Only One

Glad to hear you folks made it down. Did all four planes go all the way down?

We'll miss the lasagna (and always like Victor's green chicken enchiladas!). But, the brisket sounds great. We hope to be in about 10 or 11 tomorrow morning.

Now, back to the movie......


The 4 tagged along as far as Pueblo as our Saturday Morning Breakfast Run Gang. After breakfast we headed south, they headed north back to FTG

See you tomorrow. We just checked out your bedroom, nice!
It's beautiful here!

Louise and I landed about 0950 this morning here at BBRSP after fighting headwinds of 40+knots all the way from Houston. Stopped at Terrell County for fuel as we just weren't going to make it to Alpine with decent reserves. great to see a few others here, and it looks like we'll have a nice stay.

Now, will the winds swing around before we head back tomorrow? Probably....

I am terribly disappointed that I have not been able to make it out to the Ranch this trip. Last Thursday I was attacked by an AD (that's Airport Dog) in Marfa. The wound on my inner thigh resembles a gunshot, and consequently I have not been able to stay on my feet for prolonged periods yet. Today was better, but I'll be at least another few days before I'm sort of back to normal.

Perhaps since some couldn't make it this trip because of weather, a "mulligan" in a month or so will be possible? We'll be well into our two RV-10 QuickBuild kits by then, and would love to have any of you drop in on your way to or from the State Park.

Chase Snodgrass
Presidio, TX
Chase - sounds like you made a tough but good decision - we had a nice turnout actually - I need to count again, but we might have had as many people as last year - and with the other groups there, the bunkhouse was full!

I just got home after dropping Louise off for her commercial flight back east, and will try and write up the weekend when I get a chance to dig out.

Overall, a great trip, great people, beautiful weather (once we got out there) and a spectacular Shuttle/ISS pass on Sunday night!

Wonderfull Weekend

We landed FTG after 4+42 flight time from BBRSP. We had a wonderful weekend and met some great new people.
Tanya and I landed back in Austin (GTU) with only 2hrs of flight time from Big Bend. Wow, tail winds are awsome. Ok, I'm new :). That was a lot of fun. Those people that are planning on camping out there are crazy.
Upon landing back home, the tower "suggested" that I call them when I got a chance. They knew where we had been since Tanya delivered carmel candies the morning we left. Turns out that US Customs must have tracked us back all the way back and called the tower as we were on short final to get our tail numbers! What the... No way did we ever come closer than about 15mi. to the border. I'm betting that customs tracked us all back home that launched out of there this morning. Our tower guys are just super cool and well stocked with cookies to give me a heads up. No call from Customs yet.
...Upon landing back home, the tower "suggested" that I call them when I got a chance. They knew where we had been since Tanya delivered carmel candies the morning we left. Turns out that US Customs must have tracked us back all the way back and called the tower as we were on short final to get our tail numbers!...
Scott, please keep us informed if anything happens. I find this pretty disturbing.

I guess I'm glad that we popped chaff and then landed at Kestrel for fuel (to let the trail go cold) before heading back to Houston.....

Maybe Chase can testify in your favor?!

Hope that's the last you hear of it Scott - there shouldn't be a thing wrong with flying on this side of the border...

Upon landing back home, the tower "suggested" that I call them when I got a chance. They knew where we had been since Tanya delivered carmel candies the morning we left. Turns out that US Customs must have tracked us back all the way back and called the tower as we were on short final to get our tail numbers! What the...
Serious? WT* indeed. That's whacky.

Hmmm .... maybe something turned up in those candies .... :D

Yeah, I am super appreciative of our tower guys giving a heads up, but pretty annoyed at the real expense that must be involved to track an RV completely across this big state with personal followup with a phone call to the tower to get my tail numbers. All with me departing from a location where we ate and drank with a bunch of state park rangers the whole time on the ground :). And why couldn't they just pick my tail numbers off of my mode S, like Paul and I were talking about the evening before?
I have carefully considered that these comments are "out there", but the more I think about it, the more annoyed I am. I'm guessing that I won't hear anything more of it, and wouldn't even have been aware if not for the special (caramel and cookie) relationship that has been cultivated by Tanya.
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Well I "drove" out there from Houston because the weather was to bad to fly VFR. Stayed in the bunkhouse Friday night then went out and saw Chase Saturday (really nice guy) . Ive lived in Texas 35 years and had never been down to Big Bend area and all I can saw is WOW. I will be back hopefully in my finished 8.
They may have been looking for me

TTurns out that US Customs must have tracked us back all the way back and called the tower as we were on short final to get our tail numbers! What the... No way did we ever come closer than about 15mi. to the border. .

Carolyn and I spent a couple of hours flying around the park Sunday morning after I gave a ride to a guy named Al. I don't think we ever got closer than 2 miles to the border. I looked at my GPS track last night and it agrees, Gary never crossed the border.

I like Paul landed for fuel which screws up their tracking. Marc also landed Alpine for fuel so he to confused the trackers. Maybe being bare metal you show up brighter on the scopes:)
Carolyn and I spent a couple of hours flying around the park Sunday morning after I gave a ride to a guy named Al. I don't think we ever got closer than 2 miles to the border. I looked at my GPS track last night and it agrees, Gary never crossed the border.

I like Paul landed for fuel which screws up their tracking. Marc also landed Alpine for fuel so he to confused the trackers. Maybe being bare metal you show up brighter on the scopes:)

<chuckle>Now I see, it is all you guys that dropped off your "payload" before your final destination that made me stick out like a sore thumb on my single hop :). I figured they just couldn't believe an RV9A making 190kt ground speed.

Hi Folks,

Come on---I know someone on this trip must have taken a few pics!!

How about some postings!

BTW, Janie and I really wanted to go again this year but it was not in the cards--however, we are currently planning to fly out next week. We hope to have the park all to ourselves--well, ourselves and the 4-6 others who missed out on the Presidents Day gathering due to weather and want to experience BBRSP.

I understand from John (BBRSP volunteer) that Spring Break is not a good time for solitude at the park--anyone know when the Spring Break "season" begins?

Best Wishes to all,


Pictures up and spring break

Scott and my photos are up now on the other thread.

I don't know about Texas schools, specifically, but here's an educated guess based on my experience both in academics and hanging out near Southwestern parks. This year, Easter is early and spring breaks will start March 15th. That week and the following will likely be the busiest. Various schools will get out at various times, but the breaks will probably slow down around April 13th.