+1 on this! Great idea.

If so, is there any thought on the distant horizon to incorporating a database in the G5 to allow it to display limited backup navigation (eg, bearing/distance to airport or navaid) info as a standalone system (a bit like the Avmap Ultra)?
Sorry if I missed this in an earlier post...

Will the G5 play nicely with a Garmin 496??

Will the G5 take nav data from a King Nav Receiver?

Am I reading correctly that, for a standalone installation, the HSI information must come from a connected GPS navigator, not the internal GPS in the G5 instrument? I presume this would be because the G5 does not carry any database.

If so, is there any thought on the distant horizon to incorporating a database in the G5 to allow it to display limited backup navigation (eg, bearing/distance to airport or navaid) info as a standalone system (a bit like the Avmap Ultra)?

Hello Mike,

Yes, this is correct that the G5 uses external navigation. As mentioned in our previous posting relating to independence and dissimilarity, we very intentionally kept databases, and functionality which uses databases, out of the G5.

Don't forget that if you use the G5 in a G3X system, it receives navigation data over the CAN bus from GNS/GTN navigators even if the big displays are unavailable.

Even if you don't have it in a G3X system, you may directly connect portable GPS units (using NMEA Out), GNS/GTN units (Aviation Out), and even SL30 and GNC255 NAV radios to the G5 RS-232 port to provide navigation information to the G5.

Sorry if I missed this in an earlier post...

Will the G5 play nicely with a Garmin 496??

Will the G5 take nav data from a King Nav Receiver?


Hello KrashMaster,

Yes, you may connect the NMEA Out from the GPSMAP 496 to the RS-232 input on the G5.

Not sure about the King Nav Receiver, but it is unlikely that it provides a compatible interface. The supported RS-232 interfaces are listed in the G5 User's Guide.


Thanks for that info. I was half hoping you'd say no in regards to the 496 so I'd have a good excuse to buy a new Aera 660... ;-)

It would be particularly cool if it could take navigation from Garmin Pulot on my iPad... :)
Hello Mike,

Yes, this is correct that the G5 uses external navigation. As mentioned in our previous posting relating to independence and dissimilarity, we very intentionally kept databases, and functionality which uses databases, out of the G5.
Fair enough. I don't entirely follow the logic, because there is a lot of functionality and basic situational display capability on its PFD and HSI pages incorporated into the G5 software which someone has taken a lot of time to develop (not to mention incorporating its own internal GPS etc), but that it obviously needs other sources to process on its behalf.

I doubt anyone wants synthetic vision databases and full EFIS navigation functionality (that'd be kinda silly in such a compact standby instrument) but Garmin's own words include "standalone backup" and "the ultimate get home option". Don't get me wrong - it looks great - but it sort of trips on that last hurdle. It'll keep you the right way up without any other assistance, but it won't point you home. ;)
G5 Primary display for IFR

Hi G3xpert can I use the G5 as a primary display for IFR. My altimeter failed
the IFR certification and would like to replace the altimeter with the G5.
I would interface my GNS480 thru the GAD 29.
Thanks Bill
Hi G3xpert can I use the G5 as a primary display for IFR. My altimeter failed
the IFR certification and would like to replace the altimeter with the G5.
I would interface my GNS480 thru the GAD 29.
Thanks Bill

Hello Bill,

Yes, you may use a G5 in combination with a GAD 29 to receive and display the lateral/vertical navigation guidance from the GNS480.

If you add some GSA 28 servos and a GMC 305/307, you can even fly it autopilot coupled!

We saw your email and will get you an answer to your wiring questions.

Hi G3xpert can I use the G5 as a primary display for IFR. My altimeter failed
the IFR certification and would like to replace the altimeter with the G5.
I would interface my GNS480 thru the GAD 29.
Thanks Bill

Assuming the G5 is tested and inspected and found to comply with appendix E of part 43 then you may use it for an IFR altitude source in experimental aircraft.

Thanks Walt... Steve I purchased a G5 this morning and need to know if I
can use the built in altimeter as a IFR altitude source for IFR flight.
Thanks Steve..
Thanks Walt... Steve I purchased a G5 this morning and need to know if I
can use the built in altimeter as a IFR altitude source for IFR flight.
Thanks Steve..

