Dj - please do go right ahead and order that Mini-X. Since your plane is flying I'll be able to learn from your experience and recommendations. Hmmm... maybe I'll even have to drop down to Maine to see it with my own eyes! (Gotta love flying bums who invite themselves over and leave their greasy nose prints and drool on your airplane...)

You are welcome to come down. It would be a veritable heat wave compared to Canada! ;-)

Reading this again I just caught this line...
"On the Mini-X, you can use the left knob to set the heading bug if you have the magnetometer."

Katie - I suspect you meant to say "right knob to set the heading bug"? If the Mini-X has both left and right knobs then I'll spend all day twiddling them! LoL

Yes, good catch-- The big EFIS has 2 (or 3) knobs and the heading bug is always on the left. The Mini has a single knob which happens to be on the right. So, you'll only spend half the day twiddling! :eek:
Database for Mini X

If ordered with the moving map option, will the Mini X come with a canadian airport database for the GPS and will the map database include canadian sectionals?

I am sure that the synthetic vision will have accurate geography and terrain to N70 Lat.

If I fly in Alaska will the moving map database cover that as well?

Just trying to get my head around what the moving map option will or won't do for me before I confirm on that option.
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Hoping Katie is still reading this thread...

Where do we stand on delivery timelines? I'm chomping at the bit for the Mini-X I have on order and am currently doing the panel cutout for it!
Quick update here... called and spoke with John at GRT today. Asked about ETA for the Mini-B & Mini-X. It seems one of their assembly line tools (a pick-and-place machine) "ate itself" in the latter half of December, bringing production to a screeching halt. New ETA for these Mini's is, according to John, the "end of February".
Thanks for the update. I have been waiting for you to get yours before ordering mine... :)

Mini B

I have ordered a MiniB, can you estimate when you expect to start shipping units?
Dick - my post above applies to both the Mini-B and Mini-X. According to John @ GRT there is very little difference in their hardware. The Mini-AP has a larger number of hardware differences so will be shipping later than the B and X models.
Canadian JOY, thanks for updating this for me. I've been swamped lately.

The Canadian government doesn't provide us with usable airport/facilities data for Canada, so we can't provide a free Canadian airport database like our U.S. database. Just like our other EFIS systems, the Mini will require a Jeppesen database for that information in Canada. However, your synthetic vision will work, because we have a worldwide database for that. You will get the airports in Alaska with our free package, but since you're flying in Canada you'll probably have the Jepp database anyway for flying there.

If ordered with the moving map option, will the Mini X come with a canadian airport database for the GPS and will the map database include canadian sectionals?

I am sure that the synthetic vision will have accurate geography and terrain to N70 Lat.

If I fly in Alaska will the moving map database cover that as well?

Just trying to get my head around what the moving map option will or won't do for me before I confirm on that option.
Anyone have a mini flying yet ? I want some video, and plan on buying one before the discount ends in April
Our head engineer on the Mini, Todd, is out with pneumonia, but we're very close to production and I still hope to have some flight reports well before SNF. The good news is, Greg is very excited about the testing going on for the Mini's "mini" AHRS-- it is exceeding his expectations. I'll keep you guys posted--Thanks for your patience.
Katie, when can we expect the wiring diagram to be published for the Mini-AP? Currently that is the only thing holding up finishing my panel wiring.
Katie - I understand SnF is the first week of April. Last customer delivery estimate I received was "end of February". These two dates give us a month of "slush time" in between. In finite terms, what is the current customer delivery schedule? (Those with gaping holes in their instrument panels need to know! LoL)

Glad to hear the AHARS is living up to expectations. You have to know that if it's that good there are going to be folks clamoring to have the current full-size AHARS units "downsized" into a smaller package to ease installation.
Brief update from GRT's Ben, obtained yesterday... The challenges with production machinery breaking down and having staff out sick have chiefly been responsible for the shift in delivery dates. They are "really close" to shipping the first Mini's. A worst-case estimate would put shipments at the end of the month, a best-case estimate would see units going out the door late this week or early next week.

I can't wait to get this thing in hand!
More Mini info & features...

Hi Guys, I finally have some Mini updates for you.

