Just talked to Aircraft Spruce

They are expecting the first full shipment on April 15, 2011, and expect to turn them the same day. Rick 90432
I gave up on ACS. Granted supply issues might be beyond their control - but they could have handled the backorder a bit better. An e-mail from time to time telling me the item was still on backorder, or that it would ship on xyz date would have been nice.

I placed a new order with Gulf Coast Avionics over the phone and 10 minutes later the tracking number popped up in my inbox.
I got mine in from Gulf Coast in the first batch...it's already on the airplane. They were even good enough to call and reconfirm the order when they got ship dates from ACK.
I just ordered one and they already have it in the mail. I can finally get the brackets all welded up and the wiring going.
The ELT used in an aircraft MUST meet the TSO. All the 406 ELTs require the complete system that it is sold as. You CANNOT change the antenna and meet the FAA requirements. The DAR or FAA will not issue you an airworthiness certificate if you do not use the antenna that comes with the ELT.

I do not believe an ELT is even required during Phase 1.

Pirep: Beware Switch Dust Cover

Be careful with the dust cover that goes over the switch. If the switch is in the center (off) position, and you put the dust cover in, the dust cover will push the toggle into either the "on" or "armed" position. If it puts the switch into the "on" position, the unit will begin transmitting. If you don't yet have a battery for the audible alert unit since they don't include one with the unit, you will not even know you are transmitting (yikes)!

This web page tells you what to do next:

If you have accidentally activated your beacon and do not need assistance, please contact the appropriate Rescue Coordination Center (RCC) right now (day or night) to cancel the search efforts.
For PLB?s and ELT?s, contact the Air Force Rescue Coordination Center (AFRCC):
and the friendly and helpful USAF SARSAT officer on duty will take care of this.

In my case they did not receive my beacon (I serendipitously removed the battery shortly after I installed the dust cap but only because I needed to change jumper settings on the circuit board for my GPS input) and only later when reading the manual did I realize that the dust guard has this feature - yikes again! Not knowing whether I had sent a mayday or not, I decided to 'fess up asap!

So I gave up on ACS like Andy did in 4/22. I ordered from Pacific Coast, who said they had it in stock. Based on my lack of invoice/shipment notice, I called two days later (4/26) to find out that all stock they had had been returned to ACK due to an undisclosed PCB issue. PCA failed to call me to alert me to this.

ANybody else heard this story?

Rick 90432
other options? ACK price influencing the market.

....which brings us to the long-awaited but expected reaction; some other brands are lowering their prices. The Ameri-King 406 is now $700 at ACS if I'm not mistaken.
ACK 406 ELT Still Backordered

I just spoke with Aircraft Spruce and I'm #458 on their backorder list (order placed 4/19/11). They aren't expecting any to arrive until July, and it didn't sound like they were going to get enough then to fill the existing orders. They said that they've had orders on the books since '09, but they've only shipped 10 units so far (received 4/13/11). They also said that they will be calling all customers with outstanding orders before shipping to confirm that the unit is still needed.

I also called Gulf Coast Avionics and got on the waiting list there (today). They spoke with ACK last week and expect to get enough stock within the next two weeks to ship all outstanding orders. I'm dubious, but there's no harm in having an order in there since ACS will call before shipping the backordered unit.
Retrofit Kit

One other option is to get the E-04R retrofit kit. I called Dallas avionics and they had a bunch of them in stock. It includes everything except the mount bracket, remote control and the phone wire. I purchased the mounting bracket and remote control directly from ACK. I got the phone wire locally. I didn't want to wait for ACS.

RV-7A getting close.
ELT Shipped Today

I just spoke with Gulf Coast Avionics and their batch of ELTs arrived this morning and mine has already been shipped out to me. Last I heard, they were supposed to get more than they needed to fulfill existing orders, so you might call them if you need one soon.
I always thought ACS was a big vendor, but when it comes to avionics they must be a drop in the bucket. They are always last on the list to recieve new avionics , not just from ACK.
Just ordered one from gulf coast they said they had a few more in stock if anybody needs one. Aircraft Spruce still waiting on stock to come in.
Just got my tracking number from Aircraft Spruce (ordered back in January 2010). So they must have gotten a shipment!

