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UAvionix TailBeaconX mounting and performance


Does anyone have a TailBeacon X flying? How is performance?

The installation manual suggests mounting it high on the tail to avoid shadowing by the elevator.

The RV8 tail light is down low, and not in the recommended location.

It looks like it might be OK as there is a bit of room behind the elevator. Only GPS satellites on the horizon neat the flight course would be blocked.

A second concern is that the tail beacon is low on a tail dragged and at risk of FOD.

Finally, I need to mount a rear strobe for night flight.

I am leery of relocating the beacon to the top of the rudder as it a flight control. On the flip sid, the TailBeacon X is only a few ounces.

If I use the standard, low location I would mount the rear strobe in the fairing at the top of the vertical fin and would not disturb a flight control.

I installed a uAvionix tailBeaconX In the NAV/Strobe light position on the rudder of my RV-10 about a year ago. The ADSB 1090 out tested perfectly with the FAA on the first try and the Transponder hasn't missed a beat from the beginning.

Several months ago I contacted Trent Martinez of uAvionix and asked him to get me ADSB tracking readout from the Aireon satellites which he was able to obtain from Nav Canada. He got me tracking information on 3 flights in Canadian airspace outside of the US ground based ADSB stations. Tracking of my flights looked similar to what you would see on Flight Aware.

This information is not available from Nav Canada to the general public as yet. It is available to some Emergency services and SAR.
Thanks for the help!

I appreciate your feedback. I looked at the Beacon X again last night. The antennas are really quite small and it looks like the rudder itself will provide some protection against FOD. I will need to watch ground handling.

Based on your experience as well as the simplicity I will go with the Vans tail light mounting.

On less “project” to worry about before flying.
Installed on the 8

I installed the tail beacon on my 8.

You will need to do a fair amount of interior cleaning of where the box portion of the beacon goes into the fibreglass. When the adapter/mounting plate goes on the fairing, you will be limited on space.

The tail beacon goes in at an almost 90 degree offset so that it turns and locks into the adapter. When you turn that mode S transponder box, you will have difficulty/interference if you do not remove a fair amount fibreglass inside the fairing to accommodate the turn.

Just took a little time to do it and run the extra 2 wires to hook up to the AV30.

Great little unit and no issues.

The two antennae’s seem flimsy, but I haven’t had any issues.

Setup on the first try with the FAA and Nav Canada.

I have one on my RV-6 and it's worked perfectly in the stock tail-light location. My only concern with it is damage due to people walking by, or swinging my tow bar without looking. It is very close to the angle my tow bar is at when i'm turning the tail.

The original design had the plastic enclosure extended to cover the two antennae, I would be a lot happier if they had retained that design but they said it was a nightmare to assemble compared to this one.
Tailbeabon X in wing tip?

I do not have a tail light on my RV6. What I have in mind is to mount it inside a wing tip. Any reason why this would not work?
I do not have a tail light on my RV6. What I have in mind is to mount it inside a wing tip. Any reason why this would not work?
Nope. This has been done, I'm sure someone here on the forum mentioned it. Contact uAvionix and they may be able to supply firmware that disables the light as well, so it's not shining inside your wingtip cavity all the time.
Have installed 4 TailBeacons in the wingtip. Kept it as far outboard as possible. They work great with perfect Public ADS-B Performance Reports. You use the SkyBeacon app on your phone to configure your TailBeacon and it has the ability to turn off the light.
Tailbeacon X

I didn't know that you could mount a Tailbeacon X in a wingtip.....

What about the antenna??Does it not have to be able to look at the satellite to work??

If it does actually work, that is the way I will mount mine so that I can keep my tail/strobe light installed and not having to worry about someone braking the antenna on my -4..:D

If anyone has pictures of their install in the wingtip, it will be nice to have look..

I didn't know that you could mount a Tailbeacon X in a wingtip.....

What about the antenna??Does it not have to be able to look at the satellite to work??
It looks through the fibreglass. Fibreglass doesn't block the signal.

If it does actually work, that is the way I will mount mine so that I can keep my tail/strobe light installed and not having to worry about someone braking the antenna on my -4..:D
Someone walking past and breaking mine is the only concern I have with mine on the tail. The prototype had a plastic enclosure that covered the two antennas, but they decided to forego that due to the difficulty of assembly. I hope they have a good replacement policy if they get broken.
Tailbeacon X

Here are pictures of a regular Tail Beacon installed in a RV-8 right wingtip


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Hi Rob

''Someone walking past and breaking mine is the only concern I have with mine on the tail'')

This is my main concern too as it will be seating really close to the ground :eek:

Nice to know it can see thru fiberglass..


