do you fly young eagles?

  • not interested

    Votes: 39 11.8%
  • interested in flying kids

    Votes: 64 19.3%
  • yes, i fly young eagles

    Votes: 228 68.9%

  • Total voters
Awesome job, Ed! Every one of those kids has the RV grin and will remember their flight for a long time!
New Video

A couple of weeks ago there was a Young Eagles Rally at Brookhaven (KHWV), run by Ann Pisarello and EAA chapter 594. There were 54 kids flown and I guess about 7 pilots flying them. I took up 7 kids. Whenever I do this there is always one kid that stands out. This time it was Jacqueline. I had the gopro cameras going and made a video. I have permission from her father to show it. If you were on the fence about flying the young eagles have a look at this video. It?s about 17 minutes long, a little long for you tube, but I hated to cut it.

getting this jacket was a great surprise. coming in handy this winter in florida. we have also been flying kids in operation 300. this is for kids who have lost a parent during military service. these have been some of the best flights in my rv. :)
Why I fly Young Eagles

Gents, After reading the posts from the few who DON'T fly young eagles, I felt compelled to tell my story. This is gonna be long, But, I MUST tell it.
About 7 or 8 years ago or so, A fellow pilot friend of mine from another EAA chapter called me on a friday eve, and asked, "You are coming to our fly-in tomorrow ?" And I said, " You bet, in fact Im gonna try and make two fly-ins tomorrow because there is also a fly-in car-show at Pekin Muni." He said great, would you consider doing us a big favor and helping out with the Young eagle rides? Last year we had over 100 kids show up and we think this year will be even bigger, and one of our members just called me. He went out to his hangar to check on his Cherokee and found a puddle of oil underneath, so he has canceled, and we are worried we wont have enough aircraft to get them all done." ...
...Now, I had been a EAA guy for many , many years. And I really never much paid attention to the young eagle stuff..always too busy to give it much thought. Not that I dont go to fly-ins. I attend a fly-in somewhere just about every single weekend of the summer. Hated it when I missed one within range of whatever aircraft I owned at the time. Looking back, I was just selfishly thinking about my own fun, and not any kids.
Now this friend who called, he is a really good friend, and as I was thinking about probably not being able to make BOTH events if I got wrestled into this, so I was trying to figure out an excuse to turn him down. Anyway, because of our friendship, I just couldn't. So I agreed. I can tell you, I flew up to their airport early the next morning, kind of bummed out, feeling like it was a chore I was not much interested in.
Well, for whatever reason, not as many kids showed up as they had hoped, and after flying about 40 or so, we were done. I cheered up, as I now was going to be able to make that other fly-in with the car-show. Before I left, as I had plenty of time now, I walked over to where the pres of that chapter, some other officers and the other pilots were sitting in the shade of a Cessna wing and took the extra lawn chair to jaw with them. They were all discussing what had gone wrong, why the turnout was poor, where they spent their advertising money, and how "unsuccessful" the event was.They were all, "Down in the jaw" I didn't say much as I am not a member of that chapter, and wouldn't have known a successful event from a bust anyway.
While this discussion was going on, we noticed a woman walking towards us from up by the area where to food vendors and other activity was. She had a kid, maybe 8 or 9 by the hand and continued walking our way with this somber, serious look on her face, and kind of a "John Wayne" jaunt to her step. Pretty quick, everybody shut up as she was definitely coming straight toward us. When she stopped in our midst, she said, " Excuse me men, But I would like to speak with the pilot of that Yellow airplane right over there."..and she pointed right at my craft. GULP...I was floored..I didn't recognize the kid as one I had flown, but figgered I was about to get reamed by a mad mother for something, making her kid sick , or scared, or who knows what..and all I could think of was..I knew I never should have done this. So I stood and simply said, "That would be me ma'am." getting prepared to take my licks. I think all my friends were taking a step or two backwards as I could have heard a pin drop....
.. Then she began. "MY son rode with you this morning, and I wanted to ask you a favor, I Just didn't see this coming. He just turned 16 last fall and got his drivers license, and he has been in so much trouble. His grades at school have been terrible, he wont mind me or his stepdad. He has been in trouble with the police and he has not come home several nights"...she continued on about the boy, and their problems, for a bit. I cant remember all she said, but I do remember she said "he wont even stand up straight anymore"..anyway, she continued, "But something just happened to him, and I really think he is going to straighten up. " When he got out of that plane he came running to me and asked me for my phone, because he needed to call his dad right now! " I gave him my phone and he called his father. I heard him apologize for the trouble he has been in, which he has NEVER done before, and when school starts he will get good grades and he will do what Mom and his stepdad tells him and how sorry he was, because..he just has to learn to fly, and the pilot told him..He had to study hard, get good grades, because Aviation is expensive, but its worth whatever you have to pay. Nothing beats flying." "Well, I'm sorry sir for the trouble, but I just didn't see it coming, I had to go to the car and get my camera and if you don't mind, I'd like to take a picture of you and him next to that airplane. I don't want him to forget today."
Talk about floored..I was not expecting this. Of course I said "yes 'ma'am, and as we started to walk towards my 912 KitFox, I saw that boy come running down from the main hangar area where he was waiting. I remember him..he was that kid with the chip on his shoulder..acting too cool, and like he was just gonna do but it wasn't gonna be anything. HE was the kid that, after we got to altitude, and asked him if he wanted to take the stick, and of course he did..and after about one minute..he melted, and became super enthusiastic. He got the hang real quick, as most 16 year old boys would..and as I coached him thru the next two turns, he did really well. I felt good about it then, but I had no idea of his troubles..and now, well, as it turns out Thanks to his mom, two boys lives were changed that day. Mom took her photos, and we parted. I noticed something also, as they walked away, he was standing up straight and held his chin high.
I was immediately overcome with both pride, and then shame. So proud I might have had a chance to change a wayward young mans life positively, and so danged ashamed, I had ignored this program..well..since it started. What a selfish turd i thought of myself in the next moment. When I walked back to the squad under the Cessna wing, The mood there was decidedly different. I went right up to the chapter president, and I told him. " I don't care how unsuccessful you guys thought this event was, and I don't care if you have only one kid come next call me, Ill come and fly , cause nothing pays better than this." They of course were all smiling now, in a much better mood.
I fly young eagles now with several chapters, and never miss one. How often does a fella get a chance to make a difference in a strangers kids life so effectively, and how much is it worth? It does not happen of course every time..and you cant tell what effect you have on them always, but when you can see it..its worth more than gold. Flying young eagles can be a Heck of alot more than giving airplane rides, you are setting an example.
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I got my start in aviation in a Funk 46 BC via the Young Eagles program. I loved it so much I became a CFI, and am contemplating building an RV-8.