I just posted more detailed wiring information for all 3 Mini models on the website. You can find it here, on the Mini product page.

There is now an HSI page that is part of the moving map package for the X and AP-- not just a CDI as previously listed. There is a simple GPS CDI on the Mini-B for direct-to GPS navigation.

The Mini-AP is now capable of displaying the optional moving map, so the AP will have all the features of the X, plus the ARINC-429 option.

Jeppesen database information is now able to cross the EFIS inter-display link (either serial or Ethernet) to other GRT EFIS display units and the Mini when the database file is loaded. So, if you're outside the U.S. and you already have a Jepp subscription for existing GRT EFIS display units, you will not have to buy another subscription for your Mini. This is a new feature just released on the latest Horizon and Sport software.

We are getting close to shipping Mini-B's. Thanks for all your patience!
I'm in the middle of some panel design, and I'm wondering about that mini USB port on the back of the Mini-X, listed in this drawing.

I know Dynon screens need a panel-mounted USB-A female connector for database, chart, and firmware updates. Is the intention the same here?

Assuming this is a USB host port and not for debugging, is there a better plan than hacking apart a couple of USB cables to get the appropriate connectors?

Yep... we use the USB port for a lot of things on all our EFIS systems. The Mini uses it for software updates and data logging. We sell a full-size USB cable with a female end that has mounting ears on it, suitable for creating an easy-access USB port on your instrument panel face. There is probably something like that available with a Mini USB male end. Some of our customers just leave a short USB cable pigtail hanging down behind the EFIS or secured somewhere under the instrument panel that's easy to reach. Or, if you can access the back of the unit through an avionics bay hatch, you can just access the Mini's USB port directly.
We sell a full-size USB cable with a female end that has mounting ears on it, suitable for creating an easy-access USB port on your instrument panel face.

Yep, either side of the A/P.


Very handy for updates ------------- someday I will figure out how to download data from them too.
Mini X Autopilot question

I'm unfamiliar with autopilots...never have used one, being a strictly VFR daytime pilot. The autopilot description of the Mini X has an asterisk that states:

"Autopilot controls for Mini-X do not include vertical guidance for IFR approaches. This feature is included with Mini-AP when equipped with ARINC-429 wired to a suitable IFR GPS navigation unit."

I'm not sure what this means, does it mean ascending and descending is accomplished by utilizing an altitude bug only? Could a descent of X feet per minute be programmed?

Dave-- The HSI page can be disabled in the Setup Menu, so you could just have the PFD and the Moving Map as your viewable pages.

Don-- The Mini-X can follow the heading bug (Heading Mode) and GPS track (ENAV Mode). It can also hold your selected altitude. However, you will not be able to climb or descend on autopilot. Climbs and descents are hand-flown, and then when you arrive at your desired altitude, you would engage Altitude Hold mode.

The Mini-AP has all of those features, plus it can climb and descend using both rates and airspeeds, level off & capture the altitude set in the altitude select window, as well as track ILS and GPS/LPV glideslopes. ARINC-429 is an option on the Mini-AP to enable tracking of vertical navigation equipment that uses ARINC-429 communication, such as a Garmin 430/530/650.

For those who are familiar with GRT Sport and Horizon systems, the Mini-X has the autopilot capability of the stock Sport without Vertical Commands software, while the Mini-AP has the autopilot capability of the Horizon HX and HXr. (GRT servos are required and not included...)
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Katie, thanks very much for the clarification. Works for me! Since I don't have a device capable of AIRINC 429 communication, I won't worry about it. The Mini X is for me. thanks again
Update today from Jon @ GRT - shipment of Mini-B & Mini-X now expected by the end of March. I suggested to Jon that, given the 2-month delay in deliveries, GRT should consider offering an incentive to customers who have patiently waited for their Mini to be delivered. I'm sure I'm not the only one sitting with a big square hole cut in their panel and thinking that if the delays go on much longer that hole will be converted to a 3 1/8" hole to accommodate a competitor's product.

I agree with Canadian Joy, Jon has slipped the delivery date long enough, either
GRT can deliver or they can't, no more promises, give us the straight skinny.
Ready to go to the competitors!
Please step away from the pitch fork...

