
Ok guys,:confused: that have flown your test flights, how did you hookup the laptop to the connector in the tunnel? I have the adaptor cable, but how did you exit it for hookup? Also, I don't see a program to download the data to Vans xl speadsheet. ??
If its an ELSA RV12 you have to download it from Vans. The Dynon download attempt will give an error message and say, "Call Vans!"
You do not need the Key File from Van's to download the flight data or make back-up files you just need the current software from Dynon which will let you download the data files.

You do need the Key File from Van's to install the new version of the software, which is now 5.3 (in my case our Dynon 180 came with 5.1.1) so when we installed the AP we did the upgrade.

With the avionics kit from Dynon you receive a Serial to USB converter cable and the software to use it, install the software on your computer and we installed the adapter cable to the Serial connector in the tunnel and left the USB end of the cable dangling out of the top of the notch in the tunnel with it wire tied down inside of the tunnel. With a USB extension cord plugged into the cord end at the top of the tunnel you can have your lap top on the seat and get on with the download or system upgrade. The download takes a good while to do so you may want to use the power cord on your laptop and a battery charger on the sip battery is a good idea as well.

Best regards,

Here is what you do (and I have done it - it works!).
You have to download from two places, it doesn't matter which you do first.
At Van's web site go to DOWNLOADS and get the file for the D180 and if you have dual display get the one for the D100 also. Put these files somewhere on your computer where you can easily find them (like in an RV12 folder in "my documents"). This is the file Vern has posted above.
Then go to Dynon's web site and download their 5.3 update. The Dynon 5.3 update package has all the mechanism to do the update, and save everything after you have done so.
Run the Dynon update system with your tunnel cable connector plugged in to your computer. It will come to a point very soon during the process where it will tell you that you need the update from Van's, and at that point you can pull up the previously downloaded Van's 5.3 update and the Dynon program will load it in to your unit/s.
I didn't know what to do either, so I called Van's and they sent me an e-mail with the directions. I don't know why they don't post the directions on the DOWNLOADS site.
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Thank you Larry! What a pain in the butt. Was there anything in the download that was noticeable while flying? Did the autopilot work differently for instance.

It is really not as much a pain in the butt as it sounds.

The real pain in the butt will (I am pretty sure) be for those of us who have the dual display. If you read my earlier thread (DYNON RAMBLINGS) you know that there was no encoded altitude output as soon as we installed the D-100. I just (today) received the fix from Van's. It turns out that it was not simply a pin in the wrong place one of the connectors. It appears to me that the feedback that Ken Krueger was telling me about was at least partly through the 9 pin serial I/O connector that we are talking about in the tunnel for the Dynon updates. The repair kit for the dual display has a new (additional) 9 pin serial I/O connector that gets hooked up to the D-100. Van's doesn't say what it is for in the accompanying instructions but it can only be for downloading updates. Guess where it gets stored? The wires on it are only about 6 inches long! That's right, it gets cable tied right behind the D-100! So to do any updates on the D-100 it will be necessary to remove the upper forward fuselage skin. I suppose someone ambitious could run longer wires to place it down in the tunnel where the other 9 pin is, but I am not going to attempt it any time soon. The space above the rudder pedals is a REAL PITA to get anything through!

I can't answer your question about flying results of the 5.3 update because I am not flying yet. Getting close though, my airworthiness inspection is May 8! I think there is a spring hatch in progress with all the 12s that seem to be launching lately.

I did my taxi tests after I installed the 5.3 and I had no reboots as I had while doing engine ground runs. Remember that the reboots were a problem encountered by those with dual display AND autopilots.

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Guess where it gets stored? The wires on it are only about 6 inches long! That's right, it gets cable tied right behind the D-100! So to do any updates on the D-100 it will be necessary to remove the upper forward fuselage skin.


Not correct Larry.

All you need to do is unscrew the D-100 from the panel tray, slide it out of the tray and hook onto the connector. Very simple to do. Maybe so simple that it is not obvious:eek:

So Scott, I don't have a 100, just a 180 and an AP. Is Larry instruction for downloading 5.3 correct? Thanks
I didn't think of that, obviously! However I will have to check how much slack is in the 25 pin connector cable and make sure there is enough to get the D-100 out. I do not have enough slack in the cables going to the D-180 to get it out without disconnecting them. And that includes the pitot static lines.
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I didn't think of that, obviously! However I will have to check how much slack is in the 25 pin connector cable and make sure there is enough to get the D-100 out. I do not have enough slack in the cables going to the D-180 to get it out without disconnecting them. And that includes the pitot static lines.