Hello Bill,

Yes, the G5 may be used for this purpose. It also supports an Altitude Encoder serial output should you need it to provide data to your transponder.

No magnatometer

Garmin guys,

If I understand a previous post correctly, you can't connect a magnetometer to a standalone G5 to get mag hdg vs GPS hdg. Are there future plans to add this capability? Seems senseless to have deviation indications for approaches if you don't have mag hdg capability to fly an approach.

Isn't it much more accurate to fly an approach with ground track vs magnetic heading?
Isn't it much more accurate to fly an approach with ground track vs magnetic heading?

Yes, once on final. But if you're being vectored it drives controllers nuts (they use lots of experience to give you a heading that corrects for wind drift. If you fly ground track that doesn't work).
I don't think you can legally fly an ILS or VOR approach without mag hdg. And as mentioned above, the controllers headings are magnetic so in controlled airspace you are not following the controller instructions.
This may have already been answered, but with a GTN-650 tied via ARINC to an AFS 5600 and a TruTrak Vizion 385, what options are available by adding the G3X? Can the GTN also be tied to the G5 via the CAN bus? Is there an option to drive the TruTrak from the G5 also (RS232 would work, but ARINC would be preferred) if the AFS were to fail?

Oh, and is the G5 already shipping?
I don't think you can legally fly an ILS or VOR approach without mag hdg. And as mentioned above, the controllers headings are magnetic so in controlled airspace you are not following the controller instructions.

If we are still on the discussion point of assuming the G5 is your backup device, and not the primary, then it would get used if the primary fails. In this situation (I'm not IFR rated, so it's an honest question here, I really don't know) wouldn't this be a point where declaring an emergency and using the tools available, whether ideal or not, to get on the ground is kosher? Is there a requirement for the backup device to handle ALL of the functions of the primary? What level of failure does partial panel allow for in this scenario?
This may have already been answered, but with a GTN-650 tied via ARINC to an AFS 5600 and a TruTrak Vizion 385, what options are available by adding the G3X? Can the GTN also be tied to the G5 via the CAN bus? Is there an option to drive the TruTrak from the G5 also (RS232 would work, but ARINC would be preferred) if the AFS were to fail?

Oh, and is the G5 already shipping?

Hello Jesse,

Yes, the G5 has been shipping for quite some time. Some were even sold at SNF.

Your question asks about adding a G3X, but we suspect you meant to ask about adding a G5 and will respond accordingly.

The GTN doesn't have any ability to interface to the G5 using the CAN bus, but can interface to the G5 using MapMX RS-232 (or ARINC 429 if a GAD 29 interface is installed).

While the G5 can provide the ADAHRS and flight director function for a GSA 28 based autopilot when installed in combination with a GMC 305/307, it doesn't work with any 3rd party autopilots in this manner. It does support an NMEA output for the built-in GPS if there were a need to provide basic PVT data to the autopilot you mention.


I have an RV-3B with a GPS Map 696 and GMX 40 XM antenna with weather subscription. I just ordered a new G5 with an install kit and battery option. This will be a "stand alone" installation without a G3X or GTN or GNS. At the same time I ordered a new GTR 200 com to replace the existing KX-155 and have a new in the box GTX 327 Mode C transponder I plan on installing at the same time. I already have configured a new wishlist with a GMC 307 and two GSA 28 autopilot servos.

So my questions are related to the RS232 interface(s) between all these Garmin components.

1.) My GPS MAP 696 has one serial output. Can it provide nav data to the G5 at the same time it provides database and tuning information to the GTR 200? In other words take the single RS232 out wire from the 696 and tie it both external components in parallel.

2.) I intend on using the G5 RS232 out for altitude encoding to the GTX 327. Would this be affected by the serial configuration in question 1.) above? If I add a ADS-B out transmitter with it's own internal WAAS source will the G5 and GTX 327 RS232 data be compatible for an external ADS interface for transponder/altitude source?