Thanks for the pictures, it give me a good idea on how to mount it ...Did you have to compensate for the distance from the centerline of the aircraft when you set it up??

That is where it's gonna go in my -4 too...

Happy Holidays to All

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Did you have to compensate for the distance from the centerline of the aircraft when you set it up??
The setup screen for the TailBeaconX has inputs for lateral and longitudinal offset, so you could easily enter your position regardless of where you mount it on the airframe.

I have heard that uAvionix offered a firmware update that disabled the light on the TailBeacon model. I haven't heard if they have done this for the TailBeaconX yet.
I am considering the Tail Beacon-X for my RV4, I have the John Johansson wingtip tanks, so a wingtip mounting solution is not possible. I think I want to mount it on the top of the rudder....has anyone seen this done yet?

Pictures would be awesome if so!
Have installed 4 TailBeacons in the wingtip. Kept it as far outboard as possible. They work great with perfect Public ADS-B Performance Reports. You use the SkyBeacon app on your phone to configure your TailBeacon and it has the ability to turn off the light.

I think people are confusing the TailBeacon and the TailBeaconX ?

The TailBeacon is an ADS-B out only solution with a GPS.

The TailBeaconX is a Mode S-ES Transponder with a GPS. With the TailBeaconX you need to use a panel mounted EFIS (AV-30, AF-5600, GRT? ...) to control the Transponder and set the code.

Rob Hickman
N402RH RV-10
Tailbeacon X

Well I ordered my Tailbeacon X with the AV-20E Control module today..can't wait to install it and to see it at work.


''I have heard that uAvionix offered a firmware update that disabled the light on the TailBeacon model. ''

Apparently it is a done deal, a friend talked to them a week ago and was told it is now an option in the set up.

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TailbeaconX position light

Nope. This has been done, I'm sure someone here on the forum mentioned it. Contact uAvionix and they may be able to supply firmware that disables the light as well, so it's not shining inside your wingtip cavity all the time.

RE the TailbeaconX, I just got off the phone with Rebecca at uAvionix Support. One of the questions I had for her was to ask her to clarify just what procedure is necessary in order to disable the LED position lights. I had picked up here and there that this procedure is done either with firmware OR done as part of the configuration process when using a cellphone to set up final configuration parameters.

Turns out being able to disable the position light was an option on earlier models of the Tailbeacon (not the "X"), but unless someone knows about a hack that uAvionix support isn't aware of, as far as they know there is "no way to disable the LED lights" I asked her about the possibility of trying some work around using switches and by-passes (or whatnot) to do with the power cord but she seemed quite certain that trying anything like that would end up disabling the unit itself. Which is unfortunate . . . it may not be that much of a current draw but still . . . it's a wasted draw that serves no purpose (at least with my installation inside the fuselage). Turning unnecessary lights off would be a cleaner way of doing things. Her excuse for this option not being available is related (she claims) to their getting the unit TSO'd.

If someone knows of any tips or tricks to turn the light off without interfering with the functions of the unit itself I'd sure appreciate any information you'd care to share.

Seems like a sloppy oversight on the part of uAvionix, to disallow this option. Since they are such an innovative company this loose end is something they may address over time with an eventual firmware update . . . but as things stand, apparently there's no option to turn the lights off. If anyone has come up with a work around please let me know.


Mike Stirewalt
[email protected]
Tailbeacon X

The Tailbeacon X has another annoying problem, every time it is turned off, when you turn it back on it defaults to the 1200 transponder code. I use mine in Italy, where the default VFR code is 7000, and, around the Milano area, one uses separate discrete codes for Milano Information depending on the zone you are in. It will not retain the last used code when shut off, and you cannot press the VFR code option, because it gives you again 1200 which is not used in Europe. So every time I start the plane, I have to insert the applicable code. I have given this comment to uAvionix, and they may consider modifying the software in a future release...we'll see...

