GTX 325

For the sake of being complete I'm including in this thread the news of Garmin discontinuing the GTX 327 and replacing it with the GTX 325. The -325 is the same size, form factor and shares the bezel/faceplate as the GTX 335/345 which is slightly smaller in height than the -327. No ADSB in the -325.

I now have the tray for the GTX 325/335/345 and am cutting my panel to fit. My plan is still to go with the GTX 325 / GDL 82 but now we have the option of changing xponders without messing with the panel cutout.
Previously I wrote:

Cool...thanks. I'll wait a bit before buying in, as my only interest is checking a GDL-82's initial broadcast, as you've done with the Skybeacon....I have good reason to believe the GDL-82 is much more anonymous, but hey, I'm the guy who preaches "trust but verify".

Well, "trust but verify" wins again.

Turns out the GDL-82, like the Skybeacon, is not anonymous at start up with the anonymous mode enabled (pin 5 grounded).

In the near future I will be looking at how it treats a transponder "IDENT" as well as aerobatics, again with anonymous mode enabled.
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Dan, does your GPS WAAS position source have a way to power up and get a lock before you power up your transponder and GDL-82?

Doing so gives the GDL-82 the fastest chance to create the self-assigned anonymous ICAO number. It comes from position and gps clock.

Removing your flight ID/N# may or may not have similar delays.

Air mode change from ground may be the cue to actually be anonymous, also.

Thanks for the update!
Dan, does your GPS WAAS position source have a way to power up and get a lock before you power up your transponder and GDL-82?

No. I'm using the GDL-82's supplied GPS receiver.

Doing so gives the GDL-82 the fastest chance to create the self-assigned anonymous ICAO number. It comes from position and gps clock.

If your previous notes are correct, each line in the .csv output file represents one second. I'll try to confirm independently, but if true, the "real ID" broadcast writes four lines before generating a random ICAO code, i.e. lasts about 4 seconds. Here is the file from an Excel screenshot:


This was recorded inside a south facing hangar with the door open. I'll push outside and see if it makes any time difference.

Air mode change from ground may be the cue to actually be anonymous, also.

As you can see, it changes to anonymous sitting still in the hangar, but it's not anonymous at start up.

Next up is to see if (1) it broadcasts real ID when powered up in parallel with a transponder in "STANDBY", and if not, (2) does it transmit real ID when the transponder switches from STBY to ALT.
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Dan, my Skybeacon startup, using the Avare ADSB Pro app recording, with no other traffic, was 1hz per line. I judged that on the middle of the main start screen of the app when only seeing data for my plane. "## UAT frames".

Using the WAAS GPS feed directly to the GDL-82 via its own receiver, that is pretty fast to self-assign an ICAO number and pull your N# off the flight ID.

Not instant, but very different than my recorded sampling of the skybeacon.


Conversely, I searched the long .csv to find what entering anonymous mode in flight with the uAvionics SkyBeacon looks like. It looks like your Garmin GDL-82 on the ground, 5 lines of recording to fill in the fields recorded by the Avare ADSB Pro app. There is much more to the output stream, the app only presents some.


I found where I changed from anonymous to normal later in the flight. It took dozens of recorded lines to show the data, but on my EFIS displaying the "IN" it only took a second or two to show my tail number again, so in flight the UAT out stream is much higher than 1hz frame per second. There is no time stamp in the simple data set recorded by the ADSB pro app.
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Dan. I am very interested in your findings. I leave my Mode C transponder in standby until ready to taxi, which I think leaves the GDL 82 in standby during its GPS acquisition and start up. I do the same with uAvionix Echo (RV-3) and Freeflight RANGR Lite (Aviat Husky) UAT units.

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Can someone confirm I'm assimilating this information correctly?

It appears that the FAA mandates that the 978mhz UAT ads-b out boxen send the tail-number relatable ICAO code on startup which would allow the FAA to track the entire flight because it's easy to see where the valid ICAO number ends and the random one begins in a flight path.

So Moose and Dan started working on figuring out how long the valid ICAO is broadcast on startup, and it seems the skybeacon broadcasts it a bit longer than the GDL-82. Did I get that right?

