Grand total >$1,700

...when I talked to Barbara today! Keep the 'cash flow' flowing guys! A man's gotta have wings!
Doug's Three

...when I talked to Barbara today! Keep the 'cash flow' flowing guys! A man's gotta have wings!

Let's see.....if a kit runs $13,425 and there are just under 825 donators as listed on the white pages.....big bucks divided by donators equals $16.33 per. Now just imagine what it would be if everybody (and everybody being all lurkers as well) just called in $10.00 or so. Now we're talkin paint, seat, etc!

I'm in for $10.
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I'm always willing to contribute to a good cause...........
but who the heck is Doug Reeves?
...when I talked to Barbara today! Keep the 'cash flow' flowing guys! A man's gotta have wings!

Yes... things are moving along well, we still have a few folks that have not had time to make the call yet... and some are mailing checks too. :)

Makes you feel good all over! :D
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I'm always willing to contribute to a good cause...........
but who the heck is Doug Reeves?
He's the one in the hat.


made the call

called vans to make a donation when i told them why i called the lady started laughing telling someone in the backgroud "we got another one" there phone must ringing off the hook.just wondering whos going to take care of vaf when airplane parts start showing up at dougs house:D:D
I called and donated my $50 today. Didn't need the account number or anything. Just said it was for Doug and gave them my CC number.

My thoughts on all this was that the fund was Doug's to do with as HE pleases. It is up to him if he wants to get the QB options or not. I think it should also be up to him if he wants a lot of help building or not. Some people really enjoy the build process. Bottom line is that there should be zero strings attached to a gift. Let's stop presuming what Doug should do.

I managed to stay awake long enough ,after night shift, to get my donation in as well. I didn't need Dougs Number, she was right up on what I was doing.
I could tell from her voice however, that she was tickled by the whole thing.
Made me feel good as well.

WOW!!!!! What an incredible bunch of people.....I'm in..... Doug's gotta have Avnx too you know!!! I'm thinking a D180...

Brian Wallis
Serious attitude at Vans no chuckle

Calling Vans ..... ......

Me: ( with the heaviest slavic accent I could produce) Good Morning, Russians calling, I want to speak to Mrs ... ( by last name)
Them: wait a second Sir.... (very serious voice)
A Big Boss: can I help you Sir?
Me: I want to speak to Mrs .... (by last name) I would like to make a donation she knows how much and she knows to who ( accent starting to deteriorate)
A Big Boss: Just a moment Sir
Miss B: Can I help you?
Me: Yes I would like to make a donation you know how much and you know to whom...
Miss B: How much would you like to donate to Doug?
Me ( jaws dropped, accent disappeared) Well... like other people donated...
Miss B: OK 50 bucks... do you have a builder ## with us?
I mean YOUR builder number? ( then business as usual)
Me too...

Yup, I'm in too.

Doug, thanks for all you do for us. As far as my donation goes, no strings attached. Feel free to use it as you see fit.

Thanks again,

We need a tote board!

I was thinking that this might be the right thing to do for Doug when he put up the 3B website a while back. I just didn't know if it was right to help his decision to build.
But, the parts don't take up too much space and he did clean out the garage and build a bench after all. I'm sure the donation I called in today will be going towards the wings at this point. Perhaps he'll leave clear an area on the painted fuselage where the donors can sign their names during OSH or SNF or LOE or wherever we run into him and the 3B. Or not. No matter, don't forget to make the call to Van's and do what you can. It's just fun to be helping out.
Thanks Doug!
We?re paying the bills and have our health.

That reminds me of a movie line...

"Oh Hi... you're young and you got your health. What you want with a job?" Evelle Snoats, Raising Arizona

So I'm a bit late to this thing (weekend, work, etc.), but I got my $50 in today.

Thanks Doug!
Way to go JB.... glad you made it in. Now how about we put the peeeeer pressure on JK.

He is flying now and I see him on here all the time so he needs to get in the sandbox with us!

I will even donate the webcam for Doug's garage so we can watch him build.
i'll put in on the FWF/finish kit... first i gotta get a place to live after deployment, and set a post deployment budget. (+ my FY09 pay raise) :rolleyes:
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Yep, this has certainly been a good site, surely worth the money. Never met Doug, but he must be a good guy. I'll be calling Van's tomorrow.

Good luck Doug
purchased your $50 gift certificate today....sorry vans did not have a xmas card....anyway merry xmas .....enjoy....kitfox
Count me in....

Been out of town and just saw how this has developed--WOW!!

I just got off the phone with Barbara and put in $100. She does not have an exact number but the total so far is in the $2700 range.
First Things First

Hey Doug,
What about the Instrument Rating? It looks like you started flight training in May or so. If there is time for a RV3 project there is time for flight training. I think I am overdue for my yearly donation, so I will drop in the mail with an extra 50 bucks toward the Instrument ticket. That should buy a hour plus of avgass. Fancy instrument panels are not necessary. The examiner will probably fail that stuff anyway.

I think Fed-Ex should be making a special delivery sometime today with a new RV3B tail kit. Doug, have you decided anything on the wings yet? :)
I think Fed-Ex should be making a special delivery sometime today with a new RV3B tail kit...
It happened yesterday.

DR said:
When I got home late afternoon, Tate was selling toys in the front yard. His first 'business'. He called it T8's Toys. "OK, that's the top story tomorrow", I'm thinking....until I walked into the house. RV-3B tail kit in the living room, and it was signed by a few folks from the factory. New top story <g>.
Two Kits...Two Kids...

Audrey the day my RV-6 tail kit arrived (1996).

Audrey (now 13) and Tate (8) this morning with a RV-3B tail kit.

And I'm speechless....and honored.

Looks like you got some well wishes on the box there. Great photos.:)

Are your kids going to be helping?
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I've been out of touch for the past few weeks, and am just catching up now. Great idea... I'm in! I know he already has the tail, but my superior intellect tells me he will eventually want wings too. ;):D

I'd swear this thing would fly better with wings.... anybody have an update on how much more we need to raise? :)
We needed a BUMP

I think wings are in the plan, they do take a while to fab and get sent over. With the QB hickup at Van's, we don't know the time line... should be soon from the news out from Van's. Doug... Still needs some wings... :D

[ed. Thank you, Reiley!!!! Yes, I ordered the wings (put down deposit) just before the end of the year to get the cheaper price. I haven't heard when they'll come in, but I'm in no rush....gotta finish the emp kit first <g>. Thank you for the thought, dude. You rock!!! dr
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