Software Update!

Not upgrading your software may not be an option. If later on in the life of you RV12 you have to replace some other part of your system like a servo or autopilot head it would have a different version software on it and it may not work correctly with the older stuff.

Scott is this correct that the wind vector option will not be on future D180s?

RV12 N1212K
wind direction and speed is still there

There is no truth to the rumor that the wind direction/speed arrow is "locked out" with 5.4 locked settings. I upgraded to 5.4 prior to the first flight of my RV-12 a few weeks ago and the information is there.

Jeff, the winds speed and direction issue is not a rumor. I could not access the efis/clutter menu on the Dynon so called Dynon Support for help. They checked it out and advised me the wind feature has been locked out on 5.4 by Vans lockout . Now maybe the info they gave me was wrong, but who do you ask if not Dynon Support?
I will call them again tomorrow to confirm. In the meantime I would appreciate you telling me how to access the menu required to turn it on as I would love to have it back.
Dick Seiders 120093
wind speed/direction


I did not have to access any menu on mine to bring it up. It was there without me doing anything following the upgrade and I can confirm that my D-180 and my AP-74 and servos are all at version 5.4 (and I used the 5.4 locked settings file from Van's).

Fact or Fiction!

Remember this is basically a new design airplane, one which is totally new to Vans meaning it is an E-LSA so there is going to be growing pains. Ok guys this is what I think happens here on Occasion. Lets say there are 6 different people who work in Vans Tech Support and Lets say the same for Dynon. The answers you get from either tech support are not Standardized! Meaning the tech support guys some times make assumption based on rumor or innuendo and there own personal experience in building there own airplanes over the years. This has happen to me several times from Vans and Dynon, One guy says no deburring required and lets say Larry calls on a different day and asks the same question but talks to a different guy and he says yes by all means deburr everything! I was the lead on the first Dynon upgrade to version 5.3 and not even Vans knew that it wouldn't work initially. I had to make several phone calls to both tech supports until they figured it out. I think its included in this thread back a few pages. This airplane is ever evolving as well as Vans and Dynons tech support for it. So Dick I think they told you the wrong thing about the wind vector. When you call Ask for Mike Huff at Dynon. Calmly tell him that other RV12 guys have done the 5.4 update and still have a wind vector on their screens including me. Most likely he will have to call you back and verify this with Vans that you are still supposed to have the wind vector or he will go down to the test bench and hook up a D180 with Vans locked settings in it and try to duplicate what you see. Let us know how it all works out. Also they didnt under stand my questions about backing up your own settings in the Dynon until several emails went back and forth. So be patient!:rolleyes:

RV12 N1212K
Wind Vector

Oh one other thing for Dick please Check page 5.8 and 5.9 in the Dynon Pilot user guide. SHOW/HIDE DISPLAY ITEMS maybe the vector is turned off from when Dynon sent you the Unit.:)

RV12 N1212K
Jeff, appreciate your response, but am confused as to why I am unable to pull up the efis/clutter menu which accesses the wind.

John, I appreciate what you are saying as well. I did talk with Mike Huff about this issue a few days ago and he attempted to pull wind speed/dir. up and it was blocked. He stated that Vans has it locked out along with the datalog, but didn't understand why. I have worked with Mike exclusively on all the Dynon issues that I have experienced. He is the go-to guy at Dynon.
I will go back to him today for further investigation of the issue.
I am somewhat frustrated with the efis issues as my first Dynon failed at 23hrs on Aug 12, and I have flown only 8 hrs since primarily due to said issues. Sorry if it is that obvious in my rantings. Thanks for your comments.
Dick Seiders 120093
Dick The clutter menu is one that we are locked out of. Winds aloft I do not have any info about. Keep us informed.
Keep in mind also that this arrow will not show on the ground. It only works after you are airborne and you have some speed going....
Working with Dynon and Vans on this today. Don't have anything to add yet except Vans says we are not locked out of wind spd/dir. I will fly tomorrow and see if it shows up. If MRT is right and we cannot access clutter menu (I know I can't) then it should be on and we have no option to turn it on or off. That's fine with me if it's on as I can't imagine a good reason to turn it off. If it doesn't show up tomorrow I will have to go back to Vans.
Dick Seiders 120093
Updated with wrong lockout file

