

Skimmed thru most of the posts, but saw the one about EHarmony. Give it a try. Met my wife there. (ver. 1.03). Wish I'd have had it for ver .02. Ver. .01 was my fault. (Too soon old: Too late smart).

You have to be totally honest with your answers as was previously posted, or you're wasting your time and money. (Yes it costs a few dollars but is well worth it!)

I had my RV-8 mostly built when we met but she says she doesn't mind the rear seat. She loves to fly with me and enjoys the loops and rolls that sometimes punctuate our trips to fly-ins and the "Red-Neck Riviera".
Man am I lucky. I took my girl friend as my first passenger just minutes after earning my private pilot license. Three years later I married her. That was 38 years ago. Her name is on the canopy of Beautiful Doll. She bucked most of the rivets. She was able to climb back into the narrow fuselage where I could not go in-order to buck the turtle deck on the fuselage. Below my name on the canopy is the traditional Builder/Pilot. She is not a pilot, so below her name on the canopy are the words: Builder/Doll.

At Oshkosh 2000 when Beautiful Doll made her first public appearance, hundreds of people ask her if she was "Builder Doll". When they learned that she did most of the rivet bucking during the construction on our slow build RV-8, she got several proposals of marriage. Thankfully, I already had a lifetime contract with her!

She loves to fly and doesn't mind camping next to the plane. Often, she is the only female on an RV outing like last years camping trip to Johnson Creek Id. What a girl! I hope you can find one like her, but she's one in a million and already taken!
Well, Did this work???????????

Sure see a whole lot of answers from guys, did any ladies respond to you? We need an update!

gbrasch said:
Sure see a whole lot of answers from guys, did any ladies respond to you? We need an update!

Yes I've met a few. All of them 1,000 plus miles away and some of them do have there own airplanes. Lets see, my RV at 210-215 mph....Hmmm 5.2 hours. Just an afternoon flight I guess. Anyway that's the update. Thanks for asking....AJ
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I found mine at a drop zone

We don't fly currently, but I found the love of my life at a skydiving operation in California. I was an instructor way back then.

Quite a few lady folks jump out of planes. Most are fair lookers. They are usually single. Skydiving offers a lower monetary entry level, but reveals a certain... um... commitment to the love of aviation.

Anyway, if you want to be a chick magnet at a drop zone, show up with that RV. Make sure your gear (for jumping) isn't all brand new (scary) and immerse yourself there for a bit.

I'd recommend a big drop zone near a large city or maybe in Florida/Arizona. Don't count on the females motivations for jumping to be authentic (passion for aviation, anyway) before she has hundreds of jumps. (sometimes people jump for weird reasons).

Just .02
rv969wf said:
Sure did, ONE but that's better than NONE!!!! She's my age, single, cute blond, no kids and has a very nice low time -6A. One problem.....she's 1,100 miles away or so. Lets see my RV at 210-215 mph....Hmmm 5.2 hours. Just an afternoon flight I guess. Anyway that's the update. Thanks for asking....AJ

Well worth following up on.

Dont let distance stop you, you certainly dont want to be asking yourself "what if" sometime in the future.


I have now aquired a cat.
Should I trim it's claws before or after training.
Sorry I'm not single.

Hey there handsome.
I'm really sorry I'm not single and live in another state.
Good luck and have fun. I'll be fantasizing about you :)
PS. I fly a Fairchild Metroliner for Cargo. Fun, but not sexy.
I do have a uniform though.
Half the time

rv969wf said:
Lets see my RV at 210-215 mph....Hmmm 5.2 hours. Just an afternoon flight I guess. Anyway that's the update. Thanks for asking....AJ

No Alan,
She has an RV also......if she meets you half way, then it's only 2.6 hours each and that much more time together :D

Blue skies and tailwinds,
airwendy said:
Hi Handsome,
I'm sorry I'm not single and living in a different state. I'll fantasize about you though.

Yours is dreamland


Sounds you got off lucky that this one is married----------sounds like a tease.

:D :D :D
rv969wf said:
Yes I've met a few. All of them 1,000 plus miles away and some of them do have there own airplanes. Lets see, my RV at 210-215 mph....Hmmm 5.2 hours. Just an afternoon flight I guess. Anyway that's the update. Thanks for asking....AJ
Jeeze AJ thats 10.4 hrs round trip! At 10 gallons/hr. That means at $4.oo/gal you'll have $416.00 per date!!!! Plus food, motel, etc etc. Cant you go to town and "rent" a gal cheaper than that????? Sorry I bit my tounge long enough. BS
Just hang around Air Force bases

This has been an interesting thread to follow.

