Thank You Jetguy

The instructions you posted in response to my query (page 9) were quite good and I managed the 5.4 upgrade today. For those who may be anticipating this process, a few cautions: 1) The USB-9Pin Connector is way too short. Getcha an extension; 2) Vans update page directs you to a site to learn about unzipping files. Be warned, one of the recommended programs, 7-Zip or something like that is a big pop-up machine.

Those crazy Dynons!

Jim let me know when you get ready for your first flight and Ill fly down and let you get some stick time in my 12. We are located in Denton Tx.
RV12 N1212K:)
Fer Sure!

Very generous offer. Can reciprocate in high-test auto gas, margaritas on the River Walk or Hill Country barbecue! Jim
Well, my 1st Dynon that I returned has been returned to me as I stated in the earlier post. Installed it , ran the DSAB reconfiguation, re set the mag cal. and swung the compass on a compass rose. First flight today revealed that I now have thje wind/dir/spd, as well as the HSI. Eureka!! Problem is the readings are off the wall as compass is haywire, and the other two will not read correctly w/o the compass doing it's job. While heading back to 9A1 from the east with the Garmin bearing at 258 the Efis compass heading was 162, and sliding from one side to the other. The wind spd was shown as 99kts. (it was about 5) and the indicated wind direction was roughly NW while in reality it was 090.

Van, are you reading these blogs? For only having 54 RV12's in the air we are seeing far too many problems with the 180k.

I re-swung the compass today, or tried to, but with the 12 in the four positions my efis compass read 034 for N, 077 for E, 124 for S, and 025 to 034 and sliding between the two for W.
Anyone have any ideas out there? (No, I haven't talked with Dynon yet. They don't support on weekends).
Dick Seiders 120093
Calibrating compass

Did you set the magnetic inclination and intensity for your location before calibrating the compass? If so, what numbers did you use?
Magnetic interference

Is there any type of magnetic interference near the remote sensor? Originally Van's used steel screws on the D-Sub connector but later changed them to non-magnetic stainless steel.
The bracket that holds the remote compass can be mounted in two locations on the bulkhead. Is yours mounted correctly?
Joe, yes it is mounted as per instructions. Also when the screw change came out I installed those as well.
I was looking at the Dynon blog tonite and will try to re-calibrate the compass again with all devices turned on. I did not have any on except the 180 itself.
What I don't understand about this whole never-ending process is why all these trouble shooting adjustments are required of the builders. I thought I had purchased a build it per instructions kit and turn it on and go.
A most notable disappointment is the total absence of Van's involvement in these issues with the Dynon. If they don't know how to solve these problems it is their responsibility to make an effort to find out. After all, we did not buy the RV12 from Dynon. We bought it from Van's.
Dick Seiders 120093
Dick, has the heading functions ever worked correctly.

I know you say that the magnetometer is installed correctly, but other builders (who were adamant that it was) eventually found that it was installed upside down. This gave symptoms very similar to what you are seeing now.

It might be worth a careful check.
What I don't understand about this whole never-ending process is why all these trouble shooting adjustments are required of the builders. I thought I had purchased a build it per instructions kit and turn it on and go.
A most notable disappointment is the total absence of Van's involvement in these issues with the Dynon. If they don't know how to solve these problems it is their responsibility to make an effort to find out. After all, we did not buy the RV12 from Dynon. We bought it from Van's.
Dick Seiders 120093

Hi Dick,

Welcome to the club, we have jackets and a 12 step process, yes sadly because of one person there at Van's who should get back to his drawing board and leave business and customer support to the good people there who would like to help us we now find that they have sold us 2/3 of the kit that they have no way or intention of supporting (firewall forward and Avionics) they do not have the staff with education in these areas and try to tell us it is like an RV-8 they just sell engines!

It is doing a lot of damage to their reputation and it is very hard to understand why they will not even provide the information Dynon has requested so that they can be of better help to us as Dynon has seen that their brand is also being hurt and they would like to keep us happy but they are not able to get details out of Van's either.

I am at the point where I should be ordering the engine and avionics for my second RV-12 and I am forced to consider going EAB, and I much prefer to go ELSA, but with no support from Van's it is hard, and feel like I am making the same mistake twice.

Best regards,
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Scott, overlooked first question. No it did not, but I wasn't concerned as I had not previously performed the Mag calibration.
Vern, very well said. Did none of this group ever hear of the now soon to be forgotten Blue Mountain Avioncs? It was bad servcice that did them in.
It is doing a lot of damage to their reputation and it is very hard to understand why they will not even provide the information Dynon has requested so that they can be of better help to us as Dynon has seen that their brand is also being hurt and they would like to keep us happy but they are not able to get details out of Van's either.

