Yeah, kindda has the Innodyn flavor don't it? Some things they've got going for them is they have pictures of all their inventory waiting. You never saw that from Innodyn. Another thing is that Ack is an already established company with other products. I have also corresponded with them and got a prompt response to my query. If I had to take a stab at it, I would guess that some other competing companies may be influencing things since Acks 406 ELT with GPS encoding is significantly cheaper than anybody else's. Ack may be keen to this possibility so that's why they're going to be present for the last test and there with their equipment too. I dunno, but I wish they'd get it approved soon, It's one of the last items I need to purchase in order to be complete on the fuselage. Now, where is that BD-10 equivelent? I want one.
July 27 update - looks like good news.

ACK website was updated with seemingly passing results on the 27th. On to COSPAS for approval. Keep your fingers crossed. If they are OSH, can somebody get the scoop directly? I really need mine . . . last item into my panel! Rick 90432
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Latest website post:

September 7th 2010

After a bit of a delay from the militarty lab, and COSPAS the final report has been reviewed. It seems all the testing was acceptable, however they wanted several typograpical corrections to the submission made, from both us, and the military lab. Those corrections were re-submitted nearly a week ago. We are again awating word from COSPAS.
Another week or two and it will have been 1 YEAR since I placed my preorder with spruce!

I already cut my panel for the ACK remote. Does anyone know if the ACK remote is compatible with the Ameriking 406 ELT?
Can't answer you question Andy but I'm waiting on one for my panel as well. I haven't cut the hole yet. If they don't become available by Spring 2011 I quess I'll have to buy from another manufacturer.

I have just given up on these in the near future. I preordered and notice on spruce it now shows they are expected in stock in DEC 2010. Who knows.

My plan is to bite the bullet, order the ACK ELT E-01, its about $150 and includes all the stuff to be up and running now. Can do a fairly simple swap out down the road when the 406 is up and running. Reading the rules, 121.5 should be legal for a couple more years. I will keep my spot and/or get a portable plb too.

Not a lot of downside to that plan is there?
I'm thinking along those lines, too, Rick. I'm getting ready to move the project to the airport. So, I'm thinking of purchasing an E-01 just to get it in, wired up, and marking the task as complete. I'm sure that other builders are in the same predicament.

I don't know what's going on w/ ACK. Looking at ACS, the E-01's have been on back order since 10/14/2010.
Ugh - Another Delay From ACK

We received word from COSPAS in early October, and they re-opened another issue... this time with the GPS output coding during the recent re-testing. All testing here at the factory looks normal. Upon further inspection, it appears there was some software load issues. COSPAS has now requested that the software be re-loaded, and the applicable tests be performed again. The military lab expects the testing to be completed by the end of next week. Page.html
ACK is Back to the Drawing Board...

Here we go again... New update as of today

October 27th 2010
We received word from COSPAS in early October, and they re-opened another issue... this time with the GPS output coding during the recent re-testing. All testing here at the factory looks normal. Upon further inspection, it appears there was some software load issues. COSPAS has now requested that the software be re-loaded, and the applicable tests be performed again. The military lab expects the testing to be completed by the end of next week.
Conspiracy theory?

I'm going with the conspiracy theory. There must be someone that works for one of the other manufacturers with a friend at the testing agency that's giving them grief. After all, when they starting selling their ELT for half the cost, the other manufacturers will all have to reduce their price to compete.
I really need to get an ELT soon. I'm cutting the panel and also building the mounts so I need something sooner than later. I'm building a bearhawk so the ELT isn't just mounting to the floor skin, I'll be building a mount and welding it to the tube frame so I can't just wait until later.

I've been wanting to get an E-04, but I'm starting to wonder if there is something wrong with it given the delay. I called a local avionics shop and they said to stay away from the ack and ameriking and stick with artex or kannad because they are much better units.

Searching around revealed that many have had failures with the ameri-king elt, but not much information on the ACK.