I upgraded my D-180 to Dynon version 5.4 but used the wrong Van's lockout file. Then the D-180 said that there was no outside air temperature. Also, the cylinder head temperatures were at 999? and the trim position was missing. At first I thought there must be a bad connection. After sleeping on it, I realized that I used the wrong lockout file. After updating the D-180 again using Van's version 5.4, everything works fine (so far).
I loaded 5.4 several days ago and flew today to check out the autopilot performance. I specifically checked the wind arrow/speed and it was still there in its usual spot. Maybe this doesn't show up if you have your EFIS screen too small. I didn't think to try different split screen configurations. I have the optional second EFIS so I use it for my EMS at 2/3 screen and keep the pilot side set at full screen EFIS so all the clutter fits in and I can find it in flight!
Thanks for the feedback Joe, and Larry. I did use the correct Vans lock file when upgrading to 5.4. Regarding screen size I haven't changed it ever, (2/3 efis, 1/3 ems). Will keep looking.
Dick Seiders 120093
Re -loaded the 5.4 firmware today, one week after the first time, and flew the airplane for an hour. Made no difference except I lost my magnetic calibration, clock time, etc. Am considering going back to 5.3.1. We saved it on a backup. I will check with Dynon before trying it, but that edition was the last time I saw the wind indicator.
Dick Seiders 120093
Dynon communicating with GPS?

The symptoms of clock having the wrong time and the wind speed not working could be caused by the GPS not communicating with the Dynon. It is something to check.
Joe, I suppose that's a possibility. Isn't the Dynon fed the true airspeed by the 496? I am not certain , but the TAS is showing up on my HSI, and the EFIS. Is that an indication of the 496 comm. with the 180?
Dick Seiders
GPS only knows ground speed, not air speed.

The GPS does not know what the airspeed is. It only knows the ground speed. The Dynon needs to know the ground speed in order to calculate the winds. Someone more knowledgeable than me might explain how true airspeed is calculated. I believe Dynon can do that without the GPS if it knows the OAT and altitude and indicated airspeed.
Try changing the Zulu time on the Dynon. It should not let you do that if it is getting the correct time from the GPS. Is the Zulu time accurate on the D-180?
Put a WP into the GPS and then check the Dynon HSI page to see if it is receiving any info from the GPS.

TAS is calculated from the OAT probe inside the Dynon. See page 5-12 in the FlightDek- D180 Pilots User Guide. If the Dynon is getting info from the GPS there should be all the info you see in the corners of the 496 on the HSI. You have to select direct to some point to get this info. It should look like the picture on page 6-7 in the FlightDek- D180 Pilots User Guide. If you are not getting info from the GPS no wind arrow will appear. See page 4-6 in the FlightDek- D180 Pilots User Guide.

RV12 N1212K
Thanks, all of you responders. You are all correct in your suggestions. I rescearched the 496 and Dynon again and the TAS is a Dynon function. I appreciate all the help you are providing and am convinced with input like this we will solve this issue. I will test the 496 tomorrow using a destination or waypoint to determine if the info showing up on the HSI is indicating the 180/496 are talking to one another, and will go from there. While I feel very comfortable building airplanes (RV's anyway) I don't know patootie about Efisville. Thanks again.
Dick Seiders
Autopilot not communicating

In the past, I remember seeing "AP" in the lower left corner of the EFIS screen. But this morning there was nothing on the screen relating to the autopilot. Thinking that the problem might be related to the recent upgrade to version 5.4, I connected the laptop to the Dynon to make sure that everything was updated correctly. But the Dynon support program only saw the D-180 and the remote compass. It was as if the autopilot and servos did not exist. Thinking that there was a problem with communications on the data bus, I wasted much time checking continuity of the wires between units, but everything checked out OK. I could not find a related post on Vansairforce, so I called Dynon. Mike from support asked if I had done a DSAB CONFIGURATION. No, I could not remember doing that. Mike said that was the likely problem. So I read the manual and did the DSAB CONFIGURATION. And while doing it, I remembered that yes, I had done that before. Evidently upgrading Dynon to a newer version makes it necessary to do a DSAB CONFIGURATION over again. Now the autopilot info shows up in the lower left hand corner of the EFIS and the Dynon Support Program shows all units.
Dynon update!

Yes this happened to me also which led me to post on this thread earlier that all setting will be wiped out. Im sorry I didnt say anything about the DSAB needing to be redone also. Mich is your plane all done and up and running?

