't have any plans of doing a TSO'ed buy. Does anyone else want a TSO'ed unit?

:) CJ
rjtjrt said:
I am after the TSO'd version.

I have just spoken to my avionics adviser and I am told TSO'dwould be nice but I can live with non TSO'd if that is all that is going to be available or if price of TSO'd is prohibitive in comparison
Sorry to mess you around, and thanks for all the effort you are going to,
I'm in, non-TSO'd

Count me in too for a non-TSO'd version.
GRT Integration

Can anybody confirm that the A210 will integrate with the GRT Horizon 1 exactly like the SL40 does?

Capt. John,

1 non-TSO version with tray and connections.

Hammond Prescott
North Augusta, SC
David_Nelson said:
Can anybody confirm that the A210 will integrate with the GRT Horizon 1 exactly like the SL40 does?


Nelson, I am not sure that anyone can really confirm that. I am guessing that the ICOM unit is a reverse engineered Garmin. The Japanese do that thing really good! However, I am betting that it will. If I were you, I would too. Besides, if it doesn't now, I am sure GRT will do something about it because there will be many others in the same boat and this radio isn't going to go away.

REGARDING THE TSO'ed units, the vendor hasn't gotten the word on it's availability. Sooooo, this deal will likely be only for NON-TSO'ed units only.

I will let you know if anything changes.

My goal is to start the deal in about one month, run it for a month and then we will get our radios the next month. That means delivery around Halloween. Provided the company (ICOM America) can keep up with demand.

:) CJ
Captain_John said:
My goal is to start the deal in about one month, run it for a month and then we will get our radios the next month. That means delivery around Halloween. Provided the company (ICOM America) can keep up with demand.
:) CJ
Out of curiosity, CJ, are you trying to go directly through Icom or are you shopping around the various vendors who sell the A210s and seeing who will do the best price on this quantity? Just curious.
ICOM will only sell through dealers. Conversely, we only want to talk to dealers for support reasons. Going direct to the company is not an option.

Having said that, I have pricing from a very large company that we all have dealt with. They gave me a really good price and I am willing to hear from others. I prefer this really big company for future deals.

Soooo, does that answer the question?

:) CJ
That would make sense...

Captain_John said:
Nelson, I am not sure that anyone can really confirm that. I am guessing that the ICOM unit is a reverse engineered Garmin. The Japanese do that thing really good! However, I am betting that it will. If I were you, I would too. Besides, if it doesn't now, I am sure GRT will do something about it because there will be many others in the same boat and this radio isn't going to go away.

Hi CJ,

Good point - the units aren't yet available, so how do we really know. On retrospect, I guess I was looking for something in the flyer to say '100% Garmin SL40' compatible.


I spoke with the ICOM folks at OSH and they said the non-TSO version would be approved that week and the TSO version would be available in 3-6 months. While I was there, sure enough the unit got FAA approval. I then went to talk to the folks at Pacific Coast Avionics who sold me my ICOM A-200 a couple of years ago. They quoted a price of about $1200 for the non-TSO version. In my case, they also offered a trade-in allowance of $400 on my old A-200. I have found that PCA and Joliet Avioncs gave the best deals at Oshkosh mainly because they (JA) would give me $800 for a trade-in of my Garmin 296 toward a 396 which was priced at $1795.

The A-210 looks like a great unit because it will interface with your GPS and automatically enter the correct frequency for the airspace you are flying through.
Captain John, count me in for a Icom A210 on the group buy. Thanks on the other group buys you have put together. Now we just need to do a group buy on transponders and Dynon efis and ems. Tony
I'm in Big Guy

Hey John I can't believe this one almost got by me. :eek: Just found it after reading your response to Paul about his late order. I'm still smiling about my belts from your Hooker deal so definitely count me in on this one too. ;)
Tom, Don't worry... we are still early in the game.

I will post it big when the time is right!

This is going to be a big deal!

When I see that hydroguy wants a WHOLE STACK of the same radio... I know it is gonna be HUGE!!!

For those planning on using the GRT EFIS, I sent them an email inquiring if it may work with the ICOM radio. This cinches it for me. Here is the reply.