At this point I need to order a E-01 and swap it later for a E-04 or just buy the artex and add the gps module. The artex ends up being $1300 which is really expensive, but if it's worth the extra money then I'm ok with that. What I don't want to do is kick myself later for getting an ELT that doesn't work when I really need it to.

Any thoughts or comments?


I have a e o1 on backorder. Plan is to go cheap elt until a cheap 406 is around (e-04). I have a spot and will maybe also get a plb. Seems for the same total cost that is a much better choice for me. Your mission may be different but plb and spot seems to be plenty of back up for me.

For $150 with antennae and replacable duracell batteries...seems the e 01 is a pretty great deal at this point. Just wish I could get one :confused:
Talked to ACK today

I talked to ACK a few minutes ago, final GPS accuracy test today(which has been passed before, and nearly irrelevant since it doesn't generate it's own GPS input), all other tests/issues retested and passed. They have thier engineer supervising the Army lab testing, report expected to go to COSPAS next week. Release by mid-Dec is the target. The old version has been discontinued.

Rick 90432
Interesting, I talked to them one week ago today and they told me the E01 model is still being produced and to contact their dealers to buy one & to call them back if I had any trouble locating one!
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November 23rd 2010 Update

November 23rd 2010
Our engineer returned home last Friday (11/19/2010) from the military lab. All re-testing was fully completed the following Monday. As predicted the E-04 again passed all tests. We are now waiting for what will be report #8 to be sent to COSPAS. This should happen around the 25th of this month. From there it's up to COSPAS to process the final approval. The E-04 has passed every test, and re-test, required. We cannot foresee them having any more issues. Page.html

I don't care what happens - I'm riveting the rear turtledeck skin if the -04 shows up in the next weeks or not. I've been waiting . . . but no more :)

Rick 90432
Just realized that ACK may well lose ELT market share in the USA. My guess is that most people will continue to install 121.5 MHz units, especially if they consider them mandated dead weight like I do.

If ACK only sells 406 MHz units, then the 121.5 MHz sales will go to other vendors.
Another update:

December 3rd 2010

We received an e-mail today with the tracking number for the final submission from the military lab, on its way to COSPAS. The submission should arrive on Monday for COSPAS to review. If everything goes right, we hope to be shipping the E-04 out by the beginning of 2011.
Yet another update . . .

From ACK website

"January 6th 2011

I just spoke with the Principal Technical Officer at COSPAS on the phone regarding the latest final report they received in December. Besides a few timestamp errors that have already been corrected and resubmitted he said everything looks acceptable to him. He wants to consult his partner who gets back from vacation on Monday, and they should let us know by Tuesday if they plan to submit for approval."
Yet another update, it looks closer...

From the ACK website:

"Let me just start by saying WOOHOO!! Today I opened my e-mail to receive this message...
"Dear Greg and Michael,

Thank you for your responses, amended forms and a CD with the Report Rev. 10 Drat. We have reviewed them and they look acceptable.

However, we noted that the Enclosure 4 of the Report Rev.10 Draft was missing from the CD. The Enclosure 3 on page 59 has a title discrepancy with the list on page 10 and was mistakenly referred to in the footer on page 59 as ?Enclosure 2 Reference 5?. In the interest of progressing the case further, we consider those issues as of minor editorial character, however EPG is requested to submit the missing modules and amendments by the end of this week. EPG, please confirm.

Now, we believe that all the major Worksheet matters have been properly addressed and closed, we are in position to finalise the TA review. We are preparing a report to the Cospas-Sarsat Parties, which we plan to distribute shortly. I will keep you updated about the approval progress"
It looks like we will be certified shortly! Assuming all goes well from here and the certification is received in a timely manner, we should be shipping by the end of February. "
The US FCC stayed (rescinded?) the action that would have made 121.5 MHz ELTs illegal or whatever the correct term is.
now what.....which ELT to buy?