3.) The GSA 28 servos use the G5 CAN Bus interface in cooperation with the GMC 307. Can a remote magnetometer also be added to the CAN Bus in my defined stand alone configuration? I have a very inaccurate Horizon vertical card magnetic compass. Worthless. I thought it would be great to replace it with a magnetometer and have magnetic heading displayed on the G5.

Thanks for a great product and for Team X inspiration and support.


I have an RV-3B with a GPS Map 696 and GMX 40 XM antenna with weather subscription. I just ordered a new G5 with an install kit and battery option. This will be a "stand alone" installation without a G3X or GTN or GNS. At the same time I ordered a new GTR 200 com to replace the existing KX-155 and have a new in the box GTX 327 Mode C transponder I plan on installing at the same time. I already have configured a new wishlist with a GMC 307 and two GSA 28 autopilot servos.

So my questions are related to the RS232 interface(s) between all these Garmin components.

1.) My GPS MAP 696 has one serial output. Can it provide nav data to the G5 at the same time it provides database and tuning information to the GTR 200? In other words take the single RS232 out wire from the 696 and tie it both external components in parallel.

2.) I intend on using the G5 RS232 out for altitude encoding to the GTX 327. Would this be affected by the serial configuration in question 1.) above? If I add a ADS-B out transmitter with it's own internal WAAS source will the G5 and GTX 327 RS232 data be compatible for an external ADS interface for transponder/altitude source?

3.) The GSA 28 servos use the G5 CAN Bus interface in cooperation with the GMC 307. Can a remote magnetometer also be added to the CAN Bus in my defined stand alone configuration? I have a very inaccurate Horizon vertical card magnetic compass. Worthless. I thought it would be great to replace it with a magnetometer and have magnetic heading displayed on the G5.

Thanks for a great product and for Team X inspiration and support.


Hello Jim,

Thank you for purchasing the G5 and GTR 200 for your RV and for your kind words.

1.) My GPS MAP 696 has one serial output. Can it provide nav data to the G5 at the same time it provides database and tuning information to the GTR 200? In other words take the single RS232 out wire from the 696 and tie it both external components in parallel.
Yes, you should be able to configure the GPSMAP 696 serial port for "Aviation In/NMEA & VHF Out" and connect the single 696 output to the inputs on both the GTR 200 and G5.

2.) I intend on using the G5 RS232 out for altitude encoding to the GTX 327. Would this be affected by the serial configuration in question 1.) above?
This should work fine. Configure the G5 input port to "NMEA" and the output port to "Altitude Encoder".

If I add a ADS-B out transmitter with it's own internal WAAS source will the G5 and GTX 327 RS232 data be compatible for an external ADS interface for transponder/altitude source?
The answer may depend on what you choose for your ADS-B Out device, but the GTX 327 should continue to use the G5 as its altitude encoder regardless.

3.) The GSA 28 servos use the G5 CAN Bus interface in cooperation with the GMC 307. Can a remote magnetometer also be added to the CAN Bus in my defined stand alone configuration? I have a very inaccurate Horizon vertical card magnetic compass. Worthless. I thought it would be great to replace it with a magnetometer and have magnetic heading displayed on the G5.
We don't currently offer a remote magnetometer option for the G5 in a stand alone installation.

Thanks, Steve.

One last question concerning the GTX 327 receiving RS232 data from the G5 instrument. You say to set the G5 serial port out (pin 5) to ALTITUDE ENCODER format. What should the GTX 327 serial data in (pin 19) be set to within the GTX RS232 INPUT Menu Page to use the G5 altitude encoding? GPS? ICARUS ALT? SHADIN ALT? REMOTE? Also, it looks like I can pass the same altitude data through the GTX to another device with the the GTX RS232 OUTPUT Menu Page.

Also, should there be a signal ground on the serial signal circuit wire from the G5 to the GTX or the GPSMAP 696 to GTR200? Maybe just a shield grounded on one end or both?

Thanks again. Based on our answers to my first set of questions in the last post I am proceeding with the GMC 307 and GSA 28's.

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Thanks, Steve.

