I may have a seat in the airplane and bunk at the bunkhouse available. My father has had to reschedule his trip to TX from Montana. I am planning to leave Saturday am and return Monday am. Please PM if interested in either.

Check your PM

I may have a seat in the airplane and bunk at the bunkhouse available. My father has had to reschedule his trip to TX from Montana. I am planning to leave Saturday am and return Monday am. Please PM if interested in either.


Doug, check your PM. If I can get in the bunkhouse the wife would be a lot happier. Otherwise we be camping.
Great videos

Great fun watching the videos. Thanks, Chase. I look forward to seeing you next weekend.

Paul, the videos tipped me over the edge. If weather is stable and work on Friday isn't too demanding, I'm coming down in Mikey and banking the Southwest flight! (Of course, the odds of both things happening this time of year are rather small.)
Sweeper status


I flew out to the Ranch this afternoon and met Edmundo at the paved strip. Edmundo was driving a big self-propelled highway sweeper up and down the runway. We thoroughly discussed the safety and expense consequences of mixing loose gravel with airplane propellers, especially in the parking area. He promised to sweep the parking area and ends of the runway several more times today and again next Thursday.

The strip was paved years ago using small gravel spread over a thin layer of hot asphalt. It's quite durable, but a challenge to get all the gravel off because it's hard to see. After today the runway and parking area should be in pretty good shape. I hope to get back out there before next weekend and check it out. For those of you flying tricycle gear, I would recommend reasonable caution just to be on the safe side. (i.e. keep the stick back and use low RPM on the ground)

Chase Snodgrass
Presidio, TX
New phone # and time to reserve meals

If you plan to eat meals in the ranchhouse this weekend, the park would appreciate a phone call by close of business Thursday letting them know what meals you expect to join. However, the usual phone number in Presidio will not be answered this week. So, please call the Saucedo office: 432-358-4444. (I talked with Marvin, I believe.) I expect they are also the folks to call for last-minute questions, checking for cancelled reservations, or arranging a horseback ride.
So when are people arriving?

All ye that are attending, what is your ETA?

Also, where are you coming from?

From the Denver area I figure about 4 hours ETE including a fuel and potty stop somewhere.
I'm hoping Louise and I will be there before noon on Saturday - depends on how early we get started!

TODR's shooting for noon Saturday, but will depend on WX in Dallas. I have Monday off from work (vacation, not a holiday - consultants don't get "holidays" ;) ) and will stay through Monday am if WX allows.

Howdy BBRSPers,

We were really looking forward to this weekend, unfortunately Janie and I have had to cancel our "bunkhouse" reservations due to items out of our control. If you were trying to get in, there are now two vacancies in the bunkhouse for Sat and Sun nights.

Hope you all have a great weekend!!


Dave and Janie

Howdy BBRSPers,

We were really looking forward to this weekend, unfortunately Janie and I have had to cancel our "bunkhouse" reservations due to items out of our control.

Bummer. I'm sorry that you'll miss out this year. I hope things work out for you this weekend.
Reporting from 3TE3

Decided to fly down early to avoid the expected bad weather around ABQ. The bunkhouse now has a wireless internet connection (is that good or bad?) so it?s a good chance to get caught up on work in relative solitude.

The runway is relatively large and clean of debris, and if you fly over the ranch house just west of the runway they?ll drive out and pick you up.

3TE3 is not in the Garmin 430, so just to make sure you don?t land at the wrong ranch :D the coordinates are:
N 29 28.18
W 103 56.20

I?ll post if there is any adverse weather that can be seen from here.

There just happened to be a guy here named Paul who does aerial photography and he sent me these images.

This is flying above the bunkhouse looking east over the runway.


This is tying down the RV-7 with Paul's Luscombe in the background and the ranger looking on.


See more of Paul's work at www.downtoearthphoto.com
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Carol and I plan to leave Fort Worth tomorrow, Friday, in Shooter my Super Cub. Arrive around 3PM. However the WX forecast looks bleak tomorrow.
Plane B is to launch Saturday morning....
The weather isn't looking so good for us departing Austin on Saturday. There may end up being a room available in the ranch house if we end up being absent (highly likely at this point).
The weather isn't looking so good for us departing Austin on Saturday. There may end up being a room available in the ranch house if we end up being absent (highly likely at this point).
WX is looking poor for DFW departures on Saturday due to rain and potentially low ceilings. Will check tomorrow night and make a decision.