I imagine I am in the same boat as a lot of Canadians who feel the urge to equip with 406 ELT a bit before the requirement date comes along. (Jan. 2012?)...and those in the south who are of a similar mind.

So now that ACK has a $600 ELT,
1. will some of the others drop their prices
2. if I go ACK, what am I getting?

it would be REAL nice if one of our more knowledgeable members could tell us which has the better battery, antenna, G-switch etc. etc.

maybe this is a new thread now? thx
Need a different antenna for an RV-8

FYI - The antenna that ships with the ACK 406 will not fit under the empenange fairing, wont fit on the turtle deck and is too big for cockpit. You need a whip antenna that can be flexed.

Sent this email to ACK and never received a reply

----- Forwarded Message -----
To: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, January 7, 2011 3:43:23 PM
Subject: ACK 406 ELT in an RV-8

I would like to purchase an ACK 406 for my newly finished RV-8, but need to use a different antenna. The 21 inch 70 degree antenna will not work on an RV-8. Many of the pilots in the RV-8 community are looking at the ACK 406 ELT and we all share the same problem. Because the Canopy slides back all the way to the tail, you can not place the antenna on the aft turtle deck. You either need to place it somewhere in the cockpit or under the empennage fairing.

The E-01 antenna was ideal and has been installed in multiple locations in an RV-8. I understand that you can not use the E-01 with the E-04.

Someone mentioned on one of the forums that there is a COSPAS/SARSAT whip antenna ( Dayton-Grainger), about the same size as the one that was shipped with the E-01, but I can not find one.

Can you provide a link to a a COSPAS/SARSAT whip antenna that could be used with the E-04? I will then be prepared to submit my order.

Much thanks.

Mike Draper

Flyboy - until the ACK unit has approval from both Transport Canada and Industry Canada it will not meet the CARs requirement as an approved ELT. You need to follow up with ACK to see what their plans are for Canadian certification. I can assure you that if they've just received COSPASS certification then their Canadian certification is still a ways off since they cannot apply for Canadian certificuation until COSPASS certification is in hand.
According to the ACK Blog, both Industry Canada and Transport Canada have approved the ACK 406 ELT early last year.

According to the ACK Blog, both Industry Canada and Transport Canada have approved the ACK 406 ELT early last year.
But, if you click through the link on the ACK site to read the "approval" letter from Transport Canada, you will read that Transport Canada said they would issue the approval, after they received proof from ACK that the ELT had received Industry Canada approval. The Industry Canada approval was eventually received, but the E-04 is still not on the official list of approved ELTs. :(

I e-mailed ACK asking about this. I'll add any response I get to this thread.
I think I mentioned this somewhere earlier in the thread; it affects -6 builders and probably the other models as well. I emailed ACK pointing out that their 'upgrade' would actually not work with my present E-01 installation though I could probably make it work in a new installation (like my -10) if I accepted an exposed antenna. I can't lay my hand on the response but basically, while they would not support it, another 406 antenna will work. They would not give me compatible antenna info and they had no plans to provide a whip antenna.

Edit: message #53 in this thread posts a better response.

FYI - The antenna that ships with the ACK 406 will not fit under the empenange fairing, wont fit on the turtle deck and is too big for cockpit. You need a whip antenna that can be flexed.

Sent this email to ACK and never received a reply

----- Forwarded Message -----
To: [email protected]
Sent: Friday, January 7, 2011 3:43:23 PM
Subject: ACK 406 ELT in an RV-8

I would like to purchase an ACK 406 for my newly finished RV-8, but need to use a different antenna. The 21 inch 70 degree antenna will not work on an RV-8. Many of the pilots in the RV-8 community are looking at the ACK 406 ELT and we all share the same problem. Because the Canopy slides back all the way to the tail, you can not place the antenna on the aft turtle deck. You either need to place it somewhere in the cockpit or under the empennage fairing.

The E-01 antenna was ideal and has been installed in multiple locations in an RV-8. I understand that you can not use the E-01 with the E-04.