Also, did I read that it's a law to have ads-b out running while in flight as long as it's installed? Couldn't you just turn your ads-b box off if you wanted to be completely anonymous at the risk of not being seen by other aircraft?
Nice summary and correct on all points so far. I'm sure Dan will well handle the GDL in full. I'll then mirror it with the uAvionix.

The GDL goes quickly anonymous, from what Dan posted. Today you would have to be at one of the 35 or so major airports that use ASDE-X on the ground and have GBT installations- The FAA's UAT towers.

Or, you would have to be receivable by a GBT anywhere else, on the ground, at power up. Slim chance on average, today.

Anonymous mode is a randomized formula based on GPS time and lat and lon. The pubs do require a new self-assigned ICAO each time, so a UAT cannot store an old anonymized code.

A side-effect of this is you can be ID'd with no GPS or possibly loss of GPS to or at the UAT.. More to follow there.
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Previously I wrote....

If your previous notes are correct, each line in the .csv output file represents one second. I'll try to confirm independently, but if true, the "real ID" broadcast writes four lines before generating a random ICAO code, i.e. lasts about 4 seconds.

I've been in contact with the app developer. He says the current app writes information to the log file "as soon as data is ready", which I understand to mean it is not necessarily a one second interval. A new version of the ADS-B app, now in beta, does include a time stamp. I'll try to obtain a copy.

For now, let's treat the time intervals as unknown.
Ok, have a buddy with very good connections into the ADS-B world. He was kind enough to do a bit of research regarding the time intervals:

Each UAT message frame consists of exactly 1 second and is synchronized to UCT using GPS timing. The beginning of the frame is reserved for "uplink" from the ground station - 176 msec with guard bands on either side. The final 800 msec is reserved for ADS-B aircraft broadcasts. As stated in the document excerpt, "Each UAT-equipped aircraft makes exactly one ADS-B message transmission per frame". So, the data rate for UAT messages is always 1 Hz.

It reconciles with the ADS-B Pro app developer's "logs as soon as data is ready" comment because...

...while the overall data rate of UAT ADS-B messages is 1 Hz, the instantaneous message rate may be more or less due to the pseudo-random nature of the messages. They may occur anywhere within the ADS-B message segment of the frame. But the average will be 1 Hz, as only one message per frame per aircraft is allowed.
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Word parsed to find a 2004 era FAA .pdf.

Has the same wording of timing messages.

It has nothing about anonymous.

Not a reader's digest:

1.5mb .pdf

Department of Transportation
Federal Aviation Administration
System Specification
Ground-Based Transceiver (GBT)
Broadcast Services
Using the Universal Access Transceiver (UAT) Data Link
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Hi Dan, any chance your buddy has any insight into the 1090ES anonymous mode technology demonstration that?s supposed to take place ?early 2019?.
Also any chance he?s involved in writing the spec and if so can we request that this ?brief transmitting in the clear? be eliminated for 1090ES anonymous mode?
Yea, I know, not likely but a guy can ask can?t he....
GDL behavior and anonymous switch

I’ve had my GDL82 installed for over a year. Startup, anonymous switch on and monitoring its behavior via the Stratux (ads-b in, build your own), it’s behavior is consistent with what has been described. There is a few seconds on startup of unique and specific icao and n number. Any local receiver and perhaps Aerion * would see me and then a few seconds later not see that aircraft, but an anonymous aircraft in the same location. A simple algorithm could bond the two ID’s for the flight duration.
As a general practice, a few minutes before asking for ATC services, I switch to non-anonymous since it will help with correct ID and I’ll loose the anonymous anyway when not on 1200.

*aopa article reports Aerion only 1090, so should not see the 978 transmissions
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Not really. You can request that the FAA not release your flight information to outside vendors. Your ADS-B transmissions (1090 or 978) need not be anonymous to request privacy under the policy.

You will remain identifiable by the FAA, any other governmental agency, and by anyone with a smart phone and a cheap radio dongle. For that you'll need a true anonymous mode.
I leave my Mode C transponder in standby until ready to taxi, which I think leaves the GDL 82 in standby during its GPS acquisition and start up. Jim

Got to that question yesterday.