There is communication between Dynon and people at Van's just about weekly. I am not aware of any information Dynon would tell you they need about the equipment that they designed and sell.

Also,( trying to be as diplomatic as I can so I wont quote any specifics) I happen to know that Tech. Support people have gone to great lengths in the past to help you resolve problems that in the end were found to be construction errors. I am not sure what more a company can do short of putting someone on a plane and sending them to your shop to trouble shoot it for you.
Hi Scott,

There is communication between Dynon and people at Van's just about weekly. I am not aware of any information Dynon would tell you they need about the equipment that they designed and sell.

The people at Dynon have on several occasions, including one recently, said that it is also frustrating for them to not have access to the wiring diagrams or information on the RV-12 as it would make it much simpler for them to help Van's customers with Dynon related issues if they could understand the RV-12 wiring as it may do what is required but it is not done the way Dynon indicates in their installation manual, this is not to say that Van's wireing is not correct it is just done differently and just like our local avionics professionals they could be a lot more help if they had correct information. As of the last time I talked to Dynon, Van's was still not willing to share any of this information with Dynon and Van's is still not providing it to its customers so that we can get and pay for local professional avionics assistance when we get into problems like the 5.4 Dynon upgrade (which was not a Van's issue).

Also,( trying to be as diplomatic as I can so I wont quote any specifics) I happen to know that Tech. Support people have gone to great lengths in the past to help you resolve problems that in the end were found to be construction errors. I am not sure what more a company can do short of putting someone on a plane and sending them to your shop to trouble shoot it for you.

Yes that was an issue that can be looked at as a glass half full or half empty. You have been diplomatic here and I will try to be also. Yes I installed a pre-built cable incorrectly as it was possible to plug it in the wrong way just as easy as it was the right way. It was sad that it took over two weeks, and I had elevate the issue to the General Manager who got access to the wireing diagram and we sorted it out in a short time on the phone, his and Van's help was greatly appreciated. The other view might be that it is the norm to design cables with connectors so that it can only go one way and when this is not possible to mark them clearly or at least provide the wireing diagram so that when ringing out the wires it would soon become obvious.

Not to be beating a dead horse; but the "what more a company can do" is to do like all other aircraft production companies and provide wireing diagrams for the aircraft. From about the time the first customer RV-12 flew most of Van's customers on this list have ask for this wireing information and it has been Van's position that they will not provide it, we have been told that it is because of one person who thinks it will just make it easy for us to make changes to his design and that it is proprietary.

Please remember that as soon as the FAA/DAR signs the certificate these fine RV-12's become Experimental Light Sport Aircraft and just like all of the other fine RV aircraft models the owner is free to make changes and in some cases improvements. It is not a mortal sin to want to make a change such as adding wired in Bose headsets or adding a tail strobe just like Van himself did on his.

I leave it to you, are each of Van's customers required to have sufficient electronics knowledge to be able to revers engineer the wireing on the RV-12 or do we and our avionics maintenance providers need wireing diagrams to be able to sort out issues or our mistakes?

Best regards,
RV-12 schematic

Van's customer support people have always been polite and helpful to me, even when I ask dumb questions or create my own problems due to construction errors. Their expertise is aircraft construction, not electrical. Even for an electronics technician, it can be just as frustrating trying to help solve an electrical issue over the phone as it is for the builder with electrical problems. We need to be understanding and to look at the situation from the other person's perspective. But having empathy does not alleviate the frustration of trying to fix avionics problems that one has no knowledge about.
I have examined the RV-12 control board and think that an electronic hobbyist could easily duplicate it. So I do not think that Van's policy of not making the schematic public is for proprietary reasons. Whatever the reason, the secretive policy is causing some customers to be unhappy. Perhaps Van's should reconsider releasing the electrical schematic. I think that would help their business, not hurt it.
Some RV-12 builders have drawn their own schematics and have shared them with others. Even better would be the official Van's schematic.
I hope we are not starting a war of words as that will solve little in these issues. I have said a few things out of frustration, and the frustration continues, but will continue to temper my comments with appeal for assistance as opposed to grousing.
I think the poll I saw today may have value if folks answer honestly, and the value will be to the suppliers so they can be made aware of how widespread some of these issues have become. If so, and they choose to deal with them the RV12 fliers will be a much more satisfied group, and if that isn't the best thing that can happen for a supplier then tell me what is.
In spite of the balm that is bantered about that all the component providers are swimming in the same water and enjoying it I have spoken on numerous occasions with all three and all is not rosy between them as a group. Finger pointing abounds, and we all know how little that helps. I believe I can speak for most in stating that all that's wanted is achieving solutions to the avionics problems so we can get finished with the seemingly never ending issues and get on with enjoying this fantastic airplane.
Dick Seiders 120093
Reversed Plug

