
Well Known Member
I don't know if this is the correct site to post this buttttt what the heck!!!! If you read this Doug Reeves and find it beyond the norm then remove it ASAP!!! Or you might find it quite charming or different.... This is a web site Forum for Van's RV builders to share topics and building ideas OK. I'll get to my point now..... I'm looking for a Co-Pilot / Female / Wife to beeeee....... Understand!!!!! I am a Single guy now OK .. I have had no luck with finding a lady that enjoys flying...... I live in a small town and it Su$^%cks OK... No Women!!! /// tooo date.... I love to fly but not alone,,,,,, there is something missing in my life and that is having a special person in my life that enjoys travleing with me in my RV-6.. One reason I have a -6 is for side to side seating OK!!! Hold hands look at each other etc. etc.. Get the point guys!!!!! Most of the builders I read and hear about on this site are married and have kids. I don't have any of that and YES I'm jealous of you gents.... I have no kids, been married / divorced with bad results because of issues or the other half not understanding, communicating,,,long story so I just keep working on my things to stay alive. Just trying to see if there is a female in the Flying field that is single and interested in a nice guy that Loves to FLY,,,etc. etc.... Hmmmmmm. I'm sure I'm going to get a lot of BS over writing this but what the heck it's a FREE world,,,,and one can tell what your thoughts and feelings are.... USA #1 Later AJ
PS: any response would be great. OHHHH ... BTW I'm 43, Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes 5' 10" 144 lbs. And LOVE TO FLY/ ENJOY LIFE THE BEST THAT I CAN!!!!!!!

Posted 10-25-06 from AJ.... One more note: If I do meet a lady/women/ flyer / pilot and she has her own plane and she wants to fly her own plane along with my -6 is fine with me, that would be cool with me. All I got to say as she better keep up. Just as long as were together, having fun and we get on the ground together safely. We can do the hand holding and other things on the ground.....
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There are TWO (2) SINGLE ladies flying RVs in SoCAL (and one married). One of the two single ones build her own RV-4 and now flys charter biz JETS.

If you figure out how to find ladies that like to fly, you will be able to SELL the list (or technique) to the many other single guys. I am not sure that women have figured out yet that men who fly are healthy, do NOT use drugs, do NOT drink to excess, and have a little more spendable income than the average guy.

I went looking to see if this post CROSSED THE LINE but could not find Doug's rules to check.

If Doug (or moderator) deletes the message that this is a reply to, PLEASE delete this message also.
Thanks GARY!!!!

RV6_flyer said:
There are TWO (2) SINGLE ladies flying RVs in SoCAL (and one married). One of the two single ones build her own RV-4 and now flys charter biz JETS.

If you figure out how to find ladies that like to fly, you will be able to SELL the list (or technique) to the many other single guys. I am not sure that women have figured out yet that men who fly are healthy, do NOT use drugs, do NOT drink to excess, and have a little more spendable income than the average guy.

I went looking to see if this post CROSSED THE LINE but could not find Doug's rules to check.

If Doug (or moderator) deletes the message that this is a reply to, PLEASE delete this message also.

Thanks Gary for the comments, I know what you mean by crossing the line on this site!!!! Uggggghhh this isn't a dating service......... I've looked and looked and have come up with dead ends everywhere, so why not post on a site that is Flying RV Related to maybe find someone with the same interests.... Maybe it will work, maybe not. I'm not giveing up..... AJ
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friends that fly.. :)

sign me up to the vans airforce dating service :) might be cheaper in the long run to rent than build.. plus after 20 years , its hard to turn loose of a good plane..

Kind of like this:


Must be able to clean, cook, sew, wax aircraft, and navigate

Must have airplane and hangar

Please send picture of plane and hangar

I've seen this sign on hangar walls before.... not sure where it came from.

Charming and different! Works for me...

Sounds like 'passenger ride share' offer. I'll keep my eyes peeled!

Van's dating service.....I love it :) . Might be enough interest for its own section sometime down the road - lets see where she goes (pun).

