Louise Hose

Well Known Member

Those who attended agreed that last year’s informal Big Bend Ranch State Park (hereafter known as BBRSP) fly-in was just about a perfect weekend. If you don’t believe me, check out the reports: http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=15338&highlight=big+bend+ranch+state+park.

So, it appears to be time to announce another trip. Like last year, it will be an "ala carte" weekend - you can pick and choose from the options available from local services while enjoying the company of other Rvators - or spend a little time lost in the wilderness by yourself! In short, we are not going to take or make group reservations. It would be nice to have a list of who's planning to go, but we'll leave it up to each individual to call the park and reserve what they would like with regards to camping, bunkhouse space, and/or food. This plan worked great last year. Once you’re “in”, drop Ironflight or me a P.M…..if you like. Anyone can drop in at the last minute….if you don’t need a bed or prepared food.

Dates: 16 - 18 Feb 2008. Come for all or part of a 3-day weekend - as many or few days as you like. (That is Presidents' day weekend for those that get the holiday). I have checked with the park, and the bunkhouse is currently empty, there is one bedroom left in the ranch house, and camping is never booked up! This time of year is typically pleasant….avoiding the heat of the spring through early fall, the potential cold of December and January, and, hopefully, before the big spring winds. Last year was a bit nippy, but really quite enjoyable.

Lodging: You can choose to primitive camp at "South Leyva", about halfway between the airstrip and the “headquarters” or stay in the bunkhouse (dormitory style lodging, men and women on opposite sides of the building, two beds to a cubicle) at headquarters, which is about a mile from the airstrip. Camping is $8 per night for up to four people. Bunkhouse is $25 per night per person. If could fill up, so you might want to reserve a space sooner than later. Or, you can act really fast and take a pricey ($100/night) but nice room in the Big House. Call (432) 229-3416 between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. for information and reservations.

Food options: Bring your own, or get it at the bunkhouse – Last year’s meals were: Breakfast at $6.00, Lunch $8.50, dinner $10.50. It's not ordering off a menu - it's what they are serving! We found it really good food in a west Texas style.

There are lots of details that we will no doubt figure out later, but this is mostly a heads-up for those who like to plan ahead (and ensure a bed when you arrive). The best information on what you might do during the weekend is probably available at last year’s report site. There is also more information at the official website: http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/spdest/findadest/parks/big_bend_ranch/fee.phtml and their newsletter: http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/publications/pwdpubs/media/pwd_br_p4507_1437_11_07.pdf

As for the airplane stuff…..the airstrip is 3TE3, it is paved, and it was well-maintained last time we were there (http://www.vansairforce.com/community/showthread.php?t=22316&highlight=big+bend+ranch+state+park). The location is 29-28-10.6840N / 103-56-11.7030W, elevation: 4240 feet, and length: 5500 feet. The procedure is to find the headquarters about one mile to the west, circle it a couple of times, go land, tie-down and unpack, and expect a van to pick you up (for free!) before you finish securing things. There are pretty limited tie-downs (maybe 10?), so it would be prudent to bring your own. There are no hangers or other such facilities and no one seems to monitor a radio frequency.
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Where's it at?

If it is in Texas it must be over on the west side based on the mountains I see in the background.

Bob Axsom
If it is in Texas it must be over on the west side based on the mountains I see in the background.

Bob Axsom

The long/lat are provided in the original posting. It is on the northwest/west side (and upstream on the Rio Grande) of Big Bend National Park. Otherwise, it is near nowhere. Check the links provided for better details.

I did put it in the West(Southwest) section as it is in the Southwest despite being in the possession of Texas.

Do you or Paul know if John and Diana will be back managing BBRSP this year?? I attribute much of last years relaxing experience to their informal approach to managing the park!! I might also mention that I sure hope Victor still does the cooking!!


Dave and Janie


Do you or Paul know if John and Diana will be back managing BBRSP this year?? I attribute much of last years relaxing experience to their informal approach to managing the park!! I might also mention that I sure hope Victor still does the cooking!!


Dave and Janie

When we were there in October, the folks told us that John and Diana had confirmed that they will be coming back this month (December). And, Victor was there doing the cooking. So, I'm expecting an equally good trip....but likely with more folks. I'm really glad that you and Janie plan to join us!
Jay and Carol IN!

Last year we had to do family stuff.
We will come on out this time, WX permiting.
Card House Will Be in Attendance

Last year, we had no airplane. This year, we grabbed a room at the house. I was told there were 2, so must be 1 left. Hope the weather cooperates, or we're out our deposit.
Pilot Getaways does Big Bend

I just received the current issue of Pilot Getaways and they have a informative article on Big Bend State Park in it.
Big Bend

I will be driving my 1946 Luscombe from Houston so ya all try not to run me over on the way.
Pilot Getaways

I just received the current issue of Pilot Getaways and they have a informative article on Big Bend State Park in it.