RV12 N1212K

Since I am about ready to get the aviionics kit, what requirements should I be looking for in a laptop/notebook computer.:confused: It is getting close to Chirstmas so I need to know what type of hints to drop.:D Thanks.
Dynon has a blurb sheet that accompanies their downloads and info on it changes with every update. For the 5.4 update their instructions said to do a DSAB reconfiguration AFTER doing the 5.4 update. It pays to read everything.
Dynon has a driver for the serial-to-usb adapter

To Jetguy John, no, my plane is not flying yet but is getting close, hopefully within a month. The Mich in my user name stands for Michigan. 48041 is my zip code.
To Hal-san, sorry to disappoint you but a new computer is not needed. :D I use an old computer running XP. Dynon has a driver for the serial-to-usb adapter that is included with the D-180.
To Lima Hotel, Re:
It pays to read everything.
Just like assembling the kid's Christmas presents, I only read the directions as a last resort. :D
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Joe, I did not do the dsab configuation, nor do I remember reading about it. In addition, with all the back and forth communications with Dynon Support this has not been mentioned as a must do step?????
I will give it a try as nothing has helped so far.
Thanks for the info.
Dick Seiders 120093
To Mich48041

To Hal-san, sorry to disappoint you but a new computer is not needed. :D I use an old computer running XP. Dynon has a driver[/URL] for the serial-to-usb adapter that is included with the D-180.

I have no laptop or notebook. All I have is a desktop and don't think I want to drag that to the plane to do updates.
Notebook computer

Hal-san Harold,
Yes, you do need a laptop to transfer data to and from the Dynon EFIS. I could not find system requirements on the Dynon website. So I assume that any old computer will work. I know that you want Santa to bring you a brand new one. It should have more than 2 USB ports, a camera card reader, and wi-fi. Perhaps others will chime in with more desirable features.
Wind vector

Have you verified that the GPS is communicating with the Dynon? Are the airspeed and altimeter and OAT all working properly?
I do not know if doing the DSAB Configuration will help to display the wind vector or not, but it sure will not hurt to try.
Joe, I did the DSAB configuration yesterday. The airspeed, altimeter, and OAT have been working fine all along. The wind dir/speed is the thing that disappeared after the 5.4 upgrade, and also since then the HSI overlay from the GPS has not shown up. I will hopefully find both today now that the DSAB is done.
Regarding the GPS I talked with Stein yesterday (a very helpful person when you have avionics/elec. problems) and we checked the setup settings and they were all as should be. Hopefully we'll see some improvement.
One question- is there any certain test to determine whether the GPS/Dynon are communicating? Thanks.
Dick Seiders 120093
confirm GPS communication

I believe that the GPS must be navigating on a flight plan or to a waypoint before the GPS info shows up on the HSI.
Perhaps an easier way to know if the GPS and Dynon are communicating is to check the Zulu time on the Dynon. If the time is accurate, then the two units are communicating.
Joe, I have always set a destination course on the Garmin to assure the HSI shows up, but it still does not and that includes a flight this am.
The zulu time and local clock on the Dynon are the same time. Thanks for your feedback.
Dick Seiders 120093
Is it accurate?

The zulu time and local clock on the Dynon are the same time.
Dick, is the Dynon time accurate when compared to GPS time? If it is not accurate, the GPS and Dynon are not communicating.
Another way to check is to see if the Dynon lets you change the zulu time. If it does, then the Dynon and GPS are not communicating.
I am soooo confused...

Somebody please set me straight here on this update business...

1) My bird is in PAP waiting on FAA to look at paperwork.
2) I have downloaded the Vans and Dynon updates into the used laptop I bought specifically for this purpose.
3) When I try to open the files to see what's in them, I get a message that Windows can't open them or does not recognize them.

1) Do I need to do the update to fly the plane? Dynon was shipped 4/10.
2) I have only the Dynon 180, no autopilot.
3) I understand how to hook up the laptop with the adapter that came with the Dynon.
4) What are the exact steps, in order, to make the update happen?

Thanking you in advance for putting this information in the language of the non-computer-literate.

Jim in San Antonio
Here we go again!

You need to have a windows based computer and be somewhat computer literate. These are not exact directions but as close as I can get!

Before you start this process it is assumed that you have your D180 installed and all setup with its current software and fully functional.

1. You will need your USB to 9 pin serial port cable that came with the Dynon. Go to the Dynon web site and down load the the Drivers for your computer and install them when you plug in the cable.

2. Go to vans web site ( and down load the file. If you have a D-100 you will need the other file to, Unzip the file and put it somewhere on your computer where you can easily find it.

3. Next go to Dynon web site ( and down load the Dynon Support Program. Install it on your computer.

4. Plug in the USB to 9 pin cable to the serial port in the airplane. Turn on the Dynon and Autopilot and the D100 if you have one in the Airplane. Open up the Dynon support program and select, choose “Flightdek-D180/Autopilot” in the “Choose Product” window. Then choose “Detect Firmware Version” in the “Choose Action” window. Then hit “Go”. Your Dynon screen will turn yellow and after a few mins the Support program will show what version software is installed on your Dynon D180, including your Autopilot and the Servos except the D100 which will have to be updated separately. Yes even you autopilot servos have some form of software in them. If this procedure works correctly then at this point you know your computer is communicating with the Dynon which is good.