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I found it easier to find the right woman, and then teach her about aviation. I dunno, it's hard enough to find the right person, but to expect them to also love aviation too, that might require a great deal of luck and an act of God. Good luck on your search. I feel for you.
...and on the other hand, unless you find a woman with a plane, are you sure you want them taking yours out all the time??? ;)
f1rocket said:
I found it easier to find the right woman, and then teach her about aviation. I dunno, it's hard enough to find the right person, but to expect them to also love aviation too, that might require a great deal of luck and an act of God. Good luck on your search. I feel for you.

I tried that - or I should say I'm trying that now - with slow, mixed results. She's definitely the right girl, has been up with me a couple of times, and I don't see much hope for it but I'll keep trying. We've at least agreed to disagree, and she won't try to stop me from flying, so we're good on that. Overall, I'd have to agree that you should find the right girl first, then try to train her to love flying (easy does it!!). I tried the other way around on my first wife - results were less than optimal! :D

I told my wife that I was glad she was honest with me about not enjoying flying, since that would save us about $50,000, the difference between a RV9 and RV10!
I understand where you are coming from AJ. I am blessed with finding the right woman who likes to fly. Several of my friends wives do not fly with them, and in the course of our conversations, they all express how lucky I am that my bride likes to fly. My usual response is that my wife is like an American Express Card. I can't leave home without her.

In addition, she has soloed and this seems to give her an additional assurance that should something happen to me, she can at least land and collect the insurance. ;)

We usually travel with another couple, whose wife enjoys flying, and it is a great experience. We have been to the four corners of the CONUS together and have had some fantastic experiences. In addition, she much prefers a 1.5 hour flight rather than a 5.5 hour roadtrip to see the grandkids.

Hang in,
Wes Hays
Winters, TX
Try Eharmony.com

I was 42 before I got married. Thought it would never happen. I tried several types of dating services and was turned off by them... not to mention that I didn't have any luck. About 3 years ago, I had two different friends recommend www.Eharmony.com. I decided to try it and would recommend it to anyone that is serious about finding their soul mate. It was founded by a Christian marriage councellor and uses a personality profile to make matches. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU BE TOTALLY HONEST ABOUT WHO YOU ARE AND WHAT YOUR LOOKING FOR. Do not try to bluff or fool anyone, you will just be wasting your time.

I was on Eharmony for about 3 months before I met my wife-to-be. In that time I was matched to over 100 women. I communicated with many thru the web site before one of us decided it wasn't a good match. I went out with probably 20 women, some several times. You will meet all kinds of people, some you will eliminate immediately. Others you might communicate with for varying amounts of time. Do not give up, the system works!

My wife loves to fly. She is not a pilot but want to take lessons eventually. She had limited general aviation experience. She loves loops and rolls. She squeals like a little girl on a rollercoster every time. Its so much fun. When we flew to Oshkosh (had been dating for about 5 months), she flew most of the way. A real trooper. Stayed in a tent which got flooded. She loved the whole Oshkosh experience. (She also likes riding on my motorcycle but that is a different story.)

In conclusion I just want to say that I understand your frustration and to hang in there. You have to meet many, many women to find the right one. Oh, and bars are not good places to meet quality women. I recommend you try something like Eharmony and give it an honest try. I signed up for a year just to make sure. If you have any questions, send me a PM.

Do I want a guy taking my plane out all the time?????

I think flying two ship is better. You can fly your plane and I'll fly mine.
God for you AJ

Good choice on the cowl too!

I have to admire your courage to bare all on this site so to speak. What others have said is so true...Its a numbers game...There are plenty of guys both good and bad but very few quality women....Something about about sorting thru wheat and chaff.

When I emigrated from the UK to Oregon its like I might as well have had a sign on my head..."WIERDO". Yeah like the accent buddy but little things like honest communication...No we don't like that...Gee...I almost moved to Texas...The ladies seemed very impressed with me down there...:)

Turns out this gorgeous redhead lived right round the corner from me, had almost the same outrageous sense of humour and the guys were scared to death of her...Rightly so...:)

What a gal, flys planes, jumps her thoroughbred and keeps me in line...sort off...We been married for 6.5 years now.

All the best mate, It can happen!!