One last question concerning the GTX 327 receiving RS232 data from the G5 instrument. You say to set the G5 serial port out (pin 5) to ALTITUDE ENCODER format. What should the GTX 327 serial data in (pin 19) be set to within the GTX RS232 INPUT Menu Page to use the G5 altitude encoding? GPS? ICARUS ALT? SHADIN ALT? REMOTE? Also, it looks like I can pass the same altitude data through the GTX to another device with the the GTX RS232 OUTPUT Menu Page.

Also, should there be a signal ground on the serial signal circuit wire from the G5 to the GTX or the GPSMAP 696 to GTR200? Maybe just a shield grounded on one end or both?

Thanks again. Based on our answers to my first set of questions in the last post I am proceeding with the GMC 307 and GSA 28's.


Hello Jim,

Page 76 of the G5 manual explains the data which is transmitted when "Altitude Encoder" is selected, and it says "Outputs altitude encoder data to a compatible transponder. Both Icarus and Shadin-format messages are output when using this format".

Since the GTX 327 installation manual explains that the GTX 327 prioritizes Shadin format data over Icarus, we recommend you configure the GTX 327 serial port to "Shadin ALT".

The wire shield serves a different purpose than the signal ground (keeps noise in/out). The RS-232 wire shield should be connected to a backshell shield block or other chassis ground on each end.

Pin 6 is the G5 RS-232 signal ground pin. It should be connected to a corresponding RS-232 signal ground on the other device, or when not available, to any signal or power ground on the other device. If no signal ground is available on either unit that is being connected, make sure both are at a common power ground.


I see where my new Garmin GTR 200 has a CANBUS interface built into the unit. Will this interface with the G5? That intuitively doesn't make sense but it seems like a more modern interface than the RS232. I was thinking the G5 would pass through the GPSMAP 696 information to the GTR 200 rather than wiring the GTR directly to the 696.


I see where my new Garmin GTR 200 has a CANBUS interface built into the unit. Will this interface with the G5? That intuitively doesn't make sense but it seems like a more modern interface than the RS232. I was thinking the G5 would pass through the GPSMAP 696 information to the GTR 200 rather than wiring the GTR directly to the 696.


Hello Jim,

Good question.

While the G5 will not relay your 696 data to the GTR 200, you may configure the 696 RS-232 output for "Aviation In/NMEA & VHF Out" and connect the 696 output to both your G5 and your GTR 200 so the G5 has the navigation data it needs and the GTR 200 has all the flight plan and nearby frequency data it needs to unleash the full power of the GTR 200.

Hello jcfolck,

Yes, the G5 HSI can display lateral and vertical deviation from both the GPS and VOR/ILS portions of a GTN 650. This does require installation of the GAD 29 ARINC 429 adapter.

- Matt

Is this information displayed overlaid on the attitude (primary) page or on a separate page?
Is this information displayed overlaid on the attitude (primary) page or on a separate page?

GPS source

NAV source

Garmin G5

I'm installing two G5, one as a ADI and the other as HSI..They will be connected to a Garmin 650 then to a GAD 29. Can they be wired to both G5 while only using one GAD 29..

Thank you!
Jim Folck
[email protected]
I'm installing two G5, one as a ADI and the other as HSI..They will be connected to a Garmin 650 then to a GAD 29. Can they be wired to both G5 while only using one GAD 29..

Hello Jim,

Yes, that configuration is definitely supported. A wiring diagram showing this setup will appear in the next revision of the G5 installation manual, which should be available later this month. If you need an advance copy of the diagram sooner, drop us a line at the email address below and we should be able to fix you up.

- Matt
G5, GNC 255A & Gad 29


I am planning on replacing my Trutrak Gemini PFD, my Narco 122 VOR/ILS and the GTR 200 with the following:

- Garmin G5 with backup battery receiving the RS232 input from my already installed Aera 660 GPS.
- Garmin GNC 255A
- GAD 29 Interface
- Garmin GTX 335 Transponder (down the road a bit) to replace my Collins TDR-950

When the GNC 255A has an ILS frequency tuned how does it display on the G5 if interfaced via the GAD 29? I know the G5 has a flight director display (dual and single cue) but the manual doesn't specifically show what flight director guidance is available on the G5 for an ILS approach. It shows a dual cue flight director display when tied to a GPS source but not specific on what you see on the G5 with an ILS tuned.