My son and I did the photo shoot for Pilot Getaways in the Super Cub! As you might imagine, we're doubly eager to see the new issue.

For those that may not know, a lot of upgrades are underway at BBRSP: new campsites and trails under construction, etc. The word is the Governor wants to see a dramatic increase in park attendance. I'll talk to the park personnel about getting a sweeper out there and knock the gravel off that runway.

This year we have a brand new hangar in Presidio! We went from no airplanes based at T77 to three on the same day the new paving, painting, and lights were completed. Y'all plan to stop in and say "Hey!" For sure we'll be able to help with unleaded fuel, and I'm optimistic we may even have avgas by February.

Chase Snodgrass
Presidio, Texas
Selfish Request for Chase

Selfish Request for Chase...

Chase, if you do go over, make another video.

For those who have not seen them, check out http://flybigbend.com . Some of the best flying videos around!
Fuel stops from the east?

I sure hope they have the sweeper working this year. Where are the best places for fuel out there from the east? Has anyone tried 6R6 (Terrell Co) for fuel? I see that Paul stopped in Alpine last year.
When I googled the supplied lat/lon:

103-56-11.7030 W, 28-28-10.6840 N

converted to +28° 28' 10.68", -103° 56' 11.70"

I got a location in Mexico. Did I do something wrong?

Thanks, Tom RV-7A Flying
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Fuel plus broom sounds like witchcraft?

I sure hope they have the sweeper working this year. Where are the best places for fuel out there from the east? Has anyone tried 6R6 (Terrell Co) for fuel? I see that Paul stopped in Alpine last year.

I just spoke with Tony Gallego, who is the manager out there and a great guy. Tony said the sweeper is operational, and he committed to sweep the runway for this event. We will follow up with Tony about two weeks before President's Day and have the runway ready.

Yes, 6R6 has 100LL, and has always been attended every time I stop there. $4.50 last time I stopped, which was probably three weeks ago.

Chase Snodgrass
Presidio, Texas
When I googled the supplied lat/lon:

103-56-11.7030 W, 28-28-10.6840 N

converted to +28? 28' 10.68", -103? 56' 11.70"

I got a location in Mexico. Did I do something wrong?

Thanks, Tom RV-7A Flying

That's what I get for not performing due diligence. I just cut-and-paste from a State site. I've (hopefully) corrected the post. Thanks for pointing it out.
Where are the best places for fuel out there from the east? Has anyone tried 6R6 (Terrell Co) for fuel? I see that Paul stopped in Alpine last year.
I fly right over 6R6 every time I go out (I use it as a turn checkpoint to get me around the "hump" in the border), but prefer to use Alpine as my fuel stop because it gets me to BBRSP with the maximum amount of fuel in case I want to go sightseeing in the area. If 6R6 was significantly cheaper than Alpine, I'd probably use it.

Thanks for the info Jay!

$4.85--OUCH!! I think I will check the latest fuel prices on Alpine and Terrell County. Last year we filled up at Alpine prior to BBRSP but Terrell is closer to our direct course from 1T8 to BBRSP.


Glad you decided to organize this again. Am planning to fly down there, then go dirt bike riding with some friends (they're bringing the bikes of course as I haven't found a way to fit the 450 in the plane).

What's your experience with Lajitas? I flew in there a few years ago and it is a very nice small airport. 100LL too, but pricey.
What's your experience with Lajitas? I flew in there a few years ago and it is a very nice small airport. 100LL too, but pricey.

To be honest Mark, my experience with Lajitas has been all bad....and I guess I am not alone, as I think I heard a couple months ago that it has all been sold in Bankruptcy court.....

Hope to see you at the ranch!

Updates on Lajitas, TX

Glad you decided to organize this again. Am planning to fly down there, then go dirt bike riding with some friends (they're bringing the bikes of course as I haven't found a way to fit the 450 in the plane).

What's your experience with Lajitas? I flew in there a few years ago and it is a very nice small airport. 100LL too, but pricey.

It was nice to see this Forum promoted as a " Social Networking Site". As one who chooses to only leave the ground for very brief periods I was a little hesitant to join in here. Anyway in the interest of "Being Social"....

Lajitas Texas is currently undergoing major changes. Our M/C group has been riding in the West Texas area for many years and we have seen Lajitas through it's rise and fall.

The town was bought at auction several years ago by Steve Smith, absolutly no relation to me, who tried to make it the "Ultimate Hideout" for only those with great discretionary income available.

He really messed things up around town and eventually the town was sold through foreclosure to the current owner who has vowed to make changes.