7a, SJ cowl.
No luck

I made this plea a while back with no luck. Still searching. I've been on the Match.com deal for a while and found that many of the women aren't being exactly honest when it relates to the their pictures, weight and interests. Also anyone that posts a picture from Glamour Shots gets passed over immediately.

I will try the Eharmony thing soon. I have found the airplane ownership hasn't worked. I've had better luck taking my chihuahua to the dog park. Lots of single women and their dogs at the dog park. A puppy is a guaranteed date. Puppies are serious babe magnets.

Living is AZ, the next "thing" that draws women is a Harley. That I don't really understand.
A.J., Don't you have enough finnicky, cantankerous contraptions to cause you problems already? :eek: Just kidding! Good luck! :D
Hey AJ,

I'm not single and not even female, but looking at those toys makes me think that you better be careful or you're going to get a number of offers from some of the guys!! :eek:

Good luck and just be yourself!
Take up horse riding

RV7Guy said:
I will try the Eharmony thing soon. I have found the airplane ownership hasn't worked. I've had better luck taking my chihuahua to the dog park. Lots of single women and their dogs at the dog park. A puppy is a guaranteed date. Puppies are serious babe magnets.


Seriously, after i met my Horse loving Wife i found out where ALL the cute gals hang out...At the horse barn...Of course they cost more to keep than your RV so there is a downside...:)

Babies are better than airplanes

It is one of life's great ironies that babies are awesome chick magnets. When my daughters were babies, young beautiful women would flock to them (not me, them). Of course, by then I was married to the babies' mom so it didn't do me any good.

So I guess that proves it...babies are better than airplanes and sports cars! Who knew?

Bit of a chicken and egg problem, I guess!

If you can't "train" the wife, work on the daughter!

My wife hates to fly, but I'm having much better success with the daughter.


I used to borrow my nephew.

My girlfriend found me. Went to junior high and high school with her. 10 years later she found me online & we're happy. She keeps bugging me to buy the RV-7 kit! Who am I not to listen!
Thans Everyone !!!!

DeltaRomeo said:
Van's dating service.....I love it :) . Might be enough interest for its own section sometime down the road - lets see where she goes (pun).


Hey Doug not a bad idea!!!! "Van's Dating Service"
Cool.... :) Anyway it's good to hear everyones comments and it sounds like that some other pilots are or were in the same boat that I am. Just want to THANK Everyone for there comments. One day at a time is my motto and to never ever give up!!!! What got me to thinking about doing this on here was from a personal add in 'Trade-A-Plane'. Not sure how many people read it, but it was on page 113 Sept Issue 06. It was "FLYGIRL SEEKING FLYBOY" She was from the North East Area, kinda far for me but I did write her for the heck of it since we had something in common. She had an interesting email name as well, (FlyingMermaid) hmmmmmm :eek: I did learn one thing along time ago and that is to not post a picture of yourself with toys / airplanes / cars etc on a dating web site because most of the ladys look at $$$$$$ and not the person which isn't a good thing. Ya I posted a pic with me and toys on here, but hey most or all of us fly so theres nothing to hide. Just a warning to anyone looking for that special person like I am. Hey it's been fun looking and like I said one day at a time. Thanks Everyone
Less than 12 hours and met someone!!!!!

Hey this is working!!!!!!!! :) :) :) Less than 12 hours since I posted the original message and I've already gotten an e-mail / picture from a Lady RV flyer that flys a beautiful 6A.
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I will try the Eharmony thing soon. I have found the airplane ownership hasn't worked. I've had better luck taking my chihuahua to the dog park. Lots of single women and their dogs at the dog park. A puppy is a guaranteed date. Puppies are serious babe magnets.

I'll second that. Any small, helpless animal is a babe magnet. It triggers some gene that's carried only on the X chromosome, releasing a flood of some hormone that makes you look like George Clooney.

Back in college I watched from my apartment balcony as a cat attacked a bird down by the pool. I ran out, chased the cat away & started 'doctoring' the bird. Within seconds two girls showed up. I ended up taking the bird home - one of them asked if she could 'come over later' and 'check on the bird'. That was BY FAR the easiest dating relationship I ever got into.

