Interesting angle

I always thought this was an interesting angle of N747JG that someone snapped at a KBJC airshow. Found it on the net........


Jim Gray
Rocky Mountain Renegades
Denver, CO
Does this count? It is within 6" of being on the ground :) Landing in the Friday morming cross wind at the Petit Jean fly-in this year.
Skyterrier landing.jpg
My beautiful RV-8, sadly now sold, but an RV-4 is coming along - maybe flying by next spring......

Must acknowledge: paint by John Stahr, polished by my building buddy Richard Geehan, aided by George Best. Great job!

Photo courtesy of my good friend Rick Womer.
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Beautiful airplane Chris; and I love the registration. Do you have another neat registration number reserved?
Hope I still know how to fly this thing after being gone (Chile) almost 6 months.

Hey man I have never been able to find a picture of your plane. Nice looking bird no wait.....let me re-phrase that. VERY nice looking bird!!!!!!
So close to the end now!

I did a compass swing on the weekend, ticking off the last few boxes before my CofA, this picture looked pretty cool :)

I hade the chance to visit another slice of paridise today - Hop Along has a fun grass strip. It also has an unusual vantage point with lends itself to the "tilt-shift" lens effect - making my RV-8 look like a cute little toy :)

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Ontario, yes, now I remember that trip. gave some RV rides to some locals. a year later this guy comes up to me at the RV meet at Scappoose and says "YOU cost me a lot of money!". I had no idea who he was. turns out I had given him and his wife an RV ride in Ontario, and he had to sell his Jeep to help pay for her new RV.
That is a very special plane built by a very special man John Marshall. John gave me my first ever Super 8 ride. It was love at first flight. I ran straight home and ordered my tail kit. It changed everything for me. That plane I have not seen in a very long time. It has special meaning for me both in terms of that flight, and the man I came to know who is no longer with us. A very special person. Thanks so much for sharing.
Nice art work ! Is that paint or wrap? Whatever it is, it's very cool !

It's a paint job done by an Indy local named Jamie who does a lot of hot rod paint jobs. There is a sister ship, built at the same time with the exact same paint job, except the Dragon is green. That was john Marshall's plane. We're always a big hit at local get togethers and fly-ins when we both show up.

Yes Kahuna, John was a very special guy. All the RV folks here miss him. I think he had a hand in helping, or just outright finishing scores (60 or better) planes.
Just out of paint

We just got Moonpie II out of the paint shop. GLO Custom Aircraft did an amazing job. Grady was great to deal with and an all around great guy.
Memphis Belle and 88TU

After a flight back from Triple Tree, My fellow squadron-mate, Don Roberts, took this picture of his RV-4 with the B-17, Memphis Belle. I am told the B-17 was used in filming of the movie.

I like the "Big Brother" / "Mini-Me" pictures. I'd forgotten that I had managed to get a shot like that of my -4. Here it is in a row of "Blue Noses".


That reminds me, I really need to come up with some nose art...
