For owners who are also CFI’s, did you submit one LODA application or two? If you want to teach in your experimental, is that a 3rd LODA (the “old” kind?)

I just submitted one application, with my N number (for owner loda) and cfi number (for cfi stuff), got back one piece of paper for both.
Yes, if you want to give instruction for hire in your EAB, you need the ‘old’ loda. The application process is nowhere near as streamlined as the current one, but if you’re serious send me a PM with your email address and I’ll forward the packet of forms and sample letters you need to send in. Note that it will be severely restricted, to ‘transition training only’ and for ‘only those with a bona fide need’. Also, check with your insurance company. Instruction to others in your airplane is usually not covered.
Sent my request in 7 days ago…so far no news other than automatic reply they received it.

Mine has to go to Van Nuys FSDO reputed to be worse FSDO in the system.

How did this turn out for you? I got mine, (and a friendly return phone call from the Ops officer), from the Van Nuys FSDO in four days.

Both were a pleasant surprise.
I just submitted one application, with my N number (for owner loda) and cfi number (for cfi stuff), got back one piece of paper for both.
Yes, if you want to give instruction for hire in your EAB, you need the ‘old’ loda. The application process is nowhere near as streamlined as the current one, but if you’re serious send me a PM with your email address and I’ll forward the packet of forms and sample letters you need to send in. Note that it will be severely restricted, to ‘transition training only’ and for ‘only those with a bona fide need’. Also, check with your insurance company. Instruction to others in your airplane is usually not covered.

Thanks Bob. I don’t want to do serious flight training in my airplane at this point, but I have in the past presented friends and family with a logbook and entry after a fun flight on the off chance that might encourage them to take up flight training at some point. Even though I never accepted compensation in any form it seems that might be running afoul the new regs (or interpretation thereof.)
Thanks Bob. I don’t want to do serious flight training in my airplane at this point, but I have in the past presented friends and family with a logbook and entry after a fun flight on the off chance that might encourage them to take up flight training at some point. Even though I never accepted compensation in any form it seems that might be running afoul the new regs (or interpretation thereof.)

I think you’re okay with the new owner LODA. It says the ‘owner (or designee)’ (I think that’s the word used, which I take to mean anyone flying with the owner’s permission)can pay for instruction at the usual and customary rate, as long as there is no charge for the airplane. I also think your prior activity is/was okay without the loda, since you received no compensation. The issue (not really new) that some have run into is ‘shared expenses’ where the flight must be incidental to the ‘common purpose’. e.g., a bunch of friends share the expenses of a flight to Las Vegas, where the friends go to gamble. But if the pilot stays at the fbo, then he fails the ‘common purpose’ test, and subsidized flying is compensation, to which he is not entitled since he had no common incidental purpose. Since you aren’t being paid or subsidized in any way I think you’re okay here.
I was shocked, sent my LODA request in at 10:15am Friday, received signed LODA back by amail at 2:45pm. 4 1/2 hours, impressed.
be aware

One of the first templates that was linked to, had an ERROR in the email link of the dashes was missing...
When I clicked on the link on the LODA pdf, it generated an email addressed to [email protected] instead of the full address. When I tried again by cutting and pasting the full address (and removing an extra space,) [email protected] I got an immediate Automatic Reply, "Thank you for your LODA request. We have received your application and will process it in the order it was received."

• Save the file and email it to 9-AVS-AFG-
[email protected]
as an attachment.
I filled out the form and emailed it prior to leaving for Oshkosh. Got the LODA back in less than a week. Curiously, it is from the Albuquerque FSDO, and not my local San Diego FSDO.
Noticed the same thing. I am in Michigan, but mine was signed by the Fargo FSDO. Wonder if they are being processed by whoever has time, location does not matter.
Got mine back signed in 24 hrs, and half of that was Sunday. South Florida FSDO did mine, I live in Los Angeles.

Thanks everyone on this thread for the help.
Same here: ~24 hours

I had the same experience. Emailed Sunday night (yesterday) for both the owner and CFI LODA. By end of business Monday I had them both. The interesting part was, I think the guy that sent mine was from the ABQ FSDO, whereas I'm in the MSP FSDO area. So maybe they're spreading out the workload. At any rate, it was quick.
Still Waiting

First submission 19 days ago, second submission after reading how quick they are coming back on 7/28. Still nothing, double checked that my e-mail address was correct and checked spam and junk folders.
Got LODA by email in 2 hours

An email from EAA this morning asking me to write my federal representatives in support of the Certainty for General Aviation Pilots Act spurred me to instead request a LODA by email. I got the signed form back two hours later.
Maybe congress could instead use the time to complete the infrastructure bill to lower our risk driving to our next Flight Review.
I'll claim the record so far for shortest turnaround...just about 1 hour from emailing it in to receiving it!
Sent mine in via email. In less than 30 minutes received the signed document.
Do we carry in the airplane? I have a signed copy saved to my ipad that I always fly with.