If you find one

osxuser said:
I'm starting to wonder if there are any young women on the boards? 18-26 ? :)


If you find one, find out if their mom in single!!!!!
Your real problem

Having grown up just across the Texas/Oklahoma line in Booker Texas, it is clear to me that your problem is not who you are, but where you are. I suggest if you want to find a partner that you take an extended vacation. Maybe a year. Maybe two. Just remember that once you find her, and I'm sure you will, then comes problem number two, talking her into moving to Beaver Oklahoma. :(
Nice people, but there is so little to do or see that they throw cow manure (they call them cow chips) for fun.
Good luck Alan. We are all cheering for you!

What a great thread...

Hey Wes, Thanks alot....lol....

iweshuff said:
Having grown up just across the Texas/Oklahoma line in Booker Texas, it is clear to me that your problem is not who you are, but where you are. I suggest if you want to find a partner that you take an extended vacation. Maybe a year. Maybe two. Just remember that once you find her, and I'm sure you will, then comes problem number two, talking her into moving to Beaver Oklahoma. :(
Nice people, but there is so little to do or see that they throw cow manure (they call them cow chips) for fun.
Good luck Alan. We are all cheering for you!

What a great thread...


Hummmmm, well at least someone knows where I live and what I'm going through!!!!!! Wes you know where I'm coming from don't you with me living in Beaver ville. LOL !!!! I for one don't think I'll be living here for much longer unless something changes. No activity nothing, two cafes and one Pizza Hut, no Bar / dancing place to go or nothing. I have the only RV on the field, make that one RV and two SPAM cams and that is it. Women????? Zipo Zero NONE!!!!! I think I should move and get the heck out of Dodge,,, Make that Beaver Ville.....Oklahoma!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One positive thing is that I can work on ONE thing,,,,,,,,,,guess what???? that is experiment and play with my RV-6, but there is one thing missing........... And that is coming home to be with a family as I have none at my place, just Two dogs and that's it. Goodnight.
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I thought you and Traci were going to Oregon Aero together. It sounded like fun.

Wha hoppened?

Fingers crossed for you guys!

RV-12 in my future?
rv969wf said:
TRACI if your read this which I hope you will. ;) Get that check book out and let me help you build that RV-7 of your dreams. You can have that -7 of your dreams in 6-8 months.

Traci had better hurry before I buy a wig, legally change my name to Traci and take you up on it myself...
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I'm alive and have a girlfriend that likes to fly!!!!!

I have not been on VAF for quite some time, but there have been many good VAF / RV friends over the past year giving me good advice +++++and have stayed in touch with me to see how I've been doing with the dating game. I pray to god this women in my life is the one as she loves flying and is only 7 miles away from me, can you believe that!!! I was ready to pack my bags and MOVE from Oklahoma!!! Why didn't I find her before???? Long story????, but she is a keeper!!!!
Lesa is a wonderfull Co-Pilot/Navigator. Were the same age, both of us are Blonds so don't give us any BS cr$a^$p...OK. She is looking forward to many more RV flights and I'm very excited. If things go well, we'll be at Oshkosh 08. Wish the best for us as it's been fun with this thread with over 5,305 hits! This soap box thing I started on VAF got my attention at Oshkosh 07 with much support and friends visiting with me about this thread. Oh My Gosh is all I can say,,,,, we'll keep ya posted. I hope this thread/post will die because I'm done searching and I prey that Lesa is the one. Cheers

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We're rooting for the two of you!

Great news and thanks for the update. I had wondered where you disappeared to! Finding the exact, right person is an amazing blessing and I hope you and Lesa continue to find happiness together.

Best wishes,

......Great news, Alan and welcome, Lesa.

Alan, I started over at 60 years of age with a lady nearby whom I'd known for ten years.....life's full of pleasant surprises.

Best of everything,

I usually reserve that title for First Flight posts, but in this case, I'll make an exception....

Great to hear Alan - I found my perfect match by accident here in the VAF....I didn't even really know I was looking, but I was certainly open to the right opportunity - and wow! how do we get so lucky?

Best to both of you, and drop by to see Louise and I in Houston some time - just punch in 7XS0 and follow the magenta line.


Now could you move that woman out of the way cus I can't see your airplane...:)

Awesome news Alan...Just remember "next" time find the woman BEFORE you build the airplane.:)

Seriously awesome news...I'm just so glad women are better looking than we are!


That is great news! Now you can teach her to buck rivets so you can start on the next one! Plane, that is not GF. ;)

I hope she is like Nora in that she gets upset when I go off flying with the guys and don't take her along.
Thanks for all the nice comments from everyone. Maybe after today/tomorrow this thread will die away and not tie up so much of Dougs space on VAF.

I seriously doubt it will go away soon------------I suspect a lot of folks were wondering what happened with your search, and like me, will want to say congrats.

Congratulations! I hope everything works out for you both. I saw your plane at OSH last year and took several pics of it. I then saw you at one of Sam James workshops but never got a chance to speak to you... I had just about given up finding someone myself when I met my future wife. We were both 43 when we married and it just keeps getting better and better. BTW, I hope this thread doesn't die because it's one of those that just makes you smile.:)