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Anyone have any ideas on how to diagnose a avionics problem that just happened. My D-180 and AP74 is no longer receiving input from my Garmin GPS-495, thus no Wind Aloft, nor Nav Autopilot, etc. I did swap out my 495 on another 2010 RV-12 and it worked fine, so the issue is Van's control board or the D-180. I did check all wiring for chaffing and the connectors, and found no issue. Called Van and Dynon and they had no tangible ideas, except upgrading which seems like over-kill. I am thinking of direct wiring the 495 to the 180, bypassing control board.... My bird has 500 trouble free hours on it up to now...
I had a 396 tied into a D 180 similiar to your set up. At one time I had a problem with the rather light duty plug on the back of the GPS that connected the RS 232 position signal , that communicates via 2 wires in that 4 wire plug. A new Garmin output adapter plug fixed my issues. Might want to check that out. The connecter is not very robust on those.
I've seen baud rate issues that have caused data to stop flowing between a GPS and a Dynon D-100 (similar to your D-180) as well as cable issues that have caused intermittent connectivity. I've never heard of a board produced by Vans for accepting NEMA data. Is the board from Vans Aircraft or some other Vans? Can you describe the functionality of this board? Unless you are using the board to split the GPS signal it would be simple enough to wire it directly to the D-180.

  • As suggested by Dennis, check your cable.
  • Start from scratch. Configure both the GPS and D-180 as if they were new units. Experiment with different baud rates. I.E. Auto-baud rate to 9600, NEMA settings, etc.
  • If none of the above make a difference, eliminate the board and wire directly to the D-180