Otherwise, I love the unit!
Dave, they have a Windows app that you can use to set things like the baud rate on the serial bus, for configuring for different EFIS requirements. I'm sure that same app has a field in it for setting the default transponder code. I didn't bother to try changing mine because 1200 is the default here, but i'll try to remember to check it the next time I go to the hangar.
I am using the Tailbeacon X Experimental, with the AV-30 control head. I went through all the setups for both and updates. I did not see anywhere that one could reset the default squawk code. And, also through email exchanges with uAvionix (Rebekah Gambrell) she stated that maintaining the last squawk code, or being able to set the default was something they may consider for a future software update. But if you find something, I would surely be interested.
I helped a friend with his on a RV6 in the rudder position light position. Works fine but we were also worried about kicking it while walking by. I found a bright red foam beverage cooler and cut it to fit around it with a split for the rudder trailing edge. Then attached a red “remove before flight” ribbon on it. Works great.
I took a look at the uAvionix setup application this evening when I was at the hangar. Indeed there is a setup page that has a "Default Code" field, that you can change, as shown in the attached screenshot. Unfortunately, while it seems to set the new value, power cycling the transponder doesn't seem to effect a change. I tried setting to 1234, and 1212, and while the settings appeared to take, and even survived a power cycle according to the app, when it powered up the AV-10 head unit always reported 1200.

Perhaps that's a function of the head unit, and not the tailbeaconX itself? Maybe someone else can give it a try and see if the setting will "keep" beyond a power cycle on the head unit.


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Received my TSO’d tailBeaconX yesterday, after waiting a year. Still no way to drive it, since Dynon doesn’t support it. My avionics supplier wouldn’t sell me a bundle with a 2” control head because it hasn’t been announced yet and he didn’t want to call uAvionix because he “doesn’t really care about the Canadian market” and it was too much trouble!

I can code my own, but that is just one more project on the list, so I was hoping to trade $$ for one.

Vern - did you reshape your fairing to better fit the 'X' housing? It looks more bell shaped than stock in your pic (could be the pic angle).
Vern - did you reshape your fairing to better fit the 'X' housing? It looks more bell shaped than stock in your pic (could be the pic angle).
Note that the fairing in question isn't the Van's tail fairing, it's the fairing for the tail on his Rans S-21...
Here is the result of my preliminary testing of the TBX:

1. My iPhone cannot communicate with it. My iPad Mini works, but needed a few attempts. Apparently this is a common problem (sad face).

2. I have successfully communicated with it on my PC using a terminal emulator feeding the SL70 protocol over serial-- providing altitude, squawk, and control information and having it echo back. If I don't keep up, it will echo default information will illegal altitude information, which seems normal (better to transmit illegal fields than a legitimate (but wrong) altitude.

3. All of this means that I should be able to provide a simple control head that feeds it using the SL70 protocol, (happy face).

At some point in the future, expect the huVVer-AVI display to have the transponder control function as well. Not a promise, but an aspiration.

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"X" story so far

I got mine with the AV-30, along with the output module that fits into the back of the AV-30. That module allows connection to various EFIS units so although I don't have an immediate need for it (the module), who knows just how it might come in handy in the future? It was only $35 I think.

Almost as soon as I got it the "X", the company issued a recall on the unit - mine at least. Have thy fixed whatever it was that prompted the recall?

I'll call uAvionix to get that questioned answered but just thought to mention it on the forum. It's great to see all the positive reviews of this technology. It allows round-the-world flight!

Mounting into a rear position light seems awkward doesn't it . . . lots of justified concern that it could get bashed somehow. I'm mounting mine inside the fuselage, LED disconnected. Fortunately my fuselage is made of wood.


I previously mounted my tailbeacon X in the lower rudder position on the 8. It was a bit of modifying to get it to fit.

Had a problem with it and built a fibreglass bracket and installed it in the right wing tip. After a number of issues with firmware and software updates it went **** up. UAvionics asked me to send it back for repair… once there, they told me it would cost me 1/2 the price of a new one to get one back. I had a beta model…long story.

Moving forward, it’s now installed in the right wing tip and is working well.

Here is a track from last night.


I was concerned about the potential damage, oil contamination, so I moved it.

The light is still on….no issue.

UAvionix Tailbeacon X mounting and performance.

Hi gang, it’s early days, but I’m pleased to say I received a good performance report on my newly installed tailbeacon X.

It is mounted within the right wingtip and I was lucky to find a AV-10 control head.



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I have one on my RV-6 and it's worked perfectly in the stock tail-light location.
Is the rudder bottom tip larger on the 6 than on the 7 or 9?
No way I’m seeing that the beacon can fit inside the tail light fairing on my 9 , let alone far enough in plus with space to rotate it to lock it in.
Have ANY 7 or 9 owners actually put in a beacon WITHOUT altering the rudder bottom tip fairing?


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Is the rudder bottom tip larger on the 6 than on the 7 or 9?
Can't say for sure. I know a -7 owner who re-glassed the fairing to make more room so he wouldn't need the extra white spacer.

