Great support from the Birmingham FSDO

I received my CFI and RV-8 LODA from the Birmingham FSDO in 3 working days.
They sent a PDF fill form that I have sent to all my RV / CFI friends so that they can get LODAs for each of their EAB / experimental exhibition aircraft.
5 days from apply to got it.

...and two of those were Saturday and Sunday.

Dallas, TX area.
I got my LODA today after applying last Wednesday. I hadn’t included my home airport and I got an email asking for the info. I am currently at KEUL but moving to KTEW in August so he put both on for me.

I do not in any way agree i should have to ask for permission to train in my own airplane and only applied to be able to be instructed until the regs are corrected. The FAA acted quickly to get me what they said I needed and I believe they know things have to be fixed.
Me Too!

Applied last week, I also forgot the "Based At" part. Got an e-mail today and replied with the missing info. waiting again.

Edit: Got my LODA today! (1 day later)
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Got it

Submitted email last Sunday, 11 July late night and received LODA from ATL FSDO this morning (19 July) early. All in all, good service for a silly product.

Too bad the Registration office can’t learn from this fiasco.
Sent info 7 days ago (did not use form). Got immediate confirmation of receipt but still no LODA from STL FSDO.

I got mine in 6 days from my FSDO. Very easy process, but surprised it is only good for 48 months.

Sent my request in 7 days ago…so far no news other than automatic reply they received it.

Mine has to go to Van Nuys FSDO reputed to be worse FSDO in the system.
Got My LODA for BFR Already

Can anyone answer this question. If I own an experimental aircraft and I get a LODA and my instructor gets a LODA that covers my airplane can he, the CFI, give me basic flight instruction for the Private Pilot certificate, the instrument certificate, or a commercial certificate? And if your answer is yes, how does that square with the language in the LODA which says " the extent necessary to receive or provide aircraft-specific training in an aircraft certificated in the experimental category in accordance with the limitation and provisions of this LODA?
Can anyone answer this question. If I own an experimental aircraft and I get a LODA and my instructor gets a LODA that covers my airplane can he, the CFI, give me basic flight instruction for the Private Pilot certificate, the instrument certificate, or a commercial certificate? And if your answer is yes, how does that square with the language in the LODA which says " the extent necessary to receive or provide aircraft-specific training in an aircraft certificated in the experimental category in accordance with the limitation and provisions of this LODA?

aircraft specific training is undefined. For example, this could mean only giving SES training in an aircraft specifically designed for sea operations. Or it could mean only giving rotor craft training in a rotor aircraft. Or it could mean training is authorized specifically fory YOUR aircraft. Or it could mean countless other things. You get the point; It is VERY vague. Everyone seems to be guessing that this refers to training that can't be done in a different aircraft, because we have seen the FAA mention this position in other non-regulatory statements related to transition training LODAs. However, the LODA doesn't say that. The limitations, which governs the LODA, say nothing about the type of training that is either allowed or not allowed, therefore we can assume ALL training is allowed unless prohibited by some other regulation. If the FAA didn't want to allow you to do PPL training under this LODA, I have all confidence that it would have been stated explicitly in the limitations section. Ever read the FARs? They are not shy about telling you EXACTLY what you can and can't do. That is the way regulatory documents work; They demand clarity.

You simply can't logically extrapolate that "aircraft specific training" means only things that can't be done in another aircraft from the context of the LODA language. If the FAA wanted that limitation, they would have been more clear and detailed in the limitations section.

I am using the LODA to complete my son's training in our 6A. In my interpretation this was allowed before the LODA and is still allowed with the LODA.

Just one man's opinion to consider. Also, it was my understanding that the LODA for the CFI covers ALL experimental aircraft and is not aircraft specific. Maybe that is what the FAA meant with the terminology; Your LODA is SPECIFIC to your aircraft and can't be used in other aircraft. This is logical and is supported by the context of the LODA, which clearly implies that it can only be used for your aircraft. Curious if the CFI LODA has the same wording. I am guessing it doesn't.

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I received mine yesterday. It took 1 week. Salt Lake FSDO. The op limits state it's good for 48 months.
CFI loda


I just received both owner and CFI lodas. They are the same with the exception that the CFI version does NOT specify air aircraft type or registration. My read is that it is valid for any EAB that I am qualified to instruct in…

I just received both owner and CFI lodas. They are the same with the exception that the CFI version does NOT specify air aircraft type or registration. My read is that it is valid for any EAB that I am qualified to instruct in…

Thanks. That is what I thought, but not a CFI so never saw wording.
I have both owner and cfi LODAs on one piece of paper. IMHO ‘aircraft specific training’ means training in a specific aircraft, the aircraft listed in the box below that statement. In that box mine says ‘owner LODA only’. e.g., the owner LODA is for that N number; my cfi LODA is not restricted to any particular aircraft.
Got mine after a week from the LAX FSDO. After having it in hand, I sent a somewhat fiery opinion voicing how stupid this was, I am no safer than I was yesterday, and the waste of tax payer funds. Within 5 minutes of hitting send on said email, my phone rang from an unknown Los Angeles number. “Hi this is Xxx xxxxx with the LA FSDO.” As I was about to **** my pants, I was met with a agreement from him that everything in email was true and he wanted to respond, but couldn’t put it in writing. What a relief. We chatted for 15 minutes, wasted more tax dollars and went about our day. Kudos Mr. Big Bad FAA
New LODA = Better Transition Training.

