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slider open in flight? and why no more sliders?


Well Known Member
I was flipping through something online earlier and saw a picture of a plane in flight with a slider canopy slid back... on real quick 1st glance I thought it was an RV-12 (because I have RV's on my mind I suppose :D)
...I didn't check but I think it might have been a sling LSA, but no mater....

so questions came to mind

1) can the RV models with sliders be flown with an open canopy?

2) What is the general consensus as to why the later models are not available with sliders (RV-12, RV-14, ...)?

2a) know of any examples of someone retrofitting a slider onto a -12 or a -14?
I don’t know about the 12, but when Van’s designed the RV-14 fuselage the sides are lower - it cannot accommodate a sliding canopy.

1) can the RV models with sliders be flown with an open canopy?


I talked to one RV8 pilot who slightly opened his canopy in flight. He said there was a lot of strong buffeting from the disturbed air flow. He also said run-up with canopy in the fully opened position created a lot of vibrations that may cause some rivets to pop loose. In my opinion the RV8 slider tracks aren't designed to positively capture the canopy rail except for the fully locked position.
In my opinion the RV8 slider tracks aren't designed to positively capture the canopy rail except for the fully locked position.

The 7 is the same way. No way would I trust those plastic rollers and a couple of machine screws to hold the canopy in the tracks at speed. When it's locked, there are steel pins that engage at the aft corners and that really robust latch up front.
You can’t even open a 6 or 7 slider in flight. It’s even hard at a slow taxi or run up RPM.
Taking off with an open canopy would have some scary consequences.

There have been a few 3’s flying open canopy but that’s about it that I have seen.

The previous builder owner said that he would open the canopy a little bit in the pattern, I thought "I'm never gonna do that" until one really hot day I tried it, now almost every time its wonderful. I don't dare even try it in the 9
I routinely taxi my -9A slider with the canopy open, although it does tend to play havoc with the Kroger sunshade.

At least a few horror stories here of a slider canopy (6, 7, 9) coming un-latched in flight or taking off forgetting to latch it. Not good. Sounds like a substantially negative effect on the airplane's ability to fly.
I routinely taxi my -9A slider with the canopy open, although it does tend to play havoc with the Kroger sunshade.

At least a few horror stories here of a slider canopy (6, 7, 9) coming un-latched in flight or taking off forgetting to latch it. Not good. Sounds like a substantially negative effect on the airplane's ability to fly.

Gets a bit noisy if left unlatched but that's about it. Almost impossible to open it further even if one wanted to and no impact at all on controllability. Just stay in the pattern and land normally. Also never heard of one "coming un-latched" in flight. Would be interested in hearing the details.
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I guess I'll need to swing by the Sling booth at Sun n Fun and compare their canopy design to Van's...just for better understanding.

I keep looping back to the canopies as being my only real dislike generally, for the Vans designs. Most of my time being in Cessna's I've come accustomed to windows (or doors) that can be opened...and the most fun I ever had flying I think, was in an aeronca champ...low and slow with the windows open.

I can't help but think I can't be the only one...and surely some ingenious builder out there has figured a way to redesign or retrofit a better canopy configuration....

ahh, no matter...I think the RV-15 might be the ticket for me!
On the -14, IIRC, the fuselage sides aren't parallel, and the fuselage is a touch wider at the trailing edge of the wing. This evened out the cross section of the airplane by having the narrower part of the fuselage at the fat part (thickness) of the wing and vice versa. John Thorp called this the "poor man's area rule." The Thorp T-18 is the same way.

I think...

I guess I'll need to swing by the Sling booth at Sun n Fun and compare their canopy design to Van's...just for better understanding.

I keep looping back to the canopies as being my only real dislike generally, for the Vans designs. Most of my time being in Cessna's I've come accustomed to windows (or doors) that can be opened...and the most fun I ever had flying I think, was in an aeronca champ...low and slow with the windows open.

I can't help but think I can't be the only one...and surely some ingenious builder out there has figured a way to redesign or retrofit a better canopy configuration....

ahh, no matter...I think the RV-15 might be the ticket for me!

And how many of them cruse at 190 mph?
Canopy design....

I keep looping back to the canopies as being my only real dislike generally, for the Vans designs.

OK: I protest! What can be better looking than this from a functional standpoint and looks:cool:..........besides an F-16, I mean.....;) PS: I also fly a J-3 Cub: the original "low and slow with the door open" airplane....and I mean REALLY open....


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I was flipping through something online earlier and saw a picture of a plane in flight with a slider canopy slid back... on real quick 1st glance I thought it was an RV-12 (because I have RV's on my mind I suppose :D)
...I didn't check but I think it might have been a sling LSA, but no mater....

so questions came to mind

1) can the RV models with sliders be flown with an open canopy?

2) What is the general consensus as to why the later models are not available with sliders (RV-12, RV-14, ...)?

2a) know of any examples of someone retrofitting a slider onto a -12 or a -14?

If you saw an RV in flight with the canopy open, what you probably really saw was a Grumman...
It’s definitely been done

The late Jon Thocker opened his canopy on his 8. I believe he installed a partial bulkhead just behind the rear seat bulkhead because he found the downward pressure on the aft end of the canopy actually pushed the top of the fuse down with the canopy open. He only opened if I remember correctly, about a foot and said it was nice at slower speeds.

