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Puppy Rescue help from MSP area needed

Guy Prevost

Well Known Member

We’re about to adopt our second Ridgeback puppy from Ridgeback Rescue US. “Harlowe” is currently being fostered in the Minneapolis / St. Paul region and I’m hoping to arrange a shuttle to get her to her new home. Is anyone interested in using their RV to fly her to central Nebraska and meet? I’m flexible and can meet at the airport of your choosing. KLXN is about 3 RV hours for me each way, is somewhat familiar, and has cheap fuel.

Winter weather can be challenging and flexibility is key. Sometime over the weekends of January 29 or February 6 are my targets.

A successful mission will net a trip report with kids and puppies, and much gratitude.


Doesn’t it! :D I almost PM’d Pete directly but didn’t want to put him on the spot. But since you called him out....
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Gotta' move that puppy!

Here is what they look like years later after having been rescued by RV. At my desk this very morning.

Awesome Scoot! She’ll have a big brother, adopted from the same people about 1.5 years ago. Here’s Pete. He flew Delta, which turned into a goat rope.
R U sh--tt--g me? Is this a dog forum now?

No, but good folks here do this on a volunteer basis using their wonderfully RV aircraft. Just skip the thread if your not interested in the subject matter.:p
I'm not a dog person but still I clicked -- what's not to like about a post with puppies? And RV-connected even!

I'd like to post pictures of my kitty but hard as I try I can't come up with an RV connection... darn.
My wife needs to use her Cricut to make some Vansdogforce swag. When my plane is done I can't wait to fly missions like this. This is one Vans and dog lover here that says keep the dog posts coming!!!
I'm not a dog person but still I clicked -- what's not to like about a post with puppies? And RV-connected even!

I'd like to post pictures of my kitty but hard as I try I can't come up with an RV connection... darn.

My cats ready!


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We’re about to adopt our second Ridgeback puppy from Ridgeback Rescue US. “Harlowe” is currently being fostered in the Minneapolis / St. Paul region and I’m hoping to arrange a shuttle to get her to her new home. Is anyone interested in using their RV to fly her to central Nebraska and meet? I’m flexible and can meet at the airport of your choosing. KLXN is about 3 RV hours for me each way, is somewhat familiar, and has cheap fuel.

Winter weather can be challenging and flexibility is key. Sometime over the weekends of January 29 or February 6 are my targets.

A successful mission will net a trip report with kids and puppies, and much gratitude.



I am going to be flying to RST next week, I fly out of KAPA, weather permitting. I have an extra space and may be open to doing this! Give me details. I'd be leaving the 26 or 27th leaving the next day and coming back.
My wife needs to use her Cricut to make some Vansdogforce swag. When my plane is done I can't wait to fly missions like this. This is one Vans and dog lover here that says keep the dog posts coming!!!

Miss Lily wants more dog posts too, and would love to see some Vansdogforce swag!

We’re looking forward to flying Pilots ‘n Paws missions!



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Just like you and I don't like flying without hearing protection at all, not even for 60 seconds, dogs need something to protect their hearing too.

Must use Mutt-Muffs or an equivalent. It will take some training to get the pup to leave them on.

Another thing to consider when taking Fido for a ride is getting yourself clawed to bits while trying to get your plane back on the ground if you pup is excited. Just like like any thing else, get them in the plane a few times while its stationary. Make sure you have a way to secure your dog with a harness, similar to what is used in a car will work. An anchor on the back bulkhead and a harness will keep everyone safe while flying...


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Must love dogs!

Had a lady in NJ paint my forward baggage door. Cory (TK’s Lady Corsair) was my shop partner for most of the build. Lost her before completion due to cancer. She still flies with me every time.


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Our Dog Cajun

Cajun likes flying in our RV-6 on the platform I made for him. He doesn’t seem to mind the Mutt Muffs. Of course he wears a harness and there’s a short lead attached to the aft bulkhead. When we roll the airplane out, he’s right there by the cockpit, waiting to get his headset on and be lifted inside. He sure hates being left behind. I wonder if he just likes flying because he gets lots of treats, especially during climbs and descents. No, we don’t fly inverted and I have no idea how the thumbnail got flipped....


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Our Shepard Sadie has been flying with us from a few weeks old. She knows exactly where all the airport cafe’s are for her sausage lunch!
A different spin..

My dog wasn't crazy about flying...unless he was POC. Unfortunately, he went to Doggie Heaven a couple years ago.


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This post is 100% ridgeback approved


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