The only people out there who want their Mini shipped sooner than you guys is US. The past few months have been really tough. We've made a lot of great progress, but obviously not fast enough. I've always been straight with you guys. Things happen. We give you our best estimate, and sometimes (usually, lately) we are wrong. I can't apologize any more. We've taken no money from anyone for a Mini yet, and we won't until they fly out the door with a 100% stamp of confidence. If you want to cancel and buy something else, I understand, but nothing else out there can do what this little guy can do. I think if you give up now, you will be sorry you didn't wait just a tiny bit longer. In hindsight I really wish when this all started, we'd have given ourselves an insane time margin and promised SUN 'N FUN as the release date. Then, if it was early, fine, and if not, you'd still be really happy right now. Let that be a lesson for us.

And Canadian Joy, your questions in this thread over the past few months have helped us to remember all the international pilots out there who need Jepp data on their Mini-X and AP- and we've made it so that you won't need to buy another subscription for the Mini. Buy it for 1 EFIS and you'll have it for your whole plane. I've really appreciated your input on this project, and I'd hate to lose you now! :(
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I disagree - I've worked with a lot of companies on launch products, and few have been as up front and friendly about their timeline as GRT.

Production setbacks are the price you pay to be on the bleeding edge. I'd rather have a delayed launch with good communication than an incomplete product on time.

That said, perhaps regular updates to an email list (or your website) would be appreciated...especially for the segment of your market that doesn't own an RV.
I disagree - I've worked with a lot of companies on launch products, and few have been as up front and friendly about their timeline as GRT.

Production setbacks are the price you pay to be on the bleeding edge. I'd rather have a delayed launch with good communication than an incomplete product on time.

That said, perhaps regular updates to an email list (or your website) would be appreciated...especially for the segment of your market that doesn't own an RV.

Agreed. I coulda paid more and gotten less out of a D10 or D6 or one of a number of other boxes. I haven't paid for the unit yet, so I consider myself on a waiting list, not having really ordered it.

All that said....any updates? :)
I can appreciate both sides of the coin on this topic, especially having been involved in manufacturing bleeding edge avionics in a previous career. When you provide a date to Boeing or Airbus, you had better be ready to move heaven and earth to meet that date, or be willing to cough up concessions. Heaven help you if you don't meet your target weights - that's a sin worse than being late!

While I agree completely that the Mini will bring tremendous functionality to the aircraft, it's painful to sit with a gaping hole in your panel, unable to make any further progress until that hole is filled. I've still got some more patience in me...

Katie - w.r.t. mapping, being able to use a single Jepp subscription for both EFIS units is indeed a bonus, and the consistent efforts of GRT to deliver this kind of value is one of the things I like best about the company. Now if only I could convince GRT to offer the mapping feature in the Mini-X at a substantially reduced price as a reward for having been patient I might be a bunch less curmudgeonly to deal with... :)
Katie - I'd rather wait longer to get Mini EFIS

Katie, I've been hand flying my RV for 540 hours. I'm excited about installing the mini X and autopilot. I'd rather wait a little longer to get a superior well tested product than one that's rushed through testing. Take your time and get it right.

It also sounds like the features are changing on each model as it goes through development and testing. That could affect our decision on which model to purchase.
I am also fine with waiting but was hoping to take advantage of the pre April pricing but wanted to see one in action before pulling the trigger. Gotta figure out what to do
Frank - as a point of comparison, the Dynon Bright Screen option on the D100-series equipment pumps up brightness to 800 nits. There are lots of them flying in RV's without too many complaints. As an additional data point, Dynon's Skyview is advertised at 1350 nits.

At 1200 nits the Mini will be quite readable.
Just spoke with Jon this morning. The GRT factory has once again been slowed down by illness (get well soon, Todd!). The team has literally been working through the night on the first batch of Mini's. With the impending departure of many staff members to SnF it looks like shipment of the first batch of Mini's will now be immediately following SnF.

For those who are going to SnF it would appear there will be a couple of Mini's on hand in the GRT booth. Yes, I'm a little jealous that SnF attendees will be able to play with the Mini before I get to see one... :) Can't wait to get this gaping hole in the instrument panel filled with that gee-whiz piece of gear!
Mini is coming

Please please please someone at snf take some screen shots and video of the mini in action.