We are hopeful he will be able to create what he is promising. This part of the world is so unique.

Here's some links to recent news from Lajitas.



Lajitas deserves us all to give it a second chance.

I look forward to meeting some of you in February at BBSP. We are regulars at the bunkhouse there
Those on a return trip will know what to expect. For any first time visitors just come prepared to enjoy one of the most remote outposts in North America. It's worth the trip from anywhere.

Let me know if we can bring anything along for your stay. We'll be arriving firmly planted on the ground.

Steve Smith
Let me know if we can bring anything along for your stay. We'll be arriving firmly planted on the ground.

Steve Smith

Thanks for joining in, Steve. I suspect that anyone with a vehicle and a willingness to drive some folks around would be very popular! Last year, Chase helped out in his LSA to retrieve prop repair supplies.

I look forward to meeting you (assuming you are neither of the two Steve Smith's that I already know!:eek:).

Steve tells me that he'll be glad to loan out some of their trucks while we're out riding, so if any of you need wheels while there, just let Steve or me know.
Runway Sweeper


I think most of the loose gravel last year was in the tie down area where the Park Vans drive in off the gravel road to pick us up. I know my gravel ding was picked up there as I "spun" the plane to tie it down (won't do that this year). I also think Larry's was there as I think I can actually hear a ding on your video as he positioned his plane for tie down. If Tony could concentrate on this area that would probably eliminate the issue.

Janie and I are really looking forward to the BBRSP weekend!!

As always, thanks for your help.


Update-Now may be the time to act

I just (11:15 am est) talked with BBRSP. There is one bed for a man and several beds for women left in the bunkhouse for the weekend. No rooms in the Big House. Iron and I have signed up for the horseback ride on Sunday (17th) morning. The lady was a little resistant about taking a reservation because they are about to transition to Austin (i.e., a central office) handling reservations but she agreed to take ours because of our previous reservation and particular circumstances. So, now may be the time to act.

Their phone number is: 432-229-3416
Just booked us in the bunkhouse, so guys, there might not be any space. She did at first refer me to Austin, but asked if I was part of "the group"

See you there,

PS - Doug, if you haven't called, you might tell them that you're the other Doug Reeves. Or the original Doug Reeves, something. :)
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And remember, they still probably have room for only ten or twenty....THOUSAND tents......;)
Sweepers and Lodging

I spoke with John Welsh this morning. Those of you who attended last year will fondly remember John and his wife, Diana, who volunteer at the ranch every winter. The sweeper is enroute to the ranch today, and I explained to John what we needed in terms of clearing all loose gravel from the paved surface, especially in the parking area and runup areas at the ends of the runway.

Since we're getting reports that all rooms are reserved at the ranch, what do you think? Are there others that want to attend but need a comfortable place to stay? I would be glad to talk to local motels and see if I can secure a group rate, and I can help with transportation from T77 to local motels. Please reply if additional lodging is wanted.

Chase Snodgrass
Presidio, TX
Affirmative on food, but...

One thing I haven't called to find out about is if food at the bunkhouse is an option for tent folks. I don't mind sleeping on the ground but my camp culinary skills are a bit lacking.

Anyone can eat in the bunkhouse. I did so last year when I camped. BUT.....

Everyone will have to call the Ranch early in the week before the trip and tell them which meals you expect to eat at the bunkhouse. I know it's a pain, but they can't just run over to the store to pick up some more hamburger so please do the best you can to help them out. They aren't absolutely rigid on the reservations (at least last year) and allowed us to add and drop a meal here-and-there if they had enough food.

Last year, we typically ate breakfast and dinner at the bunkhouse and I expect that will be Paul and my plan again this year. We'll bring some snacks and lunch type items along in the plane, too.

And Chase, thanks for your efforts! It's great having someone local work on some of the issues.
More about camping

And remember, they still probably have room for only ten or twenty....THOUSAND tents......;)

Okay, a more serious note. The South Leyva campground (the one near the airstrip) only has primitive sites. That means bringing in your own water, shade, toilet paper, etc. I'm sure the park expects campers to follow the Leave No Trace ethic at the site, so please be prepared to do exactly that....leave nothing behind and please do not modify the site by doing things like trenching around your tent. Fortunately, you will be able to re-supply water and leave your trash at the headquarters, allowing lighter loads in your plane. And, while the Park said last year that they have never filled the campground, there are only 10 sites at South Leyva. Of course, people driving in have more options and might be able to overflow into other campgrounds if we really had a huge turn-out. (I assuming that 10 sites will be enough, though.)