Honestly, if you're going to the effort of glassing something, i'd glass in a support in the wingtip instead and put it there. The rudder position is too much of a damage liability, given the antennas are just PCB material sticking out in the air. Someone *will* eventually snap one off.
Yes, the RV9 tail fairing narrows down more than the other RV models. I had to redesign the Stand Alone Tail Strobe after the first -9 customer showed me it wouldn't fit.

Keep in mind you need a tail strobe there for night flight, so I have recommended lots of my customers move their Tail Beacon into a wing tip instead.

Thanks guys; appreciate it.
How many inches rearward from the nav light wall did you build the support bracket?
Wingtip install on tailbeacon x question

I previously mounted my tailbeacon X in the lower rudder position on the 8. It was a bit of modifying to get it to fit.

Had a problem with it and built a fibreglass bracket and installed it in the right wing tip. After a number of issues with firmware and software updates it went **** up. UAvionics asked me to send it back for repair… once there, they told me it would cost me 1/2 the price of a new one to get one back. I had a beta model…long story.

Moving forward, it’s now installed in the right wing tip and is working well.

Here is a track from last night.


I was concerned about the potential damage, oil contamination, so I moved it.

The light is still on….no issue.


Don and others who have fabbed up the fiberglass and installed in the wing tip....was there ever consideration for installing on the last rib with an aluminum bracket fabbed up vs. in the wintip itself?
Thanks in advance for your thoughts

Tailbeacon X

How does the rudder mounting of Tailbeacon X after flutter and VNE speeds?
Jim Barry
I found this thread while looking for some info about alternative tailBeaconX installation location for RV10 and want to share some info about tailBeaconX controls via EFIS:
We have integrated official support for tailBeaconX controls in our EFISes. Our Mini2 and Mini3 models provide basic support (squawk code, ident, status, operation mode) and model ELM1000 allows to fully configure tailBeacon including all settings and params. We have done that in agreement with uAvionix to provide additional support and option for Canadian tailBeaconX users.

I am still looking for some better location to install tailBeaconX in RV10. I feel that primary location is unsafe due to obvious close proximity to anyone walking by the rudder. I think about either fabricating a new top rudder fairing or wing tip installation.


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How does the rudder mounting of Tailbeacon X after flutter and VNE speeds?
The TailBeaconX weighs about the same as the incandescent bulb and steel mounting hardware that it replaced. I don't have the numbers handy, but I was surprised how heavy the existing light was when it came out.

Whether the antennae on the TailBeaconX affects anything aerodynamically I couldn't say. But I did have the thought that if it were mounted with a tilt to one side it could replace the fixed trim tab... ;)
Just got my TailBeaconX and am starting on the wingtip install. Wondering about using a 3 conductor shielded wire run and using one of those for power. Is it ok to have the power supply in the same environment as the two wires that connect to the AV30? Or should the power supply wire be ran separately on the outside the shielding?
Using extra wires in shielded multicore for TBX power

Just got my TailBeaconX and am starting on the wingtip install. Wondering about using a 3 conductor shielded wire run and using one of those for power. Is it ok to have the power supply in the same environment as the two wires that connect to the AV30? Or should the power supply wire be ran separately on the outside the shielding?

If I remember correctly, the answer I got from uAvionix when I asked the same question was that it wasn’t recommended but that they didn’t think it would cause a problem.

I used 24AWG 5 core shielded, and two of the cores in parallel provide power to the TailBeaconX. I haven’t noted any issues in a bit over a year of flying.

Don H
No issues…

If I remember correctly, the answer I got from uAvionix when I asked the same question was that it wasn’t recommended but that they didn’t think it would cause a problem.

I used 24AWG 5 core shielded, and two of the cores in parallel provide power to the TailBeaconX. I haven’t noted any issues in a bit over a year of flying.

Don H

Moved the tail beacon from my rudder to the right wingtip..fabbed a fibreglass bracket and installed it with 4 wire shielded. Working just fine.


I flew a test run flight a couple days ago and got a perfect report on my wingtip mounted TailBeaconX. The light being on all the time doesn't seem to matter. However, I turned it on in the pitch black of my hanger to see if any light “leaked” out of my airframe which it did a-little at the inboard trailing edge of my wingtip. I do not fly at night but it would be optimal if the light could be extinguished.
I flew a test run flight a couple days ago and got a perfect report on my wingtip mounted TailBeaconX. The light being on all the time doesn't seem to matter. However, I turned it on in the pitch black of my hanger to see if any light “leaked” out of my airframe which it did a-little at the inboard trailing edge of my wingtip. I do not fly at night but it would be optimal if the light could be extinguished.
I covered my light with two layers of blue painter's tape to reduce light leakage to an acceptable level.