All of the harness and pitot/static line lengths and routings were designed to allow for a service loop that makes either the D-180 or D-100 removable just from the front. If yours do not, you may have remove the cover once and adjust the harnesses to allow removal.
More on the 5.3 firmware upgrade...

This turned out to be very easy, with one minor showstopper. I had the top fuselage cover off for the DAR inspection, so took advantage of that to do the Service Bulletin regarding the dual display wiring. Very easy, cut and cap two wires, and pull their two pins out of the D100 D-sub and install the little data upgrade harness by pushing in 3 pins. Altitude output on the transponder now works. People getting newer Avionics Kits will probably not have to do this.
Upgraded the D180 to firmware 5.3 using the laptop. The Dynon support program asks if you have downloaded Van's locked settings file. You need a locked settings file for both the D180 and the D100. If so you then point to it's location on your computer and the upgrade starts. Takes a little while, lots of little chips to reprogram, I guess. Then started the upgrade on the D100, which stopped with the message "Magnetometer not found". Since I have a Mag, I called Dynon support. The message is for if you have a Mag hooked up to the D100, which you don't. So, you OK this message and continue. No problem if you understand.
A USB extension cable is useful so you can place the laptop on a blanket on the wing, or if you are hooking up to a desktop computer on a stand next to the plane.

This is an excellent time to make a backup copy of your firmware installation, which will preserve your checklists and especially your fuel tank calibration and any other settings you may have programed, if for any reason the D180 goes down and has to be resurrected from the dead.

All in all, this was an easy upgrade.

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Problem with AP-74 software update

I tried updating my firmware software today and encountered a problem. Connections and detection of all Dynon-installed components went fine. However, when I started the update, I received an error message stating the following:

File C:\ProgramFiles\DynonSupport\firmware\AP74-SOFTWARE.EFS is invalid or corrupt

Reason: This firmware update is not valid for your instrument

To get the latest firmware and manufacturer-approved settings for your instrument, visit vansaircraft.com downloads.

Appears as though it is looking for something specific to the AP-74 but I don't see any AP-74 downloads on the Vans website. It never even got to a point of asking me for the D-180 locked settings file from Van's website (which I have downloaded). Did anyone else with autopilot who attempted the upgrade encounter this problem?


The AP-74 is updated across the DSAB bus when updating the D180 or D100. The file is a part of the EFIS update.

There is no separate AP-74 file.

Looks like you might have to call Dynon on this one....

You might try redownloading the latest version of the DA support program and reinstall to make sure it is not corrupted.

Thanks Brantel. Actually, there is a separate AP-74 file in the firmware folder (along with one for the D-180, etc.).

D-180 with autopilot

I figured out the source of my error described in my earlier post. If only I had read the installation instructions! The D-180 firmware must be updated with the autopilot off first. Perhaps this is what Brantel was referring to- the D-180 firmware file does have the autopilot module and servo firmware bundled with it. However, if you try the upgrade with the AP-74 and servos on, the installer tries to install upgrades to them via separate files which are also included in the firmware update.

I guess I should have been more specific... The AP-74 and servo files are included in the single support program download along with the EFIS files. Not a separate download. The support program is a little quirky and not well documented so what it does and when is a little variable....

Thanks Brantel. Actually, there is a separate AP-74 file in the firmware folder (along with one for the D-180, etc.).

D180 software update

In reference to Jeff's response, how did you guys update the software in the autopilot and servos. I did update the software in the D180 and all went fine but was unable to update the software in the Autopilot or servos. How is this done? Rian is out of town for vacation and nobody else knows much about this problem. Also where does it discuss this on the directions? Thx John
In reference to Jeff's response, how did you guys update the software in the autopilot and servos. I did update the software in the D180 and all went fine but was unable to update the software in the Autopilot or servos. How is this done? Rian is out of town for vacation and nobody else knows much about this problem. Also where does it discuss this on the directions? Thx John

Have you tried calling Dynon tech support? Because it is their product, they know the most about it. They also produce the special RV-12 download file and supply it to Van's for posting on the web site. They should be able to help you with any problem you are having.