So... Do what my friends at the time accused me of doing... Go get a bat and knock a cute, helpless birdie out of the sky - then hope a woman sees you taking care of it.
mdredmond said:
Back in college I watched from my apartment balcony as a cat attacked a bird down by the pool. I ran out, chased the cat away & started 'doctoring' the bird. Within seconds two girls showed up. I ended up taking the bird home - one of them asked if she could 'come over later' and 'check on the bird'. That was BY FAR the easiest dating relationship I ever got into.
How long did it take you to train that cat? :D
This is going to be one of those mega threads, I can tell.
I join the ranks of those whose wife does not particularly enjoy flying, but would come flying once every so often if she needs to buy something and ....!
My daughter is the opposite. She loves to fly and all her projects in school are aviation related, she even finds time to "help" me build the _10. Hope she stays that way. I can see a HUGE demand for girls like that.
RV7Guy said:
I made this plea a while back with no luck. Still searching. I've been on the Match.com deal for a while and found that many of the women aren't being exactly honest when it relates to the their pictures, weight and interests. Also anyone that posts a picture from Glamour Shots gets passed over immediately.

I would steer way far away from sites like Match.com. They are just meat markets. Everyone lies about everything. Not a good way to start a relationship.

Single female RV prospects

Boy AJ, just had to open the can of worms on this one. I especially enjoyed the response of the cat trained to hurt a bird then rescue the bird. Priceless. :D
You sound like a great guy. I was in your position 10 years ago and had no idea what I should do (besides rebuild the '64 Corvette and take scuba and flying lessons).
It is a numbers game (can you tell I was in sales?) and you must find the largest pool of available women in your surrounding community.
I got lucky and found my wife after I gave up. Our daughters were best friends and I thought she was married but she had been single for 9 years. (Can you spell independant?) We kept running into each other at school events, daughter's dance class, daughter's high school float building....you get the drift.
Find the numbers of available women (child's school, church, art class, Barnes and Noble, Starbucks) and be yourself. Good luck.
Pat Garboden
Ozark, MO
RV9-A 942WG (reserved) slider
RV9-A 942PT (reserved) tip-up
'64 Corvette
After the big D I actually lived at our airport most of the summer. My buddy and his wife kept bringing this hot, single blond around . I think our first date was in the airlplane . Anyhow ,four years have passed, she bucks rivets , twists wrenches and loves flying. She even twisted my rubber arm and forced me to buy the 8. ;) This new dating service is not required in my case but it may help like minded people get together which is not a bad thing. Best of luck

RV 8 fuselage
Too Funny

After I de-installed wife version 1.0 I dated a LOT. Some good times and some not so good times. (I'm still dealing with a stalker after seven years.)

I met my wife 3 1/2 years ago and on the 2nd week she helped me install a new roll bar in the car. What a woman! The tail kit was ordered before we met and arrived after we started dating. She has been there right along with me through most of it and is pushing for me to finish the thing. Her father comes up from TN every two or three months to help drive rivets. He is a pilot and also looks forward to his first flight but knows he is number two behind his daughter.

What I'm saying is that they are out there.

Oh, we were set up on a blind date. I think there is something to this as your friends might know you better than you know yourself.
N941WR said:
After I de-installed wife version 1.0 I dated a LOT. .....

That's got to be the funniest new definition of divorce I've ever seen!..and as one who has been through the de-installation process, can really appreciate the humor there. Besides,..it helps hide the real pain. But then came the dating....oh...WOW!
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jdmunzell said:
That's got to be the funniest new definition of divorce I've ever seen!..and as one who has been through the version 1de-installation process, can really appreciate the humor there. Besides,..it helps hide the real pain. But then came the dating....oh...WOW!

