Two to share, if that's OK. Pic after my first flight and breakfast visit to Gaston's, AR....ignore the spam-can.

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Most awesome photo------You bet.

Slightly different interpenetration of the title.:rolleyes:

But, till I get a chance to fly somewhere cool, this is it.


Come to think of it, this is probably going to be the most awesome photo of my plane ever, at least from my perspective:D
personal favorite....

Doesn't look like anything out of the ordinary, but this is my favorite / "best" on the ground picture because it was taken right after my wife's first flight in our RV, made on the first anniversary of my first Phase I flight:

At the end of August I took my machine around NZ...and stopped off at Milford Sound (NZMY) on our way around the South Western corner (ie most remote part!) of the country


On the way we dropped in to Omarama (NZOM), this airfield is full of gliders at this time of year - nice to have it to ourselves

As they say...come on down, this place is beautiful :D

My RV-9A 1909K on the ice runway at Alton Bay NH. January 2010


Frost on the trees made even the air sparkel.

Russ Keith
RV-9A 1909K
Photos taken six months apart at KFCM and both perfect days for flying.



Paul Danclovic
Jamestown NC
RV-8A N181SB
About ready for first flight, but this weather is forcast for at least another week.

Bob Dennis
Rego TBA
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A place where an RV is right at home..a farmers grass strip cut out between the cornfields.

First farmstrip, just two weeks from first flight


in the background the structure of an historical english hangar from WWI
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Your best picture

My first time posting a picture
Here's a picture of my Flying Machine at Kisseemmee, FL


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Smokey ready to go ...

Because I don't have an artistic bone in my body, I stole the vantage point from DR's first pics of Smokey after being painted. I liked the angle ...

From last summer

Here is my favorite from last summer's trip. This was taken at Johnson Creek during the first week of July 2010.

RV6A IN Albuquerque


I was the builder and owner of this great machine and after I sold it I heard it had been damaged. I saw a picture of my plane on this thread after it had been repaired and took to the air. I guess you can't keep a good RV down!
its hard to come up with one

favorite pic. this is east coast florida beach run. what makes this so special is having dad along for a ride.
Race Drivers only


Executive parking only :)

Martinsville during the race.

Penske and Hendrick's Helicopters
I Love all of the pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Keep the pictures of your RV coming on "VAF" you guys and gals, they are awesome! Alan (AJ) :)
Picture on the ground


At home in the Rockies.

Jim Gray
Evergreen, CO
Bronze Lindy Award Winner EAA OSH 2010
RV-8 pic

Hi Jim: Beautiful pic and I love your paint job. Two other guys and I own a shopping center in Evergreen so visit there occasionally. May do so Jan 26 or 27. Would love to see your -8 if possible. PM me if you'd be willing to show 'er to us! Thanks. Bill
First flight at dawn,....

Not my plane but what a shot! Snagged the picture and the filename has Hogan in it so maybe someone knows who it is? Pretty awsome shot, no matter what. I think it is a first flight shot as well!

Uploaded with

Bill S
7a First Flight last week
Got the grin ! :)
Arrival to OSH

Just landed at OSH and taxied as close as we could to the Cleaveland booth, get out of the plane and are greeted by Van himself. Not the greatest picture but it has my plane, Van, Oshkosh, and myself in it so that makes it pretty cool to me!
Typical Oregon winter day. You have to take every opportunity you can to fly when the ceiling gets above minimum.

Taken ....

.... last week just after landing.

PS: normally I fly without wheelpants during winter, but up until now, it's been very cold and dry at my homeairport, so I've flown with them on until now.
During the next two weeks however, three different runways on frozen lakes will open for the season so I'll take the pants off before the first landing on one of them.
Beautiful picture, Alf...

...but who determines when the lake is frozen solid enough to not go through the ice?


.... the guys who are doing the snow-plowing of the RWY's who also check the ice.

They simply drill several holes through the ice along the RWY-path and the parking-areas. When the thickness is enough, they drive their big tractors out there and start plowing.

It's ofcourse also very important what type of ice there is. The best (strongest) type is what they call "steel ice". That is a sort of "clear ice" (you can almost see through it) which means that it's all frozen water and no airbubbles in beetween.

Most of them go by this standard:

40 cm: holds 7 tonns
50 cm: holds 12 tonns.

This standard is used by the Norwegian Road Services and applies to steel ice. For ice with lower quality, the thickness must be increased.

When the RWY is ready, they send in a notification the different forums and planes are soon coming in.

On sunny days during weekends, it can look like this:

Alf, beautiful, but this Calif native, sandal wearing guy might get a bit cold there.:eek:

Do you have any trouble determining distance above the ice on landing???

I have landed in dry lake beds, and it is hard to judge your height on them.
Good question Mike...

... but coming from you, that wasn't a surprice. ;)

Yes, judging the height during flare can be difficult under certain light-conditions so there's a definite danger for white-out.
Therefore, there's placed RWY-edge markers along the length. These are simply branches which are cut off from nearby trees and put down into the snow.

On this pic, you can barely see them around midfield:

On this pic, they are alittle easier to spot:

When you land in sunshine, the contrast and shadows makes it much easier to flare (like the top pic) but when there's an overcast (no sun), then there's a definite advantage with the branches.

And I can gurantee you, that if/when you get up here, you'd trade those sandals and shorts of yours for the right wintergear at any price! :D
Just any any of the Canadians on this forum...

OOOPS! Hope I'm not hijacking this tread now....
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Different picture

I was tempted to show you a picture of the PH-VII in the snow (Black plane in white snow, red contrast, clear blue sky, you know....) but I decided to show you a more graphical picture which shows the pure lines of this plane quite nicely. Thanks Andrew for the photo!


All the best,
Please bear with this first attempt at inserting an image.

sorry, I just can't seem to make it work?

213 hrs
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Here you go, Doug:


(When you click on the "Insert Image" button on VAF, you have to remember to erase the "http://" text that's already in the box.) Other than that, you had it perfect. :) Once I see your post with the photo successfully embedded in it, I'll delete this one.
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Absolutely gorgeous picture, Lucky.

I hope you don't mind it being my desktop background for a while:)

It's amazing how a background can either make or break a picture.


Mind? It'd be my privilege! It was just another beautiful day on the Chesapeake Bay and our EAA chapter president took the picture and shared it with me. Beautiful piece of property. Eagles nest and fish all around the area and large eagle feathers can be found on the grounds. Seems there's always a sailboat or two in the background. Heaven on earth. Little waves lapping the shoreline and they put you in a soft, relaxed mood no matter what. What a great country we live in.

Ben: "Miss Ginny" looks fabulous---just like her namesake! Congratulations again on being done and flying. Wish I could say the same, I'm down for paint and some instrument panel upgrades.

See you at SnF?


.... and those insects are called "the white stuff"... :D
(The weather forecast said increasing winds and blowing snow during the night)

Good observation though! ;)

PS: You can also see the red flags of the Vans inlet plugs which I put in for the same reason.
The high winds is also the reason why I didn't put on the canopy-cover. Dind't want that thing to flap in the winds overnight. Therefore you can see some frost on the canopy, fuse and wings.
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