My girlfriend is a TSGT in the Air Force and happens to be an avionics tech. She helped with the conversion of my 9A to a 9. Once we got the engine on I went to working on the old gear mounts. I told her to hook up all the wires that go to the engine. When I went to see how things where going, she had it all done along with the adle clamps and safety wire. Before I put the floors back on she spent an hour with a flashlight, mirror, and a magnet going over the plane checking for FOD and all the control hardware.

We did a little metal work on the conversion and she loved running the rivet gun. She is pushing me to get the rocket project going again so she can do metal work. It got stalled while working on the 9.

One big bonus, she wants to do the fiberglass work. Like an angel from heaven I tell you.
There are more and more all the time

I'm now married, but when I was single I tried to only date pilots. I love the two-pilot cockpit environment. Even though I had no intention of getting married, I ended up marrying a non-pilot who loves to fly. I just couldn't find the right RV pilot.

There are a few single RV owner/pilots here in SoCal. We have them in several shapes, ages, and sizes...RV4, 7A, and 10. There may be more hiding. I also met a very nice RV-6 owner/pilot this last weekend at the SWFC from Carlsbad. Your only problem may be that the one you find wants to fly her own plane. You may need to get some formation practice.

Happly Married

Brian Shirley said:
:D :D :D
Jeeze AJ thats 10.4 hrs round trip! At 10 gallons/hr. That means at $4.oo/gal you'll have $416.00 per date!!!! Plus food, motel, etc etc. Cant you go to town and "rent" a gal cheaper than that????? Sorry I bit my tounge long enough. BS

Hi to everyone,,,, I just want to make a few comments about the posting from Brian Shirley, (BS) btw.... BS and I are VERY good friends and we live 80 miles apart and both fly RV 6'ssss....his -6A kinda slow though... He's a good guy / married / kids and does know how to fly very well. We both razz each other and bash on each other from time to time all for fun. Just one comment to share.... I'M LOOKING FOR A KEEPER!!!! NOT SOMETHING TO RENT!!!!!! BS has seen me go thru 2 divorces and a few other dates that didn't go well and yes he will bash me good or bad for fun.. Hey I did fly / ride with him over the Colorado Rockies at 16,000 ft. going to Utah in his 6A but I think we could of gotten there a little quicker in my -6. BS, you said go to town and "rent" ???? do you know where THEY are???? or do you know something I don't???? lol... You you need to learn how to spell???? What is ???(tounge) new name of the BAR /PUB/Rent a person outfit in in the area???? Didn't you mean (tongue) Hmmmmm.. Someone in another post on this lady search thing mentioned about meeting halfway, awesome idea... Thanks!!! So the $416 fuel cost could be cut in half if two people met halfway. But I'm not the type of guy that would not pay for her fuel anyway. I've lived in this remote part of NO MANs LAND all of my life / the world where there is nothing but wind and dirt blowing across this distressed part of the world /Oklahoma/Kansas and there is nothing to rent BTW !!!!. Hey BS you interested in going to Fairview, OK flyin NOV 11th. early AM then for lunch at EAA 377 group in Liberal, KS / Lyddons??? Lets get a group and fly together. Later::: the single guy catching havick from good friends..... Later, Alan (AJ)
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Brian Shirley said:
Cant you go to town and "rent" a gal cheaper than that??

Reminds me of the saying, "If it flies, floats or f*cks, it's cheaper to rent." I've heard this from several captains whom I'm assuming have been pretty badly burned by a few high maintenance ex-wives. Ouch!

And speaking of high maintenance... (and my wife isn't btw, she's a keeper!), I flew with a scary flight attendant on a trip last week. 43 yrs old, single and looked like typical Texas hi mx; big hair, too much make up, lotsa gaudy jewelry. Big mouth too, 3 times she mentioned her Mercedes, yap yap yap. The more she talked the uglier she became. Then the subject of shopping comes up, and moves to jewelry. I mention my that my wife hates to shop and wears a $200 wedding band with no rock (and loves it); this chick is aghast. Then she says "if someone's going to buy me a ring, it has to be $20,000, minimum." The captain and I do a double take and ask if she's serious... yes, quite serious says she. Umm, yeah, good luck with that.

She probably wonders why she's 43 and still single... but the sad thing is, there's probably some stupid rich schmuck out there who will eventually blow his cash on a money grubbing skank like this.

jbDC9 said:
Reminds me of the saying, "If it flies, floats or f*cks, it's cheaper to rent." I've heard this from several captains whom I'm assuming have been pretty badly burned by a few high maintenance ex-wives. Ouch!