Wait till you have to go thru de-installation of Version #1 & #2. Yep two of the nagging versions that need a re-boot every other day. Now I'm trying to find Version #3. They say Version 3 is the best one BTW !!!!! That's what someone told me...HMMMMM :eek: :eek: :eek: I guess time will tell. Version #3 had better be the the last one for me!!!! Version #4 is out of the question because I'll probablly just wed my (Lil Red Lady) the name of my RV-6...She doesn't complain at all and has never let me down yet!!!! ..lol..... Hi to the Lady that replied to me!!! Everyone take care and I've enjoyed all of the support and humor from everyone. We all need to smile once in awhile and spread some humor and charm. Happy flying from AJ.............Later
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Sign seen in window of homebuilt at an airshow. "the longer I'm married to my wife the more I like my airplane." BTW my ex-wife didn't like airplanes. Don
Hey George, about the Blue Car

I guess your asking me the question George about the car in the picture???? It's a reproduciton of an English/British 1958 Lister/Jaguar. This is a reproduction model that was built in California by Can Am Racer / Race Car driver Chuck Beck and yes he is a pilot like us. He built 35 of these hand built cars and they have a tubular steel frame, glass bodies with C-4 Corvette independent suspension. I have number 35 the last one made.... :) Very Very light weight and over powered road coarse race car. The engine is set back so far that the driveshaft is around 6" long which is no problem with the C-4 Vette / Dana 44 rearend. 6 speed road coarse trans with 2 overdrives. All Aluminum race block with Brodix heads, roller cam the works, etc. etc....I build race engines from time to time ok..... Very insane to say the least and weighing in at around 1,800 lbs. Most people will not ride with me. Wheelspin will happen with street tires at 75-80 mph if you lay into it hard. To feel the rush you need to get thru 3rd gear at 85 mph plus then hang on. A rocket yes. I'm more comfortable in my RV btw....Later AJ
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OK, I want a date with an RV Pilot!


I have tried many dating sites, and this is my last chance. ;-)
rv969wf said:
I'm 43, Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes 5' 10" 144 lbs.
144!! Holy merd. To hit 144, I'd need to be dead for about a year.

We're same age, same height yet 20 gals of 100LL difference in weight. I need to lose about 10 gallons of avgas.

Andy could fly with my girfriend (once...) and still be 20lbs lighter than me. I am my own GIB!!

Time to hit the treadmill.
You LUCKY,LUCKY b&%^#$d!

rvator51 said:
I met my version 1.0 at the airport. And she already had an RV and a hanger!


Do you play the lottery as well...What are your numbers...:)

RV7a 5'8" 145 to 150lbs and yes my 7 makes 2600FPM on cold mornings...:)
rv969wf said:
I guess your asking me the question George about the car in the picture???? It's a reproduciton of an English/British 1958 Lister/Jaguar. This is a reproduction model that was built in California by Can Am Racer / Race Car drive Chuck Beck and yes he is a pilot like us. He built 35 of these hand built cars and they have a tubular steel frame, glass bodies with C-4 Corvette independent suspension. I have number 35 the last one made.... :) Very Very light weight and over powered road coarse race cars. The engine is set back so far that the driveshaft is around 6" long which is no problem with the C-4 Vette / Dana 44 rearend. 6 speed road coarse trans with 2 overdrives. All Aluminum race block with Brodix heads, roller cam the works, etc. etc....I build race engines from time to time ok..... Very insane to say the least and weighing in at around 1,800 lbs. Most people will not ride with me. Wheelspin will happen with street tires at 75-80 mph if you lay into it hard. To feel the rush you need to get thru 3rd gear at 85 mph plus then hang on. A rocket yes. I'm more comfortable in my RV btw....Later AJ

Sorry for calling it a Dragon earlier---------no side hood grills DUH.

Hmmm . Dragon////////

Sorry for calling it a Dragon earlier---------no side hood grills DUH.


No problem Mike, I've had my RV called all sorts of things. But right now the right seat is empty along with the Lister. I'm still looking for that special lady. Time is the key...Next few weeks I'll be posting some GOOD Pictures of the RV with some other mods and changes that are far from VAN's specs...... I've been making a few changes and painting so look out for the pics...Yep I'm always tinkering and I can't leave anything stock or OEM.....AJ
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rv969wf said:
Wait till you have to go thru de-installation of Version #1 & #2. Yep two of the nagging versions that need a re-boot every other day. Now I'm trying to find Version #3.... Happy flying from AJ.............Later

AJ......you an airline captain?......you've just met the biggest requirement for this position! Just kidding actually. My # 2 is a great gal, a real keeper...you know. However, a quick story...

