
Well Known Member
Hello Builders...

Can we chip in a buy Doug an RV3 Tail kit to get him going? And no he doesn't need the money!!! $50.00 a head, I'm in... $910.00 we should be able to make this happen.... :D He has done an awesome job with the RV community, maybe we can pay back with some QB wings too... Then we schedule a build weekend in his garage to give him a jump start on the
RV3B... Sounds like fun!!
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I'll jump in on this

Doug has done a lot for the community. VAF has so much valuable information, I couldn't tell you how many threads I've saved in my "builders notes" folder.

Let me know where to send a money order.

- just received my Dynon servos and AP74, hope to fly before summer '09

Thanks DOUG!

Thanks Dave!!! You're on Spot... We will set a deal up with Van's for the funds.

Face it... Turn this site off for a week and we would all need to go to see a shrink...

And let me clarify!!!!! We are not looking for a charity donation!!!!! Doug at this time knows nothing about this. This is a GIFT to him. The Reeves Family does well for themselves.

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I'm in

Setting this up with Vans would be great, especially if this can be done via credit card. Or someone might have a Paypal account we could deposit to. Makes it a lot easier for us Canuckleheads seeing nobody south of 49 likes our cheques (checks to you guys). But I will go buy a US dollar money order if need be.

I really appreciate the tone of this forum and the work the moderators do. Sometimes there are a few complaints about things being too strict but it beats the alternative.

Van's will be contacted, Doug has the RV3B preview plans. We get a builder # and the credit card should be able to be applied. This is a great forum! And Doug put this all together. A lot of hard work was and still is involved. I just this we should Gift back to him. :)
I'm in. If I wasn't for Doug and this site my project would still be gathering dust in the basement. :)
It is worth the entertainment value

I'm in. It's not that I particularly like the little booger, but it might be worth the entertainment value to see Doug wrestle with holeless aluminum until it flies.
And of course I?m dumbfounded and speechless?

Can you imagine waking up to see this thread? Stared at the monitor for a full minute with my head swimming?

I will say first that I don?t deserve this, and I really don?t. We?re paying the bills and have our health. Second, I?m honored and humbled beyond words. It?s easy to take the credit for the tone of a place when the quality of the participants is so high.

I know I can?t stop ya, so I?ll just close my mouth now and thank you again. This means more to me than I can ever say, gang.

Shaking head in amazement :eek:,
Now this is an idea I can get behind. Especially if I get to drink coffee and see photos of Doug's progress every morning!

Hello Builders...

Can we chip in a buy Doug an RV3 Tail kit to get him going? And no he doesn't need the money!!! $50.00 a head, I'm in... $910.00 we should be able to make this happen.... :D He has done an awesome job with the RV community, maybe we can pay back with some QB wings too... Then we schedule a build weekend in his garage to give him a jump start on the
RV3B... Sounds like fun!!
Man, I came in and got so excited when I saw this thread ... :D

I'm good for a donation. Thanks, DR, for starting this community (and the rides in Flash!).

I'm in

I wouldn't know what to do when I get to the office if it wasn't for VAF.

It's worth a little money to get Doug pounding rivets and keep him off the pink scooter. :eek:
If we bog Doug down in a building project, who's gonna let me fly in THEIR RV while mine still isn't done? :D;)

Sent Van's an e-mail very late last night, hope to hear back today, so I'll let you know what the deal is.

Great idea, and great response!

I'm in - but I think we should require him to keep a page tab on the site with his updated build log so we can track the progress of "our" airplane!
N-number for the DR RV-3B

It sounds like the financing is off to a good start. I guess I am the first one to propose a suitable N-number for this bird. Sorry, N3DR is taken. After checking the FAA online database, the available numbers ending in 3DR as of this morning are:


There are probably plenty more numbers ending in 3DR, but I just wanted to see where this could go. N43VA is also available, for Vans Airforce. More 3VA ending numbers are probably available.
I'm in

I'm in. The information on this site saved me way more than $50.00.

Where do we send it to DR?
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This site and it's members has definitely given me more than my yearly contribution's worth (wouldn't have my own project without it)! Once payment information gets posted up I'll see if I can scrounge up a spare 50 and send it on its way.
count my donation

Let me know when and where to send the donation. I will pony up to get a flier building again. :D

Here we go...

Doug Reeves RV3B... 11431

Everyone at Van's knows what up, just call and ask for Barbara and put your donation to account 11431.

Let's getter done. Great response!!

Here we go...

Doug Reeves RV3B... 11431

Everyone at Van's knows what up, just call and ask for Barbara and put your donation to account 11431.

Let's getter done. Great response!!



Gal who answered the phone just laughed when I asked for Barbara:D
Dontation made. Got a great laugh when I told them who I was:

"And who are you?"
"I'm Doug Reeves"
"Not that Doug Reeves, I'm The Other Doug Reeves"
[giggle] "Yeah, you don't sound like him"

Another donation made

Barbara has my donation.

Time for Doug to get his work shop fired up again!
well I am at work now

and do not have a card with me:eek: you guys are so fast. I will send my donation on Monday

Yep, they were laughing as soon as they picked up the phone. :)

Doug, enjoy!

I think Van's has called in temporary switch board operators......kinda like the Jerry Lewis telethon;) Mine added to the fund.

Doug, time to dust off that drill!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do we get to sign a piece of skin inside like the Apple boys did in the original Mac?

Signing party at OSH? :D

Great idea-------BUT,

How about Doug has to fly it to all our locations, we sign the outside in perm marker, then it gets a clear coat??????:D

Gas for such a trip:eek: would make the original kit cost pretty trivial, I suspect.
Great idea-------BUT,

How about Doug has to fly it to all our locations, we sign the outside in perm marker, then it gets a clear coat??????:D

Gas for such a trip:eek: would make the original kit cost pretty trivial, I suspect.
There's something to this. I'm sure we can find some way to have remote people "sign" the -3, painting their signatures? I'm not a painter (nor do I play one one on TV), but there has to be some way to get all the signatures, silk screen them or something, then clear coat over that....


Hah,............we're already "painting" Doug's 3:D

There's something to this. I'm sure we can find some way to have remote people "sign" the -3, painting their signatures? I'm not a painter (nor do I play one one on TV), but there has to be some way to get all the signatures, silk screen them or something, then clear coat over that....


Barbara was glad to take my information :p ! Thank you Doug for all you have done for myself and the entire RV builders community! (and i hope i can sign it someday)

Yep, all I did was mention Doug's name... then I heard Barbara announce to the office staff "here's another one for Doug". Absolutely the most fun and enjoyment I've had since LOE. The RV community is indeed a group of VERY SPECIAL people.
I didn't even have to say what I was calling about

Knew right away what the phone call was about.

thanks for the site DR. The contribution toward the 3b is the least I can do!
Well, I "assisted" (watched...I did help pull the cowl:eek:) on an oil change on Flash today. Looks like this one will last a few Doug's flying time will be cut in direct proportion to his construction time. The thing should be in the mail by Monday.

Nice job Guys!
