Glad to Help

What a great idea! I have always thought that this site offers my biggest bang for the buck. Good luck Doug and thanks for making it all happen. Just got off the phone with Barb.
So, I?ve been staring at this dang keyboard for about fifteen minutes trying to come up with something other than just ?thank you?. And I can?t?

Thank You.
Thank You.
Thank You.

With all the negativity in the world these days, you one single post...have just splashed a bucket full of sunshine on this guy?s world. I am honored beyond words?

Now I?m going to go out in the garage and take a few deep breaths?

In utter amazement and feelin the love,
Just got off the phone with Vans

Ok, my contribution is in now. Looking forward to the day I can see another -3 flying.
It's a telethon at Vans!

I just called, Barbara is now overwhelmed and they have three people taking "Doug" orders.

Fun stuff. If we keep this up, we might have the tail and wings paid for by Monday!
shipping is on Van's

Well, you folks have kept Van's office staff smiling and busy today! Nice job! Tail Kit should ship Monday or Tuesday. Van's will cover the shipping. guys do realize that Doug will (hopefully) never give you a ride in this airplane, right?

Doug, A big thanks from Van's also. You've been a tremendous supporter!

Scott Risan
General Manager
Van's Aircraft, Inc.
OK--I'm in, too. This site has been worth at least $50 to me, and it is a great cause!! OK, Doug, dust off the tools and clean up the shop :)
Done -$50 for me

Just hung up with Vans.
At this rate I figure the whole kit may be heading his way.
Doug certainly deserves it!

I want a full report on the progress though!
Too cool!
RV-3B powered by

Gal who answered the phone just laughed when I asked for Barbara:D

She did that to me, too. guys do realize that Doug will (hopefully) never give you a ride in this airplane, right?

I've known him for almost 5 years, and he still hasn't given me a ride in Flash! What's a guy gotta do Krash? :D

Donation get to poundin' them rivets!
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Tanya and I are in.
Why? Because we believe in your community philosophy. Eventually you'll begin to tire and wonder if it is all worth it. Then, just take a look at that -3 kit in the garage and remember "We love you man" <sniffle, sniffle> :)).
I haven't even built my practice kit yet

and $50 is way lesss than the value I've received from this site. If I ever get back to Texas, I want to see!
Watch out Tink, it's time for us to take our best shot.

I'm in. Had some credit left and could help them get it off the books.

Barbara has gone home for the day. Young lady I talked to couldn't tell me the total but she said well over a thousand. She even commented he must be well liked!!!

Wonder when the tail will ship out.

I think he will need to keep a "Status of the DR 3" and post daily updates.

We now need a "take your best shot" name and paint scheme for it.
Believe it or not, I can say with no exaggeration that everything I know about building, I learned on this site.
It sounds like the financing is off to a good start. I guess I am the first one to propose a suitable N-number for this bird. Sorry, N3DR is taken. After checking the FAA online database, the available numbers ending in 3DR as of this morning are:


There are probably plenty more numbers ending in 3DR, but I just wanted to see where this could go. N43VA is also available, for Vans Airforce. More 3VA ending numbers are probably available.

I'm betting more on the reg ending in "TR". Flash is Audrey's birthday (N617AR), the 3 will be Tate's (TR). If I knew Tate's birthday I'd give you the whole reg right now.

You know now that your building in a new century and all, your gonna need a whole pile of tools you did'nt have back then....

Pneumatic Squeezer,
Pneumatic Cleco Gun,
Digital Levels,

Oh,,, And throw away all your old antique steel bucking bars, these new rivets require tungsten!

And you can't just drill a hole these days, your plane will fall out of the sky! You must ream them! :D

You know you can't build an airplane without all these new toys! :p
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I'm betting more on the reg ending in "TR". Flash is Audrey's birthday (N617AR), the 3 will be Tate's (TR). If I knew Tate's birthday I'd give you the whole reg right now.

Seems it was the day that LOE started.

At least that is what I recall DR posting about a week ago.

Found it.
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RE:Tools for hire!!!!

[You know now that your building in a new century and all, your gonna need a whole pile of tools you did'nt have back then....]...Brian quote

Brian, good point...maybe the next part of this a tool loan-a-thon.

My 7 is just about done and I know that my lovely bride of 42 years would be very unhappy if I were to start that next project (Nieuport) any time soon.

With that said any tools that Doug needs that are new and imporoved and not available locally could be loaned to him for the duration of the 3 build from those of us that are done and not using them.......

Frank @ 1L8 ...RV7A... painting and stuff
Im in

I was having trouble using my squeezer (newbie) and asked for advice. in no time I had several posts giving advice,and captainron who lives about 45 minutes away drove to my house and spent about an hour showing me how its done asking nothing in return. how can you put a price on that kind of help from people you have never met. my thanks to doug and to all here :D:D
Rough count..

Just did a rough count going thru the posts here. The tail kit is paid for and serious deposit has been made on the wings. Not bad for a couple days work.

" The measure of a mans heart is not in how much He loves; But in how well he is loved by others"
The Wizard of Oz
I was having trouble using my squeezer (newbie) and asked for advice. in no time I had several posts giving advice,and captainron who lives about 45 minutes away drove to my house and spent about an hour showing me how its done asking nothing in return. how can you put a price on that kind of help from people you have never met. my thanks to doug and to all here :D:D

Next time you see CaptainRon ask him about his bird hunting expedition on the way home from LOE two years ago!
SB OR FB wings?