Powered up a GTX-327 transponder in STANDBY, squawk set to 1200, with the GDL-82 unpowered. After a few moments, I applied power to the GDL-82 while monitoring for signal. No ADS-B packets were transmitted with the transponder in STANDBY.

However, subsequently switching the transponder from STANDBY to ALT caused the GDL-82 (with pin 5 grounded, and supposedly anonymous) to momentarily broadcast initial "real ID" packets (true ICAO and N-number) before switching. I only noted the text traffic display. I did not save the packets to a .csv file to look at number of packets or specific content.

Perhaps it is time to hear from our friends at Garmin.

The GDL goes quickly anonymous, from what Dan posted. Today you would have to be at one of the 35 or so major airports that use ASDE-X on the ground and have GBT installations- The FAA's UAT towers.

Or, you would have to be receivable by a GBT anywhere else, on the ground, at power up. Slim chance on average, today.

Maybe, maybe not. An official ADS-B ground installation is not required. Consider we're recording the initial real ID data with a $20 dongle radio receiver coupled to a $15 frequency filter. Any cell tower would do.
FBOs are in on feeding Flightaware. John Q. Public feeds flightaware. My context quoted above is first what the FAA GBT "System" sees from a UAT in Anonymous mode.

Secondary concern is the public side, for now, the public side is 1090-centric. 978 has to get to the info websites via the GBTs and active flight plans. IF Anonymous from GBTs, no one sniffing your UAT startup, no code but 1200- today, you are likely anonymous, with some caveats.

Secondary concern is the public side, for now, the public side is 1090-centric. 978 has to get to the info websites via the GBTs and active flight plans. IF Anonymous from GBTs, no one sniffing your UAT startup, no code but 1200- today, you are likely anonymous, with some caveats.


That seems right, with the operative phrase being "for now."

Crowd-sourced 978 monitoring in the future would perhaps not matter, unless the initial identification that is broadcast at startup could be used to label you thereafter?

Absolutely. Today.

Crowd-sourced 978 monitoring in the future would perhaps not matter, unless the initial identification that is broadcast at startup could be used to label you thereafter?

Which appears trivial for anyone with a data feed and a vested interest. The initial packets stream real ID, and the receiver location is known, so anonymous packets arriving at the same receiver exactly one second after the ID packets would be an assumptive link with very high probability.
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Big picture, for at least Garmin UATs in line with Mode C transponders, one would hope the logic could suppress transmitting anything before the self-assigned ICAO code was generated. (Edit to add, assumes pin 5 is switched to ground at power up).

It smells like the UAT first looks for BOTH 1200 code and WAAS GPS position, but squirts your real ID for 4 seconds as it crunches the self-assignment formula of lat/long/gps time.

4 seconds is a long time in many regards.

Anyone have a 200W dummy load for an antenna selector switch?
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We bought UAT units marketed to us as being anonymous, not "Switches to anonymous after a short period", or "Anonymous if no one is listening".

Anonymous was the manufacturer's representation. It's what we have a right to expect. I prefer to believe the people involved adhere to a high standard, so I'll be looking for a software update, not a workaround.

Thanks for the additional information, this is very helpful. Its also not very encouraging that even some of Garmin's own staff are confused about this issue!

AC-165B has more to say (copied below). If I'm reading this right you are allowed to broadcast a randomized 24-bit code and no call sign under certain conditions (978, squawking 1200, no flight plan). are required to broadcast your aircraft's actual 24-bit code plus a call sign when the unit is initially powered on. If anyone is listening at that point you would not be anonymous.

The vague part would seem to be how long the powering-on phase lasts. According to what FreeFlight says on their web site (see Post #59 above), it lasts through the first few minutes of the flight. After that you are not broadcasting any identifying information, but if the system has already acquired your target and associated it with your callsign this may not matter. I don't doubt ATC could continue to track you solely based on your GPS position.

Unless of course the FreeFlight website is simply wrong!

DanH said:
We bought UAT units marketed to us as being anonymous, not "Switches to anonymous after a short period", or "Anonymous if no one is listening".

Anonymous was the manufacturer's representation. It's what we have a right to expect. I prefer to believe the people involved adhere to a high standard, so I'll be looking for a software update, not a workaround.

A software update would be great, but in order for that to happen, the ADS-b vendor would have to interpret the above to mean that the Tail number resolvable ICAO number must be set at boot, but we don't have to broadcast until it's changed to anonymous.

Is there any real hope for that?
A software update would be great, but in order for that to happen, the ADS-b vendor would have to interpret the above to mean that the Tail number resolvable ICAO number must be set at boot, but we don't have to broadcast until it's changed to anonymous.

Is there any real hope for that?

Upcoming. I switched to the TSO'd Skybeacon, not having an encoded altitude output when out of radar coverage, just gps, concerned me about the Experimental version. I then had to RMA exchange for a fault and have been away since getting a good clean PAPR checkout. Initial, short look for the Mod 3, 1.0.3 software update is better Anonymous mode at startup on the ground.

I have not used SDR hardware and software yet to time it out second by second. Service bulletins are done via small Windows app running to the Skybeacon direct over wifi.

Not forgotten, just away working.
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On my -7A, I'm as interested in keeping my ADS-B as anonymous as anyone, but have a couple of questions.

1. Where does the ADS-B signal broadcast from on the the plane?
2. If the signal comes out of the transponder antenna, isn't the signal blocked somewhat since it's on the bottom of the plane and, in my case, with several hangers around, potentially less reliable for those first 4 seconds?

After all, with my comm antenna also on the bottom, talking to the tower is frequently blocked when the plane is in certain orientations relative to their antenna.
@alcladrv, yes to your questions. The UATs transmit from belly, wingtip, tail, most anywhere. They seem to range just fine around the surface of an airport from the ground. The wavelength is shorter, wattage is different, I don’t know propagation differences.

I'll time the Anonymous mode second by second, but since uAvionix is using its onboard WAAS, which must have a good position and time to create the self-assigned ICAO number- it is at a disadvantage.

That said, if you select Transmit enabled to off until you have gps, leaving anonymous mode on, which are separate software app controls, I think you may just stay anonymous.

It would be the opposite of this screenshot.
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I sure appreciate you guys chasing this anonymous thing down. I have no inclination or expertise to do so but at the same time am adamant about maintaining my privacy.
I have 2 aircraft that I am waiting to install ADSB in until there are viable anonymous modes available.

In an earlier post in this thread I incorrectly said that Garmin's "new" GTX327 had the same faceplate dimensions and tray size (for purposes of panel layout / cutout) as the new GTX335 and GTX345; this is incorrect. I have since learned - and now have the trays for each in my hands - that the GTX327 retained its original size and is different that the 335/345.

I hope the G3Xpert guys are following this ..... I strongly encourage them to come out with a real solution for maintaining anonymity. My input would be for a GTX335-A ("A" for "anonymous")
This has nothing to do with garmin and everything to do with the regs. Suggest you take a minute to deep dive into those before knocking garmin. As for privacy in aviation, that has already been discussed in great detail. Recommend you sell the Super D now and stick with ultralights if that is the concern
This has nothing to do with garmin and everything to do with the regs. Suggest you take a minute to deep dive into those before knocking garmin. As for privacy in aviation, that has already been discussed in great detail. Recommend you sell the Super D now and stick with ultralights if that is the concern

Or simply stay away from areas that are high on the alphabet scale...
This has nothing to do with garmin and everything to do with the regs. Suggest you take a minute to deep dive into those before knocking garmin.

Shane, first, nobody is knocking Garmin. Some at Garmin are just plain embarrassed, as they didn't know the GDL-82 was transmitting a true ICAO at startup. The development crew is now aware of our concerns. It can be fixed with a software change.

As for a deep dive into the regs...a very qualified friend has been doing exactly that. The advisory "requirements" of AC20-165B are based on DO-282B. Regardless of AC wording, there is no requirement in DO-282B to transmit the aircraft?s assigned ICAO 24-bit address during initial power on.
Sorry Dan, thanks for the clarification. My comments were geared towards the 1090 side of the house as alluded to with a 335-A

I'm been following this thread for a little while and I'm still wondering why some here wanna be ''Anonymous'' so much...

Are you guys planning on buzzing your next door neigbour or something and don't wanna get caught or do some special ops flying ??..what is it.. :rolleyes:

Here are a couple of scenarios.

