5 hours to OSH from Waco, Texas... seems doable, I'll see if I can stop by for a day or two. But July 28 I'm outbound for Alaska to obtain my commercial seaplane rating :D
There should be a few of us from the Dawg flight from Northwest Florida, Southern Al and Southern GA. Looking forward to seeing everyone and thanking those great sponsors. It's been 10 years since I attended Oshkosh.

Reminds me of one of my first oshkosh rv "parties', where several people where wearing "i am not gmcjetpilot" or "i am gmcjetpilot" Didnt understand it all, but found it amusing at the time.

Hope to make it this year, took last year off. Fingers crossed. Thanks Dan.

I should be there , bringing a 7A builder with me .
Look forward to meeting some fellow VAF'ers.
Looking forward to something cold to remove the trail dust. First time to the social and looking forward to the fun.
Four and a half weeks out!


For a few shots from 2014 see the link below. Click on the left icon on the menu to maximize photos. You will need FLASH on your browser.


Brad O.
OSH Welcome Wagon
Airventure and VAF social first-timer here - do I need to register for this, or just show up?

Looking forward to it :)
+2 and more

OK bunch coming, bringing my UK buddy who is a car guy and this will be his first Oshkosh :D

My first Oshkosh in many years. Wifes first ever... Hope to sign paperwork for a new RV Kit (or at least get my wifes blessing). Looking forward to this.

Count Sarah and I in for round two this year! There's a photo floating around somewhere out there of a few of us last year closing down SOS after the social in front of the balloon, followed by a necessarily "creative" re-entry to the North 40. Let's do it all over again! :D

We hope to see everyone again this year and meet some new folks too... Cheers!
Count Sarah and I in for round two this year! There's a photo floating around somewhere out there of a few of us last year closing down SOS after the social in front of the balloon, followed by a necessarily "creative" re-entry to the North 40. Let's do it all over again! :D

We hope to see everyone again this year and meet some new folks too... Cheers!

Not admitting to anything...not even sure what this pic is;)

Looking forward to next month!!
A limbo pole?

"You must be this tall to ride" indicator?

A convict escaping from a New York prison?

I do believe that was the guy who got stuck for a few seconds. Probably should have had one fewer cup of Spotted Cow.

Overall, it was like a blurry, wobbly camera version of "The Great Escape" if you ran the film in reverse.

Or so I heard.
Dan, I won't be in attendance this year, so you may have my share of brew.

Twenty-five consecutive years is enough Oshkosh for me. But it sounds like you'll have a good batch of noobs to introduce yourself to in my absence.

Have fun, everyone!
I'll be there all the way from Saudi Arabia. I don't drink though.

2nd OSH, 1st RV Social.

Look for a middle eastern looking short guy with goatee and glasses.
007 will be there. I will fly non-stop from Denver ( VanAire CO12) this year, instead of a 48 state round about route. Looking forward to seeing new and old friends.

Looking forward to it!

Will be there.

First ever trip to OSH, and in my own aircraft. A bucket list item to be checked off, for sure, when idle cutoff brings things to a stop.

Beer Advocate rates Bell's Two Hearted Ale at 95 out of 100 with "enormous" hop additions...sounds like with a pint of that in one hand, a great cigar in another and surrounded by fellow aviators and their kin is a perfect way to wrap up my first-ever Opening Day.

Rob S.
I'll likely be there... was going to skip this Oshkosh but since I skipped this year's Johnson Creek Idaho trip after my friend was injured in his Air Tractor crash, I'll be able to do Oshkosh for my 10th year in a row before having to forego Oshkosh to save up my money for the big Alaska trip we're planning in 2016. 10 Oshkoshes in a row will have to do until 2017 or 2018 for me.

Carol and I will be there.
This will be Carol's 10th Oshkosh. Me. ??? I have been going to Oshkosh since 1980, have missed a few,, but not many
Looking forward to seeing all ya'll
I sure would like to attend this gathering, it is shaping up to be a memorable event.

I could make it by Thursday, so if it continues that long post the information. :)
Dan, thanks much for heading this up again this year. Last year was fantastic, and we look forward to another terrific RV gathering. My wife, Sandy, and I will be there.

EAB RV-12 with 102 on the clock :)
RATS.. :(

Work threw me a curve. Won't make it this year.

Y'all enjoy the event. It's OK if you see spots. as in cows. :)
How about one the end of the week too?

I know several folks coming in mid-week for the following weekend. You guys should have sobered-up by then. How about we do another party later in the week? Just a thought.
I know several folks coming in mid-week for the following weekend. You guys should have sobered-up by then.

You must not have been to one of these yet....there are folks that were there last year that we haven't FOUND yet....... :eek::D;)
Anybody, anybody???

Does anybody know if the shuttle bus's back to the Uni run late enough so we can put in a couple of hours at the social??
Does anybody know if the shuttle bus's back to the Uni run late enough so we can put in a couple of hours at the social??

That's a good question!

Here you go.


Hey gang, let's be socially responsible, please. Obviously, no drinking and driving. If your evening involves a car, be sure it also involves a designated driver.

Oh, and keep track of your buddies. Last year, rumor said a participant was delivered back to his campsite by a security patrol, who found him, lost and, ahh......confused, wandering down the middle of a road.

I'm serious. Everyone has a responsibility if this affair is to continue.

We now return you to your regular programming.
Planning to attend the social with my #1 helper. His first Oshkosh and my first time flying into OSH in a plane I built in my freaking garage! Look for us in HBC starting Sunday morning wx permitting. N4EW.

Well, looks like I'm going to make it to OSH after all. Found a willing victim to share gas expenses with!

Should drag into HBC late Sunday afternoon, wind and weather willing.

Well, the countdown is on....7 days until the fun starts! The Beer Fairy bought a new red dress, new shoes, even some new red lipstick, just in case Van shows up.

The old girl would also like to thank her sponsors, and you should too. After all, when is the last time anybody at WalMart bought you a beer?
Well, the countdown is on....7 days until the fun starts! The Beer Fairy bought a new red dress, new shoes, even some new red lipstick, just in case Van shows up.

The old girl would also like to thank her sponsors, and you should too. After all, when is the last time anybody at WalMart bought you a beer?

How come Alan and Rhonda's bubble is bigger than mine? :)

Maybe has something to do with how much Alan can put away...I'm but a novice compared to his years of expertise in that area!

Looking forward to seeing everyone, and thanks again to Dan for handling all the logistics (that is an utterly thankless job).