I'm hoping the forecast for Saturday will be better in another 24 hours, but the weather will be what the weather will be.....a couple of days ago, the whole weekend looked great, now Saturday looks a bit iffy - we'll head out there whenever it is good enough to go!

The weather is definitely crummy up here today. Snow and cold but should start clearing this evening as the front heads for Dallas and Houston. I'm still hoping to get a bed indoors as the forecast for the BBRSP region looks to be a little chilly. So if any of you cancel please let them know the Zilik's want a space. Big house is ok.
BBRSP Vacancies


Janie and I cancelled yesterday so there should be one mens and one womens bunk available in -- you guessed it--the bunkhouse!!


I'm hoping the forecast for Saturday will be better in another 24 hours, but the weather will be what the weather will be.....a couple of days ago, the whole weekend looked great, now Saturday looks a bit iffy - we'll head out there whenever it is good enough to go!
Well said. We'll get what we get - the forecast is worth what you paid for it!

I cancelled two beds (men's side) in the bunk house yesterday. Flying out of Central Texas Saturday looks real iffy.

No beds yet!

I just called and talked to Bill at the bunkhouse and he said no one had canceled as of yet. They don't seem to be really organized down there, but at least there nice folks. Bill said people have called and are worried about the weather but none cancled. Oh well, I'll try again tomorrow.

Tell Bill to check with Edmundo in the office---I cancelled Janie and my reservations on Wednesday morning and made sure Edmundo wrote down the time/person/location of reservations to insure my refund. He assured me he would pass it on to the appropriate party.

You are right about the casual approach to managing the BBRSP--that was one of the really neat things about it!!

Best Wishes,

You're right, things are very casual down here. :D

If anyone really thinks they're in a bind, I'd be glad to walk over an talk with someone. But no one seems too uptight about things around here.

Well, off for a fajita dinner at the bunkhouse...
Yep, the weather is looking less than desirable for our planned early morning departure. But, Paul and I still plan to make it over when the weather allows safe passage. Could be Sunday, I suppose, but I think we'll probably make it.

Lucky Marc had the best plan! Unfortunately, I'm still in D.C. and Paul's on console tonight. :(
We'll give it a shot but it's not looking good. If not this time let's hook up at BBRSP soon.

You're gonna have a ball building the 10. Building was almost as much fun as flying - almost.

Word from the MCC

Paul tells me that he will bring along some Shuttle/ISS sighting predictions for the BBRSP coordinates for the weekend. He thinks we might have a good opportunity on Sunday night!

We're still hoping for a Saturday arrival but figure we'll make it on Sunday if not.
Paul tells me that he will bring along some Shuttle/ISS sighting predictions for the BBRSP coordinates for the weekend. He thinks we might have a good opportunity on Sunday night!

We're still hoping for a Saturday arrival but figure we'll make it on Sunday if not.
WX still looks poor ... lots of MVFR forecast between DAL and 3TE3. The terminal forecast for DAL today and tomorrow morning looks ... terminal.

I will keep Sunday open, but it looks pretty bad as well - sometime on Sunday, the rain will stop and winds pick up to 20G30. Time to study IFR materials again.


well I did not want to fly my old Luscombe in the bad weather so I started drivin yesterday ,I am in Kerrville now. Is any one still going?

:(:( Mist and cold here now............. My Supercub is a no gyro airplane. So we are holding here @ Hicks T67 near Fort Worth.
If, Borrowed Horse was flyable I would be thinking of a Sunday dash,,,,to the ranch,,,,,,,,,,,,,....

Its solid at 500 ft in Kerrville right now, I just talked to Chase in Presedio he says its not to bad right now and a few planes are at BBRSP. I am driving because I do not have time to get stuck to wait out the weather.
Think happy thoughts...

Stimpy mashes the 'good weather' button on the Weather-O-Matic machine.
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The staff is asking that anyone who is delayed or cancelling please let them know by calling in. Primarily to help plan the meals.

Please call the visitor center at 432 358-4444 (which is across the parking lot from the bunkhouse).

Wx currently is high overcast here, low winds.
Still planning on it....