The Ranch is a place that's all about solitude, rugged beauty, and an old-time cowboy lifestyle (with an airstrip, of course!). The cattle are literally lowing in the background! Once you've experienced the Park, I'm sure everyone will agree that we all want the RV community to be known as folks who appreciate the park's mission and cherish our opportunity to be thoughtful guests there.
Showers and restrooms

I thought I read on the website that shower and restroom facilities were available near the bunkhouse?

Yes, there are showers and restrooms in the bunkhouse and they let me use both when I camped last year....but I was the only camper. I'm sure you can use the restrooms but I'm not certain that you can shower. You might call and ask them, if it matters. And, remember that the campground is something like a kilometer from the bunkhouse.

Paul or one of the others might remember better than me, but I think the airstrip is blocked by cattle guards and distant fences. (Okay, you Easterners, the cattle guards do not wear uniforms!) And, I haven't seen cattle in that area of the park. But I also recall that we were able to ride the horses up to the strip without opening any gates. So, as with any remote strip, I think a prudent pilot will visually check out the strip and area before landing. ;)
Fenced Runway...

Yes, the runway is fenced all around, and the gate on the road has a cattle guard - there is a little barb wire fence next to it that we road the horses through - or if you're the guide, he just had his horse JUMP the guard! So I don't think that cattle on the runway are a problem, but I have seen deer out there, so if the light is low, make sure to have a good look.

For first time visitors info.....

All the shower and rest room facilities are available for use by any guest, including campers.

If Victor is cooking the meals are quite memorable, considering where they are being prepared and served. Not to mention very inexpensive.

I urge all to consider themselves at a home away from home at BBSP. There are few rules and a good time relies on all the guests getting along, Bunkhouse style. Bring ear plugs if snoring keeps you awake.

I believe Wi-Fi is available. We don't carry lap tops on our bikes. We are usually in the middle of a multi day ride when we stop over at the BBSP. This will be the first time we've trailered in and stayed put.

We will outnumber the Rangers, 4 or 5 to one so we are in charge as long as we're well behaved.

Sounds like the airstrip info has been well covered.

Recent weather has not been very nice so it's time for a change.

Post up if you need more info.

Steve Smith
Thank you, Louise, Paul and Steve.

Hey Steve do you ever visit over at advrider?

It's a long story but the short version is that our "Lost Trail Riders" just don't fit into any of the major M/C Forums out there. We try not to describe ourselves this way too often but in general we are a little too extreme, a little too adventuristic.

You would probably recognize Teeds or Skinny or Irondawg from ADV, they visit there sometimes.

I think we may just be a M/C version of some areas of the VAF Forum.

Steve Smith
Carolyn Wants to know

Yes, there are showers and restrooms in the bunkhouse and they let me use both when I camped last year....but I was the only camper. ;)

I procrastinated and there are no male bunks left. I told the lady I would sleep in the girls side. Got a chuckle but no reservation. So I was going to put Carolyn in the bunkhouse and I would sleep in the tent. I have read everything about the primitive camping about using the bunkhouse toilettes/showers. What Carolyn wants to know are there any toilet facilities at all at South Layva?

If not I guess she roughs it a little more than normal.

See you all there.
I procrastinated and there are no male bunks left. I told the lady I would sleep in the girls side. Got a chuckle but no reservation. So I was going to put Carolyn in the bunkhouse and I would sleep in the tent. I have read everything about the primitive camping about using the bunkhouse toilettes/showers. What Carolyn wants to know are there any toilet facilities at all at South Layva?

If not I guess she roughs it a little more than normal.

See you all there.

Don't despair. If Carolyn gets into the bunkhouse you could always bunk down on one of the couches in the common area. Nobody will mind. There is also a staff bedroom at the back of the bunkhouse if no one is using it. Just don't mention this to the reservation agent.
Don't let it get around but I've spent the night on the girls side before.

Steve Smith
What Carolyn wants to know are there any toilet facilities at all at South Layva?


Hey Gary, hope to see you there!

South Leyva is a sign at the end of a dirt track in the desert, nothing more. As Louise has said, that is 100% primitive camping!

I am hoping that some of the posts here are slightly in jest - the ones about "we outnumber the staff, so we can do whatever we want"....while this is absolutely NOT an organized fly-in, the folks at Big Bend know that this is a group of RV'ers, and we have had a great reception from them in the past - I would hate for us to get a reputation as a bunch of scoff-laws and rule-breakers. I am pretty sure that no one here intends to be that way - probably just internet humor. I have a lot of respect and admiration for the way the folks at the Ranch/Park treat guests - completely unlike any State Park I have been to before. I hope we preserve that! (BTW, last year we were not the only group there, and I know that this year at least one room in the Big House is reserved by another couple not associated with RV's.....we dont have exclusive use of the place.

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Gas price

The 100LL in Hondo Texas yesterday was $3.58

Thought you Eastern flyers might like to know.