Well, one of the really neat things about having GRT as a sponsor is we get to be involved with the testing of their wonderful products.

I know a lot of folks are awaiting the arrival of the Mini. Well, I can tell you you are going to love it and it's going to be worth the wait.

With Sun n Fun fast approaching the folks at GRT have been working their proverbial tails off to get the Mini out the door. We now have in our hands, and panels, a couple of their units for testing. I'm here to tell you it's going to be an outstanding product.

I've flown behind it a bit now and it's a real joy. Very bright viewable screen, lots of really neat functions and very similar in look and feel to the HXr.

We'll have a couple planes on the grounds for Sun n Fun in Homebuilt parking with a Mini X installed so come on by and have a look see.

I'll let the GRT folks handle the delivery questions, but it's going to be worth the small wait.

Here's a photo of one in my panel. A very nice addition.

Dang it Widget

I was disappointed enough about the NC formation flying clinic being cancelled and now I find out I could have seen the Mini on some of the teams planes. Hopefully I'll have mine by the May reschdule.
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Question for GRT

I have the EIS4000 with OAT. Can I get the OAT from the EIS to the Mini without adding another probe? Thanks
I have the EIS4000 with OAT. Can I get the OAT from the EIS to the Mini without adding another probe? Thanks

Good question. You will need another OAT probe because the Mini doesn't communicate with the EIS. If you have a Sport or Horizon EFIS, however, it would take OAT info from that.

Widget, thanks for posting your photo. IT FLIES!!
Good question. You will need another OAT probe because the Mini doesn't communicate with the EIS.

Couldn''t you just splice into the OAT probe's wire and send the signal to the Mini? Or is there a reason this wouldn't work?
Katie, Will it pick up the GPS position from a data stream (external) to eliminate one more antenna?

Yes. It can take an RS-232 GPS input thru one of the serial ports. I would use the Mini's antenna instead of another, though, because the GPS aids the attitude calculation if there is no remote magnetometer. If it's a backup, I'd want the Mini to be self-contained.
Couldn''t you just splice into the OAT probe's wire and send the signal to the Mini? Or is there a reason this wouldn't work?

There is a reason this won't work. They are most limely thermistors which are biased thru a resistor. It would be easy to build a little isolation circuit, though. Or just feed it to the mini, forget using the EIS for this.
Couldn''t you just splice into the OAT probe's wire and send the signal to the Mini? Or is there a reason this wouldn't work?

The OAT sensor uses resistance to help measure the temperature. Splitting off to two units would affect the resistance and throw off the temperature reading.

(What Bob said!)
For those contemplating a Mini ...

1. The mounting screws are #4! Not enough room for #6's. We did not have what we wanted (#4, black, hex head screws) handy but were surprised that we were able to get them at ACE Hardware!!

2. You might want to consider getting some "floater" #4 plate nuts/nutplates.

3. If you are an HX or SX user already, the "buttonology" will be VERY familiar. Think one less button and double up on the right knob. I know that I am stating the obvious to most but it *could* have been different.

4. As Katie mentioned, I too really believe that you want to use its internal GPS module with the little puck placed appropriately.

Curious about the GPS aiding. Does the mini B have mems sensors for attitude?
If so, are they different sensors than in the more expensive mini?
Curious about the GPS aiding. Does the mini B have mems sensors for attitude?
If so, are they different sensors than in the more expensive mini?

All 3 versions of the Mini have the same next-generation GRT AHRS-- smaller, lighter, with even better redundancy built in. I don't know the specific type of sensor used, only that they're smaller than the ones we've used before, and our company owner/AHRS guru Greg is very happy with their performance in all his testing so far. The GPS aiding is necessary only for a Mini without a remote magnetometer, but it will also provide information to the AHRS if an installed remote magnetometer would ever fail or become interfered with. When a remote magnetometer is installed, the GPS aiding is just there for faster initial alignment and another layer of data redundancy for the AHRS. (The Mini-B does not have the hardware capability to accept a remote magnetometer. It's optional on the Mini-X, and included with the AP.)