When I met # 2, she was a Flt Att. working on her Instrument rating with hopes of a pro airline cockpit job. Flew a lot, and accompanied me on a Sun-N-Fun trip. ....Had to have her, you know! .... It must be something about human physiology, but once kids came around,..... no more interest in airplanes of any kind. She is by far the BEST MOM on the planet, but not exactly my airshow bud any more....of which I'm a bit sad about, however what she has brought into my somewhat narrow minded existance has more than made up for it. Two awesome kids who at this point (6 &10 ) still think I can DO AND MAKE ANYTHING!!

Point being, things change so be ready for that...
jdmunzell said:
AJ......you an airline captain?......you've just met the biggest requirement for this position!

No joke, I think I've flown with him before! I have flown with a few captains with an ex-wife or two that have said it'd be easier to just go and and find some woman whom you hate and can't stand to be around, and just buy her a house and be done with it. Cut out all the wasted time in between...
jbDC9 said:
No joke, I think I've flown with him before! I have flown with a few captains with an ex-wife or two that have said it'd be easier to just go and and find some woman whom you hate and can't stand to be around, and just buy her a house and be done with it. Cut out all the wasted time in between...

Diesel 9,

Or go this route.....years ago there was an international Captain in New York who had a wife on Long Island and another in Maine. Don't know how it all ended but it probably was interesting however long it lasted. :)

I don't if it is the same guy, but there was the story about this Eastern Airlines Captain somewhere up in the Northeast many years ago who on one very frigid winter day rented a woodchipper and ran his frozen wifes body through it to hide the evidence! Yikes!

Do you guys see what's happening to this thread? It starts off nicely enough with AJ trying to find a nice girl, and now look at the direction this is all headed. What does that say??
31 Rules to Live By from Alan...A must to read

jdmunzell said:
I don't if it is the same guy, but there was the story about this Eastern Airlines Captain somewhere up in the Northeast many years ago who on one very frigid winter day rented a woodchipper and ran his frozen wifes body through it to hide the evidence! Yikes!

Do you guys see what's happening to this thread? It starts off nicely enough with AJ trying to find a nice girl, and now look at the direction this is all headed. What does that say??

Wow what a story!!!! Hmmm,,,, Saturday night at home by myself and reading about woodchippers and ??????? :eek: I hope that some of the people watching this thread along with myself will keep this thread alive because I'm not giving up. Just some thoughts from me that apply to relationships and building airplanes... 31 RULES to live by...From Alan

#1 Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.
#2 Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other.
#3 Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.
#4 When you say, "I love you," mean it, being it your wife, kids, family friends or your airplane.
#5 When you say, "I'm sorry," look the person in the eye.
#6 Be engaged at least six months before you get married.
#7 Believe in love at first sight. Airplanes as well.
#8 Never laugh at anyone's dream. People who don't have dreams don't have much.
#9 Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely.
#10 In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling. Airplanes apply as well.
#11 Don't judge people by their relatives.
#12 Talk slowly but think quickly.
#13 When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, "Why do you want to know?"
#14 Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.
#15 Say "bless you" when you hear someone sneeze.
#16 When you lose, don't lose the lesson.
#17 Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; and responsibility for all your actions.
#18 Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.
#19 When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
#20 Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice.
#21 Spend some time alone when needed. Go buck some rivets...lol
#21 A true friend is someone who reaches for your hand and touches your heart.
#22 Open your arms to change but don't let go of your values.
#23 Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer. Tie your tongue in a knot.
#24 Live a good, honourable life. Then when you get older
and think back, you'll be able to enjoy it for the second time.
#25 A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for
your happiness.
#26 In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with
the current situation. Don't bring up the past.
#27 Share your knowledge. It's a way to achieve immortality.
#28 Be gentle with the earth.
#29 Once a year, go someplace you've never been before.
#30 Remember that the best relationship is one in which
your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.
#31 Judge your success by what you had to give up in order
to get it.
Later Alan