Yes called Dynon, They said they have an understanding with Rian, an engineer at Vans to refer calls about the RV12 to him. Nobody else can answer these avionics questions there and hes on vacation. Because Dynon does not have the wiring diagram for the Switch panel it is very hard for them to answer questions about the setup. The RV 12 is unique in this respect about tech support. Something needs to be worked out on two fronts here. First, Vans needs to set up a go to guy at Dynon who has all the wiring diagrams for the RV12 so we, "the customer", can call someone when it comes to wiring avionics problems to get answers. Second this needs to be done for the rotax as well. With 380 airframes sold this problem is only going to get worse. The surveys on this form bear this out. John
I agree, John

I agree with you completely, John. I have a No Remote Compass and OAT not sensed condition and The guys at Van just aren't 'cutting it'. Ken and Guy have been willing to advise me but they just aren't knowledgeable enough about the RV-12 electrical interface to help effectively. We need a Schematic of the Vans Panel!

Jay Sluiter
Albany, OR
AP-74 and servo updates


It sounds like you have encountered the same issue that I did. I was finally able to update the D-180 to v5.3 and did so with the AP off (the instructions from Dynon indicated doing the D-180 separately and this was the only way the update would proceed)- this all went well. What was not clear is whether this would then automatically update the AP-74 and servos or not. I went back through the setup and they seem to be working fine. However, they are both showing v5.1.1. I did try to update them following the D-180 update and it will not allow this because it is looking for a file from Van's (as opposed to the one in the Dynon download).

If you do finally get a clarification either from Rian or from Dynon on this, please post as it will save me making the same call!


It sounds like you have encountered the same issue that I did. I was finally able to update the D-180 to v5.3 and did so with the AP off (the instructions from Dynon indicated doing the D-180 separately and this was the only way the update would proceed)- this all went well. What was not clear is whether this would then automatically update the AP-74 and servos or not. I went back through the setup and they seem to be working fine. However, they are both showing v5.1.1. I did try to update them following the D-180 update and it will not allow this because it is looking for a file from Van's (as opposed to the one in the Dynon download).

If you do finally get a clarification either from Rian or from Dynon on this, please post as it will save me making the same call!


Jeff and John,

Has this problem been corrected yet to your knowledge? I have following your lead and getting the same results. No point in all of us calling Rian, Dynon or whatever. Please let us know when you find a way to get the AP74 to download a 5.3 as well. Thanks!
No, no solution to the problem yet. It was just diagnosed May 25, then the weekend holiday hit so I'm sure they have not figured it out yet. They have my email and will let me know when they solve the problem. I will sound off when I hear from them. John
Nothing on my end either

I have not heard anything further either- I was just waiting to see what John learns. I suspect others have check this but it still seems to function fine (at least the quick tests I can do on the ground). Pete- have you actually used your autopilot in flight since upgrading the D-180 to 5.3? If so, is it still functioning okay in flight?

Follow-up on download

John (jetguy):

I sent you a quick private message on this topic.

Dynon download

I have been out of town quite a bit the past several weeks and have not yet had a chance to try the update John sent to me. Note- this is only an issue if you have the autopilot installed. The update of the D-180 itself works fine. Just the servos that won't update.

John- were you ever able to get it to work? Also wonder whether others with the autopilot option have encountered the problem and been able to get everything updated.


John, Jeff,

Dynon has a new update out called 5.31 which is supposed have the fix in it per Mike at Dynon. I have not been able to try it because I don't have a PC (Apple guy) but let me know if it works. Thanks.

Thanks for the heads-up Pete. I will try it.

By the way- I am an Apple guy as well. I had no problems running the update software on a Mac running Windows Vista under Parallels!

Dynon Software uplaod Update!

Ok here is the update. I did the software update using the file I sent you guys. There was no error like before and the Dynon update program completed its update. But bad news, the program ignored the AP74 head and did not update it. It did update the D180 and the AP74 Servos. I talked to Mike Huff at Dynon and he said uninstall the 5.3 with the file I sent you guys. Down load the new 5.3.1 program from the Dynon website and try it again. I have down loaded the new software but wont be up to the hanger until Monday to try it again. Added note, I have the D100 to and completed that software update through its own 9 pin port without any problems. So right now my D180, AP74 Servos, and D100 are all Ver 5.3. AP74 Head Software Ver 5.1 . I think I am the only one who has done this update so far. Mike was not able to duplicate the Software Ignoring the AP74 head in the shop so it would be nice if some else would complete the update to see if it works ok and post the results here. Note: to all who read this it only applies to RV12s that have the AP74 installed with the D180. Pete and Jeff are you guys going to OSH and the Vans Dinner?