And speaking of high maintenance... (and my wife isn't btw, she's a keeper!), I flew with a scary flight attendant on a trip last week. 43 yrs old, single and looked like typical Texas hi mx; big hair, too much make up, lotsa gaudy jewelry. Big mouth too, 3 times she mentioned her Mercedes, yap yap yap. The more she talked the uglier she became. Then the subject of shopping comes up, and moves to jewelry. I mention my that my wife hates to shop and wears a $200 wedding band with no rock (and loves it); this chick is aghast. Then she says "if someone's going to buy me a ring, it has to be $20,000, minimum." The captain and I do a double take and ask if she's serious... yes, quite serious says she. Umm, yeah, good luck with that.

She probably wonders why she's 43 and still single... but the sad thing is, there's probably some stupid rich schmuck out there who will eventually blow his cash on a money grubbing skank like this.


Hmmm, I think I was married to that girl, my first go-round....
pick up line

I heard a pick up line the other day... man sits down and starts a conversation with a nice lady.... says I'm a pilot....she says really?... He says .... yes and do you know what a c-130 is? she says .. oh yes... the big 4 engined thing?.... He says... Well I fly a c-150~! If it's true or not... dunno... :D
I'd be happy to find a mentally mature somebody.. After 3 tours of Bosnia as Helicopter doorgunner.... My priorities are different than the frazzled hair idiots I see running around making sure their toenails match their sweaters....
know what I mean?
Dunwoody Ga
AA-1A driver... 29 and climbing.
past tail kit builder... looking to build the full airplane this time...
Brian :D
Pictures of the "Lit Red Lady" SOON

In a few days I will be posting pictures of the Vinyl Graphics I will be adding to my -6 ,,,, she is called the "Lil Red Lady" on the Cowl and another picture of what is on the right side of the canopy,,,,,Co-Pilot Data,,,,,,guess what its says????? You'll have to wait till the decals are on on her then I will post them. I'm sure someone will get a good laugh out of it.... Later....AJ
rv969wf said:
Co-Pilot Data[/COLOR],,,,,,guess what its says?????

How about "Position open, submit application", "apply within", "now accepting applications" ETC

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Easy now.
There are Kiwis on this post.
They are very touch about their sheep.
fodrv7 said:
Easy now.
There are Kiwis on this post.
They are very touch about their sheep.
Dont get excited AJ, thats not the "down under" you are looking for. And NO you cant go see the sheep. LOL!!! Leaving for Cortez in a bit. Lets go! BS
I'm a SWF Pilot / Aviatrix / RV Nut!

SWF pilot lady here, out in the middle of NOWHERE in NE WI / UP Michigan area. I just moved here this summer from Seattle area for a decent job opportunity, but I'm realizing that there isn't much of a general aviation community here. :mad:

I'm only in the planning stages on an RV-7. Already been to Vans in Aurora, OR twice, so its getting kind of serious! I figure if I start building by next spring, and finish it in ~ 2 years, I could come meet you in Oklahoma (or half way!) sometime around the summer of 2009! ;)

Seriously though, I do find that I have a LOT more in common with other pilots / aviation enthusiasts than I do with couch potato's. Most people in the aviation community are very friendly and helpful. Any guys out there want to help me build an RV-7? You need to be able to work 1000+ hours and turn wrenches, ummmm, I meant buck rivets. :eek:

Please see profile for photo and stats... :D


2009 Wow

I figure if I start building by next spring, and finish it in ~ 2 years, I could come meet you in Oklahoma (or half way!) sometime around the summer of 2009! ;)

Pixie your teasing me :confused: 2009 :eek: :( :mad: if I'm still alive or single by then its a date! ;)
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RV-6 Co-Pilot Graphics

rv969wf said:
Pixie your teasing me :confused: 2009 :eek: :( :mad: if I'm still alive or single by then its a date! ;)

So, AJ....

I'm really curious about these co-pilot side graphics on your RV-6! If you need the correct spelling of my name and details like that, just let me know... Oh, before I forget, do I need a booster seat cushion, or can you adjust the right side for a 5'1" co-pilot? Oregon Aero has some REALLY comfy "space foam" seat upgrades!

LOL :p

- Traci
Graphics and Booster Seat

pixieaviatrix said:
So, AJ....