I hadn't realized ho many folks were planning on going out on friday....we've been planning Saturday all along, and yep, it still looks pretty icky, but Sunday looks promising. We're still planning on being there as soon as the weather allows! (I cna always go IFR to Alpine from Houston if it stay nice enough out at the ranch for VFR from there.)

Friday, 1345 Local Update: Looks to me like the forecasts are speeding things up a little it - there is a good chance that west/central Texas will be done with precip by the middle of the day Saturday, and as long as we don't have ice to contend with, I'd say there's a good chance we can get out of Houston IFR and still make it to BBRSP saturday night. Sunday is looking great the whole way! (I hope that you un-empl....er...make that "self-employed" guys from Dallas that don't have to punch a clock on Monday take another look Sunday morning.....;))

Then again...the weather will be what the weather will be.....

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Hopefully Sunday

I just canceled a room in the house for Saturday night if anyone wants some privacy for a night. We are hoping that it is clear enough to launch early Sunday morning and to be there for lunch. Crossing all of our fingers and toes. I guess it will give me one more day to bake some fresh choc-chip cookies. :D
We gonna be warm now!

Carolyn and I finally secured room in the bunkhouse. We would have gladly camped if it meant everyone would have good flying weather. It does look as if we could run into some crud through NM, nothing full tanks and all day can't circumnavigate. If all goes to plan we should arrive at 1330 local for the observation pass over the ranch house.

I filled up this morning on the way home from breakfast. $3.70 at 18V is a bargain around these parts. Looks like fuel in West Texas is running about $4.50, Ouch. I think we'll stop in E38 before going on the the ranch. Any better ideas for cheaper gas?
Srubbing on the rain.

Sorry gang. DFW is now:

TAF KDFW 161133Z 161212 04009KT 3SM -SHRA BR OVC004
FM1500 06008KT 3SM -SHRA BR OVC006
FM2100 28009KT 3SM SHRA OVC007
FM0100 24016KT P6SM BKN040​
200' OVC is below my minimums. ;)
I'm gonna stay around here for the weekend. I need to be home Sunday night...
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Still Going!

Well it is pretty stinko here in Houston this morning, and the forecast doesn't improve until late this afternoon. Sunday and Monday look great, so Louise ad I are still planning on going (since she flew all the way here from D.C.....) - might be late this afternoon, might be a pre-dawn departure tomorrow - we'll go as soon as we have reasonable weather along the route. We'll miss all the folks who can't make it - hope to still see a few peope there!


I would try to come out Sunday IF I had an RV,,,,,, This trip is probably 5 hours in Shooter. Y'all have fun.
Maby we can do another trip out there in a month or so....
The Borrowed Horse will be painted soon. We plan to be on the fly outs, after..........! try not to miss any of them.
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Sunday Morning

Well, the predicted line of storms is building up across central Texas right now, so we just called and talked to John at the park and told him we wouldn't be there tonight - the weather looks good for a Sunday morning departure, so we plan to get in to spend Sunday and one night.

Yep, Tanya and I are planning an early morning Sunday departure from Austin.
Yee, haw. I can see THE massive clearing line approaching out my back window from the west in NW Austin. It is going to be beautiful westbound flying weather tomorrow. The satellite imagery doesn't quite do the image justice.
Long trip from Denver

We left FTG at 0820 mst in a 4 ship heading to PUB for breakfast. The weather looked pokable but once airborne I new it would be best to head west. So we jumped over the frontrange and headed for Taos NM and then on to ABQ. This put us on the back side of the low giving us ground speed in the 190's. We stopped in Las Cruses for fuel and then flew down the Rio Grand to 3TE3. Landed at 0400 cst.

Wish you guys were here. Dinner is lasagna, would have been brisket but their saving that for you guys tomorrow night.
Great news!

Wish you guys were here. Dinner is lasagna, would have been brisket but their saving that for you guys tomorrow night.

Glad to hear you folks made it down. Did all four planes go all the way down?

We'll miss the lasagna (and always like Victor's green chicken enchiladas!). But, the brisket sounds great. We hope to be in about 10 or 11 tomorrow morning.

Now, back to the movie......
Tanya has the cookies in the oven right now. We'll see just how many of them make it all the way to 3TE3 with us in the morning. Can't wait.