- What do you get for a flight director on the G5 and/or can you select between dual cue and single cue for an ILS?

- A previous post mentioned that the G5 RS232 output can be sent to compatible transponders as the altitude encoder. Does this eliminate the need for ANY other altitude encoder? I plan on a future upgrade using a Garmin GTX 335 (with GPS) as an ADSB-out solution.




Hello Oly - Thanks for your interest in the G5.

The GNC 255 has an RS-232 output, so you would not need the GAD 29 ARINC 429 converter for your proposed installation. A direct RS-232 connection is all that would be required.

Please note that the G5 does not support interfacing to multiple navigation sources. So with your proposed equipment list, you would need to decide if you want to configure the G5 to display navigation information from the aera 660 or GNC 255, since two different navigation sources are not supported. Or you could install two G5s if you want to see navigation data from two different RS-232 sources.

The G5 displays navigation data (GPS, VOR, or ILS) either on its dedicated HSI page, or via horizontal/vertical deviation indicators on the PFD. You can see images of this in section 2.8 of the G5 manual: http://static.garmin.com/pumac/190-02072-00_B.pdf

The G5 flight director is part of the automatic flight control system, which requires a GMC 305/307 mode control panel and GSA 28 autopilot servos. Without those components you would not see a flight director, only the basic PFD display and horizontal/vertical deviation indicators.

Yes, you may use the G5 as the altitude encoder for your GTX 335, and no other altitude encoder would be required.

- Matt
The G5 flight director is part of the automatic flight control system, which requires a GMC 305/307 mode control panel and GSA 28 autopilot servos. Without those components you would not see a flight director, only the basic PFD display and horizontal/vertical deviation indicators.

Hi, what happens if you have a G5, GMC 305/307 driving a Trutrak Vizion 385 (either standalone or as part of a G3X Touch solution)?

Have you added support for configuring the GMU22 magnetometer in a standalone G5 installation? If not, is it on the short term roadmap?

Hi, what happens if you have a G5, GMC 305/307 driving a Trutrak Vizion 385 (either standalone or as part of a G3X Touch solution)?

Have you added support for configuring the GMU22 magnetometer in a standalone G5 installation? If not, is it on the short term roadmap?

Hello jeffk,

The G5 does not support integration with third-party autopilots. In a standalone G5 installation where a third-party autopilot is installed, a GMC 305/307 would not be used. You may still connect your third-party autopilot to your navigation source and use whatever features it supports.

In a G3X system installation with GDU displays + GMC 305/307 + G5 + third-party autopilot, if power is removed from all GDU displays the third-party autopilot would still provide its own built-in functionality. In this case the G5 would be a standby flight instrument only. This is no different from an existing G3X + third-party autopilot installation with any other standby flight instrument.

We are aware of interest in a magnetometer solution for standalone G5 installations, but that's all we can say at this time.

- Matt
Garmin G5


A lot of us thought the G5 was going to have a flight director enabled for shooting ILS approaches totally within the G5. Granted that can still happen but with just course deviation indicators it's really just a raw data approach and hard to justify the cost & time to upgrade when I have that capability now with the Narco 122. I know a lot of other RVs have pretty basic Nav displays but for the price point the G5 would be a hot seller with a flight director ILS.

Maybe there's more to it but can't the software within the G5 at least produce large ILS needles in the center of the display similar to the dual cue flight director instead of just tiny raw data deviation indicators on the side and bottom of the display? Even if it's still not a flight director (would be nice if it was) it would be far better than raw data CDIs.

Any long term plans for this? If so I am waiting to write some checks,
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A lot of us thought the G5 was going to have a flight director enabled in the G5 for shooting ILS approaches totally within the G5. Granted that can still happen but with just course deviation indicators it's really just a raw data approach and hard to justify the cost & time to upgrade when I have that capability now with the Narco 122. I know a lot of other RVs have pretty basic Nav displays but for the price point the G5 would be a hot seller with a flight director ILS.