I miss Jon.
There is a video on-line of a RV6 flying with the canopy open to drop a skydiver. My son has flow with his RV6 canopy open. I don't personally like the idea.
Old thread.... How have people designed a way to jettison the RV-7 slider canopy (i.e., bailout).

And how many of them cruse at 190 mph?
Almost all RV's can do 190 mph cruise, My 150hp RV4 cruised at 190 mph. Reason I picked my first RV in the late 80's was they did what Van's said they would do. I am currently helping a RV-12iS builder do Phase 1 and train. It is spot on book values.

Old thread.... How have people designed a way to jettison the RV-7 slider canopy (i.e., bailout).

Almost all RV's can do 190 mph cruise, My 150hp RV4 cruised at 190 mph. Reason I picked my first RV in the late 80's was they did what Van's said they would do. I am currently helping a RV-12iS builder do Phase 1 and train. It is spot on book values.

From the post I quoted.......
"I keep looping back to the canopies as being my only real dislike generally, for the Vans designs. Most of my time being in Cessna's I've come accustomed to windows (or doors) that can be opened...and the most fun I ever had flying I think, was in an aeronca champ...low and slow with the windows open."

I hope this helps you understand my post.
From the post I quoted.......
"I keep looping back to the canopies as being my only real dislike generally, for the Vans designs. Most of my time being in Cessna's I've come accustomed to windows (or doors) that can be opened...and the most fun I ever had flying I think, was in an aeronca champ...low and slow with the windows open."

I hope this helps you understand my post.
I understsnd. I was thread drifting.with a related question. Asking about jettisoning canopy in an emergency to bail out. I was not questioning your reasoning.

I own an emergency chute and in the RV-4 and RV-6/EV-7 tip-up you can eject canopy. My question was ejecting slider canopy (on fire, controls locked up, mid-air).

As far as your love of doors and windows with big metal frames and pillars that block your vision, up to you. The near unrestricted view from a bubble canopy is the best part of Sport planes like Vans' RV's. Sounds like you like a high wing. RV-15 doors and high wing. RV-10 has doors and 4 place.

How many C-172's can T/O and land in 600 feet and do aerobatics like an RV? How many C-172's or Aeronca Champs cruise at 190mph. Both great planes but different mission than say RV-3/4/6/7/8/9/14.

Ever see a fighter jet with "doors and windiws". Ha ha.
Ever see a fighter jet with "doors and windiws"
Well, it wasn't a jet, but the P-39 was a fighter...

Old thread.... How have people designed a way to jettison the RV-7 slider canopy (i.e., bailout).
The best way i've seen is to replace the axles in the slider blocks with pins that release when you push on a button in the center of the handle.

Pull the pins, unlock the canopy and pull it back a bit. Aerodynamic forces will pull the front up into the airstream and you'll never see it again.
During my phase 1 testing a couple of month ago, I found out just after lift off that my -8 canopy wasn't latched properly. The tip of the latch was barely connecting to the weld boss on the front windshield frame. I usually did the initial climb at 80kts with the nose high attitude at that speed. I was sweating with fear the canopy would slide back and guillotine the tail when I was at 200ft above ground. I lowered the nose and climbed at a more reasonable speed like 90+kts. When at pattern attitude, I unlocked the canopy latch and relatch it. I did a sight giggle test to see if the canopy would slide back at around 90kts and I felt I definitely could do that. The force required at that speed wasn't that much. I don't know how much of the back pressure applied to the canopy at 150kts but if I could slow down to the range of 90kts, the canopy could be slid back by hand.

Another data point.
I understsnd. I was thread drifting.with a related question. Asking about jettisoning canopy in an emergency to bail out. I was not questioning your reasoning.

I own an emergency chute and in the RV-4 and RV-6/EV-7 tip-up you can eject canopy. My question was ejecting slider canopy (on fire, controls locked up, mid-air).

As far as your love of doors and windows with big metal frames and pillars that block your vision, up to you. The near unrestricted view from a bubble canopy is the best part of Sport planes like Vans' RV's. Sounds like you like a high wing. RV-15 doors and high wing. RV-10 has doors and 4 place.

How many C-172's can T/O and land in 600 feet and do aerobatics like an RV? How many C-172's or Aeronca Champs cruise at 190mph. Both great planes but different mission than say RV-3/4/6/7/8/9/14.

Ever see a fighter jet with "doors and windiws". Ha ha.
George, That is not my post about high wing and doors.... I have and Love a 6A tip up with NO obstructions to look around. Not even the one that you see in your slider.... I also don't care for bars to look through. My original response was about 172's doing 190 mph.....and that's it.

Here is the post that I was quoting when I responded about 190mph..... https://vansairforce.net/threads/slider-open-in-flight-and-why-no-more-sliders.220411/#post-1713579
Well, it wasn't a jet, but the P-39 was a fighter...

Ha ha I thought about the Cobra. You got me. A very unique mid engine plane. Spitfire had a little door. Other fighters had some or a lot of canopy frame because they used flat ballistic glass, ME109. Anyway bubble canopies are great. I have a slider and it has a frame/roll-bar. The tip up has more unrestricted view. But operation on ground in wind can be sporty. I'm helping a gentleman do his RV-12 Phase 1, which has a tip up. It was windy and gusty this week. All good but opening canopy on the ground with tailwind can be sporty.