Doug needs QB wings if he builds a 3. That is the way to go. I will help to pay for them and help to build what ever he desides to do!! I am in on this.

BUT! Come look at my "fleet" an see what a SECOND?, back up,,,,?,,, airplane ought to look's.not a plane that does the same mission as the first??
Finally.... Jay Pratt

Jay I was 99 percent sure you post something like this. You helped Doug to build Flash and you will contribute one more time. Let it be The Quickest Built Three ever. Nxx10TR.
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BUT! Come look at my "fleet" an see what a SECOND?, back up,,,,?,,, airplane ought to look's.not a plane that does the same mission as the first??

Ahh... But Doug has a special mission for this RV-3B. It will not be a big time cross country travel plane. Check his website... no paint just polished, no lights at all. Looks like he wants a very light rocket, formation, weekend fun machine. Oh and economical too boot!!! :)
I will say first that I don?t deserve this, and I really don?t. We?re paying the bills and have our health. Second, I?m honored and humbled beyond words. It?s easy to take the credit for the tone of a place when the quality of the participants is so high.

I know I can?t stop ya, so I?ll just close my mouth now and thank you again. This means more to me than I can ever say, gang.


This says it all. Doug knows what is really important in life first and foremost but really loves to fly too. Who else does those dawn flights before work?

Doug, you are a total class act and one of the nicest guys I have ever not met in person.

I guess if you really say we are running the show here, you'll have lots of time to build the new -3.;)

I'm in too.:)

Bob Avery has an 0-290 that is not being used. Maybe he will let us use it;) for Dougs 3?
Bob Avery has an 0-290 that is not being used. Maybe he will let us use it;) for Dougs 3?

Maybe you should show this entire thread to Bob so we won't have to twist his arm.

If not Bob, does anybody else have something just hanging around, begging to be donated?
Great idea-------BUT,

How about Doug has to fly it to all our locations, we sign the outside in perm marker, then it gets a clear coat??????:D

Gas for such a trip:eek: would make the original kit cost pretty trivial, I suspect.

It will be the first RV to look like it belongs on the NASCAR circuit.

I'll donate Monday! Maybe a little later in the day after the crowd dwindles a little. :)

Morning Builders & Flyers,

This Gift for Doug's party is going Great! We are way past the tail stage and well on to the QB wings. If you're not aboard yet, Monday is your day. I should have a spread sheet for status on where we are late Monday. As you've already read from Scott, the tail kit will be shipped early week. The wings will be about 6 month out, but there is a lot of other work that can be done prepping the fuse parts, locating and checking out the engine, etc...

Life is Good! :)
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if one ever has a question, this site alwys has the answer...thank you VAF...

doug....count me in on a rv3 $ donation....just let me know when and where
Im in....

11431 on Monday. I get to sign a wing.
Im on here daily. Now I wont feel guilty anymore.:D
Just fired off an email to Barbara

Thanks, Doug, for getting a great group of people together in one forum. I have already learned a great deal and have yet to pound a single rivet. One question for Doug: Are you going to prime it? :D

Ok guys, I'm IN on this thing too, but I'm not going to contribute $50, looks like you guys have that part covered. No, I think I might be in a unique position to make a slightly different sort of contribution...
Yo Doug, once you get into the project a bit I'll fly you up here to the Portland area on a frequent flyer ticket, put you up at Casa Lervold for a day or two, and we'll do the following...
  1. Go through my manual and plans and transcribe all my notes (errors, omissions, incorrect parts references, etc.) to yours.
  2. Spend as long as we need to in my hangar lookin over my -3B in great detail and having you make notes about everything you'll need to think about or address. Of course you'll be able to take cockpit dimensions from mine also to get a head start on making sure everything fits you.
  3. Since several key vendors are located here so we'll stop any of those we need to (Advanced Flight Systems, Van's Aircraft, Oregon Aero, etc.).
So get busy and get that emp done. Give me 90 days notice and I'll put the whole trip together.
You're gonna LOVE this airplane!!

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Yo Doug, once you get into the project a bit I'll fly you up here to the Portland area on a frequent flyer ticket, put you up at Casa Lervold for a day or two, and we'll do the following...

That is too cool! Makes me want to build a -3 :D. Guess I'll finish my -8 first. My next bird will definately be an RV-3 or a Rocket!
You had me at 'hello', Randy. :p

I'm still dumbfounded by all is the rest of our family (and yes, Tate is calling it 'his' plane already).
Yo Doug, once you get into the project a bit I'll fly you up here to the Portland area on a frequent flyer ticket, put you up at Casa Lervold for a day or two, and we'll do the following...
  1. Go through my manual and plans and transcribe all my notes (errors, omissions, incorrect parts references, etc.) to yours.
  2. Spend as long as we need to in my hangar lookin over my -3B in great detail and having you make notes about everything you'll need to think about or address. Of course you'll be able to take cockpit dimensions from mine also to get a head start on making sure everything fits you.
  3. Since several key vendors are located here so we'll stop any of those we need to (Advanced Flight Systems, Van's Aircraft, Oregon Aero, etc.).
So get busy and get that emp done. Give me 90 days notice and I'll put the whole trip together.
Sounds like a great idea.

Can we impose on both of you to put together PDFs of all the written stuff and videos of tips / tricks and Doug, can you host those on your rb-3b site?