I'm really curious about these co-pilot side graphics on your RV-6! If you need the correct spelling of my name and details like that, just let me know... Oh, before I forget, do I need a booster seat cushion, or can you adjust the right side for a 5'1" co-pilot? Oregon Aero has some REALLY comfy "space foam" seat upgrades

LOL :p

Hummm, well I ran into a few problems on the 'Lil Red Lady' my RV-6 that is... The canopy I just painted with new PPG Dodge Viper Red paint,,,,,,Guess what??????? it did not match :mad: So now I have to do it over, paint store mixed it wrong. :( Soooooo the Vinyl Graphics are on delay getting them pasted on the canopy. BTW my brother is making the Vinyl Greg is working on the first Co-Pilot graphics that I requested and if someone would like to call him and make some changes to whom or what it should read or have the correct Co-Pilot name ///// feel free to call him and ask my brother Greg to send the correct ones. His phone number is 817-269-5195 If I don't get something different in the mail about the orignal graphics that I ask for,,,, then I will apply the originals / take pictures and post on VAF, because everyone is very curious as to what it says. So far no one has quessed or has a clue what it says. :p :D Picture coming SOON.. Single and looking (AJ)

Booster seat???? Not a problem Pixie. Can you help me with the correct spelling??
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Good Luck!

You'll find one! My wife Sandy with the RV4.

AJ, I'll ask Sandy's sister for ya!
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Cheers you Lucky Man YOU!!!

A300Driver said:
You'll find one! My wife Sandy with the RV4.

AJ, I'll ask her sister if she's available!

Cheers!! I'm happy for you! Thanks for the reply! AJ
Hummm !!!!!

pixieaviatrix said:
So, AJ....

I'm really curious about these co-pilot side graphics on your RV-6! If you need the correct spelling of my name and details like that, just let me know... Oh, before I forget, do I need a booster seat cushion, or can you adjust the right side for a 5'1" co-pilot? Oregon Aero has some REALLY comfy "space foam" seat upgrades!

LOL :p

- Traci
Ok, lets make a deal, how about left side booster seat? You on the left side and I take the co-pilot side. I'll call Oregon Aero and fix the problem with the seat issue just for you. Maybe add 2-3" to the seat cushion and you'll be just fine. You be the pilot / fly the "Lil Red Lady" ..... I fly my RV from both sides so which ever seat fits you is OK with me. I'll be the co-pilot,,,, for awhile... ;) but not ALL the time...DEAL.....!!!! :)
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Oregon Aero Seat Foam


Your on, AJ!

We may as well tour Oregon Aero while we are both out that way and we can check out that special space foam to make me a booster seat cushion so I can see over your tail dragging RV-6 cowling!


pixieaviatrix said:

Your on, AJ!

We may as well tour Oregon Aero while we are both out that way and we can check out that special space foam to make me a booster seat cushion so I can see over your tail dragging RV-6 cowling!



It's a deal! This might take more than a day or two you know!!! So far were looking at a visit to Oregon Aero to find a booster seat cushion,,,, :) then we could,,,,, while in the area visit Evergreen Air Museum, McMinneville, OR : to see the Howard Hughes Spruce Goose..... (10 min from Vans Aviation)

Tillimook Air/Blimp Museum, Tillmook, OR:

Pearson Air Museum Vancouver, WA:

AND of Course to VISIT Vans in Aurora!!! Sounds like a plan / deal! :) I love this website BTW :D !!!! Oklahoma to Oregon 6.2hours !!! Nothing better than flying an RV and meeting new friends!! :cool: ;)
PS: Traci,,,, does that TWEETY Bird Yellow Car have wings?
I swore I would never get married as the chances of finding a woman in aviation is nearly impossible. After all , it is more fun hanging around the T hanger with flying buddies. Well, I got married, She flew UH-1s and C-12s and ran the Petagon airfield!... Never say Never. :)
rv969wf said:
It's a deal! This might take more than a day or two you know!!! So far were looking at a visit to Oregon Aero to find a booster seat cushion,,,, :) then we could,,,,, while in the area visit Evergreen Air Museum, McMinneville, OR : to see the Howard Hughes Spruce Goose :D !!!! Oklahoma to Oregon 6.2hours !!! Nothing better than flying an RV and meeting new friends!! :cool: ;)
PS: Traci,,,, does that TWEETY Bird Yellow Car have wings?

This is great...Its like that TV show "Blind Date" (at least thats what what it was called in the UK)...So I assume now we are all going to get the gory details of dates, break up's, make ups etc etc...Talk about Daytime TV soap opera!.....So when is the next installment?...:)

Hey maybe we can can start two advice column threads, one for AJ advice and one for Trixie...Then we can all bang on each thread about how mean the other one has been to them.....:)

The Lister / Jag

Allen Barrett said:
Sounds like fun. Hey AJ, When you leave for OR, can I borrow your car while my trucks in the shop? :)

It's a deal Allen, come get the fire / rubber burning :) monster or should I say FUEL Eating Lister / Jag if you can handle putting gas in it from Beaver, OK to Tulsa, OK. The Lister only gets about 6 mpg and it takes 100+ octane race fuel so bring a few 55 gallon drums of race gas. :D When you get it to Tulsa you will need to change the valve springs BTW because they are getting weak. Last check was 525 lbs at open lift and I need 550 lbs. mininum for 8,500 rpm use. :eek: Let me know if this is OK. :D Oh the picture attached??? The Hooter girls from Concord, NC / NASCAR land don't come with the car either. :(
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Alan, will do. I just pulled a set of springs off my Pacer, be glad to put em' on for ya :D I had an old Ford P/U one time that had no problem hauling 55 gal drums around with it , of oil :p it was gravity fed :D :D
Land plane or is it ground plane?