Got my backordered ELT from Chief Aircraft last week. I had originally place the order in fall of 2009. Wire from GPS already installed and just need to get it connected. I'm trying to figure out new location for longer antenna under canopy.
Point of Reference

Ordered from ACS 1/13/2010, shipped 6/15/2011. Luckily I'm just to the point where I need to install it and it should be the last $100+ item needed to finish (except paint):rolleyes:.

Now I just need to figure out how to mount it to the Van's RV-7/9 ELT Mount which I installed many, many months ago with a nutplate pattern intended for an Ameri-King ELT. I figure an "adapter plate" is in order...
Nah, just pop those old nutplates out and install them in the correct location. Don't mind about the extra "lightening holes"

Hey Thanks!

ACS website indicates that the $699 Ameri-King AK-451-2 ELT does not have the GPS interface. The AK-451-23 W/GPS interface is still $1059



Greg from ACK checking in.

I just wanted to say thank you for doing this in depth write up. I have linked numerous people to it. Sorry about the delay, but now that things are rolling we are making nearly 300 per week, and all back orders should be filled within 2 months. We have over 1500+ out in circulation already, so most of you that preordered should have them by now. If you have any troubles with one of our units, feel free to call us!

Greg Akatiff
ACK Technologies, Inc.
440 W. Julian St
San Jose, CA 95110

(408) 287-8021
I got mine about two weeks back from Gulf Coast. I ordered one when they had a free shipping promotion. I was expecting it to be put on back order but it shipped right out. The date on the unit was Jun 2011 so they are going out now. I saw where Vans was selling them but I couldn't pass up free shipping.
Since we are headed to Alaska next week, I went ahead and replaced my ACK ELT-01 with the new ACK ELT-04. It was pretty painless, actually, especially since I had the forethought during construction to run the RS-232 line from the Garmin 430 to the tail cone for that purpose. It was really nice to get a product that was advertised as a direct replacement and it actually worked as such. :)
Spruce (West) expects to have mine "within 30 days." I can tell you, this is a source of great joy, because installing that will mean I'll be done stuffing myself into the baggage area.
Antennae Location

Received my 406 ACK ELT from Vans. Now that I've invested in an ELT that will be useful, I'm considering putting the antennae on my -8 fuse, between the vertical stab and aft position of the canopy (rather than hiding it under a fairing).

What have you guys been doing?
I will put it on the aft fuselage, on the bottom

My buddy, who is a CAP Squadron Commander, suggested the aft fuselage on the bottom. He says most wrecks end up upside down and the aft fuse usually receives the least damage.
I mounted mine inside the left wingtip. Antenna and ELT are on the same mount plate to reduce the chance of antenna cable separation. Antenna is swept back and outboard, same radiation pattern upright or inverted.

Mickey you're exactly right, sure glad I didn't drill the holes yet.

Trial fitting on the outboard left wing rib as suggested above. Wondering about the importance in ACK's instructions to mount vertically? Ideal ground plane radiating pattern I guess, but, anyone's guess which way the antennae is oriented in an emergency unplanned landing.
I guess this is one of those religious debates with no best answer.

There is no way to determine the position after an accident, so that is just like playing Russian roulette on whether or not the antenna will be orientated correctly.

My current thinking is to orientate the antenna vertically per the manufacturer's directions in the hope that I will have the foresight to manually trip the ELT to give it a few minutes to transmit my location while I'm still flying.

None of the options are perfect. The final decision is which one do you think will give you the best chance of broadcasting your location.
antenna orietation choices...

My feeling is that if the airplane comes to rest upright there is a good chance I can get out of it without assistance. If it comes to rest inverted I may need a lot more help, so I would put the antenna on the bottom.