RV12 N1212K
OK Guys, I know this probably sounds like a dumb question, but where do I find the procedures and the software upgrades. I have my avionics installed and I can power them up, so I guess I could go ahead and apply the update(s) even though I am still quite a ways from first flight.
Thanks John....

I'll not be in the shop for the next couple of days, but will try this ASAP. I assume one does not need Internet connectivity at the time of the data transfer to the Dynon. I will plan to download the files into the laptop here where I have connectivity, then take the laptop to the shop, where I do not. I'll let you know how it goes.

Pete and Jeff are you guys going to OSH and the Vans Dinner?

Unfortunately, I will not be attending OSH. I will be on business travel that week. Wish I could- I would like to meet some of the good people that interact regularly on this forum. Maybe next year- by then, I would hope that my RV-12 will be flying and able to make the trip.

Unfortunately, I will not be attending OSH. I will be on business travel that week. Wish I could- I would like to meet some of the good people that interact regularly on this forum. Maybe next year- by then, I would hope that my RV-12 will be flying and able to make the trip.


Fortunately, I am retired (sorry Jeff) so I will be attending OSH and the dinner...hope to see you there John. I am going up slowly with stops to visit friends along the way and suck up their overnight hospitality offers...lol. We were hoping to get several people to meet up in Wisc somewhere so that we could all fly in together and park 12's together. Any interest?
Dynon Fix (5.3.1) Works

I just tried the 5.3.1 release and everything (D-180, AP-74, and servos) updated to version 5.3 just perfectly. For some reason it took two tries- the first time around, one of the servos did not update. However, I just repeated the update and it worked the second time.

Thanks to Dynon for getting the fix out quickly.

5.3.1 Update Accomplished Successfully


I just finally had a chance to get to the shop for a few minutes. Followed the procedures exactly and the update worked flawlessly. D180, AP74, two servos.

Only glitch that I observed was a couple of error retries during the process that seemed to resolve themselves automatically.

I will be at OSH Sun/Mon/Tues and will be at the dinner. Hope to see some of you.

Dynon Update completed!

I did mine Monday evening and it also worked fine. All components are now 5.3.
Note the info about Autopilot setting from the Dynon web site:

Improved: An alternate set of autopilot control algorithms which may improve roll performance in some aircraft. To try this mode simply set TRN RT LMT to 0. The autopilot will more directly control bank angle instead of targeting a specific turn rate. The maximum bank angle that the autopilot allows continues is still limited by the BANK LIMIT parameter. In this mode, set the BANK ANGLE LIMIT to the maximum value you want the autopilot to use in a turn.

RV12 N1212K
Dynon 5.3.1 installed but...

...the install reset fuel flow K-factor. Yesterday, after completing the 5.3.1 upgrade to get the AP up to 5.3, I found that my checklists had all been set back to the Dynon defaults checklists. Then, I took off only to immediately get a high fuel flow alarm. Thinking I may have a leak, I stayed in the pattern and returned to diagnose the problem. My first thought was that in removing the cowling to check for chaffing and such the day before that maybe I had somehow loosened a connection. Then it occured to me that the 5.3 upgrade had probably reset the fuel flow sensor K-Factor. Sure enough, that was the problem, the K-Factor was at a low number about half of what it should be. Now I am wondering what other numbers that I had previously programed into the unit may have been changed. Like the magnetic inclination and magnetic intensity. And maybe the compass calibration.
So, the point of the post is to remind everyone to check all your D180 parameters after a firmware upgrade. Or, maybe I'm the only dummy who didn't.
Dynon firmware update...

After the 5.3.1 update, I found that the following parameters needed to be reset:
The fuel flow K-factor
Magnetic Inclination
Magnetic Intensity
And before you disconnect the computer, reinstall your RV-12 specific checklists.
I don't think the calibrations, like fuel tank and compass were affected.

Your Custom Dynon Setting Will be lost!