"The ICOM A-210 looks like a nice radio. We have not spoken with them but we
are planning to allow the EFIS to transfer frequencies to it. The ICOM uses
RS-232 serial data which is exactly what we will need.

I hope this helps,

GRT Avionics"
The list grows again...


I saw the A210 at Oshkosh this year. Looks good to me. I'm in.
For those planning on using the GRT EFIS, I sent them an email inquiring if it may work with the ICOM radio. This cinches it for me. Here is the reply.

"The ICOM A-210 looks like a nice radio. We have not spoken with them but we
are planning to allow the EFIS to transfer frequencies to it. The ICOM uses
RS-232 serial data which is exactly what we will need.

I hope this helps,

GRT Avionics"


Thanks for the research!

:) CJ
Captain_John said:
....When I see that hydroguy wants a WHOLE STACK of the same radio... I know it is gonna be HUGE!!!


I know a few builders who don't spend time at VAF(i know hard to believe) and when I mentioned the group buy they all ask "how can I get 1?"

I think they may start surfing a bit more. :D

p.s. if a group buy comes around for dynon flightdek 180? put me down for 3. ;)
I am hoping that ICOM will have enough units in stock when we want them!

I have no doubts that we will clean them out!

I will keep you all posted!

:) CJ

Captain_John said:
I am hoping that ICOM will have enough units in stock when we want them!
I have no doubts that we will clean them out!
I will keep you all posted!:) CJ

Where do we stand on this deal? :eek:
ICOM A210 Grp Buy Interest


Please add me to the list of interested buyers. I am interested in one with mounting hardware. Early in the build but don't feel like I can go wrong with this radio. Anyone think it would be wrong to get this radio even thought I am 2 years away from flying?

Captain John's Super Group Buys

RVG8tor said:

Anyone think it would be wrong to get this radio even thought I am 2 years away from flying?
Nemo you can't go wrong with this buy. I had a old ICOM A-200 in my last plane and the thing was bulletproof. ICOM isn't too big in aviation but their huge in the ham radio area. They make outstanding products and will be around for a long time. Also this new version wont be obsolete in a year like a new Garmin GPS might be. :eek: I'm not going to be ready either with my RV for a while but have saved a ton with these VAF Group Buys. :p The only thing that's going to change on this radio in two years is the price, and a good guess would be that its going to be higher. Captain John has done an outstanding job with these buys and is a natural negotiator. Mike from my experience so far I think this deal could be one of the best buys you make for your project.

Thank you for the compliment!

We are becoming so famous amongst the vendor crowd! All that all I need to do is mention "RV Group Buy" and they go to pieces!

I like straightforward dealings and fair prices. I like it when people give me their best price straight out of the gate and if it is in the ballpark, I consider it a go!

I have stepped away from offers in the past because I know that if I were you, I wouldn't go for it.

OTOH, I want the RV crowd to be be thought of as a group of people who are willing to pay a decent price for a high quality product. I don't want us to be thought of as a bunch of cheapskates! When it comes to pricing, I have a number in my mind and if the vendor matches it, we have a winner! If the vendor doesn't make enough money, it leaves a sour taste. This doesn't bode well for our reputation.

We are quality people and have a repuation to uphold.

I am sorry when a deal doesn't work out. In my opinion it is in the best interest of all when I put the kaibosh on a deal. I do my best for everyone, including the vendors.

Stay tuned for the details sometime midweek! I will keep you posted!

;) CJ
OJ, Thanks for chiming in!

All who wish to be "put down", please keep in mind that there will be a NEW FOLLOW-UP POST that I will be writing later on this week with news and details on how to place your order!!!

Watch for my new thread and follow the instructions detailed therein in order to be included in the deal!!!

:) CJ

Captain_John said:
OJ, Thanks for chiming in!

All who wish to be "put down", please keep in mind that there will be a NEW FOLLOW-UP POST that I will be writing later on this week with news and details on how to place your order!!!

Watch for my new thread and follow the instructions detailed therein in order to be included in the deal!!! :) CJ

DROP A NOTE HERE TOO..... MANY OF US HAVE SUBSCRIBED TO THIS THREAD SO WE WILL KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON. So just a note telling us that a NEW thread had been started to take orders.

Thanks............ :rolleyes: