Right you are Alan, I missed that. And it turns out they meant it. What really doesn’t make sense is their interpretation and implementation.
They say this about anonymous mode: “If the option is available, it can be enabled during the installation. When the aircraft is on the ground and during the first few minutes of flight (so ATC can establish a track)”
If it’s really so ATC can establish a track then prohibiting anonymous mode for 90 seconds after power up probably won’t accomplish that. I’m never airborne 90 seconds after engine start and I don’t reliably see towers while on the ground. If they really wanted to ensure ATC could establish a track (they being the govt requirements writers) they would have prohibited anonymous mode while on the ground and for 90 seconds after the ground/air bit gets flipped to “air”. Most any aircraft will be at 500ft or so after 90 seconds so would be seeing a tower.
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Right you are Alan, I missed that. And it turns out they meant it. What really doesn?t make sense is their interpretation and implementation.
They say this about anonymous mode: ?If the option is available, it can be enabled during the installation. When the aircraft is on the ground and during the first few minutes of flight (so ATC can establish a track)?
If it?s really so ATC can establish a track then prohibiting anonymous mode for 90 seconds after power up probably won?t accomplish that. I?m never airborne 90 seconds after engine start and I don?t reliably see towers while on the ground. If they really wanted to ensure ATC could establish a track (they being the govt requirements writers) they would have prohibited anonymous mode while on the ground and for 90 seconds after the ground/air bit gets flipped to ?air?. Most any aircraft will be at 500ft or so after 90 seconds so would be seeing a tower.

You're right, something doesn't add up. 90 seconds after power-up would allow enough time for GPS satellite acquisition, but normally not enough to get airborne.
The anonymous trigger of throwing the switch needs GPS time and position to generate the scheme's formula, posted above...

The original, true FAA ICAO number is the starting point for the lat/lon/time Formula. So, the UAT has to start from the actual registration.

90 seconds probably allows GPS lock and self assigned anonymous code.

The Skybeacon definitely squirts your real ICAO, N# and mode A as soon as it fires up before it has its WAAS GPS in either normal or anonymous. I didn't time how long it takes to actually be anonymous yet. Should be easy to calc from the logger as the string freq is once per second.
Moosepilot that seems much more plausible than needing to ?establish a track with ATC?. I don?t think you need the permanent ICAO to generate the temp one.
From the above referenced doc:

b. If the aircraft?s 24-bit ICAO address ADDRP is not available, then time of day shall be used as an additional randomizer. In that case, the temporary address ADDRT shall be the modulo 2, bit-by-bit summation of TIME and M(3), that is,
ADDRT = TIME ⊕ M(3).

They do need GPS Time and position. It?s a shame they choose to ?leak? the ICAO # and flight ID for 90 seconds or more. Let?s hope the forthcoming 1090ES anonymous mode doesn?t include this ?flaw?.

Hmmm, how about an RF switch to switch between a dummy load and the antenna. We could add a small watt meter to the dummy load and call it a ?start up transponder power assurance check?... ;)
So, back to the GDL-82. Assume pin 5 is switched to ground, switch closed, 1200 squawk at power up. Is it anonymous from the first instant, or does it broadcast the aircraft ICAO code and N-number for some given time period, before generating a random code?
I'll have to check that with ATC next time I'm at the airport. I'll just turn on the Transponder/ADS-B on the ground in Anonymous mode and let ATC tell me what they see on their screen. Actually, I have the cell phone number for the Radar Room so I can call them directly. The tower/approach crew at Asheville are the greatest.
For the skybeacon, yes.

But, It's heatbeat 1 hz seems to start up with the entered icao number and Flight ID (N# for most of us, could be a flight plan callsign).

The GDLs allow no switch between the UAT downstream of the transponder on the shared feedline, right? That was how I read it hunting UATs.

I think the surest way to be min time to anonymous is to have a WAAS feed first, then a UAT using that feed powered up throwing the anonymous "thereafter".

ATC's feedback will tell more than the sleuthing here, but I've learned a bit.
Agree, this has been very educational. The tower feedback should answer a lot of questions.
1. Can aircraft on the ground with belly mounted antennas reliably transmit to ADSB towers? I think the ground mode is mostly for big airports and the ADSB system works with some other system?
2. Even if an aircraft on the ground connects with a tower it will be broadcasting that it?s in ?ground mode?. Will the ADSB tower rebroadcast that info to aircraft in the air? On my stratux I ?think? all aircraft disappear after landing. I know that could be just from loss of signal, but maybe if we?re lucky.....
I just called Asheville Approach, but didn't really learn anything...yet. My first question was, "Do aircraft on your radar display show up while on the ground?" Answer: Sometimes, depending on your location on the airport. Second question: "If my aircraft DOES show up, does my N-number show on your display via ADS-B". Answer: He wasn't sure. He did allow that the Ground Controller station had a radar display so my plan is to check with Ground next time I taxi out. With the endless bad weather we've been having here in the SE, who knows when I can perform that test.
alternative sources for in-flight traffic

Is ADSB - IN the only source for inflight traffic in General Aviation barring expensive radar systems ??

I've been following this thread; and now know a tiny bit about this ADSB thing and way more than I wanted. But I see a quandry; There are alternative ways to get in-cockpit WX and go with an ADSB-OUT with optional anonymous mode. But there seems to be no way to get in-cockpit WX and traffic with an ADSB anonymous mode. Is this correct ??
Not correct. Weather is always available. For traffic, ADSB OUT in anonymous mode will still “wake up” the tower. In addition as we get closer to the 2020 deadline many other aircraft with ADSB OUT will be waking up the towers. Other aircraft with ADSB IN will see you as a target without an N number. I only have “IN” (stratux) and it’s pretty rare that I lose traffic because enough other people already have “OUT” and are keeping the towers on.
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ADSB weather (and some traffic) is available with *no* ADSB out. You can do it with a $20 SDR receiver, Avare, and an android phone.

When you add ADSB out, it'll trigger the ground station to send available traffic in 'the system' that's near your location. But not needed to get weather.

Is ADSB - IN the only source for inflight traffic in General Aviation barring expensive radar systems ??

I've been following this thread; and now know a tiny bit about this ADSB thing and way more than I wanted. But I see a quandry; There are alternative ways to get in-cockpit WX and go with an ADSB-OUT with optional anonymous mode. But there seems to be no way to get in-cockpit WX and traffic with an ADSB anonymous mode. Is this correct ??

Larry. That is actually an excellent question. And one the subsequent two posts already answered correctly that you don't have any worries always having access to in data. But thank you for bringing up a point nobody has discussed in detail. Kind of got glossed over. So while your concerns have been addressed with a positive response, you are bringing us back on point so as to not forget the devil in the details. :)
I'm going for it!

I've decided to go ahead and wire in a switch on my GDL-82 UAT for Anonymous mode. I don't think that I will ever use it given today's ADS-B regulatory implementation. If, however, the FARs ever change regarding what information is displayed in 'Anonymous Mode' and to whom, it might come in handy.

On a somewhat related note regarding privacy, has anyone thought about the data from your car's Event Data Recorder (EDR) in the event of an accident. Who owns it, who has access to it, is a subpoena needed to download it,...? Don't want to go into too much drift on my own thread, but that's certainly a topic of another thread, and on a different forum. :rolleyes:
Anonymous mode wouldn't have been as safe

Entering the pattern recently at a popular uncontrolled airport (diner on the field), my MFD showed a plane a hundred yards behind me, closing. Because he was maneuvering, it wasn't clear what evasive action I could take.

But because I saw his N-number on my display, I was able to immediately announce, "XYZ, do you see the plane directly in front of you?!"

Announcing a hastily created, vague description of my location wouldn't have had the same galvanizing effect and might have been ignored. I'm a privacy nut too, but here's a case in which calling a pilot by tail number may have prevented an accident.
Bo1000, you raise a good point. There seem to be reasonable arguments on both sides of the "privacy debate". So I'm seeing it as a gray-scale and I still find myself more towards the anonymous side.

My panel is at Stein's and I've been talking with them and Garmin to try and sort this out. The constraints I've put in place (and can be changed) are:
1) all Garmin if possible (full and easier integration)
2) ADSB anonymous mode OUT
3) G3X display with traffic and WX
4) G3X preferably with both ADSB and SiriusXM WX
Here is what I've got on deck to meet these criteria:
GDL82 - gives compliant ADSB-OUT with anonymous mode
GDL52R - feeds ADSB-IN and SiriusXM to G3X
and the rest of the panel:
(2ea) G5
EI- MVP50 (I chose to not go Garmin here: I like a dedicated UI for engine)
Is ADSB - IN the only source for inflight traffic in General Aviation barring expensive radar systems ??

No. Mode S transponders receive traffic information while within the boundries of participating approach control areas.

While taxing out today, I asked ground control if I showed up on his radar screen. He replied in the negative and implied that they never see traffic on the ground at Asheville. So this proves that my equipment is better than his: I can see ADS-B equipped traffic both in the air and on the ground. (smile)
Ground Radar or ADSB

Yep, you have better equipment...

Chicago Midway:

I always "thought" all Mode C airports, at the least, watched you on the ground.

I always "thought" all Mode C airports, at the least, watched you on the ground.
Me too but, apparently, it's only that list of 39 airports posted previously. So I guess the only way for me to determine if my unit is truly transmitting anonymous on startup is to enlist the help of another aircraft with ADS-B and have him tell me what he sees when I power up.
The Uavionix Skybeacon did NOT go fully into what I read as anonymous mode on the ground. Good GPS lock on its monitor app, the data needed to create the self-assigned ICAO number. Recorded its stream on Avare ADSB Pro Android app fed from an SDR (like a stratux, but even simpler), made a nice text file.

When in anonymous mode, on the ground, my Flight ID (N#) would replaced by "VFR" but it would NOT create the self-assigned ICAO code. The 6 character "icao number" registered address stayed displayed in the data stream. A random one never generated.

This may be "anonymous" enough as I don't see an easy way to find a N# from only the ICAO number. I bet ATC/FAA can- any takers?

I assume this is its "ground mode" logic with speed less than stall entered in the setup.

No flying today, and no idea if any other UAT brand acts this way.
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What you are saying corresponds to second-hand info I got yesterday. Some folks in the acro crowd have been flying in anonymous mode while practicing acro; and received letters from the FAA for their unusual flight paths. This would indicate at least some anonymous modes are not fully anonymous.

The whole ADSB tracking while flying acro is another issue being addressed by the FAA, IAC and others.
Awesome tie-in to the thread. I have posted about the IAC acro flight issues of ADS-B out haing waas gps loss causing letters from the FAA.

These letters are meant to inform of exceptions to valid, compliant output. Nexgen did not consider what some of us consider "normal" flight- aerobatics and formation.

If we know they were using anonymous mode UATs, then we know big brother can see right through anonymous mode.

Having studied the data stream, it appears the UAT would have to change from the self-generated ICAO number that is part of anonymous mode, and/or it would have to reinstate your N# instead of "VFR" in the flight ID.

I'll fly some acro, recording the stream and try to break GPS position on the UAT. I'll see if the PAPR flags exceptions and gets me a call or certified letter. Sure will be high and more than 4 miles off airway in the right kind of airspace.

Carl, thanks for the Google reference.
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Go fly, and be proud of your N number .. Mine's now legal; can't wait till first flight.
On a somewhat related note regarding privacy, has anyone thought about the data from your car's Event Data Recorder (EDR) in the event of an accident. Who owns it, who has access to it, is a subpoena needed to download it,...? Don't want to go into too much drift on my own thread, but that's certainly a topic of another thread, and on a different forum. :rolleyes:

Our lucky day. One of my best friends and RV-4 pilot (and Glasair III and Bonanza owner) is an accident investigator. Really great guy. Here is what he says...

"The (ACM) Airbag Control Module data is the property of the owner of the vehicle. In the event of an accident the police can obtain that data only with permission from the owner or through a warrant. Keep in mind, if your vehicle is totaled and you have insurance, the insurance company will be in control of the data once ownership of the vehicle has been transferred to them.

All data related vehicle crashes is stored in the ACM. Only a few late 90's fords have data stored in the PCM. Powertrain Control Module. Newer vehicles with all of the satellite navigation and internet access stuff will have data stored in those devices. That data can also be retrieved. Many GPS devices will track your travels to include speed as long as the unit is turned on. This data can be downloaded and placed in Google earth for all to see.

John Flynn
ACTAR# 3067
Flynn and Associates"

Then once you have the registration information, you jump over to the Airmen certification page and lookup pilot info, then you go to google maps and put in the address to get a street view level map and public tax records. There are sites that charge $9.99 to compile all public records... Then you have the folks that post they are on a vacation cruise al l over social media.

Not displaying you N number may make you feel better but getting tons of data is still easily accomplished even without it...
I think you all are missing a critical point made earlier in this thread. Anonymous mode creates a completely random ICAO code. Generated within your equipment with no coordination with the outside system. That's how it works! It is not just cloaking your registration number. That is only a by product. It makes an indecipherable ICAO code. The actual ICAO code isn't available even to ATC. So web searches and databases are useless because there isn't any kind of information available except the aircraft position, altitude, ground speed, track and the fact it is flying legal VFR. That's why the FAA doesn't like it and pushes for 1090ES equipment.

To state there is any identifiable data transmitted in anonymous mode is casual speculation with a disregard of the details.

Aerospace Engineer too
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In flight, I agree with you for the Uavionix Skybeacon, as previously posted.

Testing yesterday on the GROUND proved to me it appears to NOT generate the self-assigned ICAO number part of Anonymous mode. It only removes the N# from the flight ID and inserts "VFR" if the transponder is replying a 1200 code.

This is outside, with good gps data, which is used to create the anonymous self-assigned ICAO number.

Other brands may act differently. Flippingthe switch to Anonymous mode may generate the self-assigned ICAO code of which you speak, but it can NOT be a blanket statement for BOTH Air AND ground modes of all UATs. Nor is it instantaneous. As soon an my UAT has power, it transmits the registered ICAO number 1 time per second. WAAS gps was scoring 8s on NIC and NACp on the Skybeacon monitor app within about 2 minutes, which is non-exceptional on a PAPR.

My transponder gives ATCBRS replies on the ground at the airport. The UAT has no confusion that I am squawking 1200 for valid Anonymous mode. Only my Flight ID becomes "VFR" instead of my N#.

For the acro flight issue, some UATs may only transmit a self-generated ICAO number IF there is valid GPS at the time. Fly energetically enough to lose GPS and the UAT may be triggered to reset the ICAO number to true registration and also transmit tje true Flight ID/callsign.

This would probably be intentional UAT logic so you can be told you have a GPS position source error. Remember, there was no forethought of acro and maybe even formation flight- ADSB-Out MUST always be used when installed.

Neither a casual speculator nor an engineer, just following the data, pubs and testing. Awaiting Micro Avionic's reply.

The FAA officially likes UAT because they feared the 1090 spectrum could not support all the traffic, if you engineer a google search;)
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My last post was somewhat tongue in cheek.

Even without an N# or hex code, even a partial name, address, phone number, etc. is all it takes to find out tons of data...without even looking hard.

For those nefarious folks that like to dig, it is truly amazing what personal and sometimes private data can be found.

How many folks here give there credit card to the server at a restaurant when they pay...think about it...
Yes, I'm sure most of us know that, but that was not the point of my post. My post quoted, and was addressing, "moosepileit's" question that if he just had the ICAO address from the Uavionix Skybeacon's Anonymous Mode data stream, was there a way of finding the N-number from that piece of data (i.e., reverse lookup).

Ahhh, reverse lookup...got it!

Sometimes I'm slow...
Yes but that?s ok, l was yammering about it in post 10 and the link was provided by someone else in a later post. I think it?s a big deal but maybe that?s because I haven?t equipped for ?out? yet so will consider 1090ES if they have a real implementation of anonymous mode. I don?t know if there will be a public comment period, but if so I?d like to start a comment campaign asking that this flaw be fixed in the 1090 implementation. If AOPA is going to champion a 1090ES anonymous mode they should also get behind an anonymous mode that truly is anonymous. I?m not going to S&F this year but if someone that is could corner Rune Duke (AOPA guy quoted often in the article) and clue him in that would be great.
Go fly, and be proud of your N number .. Mine's now legal; can't wait till first flight.
I seriously wish I could up-vote or like that post wjb.

Your rego is your rego. As pointed out numerous times on this 14 page thread, the notion that covering up your ADSB registration is going to afford some mythical degree of extra personal privacy given how easy it is to steal personal details or track your movements from numerous other sources, is just nonsensical. Some people seriously need to apportion some of their avionics expenditure to a therapist.
Do we really need to turn to personal attacks because we do not all share the same views on privacy and government intervention in our lives? I'm OK with sticking to the technical discourse of "what is the box doing now", but if we want to open it up to a debate about the sanity of the people that allow our freedoms to erode away onto the welcoming arms of Big Government, then I can play that game too.

Your choice.
This is pretty bad thread drift, but an...interesting... coincidence. My wife's expecting a Fedex package, and the sender is requiring a signature. We're trying to be sure we'll be here, so she's setting up a Fedex account as I type. The Fedex site just presented a page asking her to verify three different things about herself. One of the questions was, "What is the serial number of the <buildername> Van's RV4 that you own?" Followed by three numbers to choose from. Shucks; *I* don't know the serial number, without pulling the file. And the plane is registered to me; not her.

We can debate whether we *actually have* any privacy left, but there's certainly no debate with me about whether Fedex has *any* business knowing *anything* about my airplane.

There are serious consequences for us surrendering our privacy.
Problem is, this isn't even the gubmnt, which we at least get a vote on. We have no control on *private* entities' access to our personal info.
Uavionix Skybeacon stream at powerup on the ground. Transponder replying to ATCRBS on 1200 code as I can give replies on the ground at my field. No GPS fix, so I presume no data to create Anonymous mode. Each line is 1 second.

Anonymous ICAO number not generated in ground mode. NIC and NACp both 8, PAPR quality GPS lock.

Anonymous mode incomplete for ICAO number but showing VFR instead of N# on ground after a few minutes.


Flight stream recorded, note Inflight Anonymous mode has created the self-assigned ICAO number and shows VFR instead of N#. 2500', hdg 347. Both Anonymous on and off displayed as the stream allows aged data display. Mode changes almost instantly in flight.


Last step will be breaking GPS position lock inflight and seeing what my ICAO number and Flight ID do in Anonymous mode. The Skybeacon monitor app will show when GPS position loss occurs and I'll record the datastream. I predict they will return to registered data and maybe trigger a call or letter.

Will also see what Anonymous mode displays after landing.

I predict in ground mode it will be my actual ICAO number and "VFR" flight ID.
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This is really useful information, thanks for posting it!

One question, it appears in the last screenshot that you were still transmitting your real hex code (ac94ef) while at 2500 ft? It appears based on your coordinates that ground level at the airport is about 500 ft. Does this mean you were still being ID'd during the climb? Perhaps you need to get high enough to be "seen" by a tower before the transceiver switches to anonymous mode?
2000 AGL. 3 GBTs at least.

Both Anonymous and normal are displayed due to 1 minute of "last seen" tracking in the recording software app.

In flight mode, changes into or out of anonymous mode occur in a few seconds at most.

My PAPRs say I register trackably in the system as soon as 200' AGL.
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Hey, no doxing;)

Same android free app, $30ish sdr/antenna/otg dongle works for any UAT. Everyone, "knows" where I am. If anyone swings by I can get it all in 20 mins.

I'm sure there are other ways to record, but this is pretty simple to see more about the data on the same handheld device. Does foreflight or any other ios/android av app record? 978 traffic output becomes a .csv textfile. Does a stratux or pi record?

Interested folks might already have ADS-B in recorders.

Foreflight mobile v11.1 manual says it does not record traffic: "Important Note:
ADS-B traffic data is NOT saved
by Weather Replay. ForeFlight
Mobile must be running in order for
ADS-B traffic to be displayed."

Also, it appears IOS devices do not run SDRs directly by USB plug in if considering trying that yourself.
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That would work as lowest price bundle.

I chose a larger SDR as the small ones use MCA connector, I like SMA. This one does not get hot, it is a fun scanner:

RTL-SDR Blog R820T2 RTL2832U 1PPM TCXO SMA Software Defined Radio (Dongle Only) https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0129EBDS2/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_BdhECbK78Q9DC

I also got the flightaware filter, not needed for 40 mile range unless near cell tower.

ADS-B Dual 978 MHz + 1090 MHz... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B010GBQXK8?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

I use this C type donge for a Samsung S9

AUKEY USB C Adapter to USB 3.0,... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B074DRG8RR?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

Any 978 SMA antenna will be fine.

978Mhz 3dbi Vertical SMA Plug Male Connector straight Antenna for Ham radio ships from USA https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CR8MDRF/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_i_1nhECb1YTAVJE

Software- Android, Avare ADS-B pro. Uses a applet you haveto allow to run at dongle insertion.

URL to surf their site: http://hiz.ch/index.php/home/adsb-receiver#HARDWARE


You can install Avare main app, download a sectional and see traffic, but the ADSB Pro app is where I got all my screenshots.
Trust but verify

You know, the GDL82 is in series with the data stream from the transponder
and ATC asks for a "ID" and the GDL82 sees that you pushed "ID" and sends
the ICAO address just for a few seconds. It's how I would have designed
it .... You might check that data stream too. I'm getting paranoid... John
Dan, PM and I'll send you my SDR, if you like.

Include which android device you have so I can make sure the USB is fully enabled by the brander, some are hobbled a bit for OTG dongle functions. Easy to search by model number. I have all you'd need.
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