ADSB reports my airplane 500 miles from my house. Let's say the airplane is at a beach location in Florida. Odds are my family is with me at the beach. So, presumbably, nobody is home. Great opportunity for a break-in if you're a sophisticated thief. This is the same reason you don't post your vacation pictures real-time on facebook.

Someone in a non ADSB, non TXP RV-4 buzzes a house out in the boonies. Concurrently, I'm flying around the area at a legal, but low altitude with my location and N-number showing on every screen around. The homeowner calls the FAA. Guess who gets the next phone call and has to defend himself?

I'm doing aerobatics in a legal area. I have a near miss because neither I or the other airplane saw and avoided. The other guy makes an FAA complaint. Guess who gets a phone call?

All of these scenarios and a thousand others are on the table.
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And to make it far more general, *many* bizjet and other 'big boy' owners of a/c have their N numbers anonymized through an FAA approved program. Are we to assume, by your questioning logic, that all those corporations are committing illegal acts? If not, then why should we not enjoy the same privilege (scratch that; the same right)? After all, 'corporations are people too'. Have we now entered the alternate reality where Animal Farm is real, and some people are more equal than others? (Never mind; any rational person already knows the answer to that.)


edit: Didn't notice until after posting that you're Canadian; you might not get the 'corporations are people too' reference. Be grateful if you don't need to know.
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I'm been following this thread for a little while and I'm still wondering why some here wanna be ''Anonymous'' so much...

Are you guys planning on buzzing your next door neigbour or something and don't wanna get caught or do some special ops flying ??..what is it.. :rolleyes:

We Americans have some ideas about being "secure in our persons" which may seem strange to the French and English...and a mystified Qu?becois.
Anonymous Mode


I obviously have offended some people with my question and as such I apologies ..Post have been deleted..

I will be anonymous for a while.:)

Have a good evening all

Not offended. People have different ideas and thresholds for government intrusion and intervention. No problem as long as people respect our individual right to manage our lives as we see fit.
No, no offence taken, at least by me. Simple ask & answer. Consider it bonus 'education' in experimental aviation for 'education and recreation'.

In case I need to clarify my original post; I'm not taking a shot at Garmin at all. In fact, I hope they see the issue and I really hope they come up with a solution - I like Garmin stuff !!! I'd like nothing more than to have a complete Garmin panel with an anonymous ADSB.

As for privacy, well, toolbuilder put it succinctly. I work off the principles of freedom.

The remark about selling my Decathlon was just plain dumb.

Most of all - I really do appreciate the folks here with their effort to understand, explain, and take steps to resolve the ADSB anonymous thing. Thank you !!!
A separate switch dedicated to being able to turn off just the transponder, and now all privacy concerns are met. As long as you stay out of A, B and C airspace, nobody cares. You still have adsb in and life is beautiful.
A separate switch dedicated to being able to turn off just the transponder, and now all privacy concerns are met. As long as you stay out of A, B and C airspace, nobody cares. You still have adsb in and life is beautiful.

Incorrect, sorry.

That is counter- CFR and a "violation". If installed, must be operating. Unless you get a ferry permit. Technically. Especially if you have or had an engine driven generator/alternator.

See: 14 CFR § 91.225 - Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) Out equipment and use.

14 CFR § 91.215 - ATC transponder and altitude reporting equipment and use.
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...I obviously have offended some people with my question and as such I apologies ..Post have been deleted..

I will be anonymous for a while.:)

Have a good evening all

Hi Bruno, It's an interesting topic, and one that I believe many feel passionate about. I was just at a meeting in Switzerland where this very topic came up, and there was a lot of passion there as well. Here we are allowed to turn off our transponders as long as we are not in "controlled airspace", and that was the official answer to how to remain anonymous.

I hope we can find a solution so that we are not forced to choose between our privacy, our freedom, and our safety. I am optimistic we can have all three if some of the simple suggestions that have been proposed are implemented.
My point is, if it’s turned off, Big Brother doesn’t know who you are, or that you have the equipment on board, and therefore doesn’t care. Just remain clear of regulated airspace. I understand what the regs are, but if privacy is the goal, a switch is the answer.
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