Ok Ive just verified this with Dynon Tech Support. Every time you update the Software Version in you D180 all your personal customized settings will be wiped clean and you will have to reinsert them. For you guys that dont read the manual and do the updates here are a few examples of customized setting that you can insert into your Dynon. The check list thats in the POH(yes I know how to save them on my Computer Hard drive), the K-factor, Magnetic variation, Putting local time in the lower left hand corner, Changing Celsius to Fahrenheit, any settings to the AutoPilot, if you have an Autopilot then you can change which comes up first when you push the knob either baro or heading or altitude. Anyways you get the picture, since you could get 3 software updates a year this is a bit of a pain. So just to let you guys know you will need to keep a list of your own settings so every time you update you be able to reinsert them. Im not sure there is any fix for this inconvenience. Scott maybe at the next round table meeting in the office you could bring this up.. Here is the direct responce from Dynon Tech Support:
Hi John,

Unfortunately, there's no perfectly graceful way to save the settings that you've changed after the Vans settings file has been loaded. The support program will disallow your 5.3 settings backup to be loaded, and even if it didn't it would undo any new settings that Vans had customized (new settings for 5.4, that is) and restore them to their Dynon factory defaults.

The workaround is to jot down the things you change, and then reprogram them by hand after each upgrade. Make sure you have the checklists you've created saved to a file on your hard drive (via the support program's load/save feature), and then you can send them back to the unit after the Vans file resets them to the defaults.



Dynon Technical Support

RV12 N1212K
All these things are true, as I have learned after upgrading to firmware 5.4. The problem that remains for all of us is the fact that certain items that are very useful are locked out by Vans lock software. I think we all would like to have flexibility to change the timing interval on the datalog as 1 second intervals are too small for most items. The other is I learned from Dynon yesterday that the wind direction and speed indicator is also locked out. (I had to exchange my first D180 as it had some uncertainties. The replacement they sent me had the winds feature which next to airspeed an altitude is the best thing on the unit). I have asked Vans to consider unlocking these two features as it would benefit all RV12 flyers.
Dick Seiders 120093
First, I will second the motion that some of the locked out features would be nice to have. The "locking" philosophy has created many more problems than the benefits it provides.

Maybe this group can put together a listing of the personalized settings that are lost after a software upgrade. My short list is as follows:

Fuel Flow K-factor
Magnetic Inclination
Magnetic Intensity
Compass Calibration Data (Not Sure if this data is Reset)
Auto-Pilot Settings (Not Sure as I do do have the AutoPilot installed)
Checklists (if the defaults are changed)
Units (degF/degC, mph/knots) (if the defaults are changed)

The calibration of the fuel tank float is not affected by a software upgrade.

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............The other is I learned from Dynon yesterday that the wind direction and speed indicator is also locked out. (I had to exchange my first D180 as it had some uncertainties. The replacement they sent me had the winds feature which next to airspeed an altitude is the best thing on the unit). I have asked Vans to consider unlocking these two features as it would benefit all RV12 flyers.
Dick Seiders 120093

I can't image why Vans would lock out the wind aloft feature on the Dynon.
I have wind direction and speed indicated in the lower right corner of the EFIS display and also at the bottom of the HSI page. But I am still at firmware 5.3.1. If 5.4 locks this feature out, I won't be updating. Kinda of reminds me of updating the bios on your computer motherboard. A bit scary, and if you are satisfied with what you currently have, why do it?

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I have been watching these threads about our Dynons with great interest, as I anticipate this stage of building/flying in the next few months. I have not spent too much time with it yet - only verifying power up. I haven't confirmed all the features that are working or not.

I was thinking the wind direction would be a handy feature. When I committed to buy the Avionics kit I had no knowledge of this "locked" configuration. I wish Van's had disclosed this limitation of the D180. I thought I was getting all the features of a D180, and as an experimental the ability to experiment and customize. The Dynon and RV-12 are both fantastic still, but I would have reconsidered my plan of going ELSA and with the Van's provided Dynon had I known of these issues.

I am confident the software upgrade frequency will slow as the final bugs are fixed and the newer Skyview is emphasized.

Has anyone asked Dynon about removing this lock from their RV-12 D-180? What if one day you wanted to put this D-180 it some plane other than an RV-12?
If it works don't mess with it...

is my motto when it comes to software upgrades. I agree with Tony that you should have a reason to upgrade, not just because there is an upgrade. I deal with lots of software driven electronics at work(Radios and Telecom infrastructure mostly) and unless a manufacturer insists I upgrade for them to support me, I don't do it unless I am trying to improve something or bring the device up to the level of other like devices in my network. Just my 2 cents.