Maybe you should look at the new GRT Sport EX, with inverted V FD included.

Thanks for the reply Bob but I am looking for something that will fit in a 3 1/8" instrument hole to replace the Gemini PFD. Don't get me wrong here, the Trutrak Gemini PFD is a fine instrument but I am striving for something I can shoot a flight director ILS in the 3 1/8" ADI and not something that will take up over half of my panel space.

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I plan on getting one for a certified aircraft. According to the Garmin website it appears the optional antenna will cost $350. What's so special about this particular antenna and why can't I just use the 26c antenna? Beside the obvious answer that it's not a certified antenna.
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I plan on getting one for a certified aircraft. According to the Garmin website it appears the optional antenna will cost $350. What's so special about this particular antenna and why can't I just use the 26c antenna? Beside the obvious answer that it's not a certified antenna.

Hello Jorge,

Thank you for your interest in the G5.

As specified in the G5 STC installation manual, the STC does not approve the installation of a GPS antenna. A separate airworthiness approval for antenna installation is required except for existing or previously approved installations.

Note also that the G5 may use GPS data from a GTN6XX/7XX or GNS4XXW/5XXW over the serial port if you have one of these IFR navigators installed.

It also specifies that other antennas that meet the specifications listed in the manual will work with the G5, but it is the installer?s responsibility to ensure that their choice of antenna meets FAA standards according to this specific installation.

The GA 26C antenna meets these specifications and works great with the G5, but receiving approval for using this antenna in the installation is likely to be challenging given there is no TSO sticker on the back.

It would be best to discuss antenna options with your Garmin dealer and installer, but you may also contact us directly via phone or email as shown below.

great educational resource

I downloaded the install manual that Steve posted, just to read for background info.
It is worth reading even if you are not yet ready to purchase.
Things like silicone fusion tape, yaw doublet, yaw body rate and more caught my eye, as being new to me.
The manual is well written, as usual. Garmin has put resources into the product that are commensurate with certified pricing.... but at experimental level investment. Well done !

If there is no pitot or static lines run to the unit will it then display GPS ground speed for airspeed and GPS altitude in place of baro altitude? I am looking to use this as a backup instrument and presently do have pitot and static at my panel. The only connection other than power I would have is an RS232 from a 430w. Are there any major drawback to this approach?

I will be mounting this on the instrument panel of an RV-6 and wondering if the internal GPS antenna would be ok in this configuration?


If there is no pitot or static lines run to the unit will it then display GPS ground speed for airspeed and GPS altitude in place of baro altitude? I am looking to use this as a backup instrument and presently do have pitot and static at my panel. The only connection other than power I would have is an RS232 from a 430w. Are there any major drawback to this approach?

I will be mounting this on the instrument panel of an RV-6 and wondering if the internal GPS antenna would be ok in this configuration?


I hope the G3Xpert will confirm if what I type is correct.

The G5 manual has the following:

Bottom of page 17:
NOTE: A G5 installed as a standalone unit may optionally be configured to disable its internal air data sensors. In this case, no connection to the aircraft's pitot/static system is required.

Page 37:
Attitude Sensors: (standalone installation only) Select "Disabled" to disable
the G5's internal air data sensors and hide airspeed, altitude, and vertical speed
information on the PFD. This option is intended for G5 installations where the pitot/ static inputs are not connected.

The above leads me to believe that the Air Data info can be turned off so as to not display.
Gary / Matt

So are you saying there will be a blank space for Airspeed and Altitude instead of showing GPS derived data?
Gary / Matt

So are you saying there will be a blank space for Airspeed and Altitude instead of showing GPS derived data?

Hello Tommy,

Yes, that is essentially correct, but we do show some additional GPS data. We should post an image of that since it looks pretty nice.

If you take this image (with airspeed/altitude sensors active), remove the airspeed and altitude tapes, make the GPS track bar full width, keep the two fields at the bottom, but replace baro setting with GPS altitude; you have a G5 operating with air data sensors disabled.


G5 GPS Data

I know the G5 can share GPS data from a G3X/G3X Touch LRU but where does that data come from, the CAN bus or the RS-232 data link?
