RV7A and RV12

I know this is short notice but hopefully there is room for two WI builders with RVs minus engines. Living behind the cheddar curtin, we do see a lot of spotted cows. :D
Sad to miss it

Was hoping to make the social this year and meet all the RV enthusiasts that contribute to this great and highly informative site. Unfortunately, I couldn't make it up early so I'll be driving up there Wednesday. Hope to meet some of you around the grounds. Instead, tonight I'll put in a couple more hours towards my goal of actually FLYING my RV-7 to the show next year! Have fun!
Group Photo

I wish I could be there. Take a photo and I can crack a beer and pretend I'm there with you. Cheers!
So, did everybody have a good time?

We put out 400 self-stick name badges, and used them all. A high percentage of attendees arrive wearing a vendor badge or official ID, so I'm guessing 500 folks for the evening.

Yep, the beer ran out a little after 8. The Beer Fairy and her friends, myself included, have decided between 8 to 9 is just perfect, as it gets everybody on their way home (or onward to SOS) between 9 and 10.

Fine tuning...next year, one less keg of Bell's Two-Hearted (the darker, very hoppy stuff), and two, maybe three more Spotted Cows. The Fixed Gear red ale continues to be popular. As usual, it nailed a few of the unwary (6.8 ABV).

The "cop" who drove into into the party with all the flashing lights was Ron Moring, who apparently "borrowed" a demo vehicle from the Whelan Lighting folks. I'm told he paged Darwin with the loudspeaker, who went for the gag, hook, line, and stinker. I admit I was halfway across the party before I saw "Whelen" on the door.

Jenny Estes did not get up on a table.

Special thanks to Bill Repucci and crew, who as a public service, selflessly and without regard for personal safety, arrived early and sucked up all the beer foam from the early tap pulls. Don't think you would have wanted to be in a tent with those guys late Monday night ;)

End of report.
Thanks to everyone who put this on. It was my first and I had fun catching up with RV folks.

I guess I drank all the Bells because it ran out first on the trailer I was near.
The best part was watching Dan do the Goofy Footed walk into the darkness from the SOS tent sometime 'round 11. I bet he wasn't seen again until about noon on Tuesday. We agree, the beer ran out right on time. Good times!
The best part was watching Dan do the Goofy Footed walk into the darkness from the SOS tent sometime 'round 11. I bet he wasn't seen again until about noon on Tuesday.

Wrong, oh suds breath...I was shooting photos for an assignment at 8:30AM, and unlike last year, without a headache!

Cheated actually. Since some low life will probably post a picture anyway, I had a bottle of water between cups of beer.
Thank you

Thanks to the sponsors who put this on. Met some new friends and was able to make it to SOS without getting arrested afterwards. We got to thank JClark for supporting the improvements in HBC. And Dan thanks for the fabric covering advice for my Piet. project that you gave me while visiting around the campsite.

That Fixed Gear Red was great - I downed a few. Good thing I was riding the bus to the dorms! Thanks, Dan, Jenny and all the others involved - this was my first attendance but not the last!
That Fixed Gear Red was great - I downed a few. Good thing I was riding the bus to the dorms! Thanks, Dan, Jenny and all the others involved - this was my first attendance but not the last!


Had a great time, met some great folks and made it back to the dorms with only slightly tumbled gyros and was even able to wander over next door to Kelly's to finish off the evening! :D

A little rocky start to Tuesday morning, but 3 passes thru the donut spread over at the campus dining hall got all cylinders firing as the blood sugar came up to rich of peak!

See ya next year!

Rob S.

PS-A big THANKS to all for putting this event together!!
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Dan, Jenny, and all the others that put on the social. Thanks
I was only able to be there for a short time but it was great to meet some of the people I have traded posts with vendors I have purchased things from.

I did find it hard to find people without knowing what they looked like! I missed seeing several people I really wanted to meet. This was my first visit to AV - maybe next year!
I missed the social this year since I got invited to hang out with the warbird guys instead. With free beer and burger & brats dinner I couldn't turn that down. I also learned that my RV6 is somewhat of a warbird too... turns out that the Nigerian Air Force used RV6s as trainers... I never knew that.
Thoroughly enjoyed it again. Thanks sponsors and worker bees.

I thought I would get there well ahead of the other gate crashers who wouldn't wait for the end-of-the-airshow start time.


John Siebold
Special thanks to Bill Repucci and crew, who as a public service, selflessly and without regard for personal safety, arrived early and sucked up all the beer foam from the early tap pulls. Don't think you would have wanted to be in a tent with those guys late Monday night ;)

End of report.

We knew we had to take one for the team!

We had a great time! Thanks everyone!

I had a great time, as did everyone I talked to. I'd like to request New Glarus' "Totally Naked" Ale for next year. It's awesome.
From Australia

We knew we had to take one for the team!

We had a great time! Thanks everyone!

Sorry we didn't catch up with you Bill. Being our first time we were unsure what time it started so we got there about 6.45 and walked around hoping to recognise someone from photo's I've seen. We caught up with Pete Howell who is a really nice guy but he couldn't see you and thought you may had already left.
I don't know when we will be able to make the long trip across the Pacific ocean again but we did enjoy our time in the states.

Hi Bob,

I missed Bill too! It certainly was a treat to meet you and your lovely wife, though! I look forward to following your adventures Down Under!

Glad you are home safe!

Sorry we didn't catch up with you Bill. Being our first time we were unsure what time it started so we got there about 6.45 and walked around hoping to recognise someone from photo's I've seen. We caught up with Pete Howell who is a really nice guy but he couldn't see you and thought you may had already left.
I don't know when we will be able to make the long trip across the Pacific ocean again but we did enjoy our time in the states.

Had a great time. Had a chance to see some familiar faces and catch up and meet some of folks that have been around for a while. Last year was my first which obviously hooked me to come back each and every year.

Thank you to Dan, the volunteers that helped put this on and all the sponsors who helped fund it.