5. Now comes the fun part, updating the software. Any custom settings that you have made to the Dynon like changing the Celsius to Fahrenheit, Zulu time to local time displayed on the screen, doing the DSAB procedure, Kfactor, Setting Magnetic Variation, etc will be gone and you will have to redo them including your check list after the software update. Right now there is not a way to save these setting. I have contacted Dynon tech Support and they agree that there is no way to save your setting. So now that you know that your computer is talking to the Dynon select “Create Firmware Backup “ Click Go. Then you will be asked where you want to save this file on your computer hard drive. There will be three files one for D180, one for the AP74, one for each servo. These backup files are used to return your Dynon back to its original state in-case after you do your Software update it doesn’t work correctly. After this is done then select “Upgrade to Firmware 5.4.0” then select Go. As the process begins you will be asked if you would like to create another Firmware Backup, just click no since you have already done this earlier. Then the Dynon Support program will begin updating the software on the D180 as well as the AP74 and the Servos. After the program is done then select the “Detect Firmware Version” again and verify the software version on the D180, AP74, and servos are now Version 5.4.0. If this works you are now done. You will then need to download the new Flightdek D180 instillation Guide from the Dynon web site (
Go to Section 8 and review the Autopilot setup to get the optimum settings for you Autopilot. There are many threads on this subject on this form and most of this is in the directions in the help button on the Dynon Support program.

Jim if you have your D180 currently up and running correctly then you dont need to do the software update for your inspection. The most current software version is 5.4. You can select the Version Key on the Dynon and it will show you what software you have without hooking up a computer to it. (See page 5-10 in the FlightDek-180 Pilot User Guide) You probably have 5.1. Also if you cant run the Dynon support program on your computer without it hooked up to the Dynon then you need to call Dynon tech support and work from there forward. Good luck! All I can say is read all Dynon manuals 3 times. Then it starts to make sense.

RV12 N1212K
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For what was desgined as a "simple" straightforward airplane this Dynon makes me really want old fashioned steam gauges. This is an extremely complex system for what was advertised as a light, simple machine.

Updates to the Dynon equip may sound complex, but once you do it you will find it isn't complicated at all.
Run exe file

Do I need to do the update to fly the plane? Dynon was shipped 4/10.
No, you do not have to update to fly. Although it is better to update first so that you do not lose any user parameters after a future update.
When I try to open the files to see what's in them, I get a message that Windows can't open them or does not recognize them.
That is because Windows is unfamiliar with Van's lockout file and does not know what to do with a file that ends with the extension "efs".
Instead, click on the Dynon file that has the extension "exe": Dynon Support 5_4_0 D6-60 1_1_0.exe
Windows knows what to do with exe files.
After the Dynon support program has been installed on your computer, run it and follow Jetguy's advice along with Dynon's instructions. It seems complicated but will be easy the next time.
I agree with John F. that the Dynon upgrade is anything but simple, as it sometimes doesn't work. When this happens Dynon Support is not much help as it's conclusion almost immediatly is that there is something wrong with your airplane. I am still trying to get mine to perform like it did before the upgrade, but no success yet even after running the 5.4 a second time. Of course each time you run it you have to reconfigure the DSAB, and all the other corrections mentioned above as well. Presently working from the 496 back thru the data leads to the panel board which have been tested for integrity of wiring. Have replaced original leads regardless as Steinair was kind enough to supply a new one for testing. Will confirm data is going to the Dynon following the arrival of a serial cable that is being supplied by a very helpful Garmin Support Team.
Dick Seioders 120093
GPS communicating with Dynon?

You never did say, but from your last post I get the impression that the GPS and Dynon are not communicating with each other. Is that correct? Have you checked the Dynon Zulu time and found it incorrect?
The cables can be checked as follows:
Unplug the GPS power / data cable from the GPS.
Unplug the radio cable from the control board.
Unplug the 37-pin EMS connector from the back of the Dynon.
Locate the data pin on the GPS cable end. See page 158 of the GPS496 Owner's Manual. It is labeled "Data Out Blue".