In a way, this new LODA process is a boon to CFIs who are willing to do transition training, in their own RVs, or in the customer RVs. Before there is a problem of people finding transition training in RV8 since there are limited number of LODA RV8s like Bruce B. setup. Now, CFI can train new RV8 owners in their own airplanes. How? CFI flies in front seat until the CFI is sure the student (owner) can competently fly in front seat. This makes transition training even easier.
In a way, this new LODA process is a boon to CFIs who are willing to do transition training, in their own RVs, or in the customer RVs. Before there is a problem of people finding transition training in RV8 since there are limited number of LODA RV8s like Bruce B. setup. Now, CFI can train new RV8 owners in their own airplanes. How? CFI flies in front seat until the CFI is sure the student (owner) can competently fly in front seat. This makes transition training even easier.

Well, I disagree. Under the old interpretation (more than a month ago) CFI’s could be paid to train pilots in the pilot’s own plane. This new LODA simply makes that previous interpretation legal (again). But this new LODA does not allow a for-hire CFI to furnish the EAB airplane for someone else’s use. For that, you need the ‘old’ LODA, which allowed the cfi-owner to charge for his airplane, but for transition training only. Getting this loda is not hard. The real issue is getting insurance that will cover the airplane when it’s being used for hire, for giving instruction to the non-owner. The insurance is expensive, which is why there are so few active transition trainers furnishing an airplane.
Can anyone answer this question. If I own an experimental aircraft and I get a LODA and my instructor gets a LODA that covers my airplane can he, the CFI, give me basic flight instruction for the Private Pilot certificate, the instrument certificate, or a commercial certificate? And if your answer is yes, how does that square with the language in the LODA which says " the extent necessary to receive or provide aircraft-specific training in an aircraft certificated in the experimental category in accordance with the limitation and provisions of this LODA?

In my opinion, the answer is included in the language issued by the FAA:

The FAA finds that, for owners of experimental aircraft seeking flight training in the aircraft they will regularly fly in the national airspace, the standard under § 91.319(h)(2) for granting a LODA has been met. The FAA has long emphasized the importance of pilots being trained and checked in the aircraft they will operate. Specifically, it is critical that pilots understand and are familiar with the particular systems, procedures, operating characteristics, and limitations of the aircraft they will operate. This flight training is distinct from a situation where an aircraft with a special airworthiness certificate is “held out” broadly for training to individuals who pay for both the flight training and the use of an aircraft that they will not have further access to upon completion of LODA training.

So, the FAA apparently holds the belief that we should train in the specific aircraft we own, or fly regularly.
Well, I disagree. Under the old interpretation (more than a month ago) CFI’s could be paid to train pilots in the pilot’s own plane. This new LODA simply makes that previous interpretation legal (again). But this new LODA does not allow a for-hire CFI to furnish the EAB airplane for someone else’s use. For that, you need the ‘old’ LODA, which allowed the cfi-owner to charge for his airplane, but for transition training only. Getting this loda is not hard. The real issue is getting insurance that will cover the airplane when it’s being used for hire, for giving instruction to the non-owner. The insurance is expensive, which is why there are so few active transition trainers furnishing an airplane.

What I meant is the CFI can perform transition training in the owner's RVs instead of the CFI furninishing his own aircraft, the "old" LODA, and insurance. The aircraft owner can hire CFI for training, any training since the new LODA is so liberally defined, including transition, as long as the owner has a LODA before hiring the CFI.
What I meant is the CFI can perform transition training in the owner's RVs instead of the CFI furninishing his own aircraft, the "old" LODA, and insurance. The aircraft owner can hire CFI for training, any training since the new LODA is so liberally defined, including transition, as long as the owner has a LODA before hiring the CFI.

You had the right to do that before Aug 12th.
Is everyone receiving a automated reply that faa received your email? I sent mine in and never got a reply.
Applied 7/15, no confirmation received, but LODA arrived in my inbox today.

The LODA was signed by a rep of the Fargo FSDO even though I live in the deep South.
Sent request on 7/18 via email, received the signed LODA today 7/26, signed by someone at the Louisville FSDO. (I'm in the NW / PDX FSDO region).
Sent mine in on the 19th and got it back yesterday, 27th. Also signed by Louisville FSDO instead of my local Houston FSDO.
Applied 7/15, no confirmation received, but LODA arrived in my inbox today.

The LODA was signed by a rep of the Fargo FSDO even though I live in the deep South.

Sent mine on the 19th, received 27th. Fargo close to me, but mine came from Wichita FSDO. Kudos to the FAA for getting these out so quickly. (MN driver's license address change took 2 months...)
Sent mine on the 19th, received 27th. Fargo close to me, but mine came from Wichita FSDO. Kudos to the FAA for getting these out so quickly. (MN driver's license address change took 2 months...)

E-mail sent 7/18, signed LODA rcvd 7/28 from Fargo, not Oakland FSDO. Seems like some sort of load balancing amongst the local offices.
3 FSDOs replied

Sent 2 requests out via the same email address. One for me as owner/to receive instruction in my aircraft, the second for giving instruction in any EAB a a CFI. Got the LODAs within a few days but from 3 different FSDOs! All 3 gave me the LODA for giving instruction, but only 1 gave me a LODA for receiving instruction.
I live in NC. I got a reply from my local FSDO in Greensboro but also one from South Florida and Fargo. SFL is the only one to issue me the receive instruction.

Anyone else get back more than one letter from diff FSDOs?

I have received 3 CFI lodas and 2 owner lodas since applying. All identical except the Fsdo signature…interesting…
I submitted my request 7/19 and still have not received anything?

For those that have received theirs, did it come from an individual email address or a group email address from the FAA? I'm wondering if mine went to spam somehow and got deleted or I overlooked it.
For owners who are also CFI’s, did you submit one LODA application or two? If you want to teach in your experimental, is that a 3rd LODA (the “old” kind?)
Sent my request in 7 days ago…so far no news other than automatic reply they received it.

Mine has to go to Van Nuys FSDO reputed to be worse FSDO in the system.

Dabney, did you eventually get your LODA(s) from VNY FSDO?