Flying since June 24, 2009 and just finishing up the third instrument panel. Started out with just electric turn coordinator, altimeter, airspeed and rate of climb. Next iteration of the panel added a 696 and trutrack autopilot. The current iteration adds a G3X in place of the turn coordinator and rate of climb. Next major update will be in another year or so and will be the addition of a Garmin 430W.

Ya know, it's not every day you see a pinkish/purplish dog on the tail of an airplane. A+ for originality on that one! Go fido!

Great looking plane.
A few favorites. I posted the first one a year ago...took a copy at the same location nearly 3 years to the day later after a fresh paint job.




Gaston's trout lodge the day I picked it up from the paint job.
This picture of Tsamsiyu was forwarded to me from the folks at the Kansas City EAA chapter based at Lee's Summit - I'm not sure who the artist with the camera is...but they did a beautiful job of catching the airplane at sunset!


Looks GREAT Jim!!! WOW!

Here is one of my favorites using the remote trigger on the 1D...can you see it tucked under my arm? :rolleyes: I took it just before Oshkosh this year.

Getting wing walked into the Plaza for RV-1 turnover to EAA Museum. Special day with special people.


.... a pic I've called "mission complete".

I took it a couple of weeks ago, just after landing from a cross country trip.

Well, you showed yours so I'll show you mine.....



Glenn Wilkinson

P.S. Sorry if the pics are not posted right, this is my first time.
Summer "downunder"

For those of you in the middle of winter in the Northern Hemisphere, here is a shot of my RV7A off for a summer flight here in New Zealand.
I thought the reflections off the fuselage while the plane was in the hangar door were worth capturing.

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Fall in PA

Here is mine @ a small airport this past fall - Butter Valley Golfport

I would give credit to whomever took this picture if I knew for sure who took it but I don't know. This is my favorite picture of my RV-9A. It was taken at the Petit Jean Camp Out November 2012.
For those of you in the middle of winter in the Northern Hemisphere, here is a shot of my RV7A off for a summer flight here in New Zealand.
I thought the reflections off the fuselage while the plane was in the hangar door were worth capturing.
The plane is painted, not polished metal.


Jim Talbot
New Zealand

Really a nice shot of your RV. Beautiful!
Good job catching the photo opportunity.
For those of you in the middle of winter in the Northern Hemisphere, here is a shot of my RV7A off for a summer flight here in New Zealand.
I thought the reflections off the fuselage while the plane was in the hangar door were worth capturing.
The plane is painted, not polished metal.


Jim Talbot
New Zealand

Awesom picture Jim

But summer? Nahh you are kidding us :mad:

Cheers bro!
For those of you in the middle of winter in the Northern Hemisphere, here is a shot of my RV7A off for a summer flight here in New Zealand.
I thought the reflections off the fuselage while the plane was in the hangar door were worth capturing.
The plane is painted, not polished metal.


Jim Talbot
New Zealand

I'm not sure it's possible to overstate what an incredible picture this is.

Its not very often I'll say this, but I'm trying to make this smaller...using photo bucket I resized it to 800x420 or something, but it still posts big as day in "preview" any rate, I enjoyed the reflections here
Steve, what a gorgeous RV7!
It has only a little defect: tip up canopy... sliding is much more sexy!:D:D:D
Thanks for the compliments! The plane is my dad's, but I've been putting some hours on it.

The prop is an MT CS. Cruise at about 60% power is about 155-158 KTS true on 8.5 GPH at 8000 feet with a 180 hp IO-360. It's about 5-10 kts slower than a 2 bladed because of the added drag. But, it looks cool as **** and pulls hard on TO and climbs like a rocket.