Check continuity from the GPS Data out pin at the GPS end of the cable to the Radio D-Sub pin 5 on the control board to Dynon EMS D-Sub pin 19 (wht/blk wire). Make sure there is no continuity to ground.
Note that the continuity checks are from the GPS end of the cable to the control board and to the Dynon end of the EMS cable. Do not connect the ohmmeter to the GPS or to the Dynon D-180 or to the cable that goes to the radio.
If the cables check out OK, then the problem might be the GPS setup.
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Thanks, Joe. The zulu time did not match when I checked a couple days ago. The data in and data out wires (yel and blue) do show continuity. I didn't know which wire to check on EMS, but if I read you correctly I will check the radio lead and the EMS wire you have pointed out and see if they are showing continuity. I will post the results.
Dick Seiders 120093

In my previous post I mistakenly wrote pin 10. Pin 5 is the correct pin on the control board for the radio that is connected to the GPS data and to the Dynon.
A bad GPS ground connection could also affect the data. But if the GPS is getting aircraft power, then the ground should be OK.
Let us know what you find.
Hey Joe, thanks again. I checked as you suggested and the Dynon zulu time was wrong and I could change it on the Dynon. I ran the test on continuity. Was uncertain as to whether I run test from GPS head to the 37 pin wire or from the no. 5 pin on the radio at board to the 37 pin wire. So did both.
gps data out from head to panel board radio pin 5 - a number 1.456 appears on testor very briefly.

gps data out to ems 37 pin No. 19 no continuity indicated.

pin 5 on panel to same 37 ems pin 19 no continuity indicated.
What now?
Dick Seiders 120093
Hey Joe, thanks again. I checked as you suggested and the Dynon zulu time was wrong and I could change it on the Dynon. I ran the test on continuity. Was uncertain as to whether I run test from GPS head to the 37 pin wire or from the no. 5 pin on the radio at board to the 37 pin wire. So did both.
gps data out from head to panel board radio pin 5 - a number 1.456 appears on testor very briefly.

gps data out to ems 37 pin No. 19 no continuity indicated.

pin 5 on panel to same 37 ems pin 19 no continuity indicated.
What now?
Dick Seiders 120093

Hi Dick,

Is the shielded wire from the instrument panel area connected to your Blue wire at the ELT connector at the ELT? If it is you may try to disconnect it at either end (at the ELT end you would have to cut the wire at the butt connector) and try the data transfer again to see if the 496 is talking to the SL40 and Dynon. We found this to be the problem on 120186.

If you have lights you may wish to check to see if all the landing light function as there is a yellow wire that is easy to get wrong and you are then trying to run the lights on data and the other yellow wire grounds the data wire.

Good luck.

Best regards,
Vern, I checked the blue wire a few days ago, and it was fine. I have no lights. Thanks much for your interest.

Joe, the results I sent you earlier today were incorrect as I reversed the pin numbers when checking continuity. Billy Waters pointed out that the pins are actually numbered and we found them after using a strong magnifier. We rechecked as per your instructions and the continuity was there. Really appreciate that Joe. Sometime when you have time we would like to know how you figured out which leads to use.
Dick Seiders 120093
Re: continuity was there

Alright, the wires are all connected to each other. Now we need to make sure that there is not a short to ground. Do the following:
Master switch off
All harnesses plugged into the control board
Remove radio from rack (to prevent damaging it)
EMS 37-pin harness removed from Dynon
Data/Power cable removed from GPS
Check continuity from ground to the same EMS harness pin 19 and GPS harness pin that you tested earlier. There should be no continuity to ground. Short the meter leads together to make sure that the meter works.
If the wires are not shorted to ground, then I suspect that there is a software or setup problem with either the Dynon or the GPS that prevents those two units from communicating with each other. Things like baud rate and NEMA output need to be checked. See page 124 of the GPS owner's manual.
Sometime when you have time we would like to know how you figured out which leads to use.
I followed every wire in my airplane and know where they all go. I want to be able to troubleshoot electrical problems in the future. I was an electrician before retirement.
Update on my 180 issue. I have been having Dynon problems for about two months now. First unit was returned for horizon in-stability. First replacement 180 from Dynon had 5.3 on it and worked just fine. I still don't know what the cause, or causes were, but after going to 5.4 my autopilot no longer worked, (on for 2 sec. and then off) along with other issues (wind dir/spd, and HSI). After checking the 496 and it's data feed out, wiring connections, re-configuring DSAB, re-doing Mag.Calibration, and about a dozen test fligts to see if an improvement took place, and there was no change. This week when I re-uploaded 5.4 again (for the 3rd time) to seek a solution the Dynon crashed and indicated "internal error- service required". We tried uploading again, but a window came up on the computer saying the Dynon thought it was a D10A. Dynon is sending back my first return 180 as they feel it is ok. I am awaiting it's arrival to try it out. Hopefully they are right.
Dick Seiders 120093