"PS: Traci,,,, does that TWEETY Bird Yellow Car have wings?

Tweety bird yellow yes... :D Retractable wings? Not yet, but I am thinking about it, I can register it as an experimental! Unlike your Jag Lister, this 2 seater Honda S2000 only has a 4 cylinder, but with twice the horsepower (240HP) of a Mazda Miata (120 HP). It has a 6 speed transmission and redlines at close to 9000 RPM's. The speed-o-meter goes up to 180 and I have had it to 160 but had to let off because it started to "rotate"! :eek:

It could probably keep up with an RV if the roads weren't sound winding... :cool:
Oh my

Tell me...You can't run Wife 2.0 AND 3.0 at the same time can you?....:)

English Frank
7a just back from first IFR training flight where the CFI's words will forever remain famous..."HEY! the stick came out in my hand"....said 0.5 seconds after he rolled the airplane inverted!...No I'm not kidding..:)
Wow for a while there I thought there were no women on this site.

Many many single women pilots are out there wanting to find their forever man too. But you may find that most women pilots are just as independant as you male pilots and keep ourselves busy with our lives. Which really seems like it would be a good match. Working on bikes, aircraft and other toys is fun as long as we take a break from time to time and play on the toys that aren't currently in need of TLC.

Do helicopter pilots count or are they too strange of a breed?

Helicopter Pilots

HeliGirl said:
Wow for a while there I thought there were no women on this site.

Many many single women pilots are out there wanting to find their forever man too. But you may find that most women pilots are just as independant as you male pilots and keep ourselves busy with our lives. Which really seems like it would be a good match. Working on bikes, aircraft and other toys is fun as long as we take a break from time to time and play on the toys that aren't currently in need of TLC.

Do helicopter pilots count or are they too strange of a breed?


Hummm???? I've never met a Helicopter (female) pilot so I don't know. :confused: My thought is if the person likes to fly, it should not make any difference if it have wings or not. I'll pass on balloons, to slow for me. Anyone else have any comments? :)
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Fixed Wing vs: WhirlyBirds

Helicopter, huh?

Well, personally, I think I prefer my wings to be like my men....


(albeit, unattached!)

LOL ;)

- A Very Mischievous Pixie :D
I have a galpal

who flies helicopters...She says the aircraft a drop dead ugly which makes her look beautiful by comparison.

Who am I to argue...:)

Heli Women

Flinger wingers are ok too! I have seen some really outstanding women helicopter pilots.

As far as finding single women in aviation, I went to an aviation college. Think alumni. And there is also Alpha Eta Rho the aviation fraternity.
Fixed or Rotating in circles???

pixieaviatrix said:
Helicopter, huh?

Well, personally, I think I prefer my wings to be like my men....


(albeit, unattached!)

LOL ;)

Do helicopter pilots count or are they too strange of a breed?


- A Very Mischievous Pixie :D

Hummm?? Maybe we need to take a Poll :rolleyes: on Fixed or Rotating pilots male or female within this nice group of people? I do believe that this site is probably FIXED Wings :) 999 to 1 to Heli :eek: .... Are we being a little Pixie ??? (a cheerful mischievous sprite) by Mr. Webster's Dictionary. My vote is FIXED!!!!!!! I like your response BTW Traci..... Thankyou! AJ ;)

PS: To Heligirl, I think its awesome you fly a Helicopter as that takes much skill and talent! That's one thing I don't have in my log book but that's something I always wanted to do and yes I'm a little jealous BTW!!!! :p
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Thanks for the warm welcome.

Thank you for the warm welcome. I sport both stuck and fling wing and have found that in my free time it doesn't much matter what it is as long as it leaves the planet. If it flys I'll give it a whirl.
HeliGirl said:
Thank you for the warm welcome. I sport both stuck and fling wing and have found that in my free time it doesn't much matter what it is as long as it leaves the planet. If it flys I'll give it a whirl.

I don't think anybody will hold the rotor wing thing against you but you might have to buy the beer at any get togethers. Don