Vern mentioned that he encountered a plug inserted 'inverted' or 'backwards' that caused him problems. I took a close look today at my RV-12 and cannot figure out which plug could be put in place incorrectly by accident. Can someone enlighten me (Vern couldn't recall which one it was.)

Thanks for any info.
Hi Dick & John,

It was the WH-RV-12 DYNON cable which has two of the same gender 37 pin D-SUB connectors one that goes to the top 37 pin connector on the Van's electronic box and one goes to the D-180 37 pin connector. It is possible to get them back-wards and many of the Dynon functions work but some did not and it was very hard to sort out with out a wiring diagram.

Best regards,
D-180 data download

I'm a little unsure about attempting to download data from my D-180 so I thought I would ask the "experts". I've downloaded a file from Vans (locked settings 5.4) but I don't think I need this since I'm not trying to change OS versions. I can't find any file to download on Dynon's website. What interface software do I need to have on my XP laptop to communicate with the D-180? I'm aware of the DB connector and provided cable.....just don't know what to expect when I connect the laptop to the Dynon.:confused: Any help is appreciated. :)
Steve, I ain't one of the experts. You are probably more computer-savvy than I am and if you have read all the stuff on this thread, you know everything I do. Once the Dynon software is loaded on your laptop, just turn on the Dynon and plug it in. You'll need to follow some drop down menus and answer some boxes. The Dynon screen turns yellow when it makes contact with the computer.

I purchased a longer cord so I could set up the laptop on the wing. It takes maybe 5 minutes each time to set up the download and 5-10 minutes for the data to download, depending on length of your flight. Good time to wipe the bugs off the plane.

I always decline the boxes for "snapshot" and whatever because I have never figured out how to read the data from these special downloads. The basic report is pretty easy to read once you get used to it. Excel spreadsheet format.

I'm sure somebody will post more useful info for you but if you hit a dead-end, give me a call and I will set up and walk you thru it.


Get the directions from Dynon's website:
At the bottom of their page is the link to download the software.
Or click this link:
If you intend to upgrade the D-180 firmware, you will need the Locked Setting file from Van's Aircraft:
Joe Gores
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Forgot to mention

Forgot to mention that if the D-180 firmware is upgraded, the Dynon may lose its settings like fuel flow K factor and fuel tank calibration. If the D-180 is working to your satisfaction now, there is no need to upgrade. I believe that version 5.4 has improvements to the autopilot functions.
Joe Gores
How do you use the Van's template w/ download?

This thread appears to have been "hijacked" from the original "Dynon data download" and turned into a "how to upgrade the Dynon firmware". Both are interesting and important topics but I would like to get back to the download topic.
I can get the Dynon log downloaded to my laptop and look at it w/ Excel but it sure doesn't look like the sample on Van's website. Is there a magic command to merge or copy my log data into Excel that uses Van's sample template?
Sorry to sound like an Excel dummy but I admit it, I'm an Excel dummy....but the Van's sample spreadsheet with graphs and formatted data. Wow! That sure would be nice. Anybody know how to do that??
Thanks, RV-7A guy trying to help an RV-12 buddy understand his new ride.
Excel Tutorial

You can search the internet for "Excel Tutorial". Here is one that I found:
Here are a few hints (Excel 2002) to get started analyzing the RV-12 flight history:
1. After downloading the Dynon Data to your computer, OPEN it with MS Excel, then save it as an xls file. Now you have two copies. If you accidentally destroy the xls file, you can always get the data back from the original csv file.
2. Select cell A8. Then click "Freeze Panes" in the WINDOWS menu. Doing that will allow you to see the column headings in row 6 as you scroll through the rows of data below.
3. Right clicking a column letter or a row number will give the option of hiding or deleting that column or row. Get rid of unwanted data to make it easier to see the rest.
4. To highlight a column or row, select it. Then click on the bucket symbol to fill that column or row with color.
5. CTRL-Z will undo mistakes.
Joe Gores
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