Someone mentioned on one of the forums that there is a COSPAS/SARSAT whip antenna ( Dayton-Grainger), about the same size as the one that was shipped with the E-01, but I can not find one.

Can you provide a link to a a COSPAS/SARSAT whip antenna that could be used with the E-04? I will then be prepared to submit my order.

Much thanks.

Mike Draper

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Finally! I hope mine ships out soon. I've had my order in since November 2009.

Edit: Just heard back from Spruce. They are saying the first shipment won't arrive until 3/18. Oh well, so much for wiring it up during my time off work. Is anyone else getting shipping notifications? Spruce doesn't seem to think it has them yet...
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Does anyone know how long the main battery will last and how much a replacement MAIN LITHIUM BATTERY P/N E-04.0 will cost?
Finally! I hope mine ships out soon. I've had my order in since November 2009.

Edit: Just heard back from Spruce. They are saying the first shipment won't arrive until 3/18. Oh well, so much for wiring it up during my time off work. Is anyone else getting shipping notifications? Spruce doesn't seem to think it has them yet...

I've had my order in to AS since August 09, and have not gotten a shipment notice yet. I did check the order online and it now says due on or about 03/18, yesterday it simply said "Stock is overdue".

Mark Olson N407V RV-7A N16XV F1-EVO Rocket
Aircraft spruce update

I ordered Dec09, was #98 on the list, and my shipment date is not yet determined, but it's past mid-april when the current delivery dates stop in the system. First shipments were expected, as of this am, 3/18, as prev reported.

I'm goign to rivet the skin. :p

Rick 90432
I believe the replacement battery is in the $200 range (maybe a bit more) but should last 5 years... Apparently no hope for seeing any units with regular D-cell batteries...
So, has anybody actually RECEIVED one of these yet?

How about a pirep? Any issues or discrepancies with the documentation?
My order was jan 10, and it says they are due in 3/18 at the east store, and 4/15 at the west store.

Wonder why a month different?
Has anybody actually received this model yet - especially people on the east coast who have ordered from ACS?
4/15/2011 . . .

is what I was told - I ordered mine from ACS in Jan 2010. Don't know if mine will be in the 4/15 inventory. - they couldn't tell me.
Still waiting

I'm still waiting. I received an email a couple weeks ago that gave me the impression that mine was on the way, but when I received the shipment, there was no ELT.

I haven't tracked it down, but I probably just misread the backorder sheet.

It'll get here when it gets here, I guess.

sounds familiar...wait....wait...almost there..... much as we all enjoyed???? the sopa opera of ACK certification, nobody is going to put up with the same thing waiting for their ELT....with spring here, and people wanting to fly x-country like me, I want to equip it looks like I'll go with AmeriKing.
......perhaps ACK should actually inform people with orders that they have 100 units, and 500 orders, with production at 50 per week, your delivery date is dd/mm/yyyy.
It ain't rocket science! just something called customer service ( gasp!)
ACK should inform who? much as we all enjoyed???? the sopa opera of ACK certification, nobody is going to put up with the same thing waiting for their ELT....with spring here, and people wanting to fly x-country like me, I want to equip it looks like I'll go with AmeriKing.
......perhaps ACK should actually inform people with orders that they have 100 units, and 500 orders, with production at 50 per week, your delivery date is dd/mm/yyyy.
It ain't rocket science! just something called customer service ( gasp!)

As I understand it, ACK sells only through distributors, so they don't have a list of customers they can inform about expected delivery dates. That job is up to the distributors, like ACS, or SkyGeek, or whoever to take care of.
Ack just changed their web update yesterday or the day before. They dropped the explanation of having local friends installing and reporting back any install snags. Now the website just says they are shipping to distributers at this time. Let us hope it's soon. It's the last interior item that needs to be installed in my plane.
ACK 406 Delivery Update

I ordered my ACK 406 about two years ago, Pacific Coast Avionics just called and said they had arrived today and they will send mine out tomorrow (April 8, 2011).