That's what you could inspire.

D. Gherardini,
Great story!


Gents, After reading the posts from the few who DON'T fly young eagles, I felt compelled to tell my story. This is gonna be long, But, I MUST tell it. About 7 or 8 years ago or so, A fellow pilot friend of mine from another EAA chapter called me on a friday eve, and asked, "You are coming to our fly-in tomorrow ?" And I said, " You bet, in fact Im gonna try and make two fly-ins tomorrow because there is also a fly-in car-show at Pekin Muni." He said great, would you consider doing us a big favor and helping out with the Young eagle rides? Last year we had over 100 kids show up and we think this year will be even bigger, and one of our members just called me. He went out to his hangar to check on his Cherokee and found a puddle of oil underneath, so he has canceled, and we are worried we wont have enough aircraft to get them all done." ... Now, I had been a EAA guy for many , many years. And I really never much paid attention to the young eagle stuff..always too busy to give it much thought. Not that I dont go to fly-ins. I attend a fly-in somewhere just about every single weekend of the summer. Hated it when I missed one within range of whatever aircraft I owned at the time. Looking back, I was just selfishly thinking about my own fun, and not any kids. Now this friend who called, he is a really good friend, and as I was thinking about probably not being able to make BOTH events if I got wrestled into this, so I was trying to figure out an excuse to turn him down. Anyway, because of our friendship, I just couldnt. So I agreed. I can tell you, I flew up to their airport early the next morning, kind of bummed out, feeling like it was a chore I was not much interested in. Well, for whatever reason, not as many kids showed up as they had hoped, and after flying about 40 or so, we were done. I cheered up, as I now was going to be able to make that other fly-in with the car-show now. Before I left, as I had plenty of time now, I walked over to where the pres of that chapter, some other officers and the other pilots were sitting in the shade of a Cessna wing and took the extra lawn chair to jaw with them. They were all discussing what had gone wrong, why the turnout was poor, where they spent their advertising money, and how "unsuccessful" the event was.They were all, "Down in the jaw" I didn't say much as I am not a member of that chapter, and wouldnt have known a successful event from a bust anyway. While this discussion was going on, we noticed a woman walking towards us from up by the area where to food vendors and other activity was. She had a kid, maybe 8 or 9 by the hand and continued walking our way with this somber, serious look on her face, and kind of a "John Wayne" jaunt to her step. Pretty quick, everybody shut up as she was definitely coming straight toward us. When she stopped in our midst, she said, " Excuse me men, But I would like to speak with the pilot of that Yellow airplane right over there."..and she pointed right at my craft. GULP...I was floored..I didnt recognize the kid as one I had flown, but figgered I was about to get reamed by a mad mother for something, making her kid sick , or scared, or who knows what..and all I could think of was..I knew I never should have done this. So I stood and simply said, "That would be me ma'am." geting prepared to take my licks. I think all my friends were taking a step or two backwards as I could have heard a pin drop. Then she began. MY son rode with you this morning, and I wanted to ask you a favor, I Just didnt see this coming. He just turned 16 last fall and got his drivers license, and he has been in so much trouble. His grades at school have been terrible, he wont mind me or his stepdad. He has been in trouble with the police and he has not come home several nights"...she continued on about the boy, and their problems, for a bit.cant remember all she said, but I do remember she said "he wont even stand up straight anymore"..anyway, she continued, "But something just happened to him, and I really think he is going to straighten up. " When he got out of that plane he came running to me and asked me for my phone, because he needed to call his dad right now! " I gave him my phone and he called his father. I heard him apologize for the trouble he has been in, which he has NEVER done before, and when school starts he will get good grades and he will do what Mom and his stepdad tells him and how sorry he was, because..he just has to learn to fly, and the pilot told him..He had to study hard, get good grades, because Aviation is expensive, but its worth whatever you have to pay. Nothing beats flying." "Well, im sorry sir for the trouble, but I just didnt see it coming, I had to go to the car and get my camera and if you dont mind, I'd like to take a picture of you and him next to that airplane. I dont want him to forget today." Talk about floored..I was not expecting this. Of course I said "yes 'ma'am, and as we started to walk towards my 912 KitFox, I saw that boy come running down from the main hangar area where he was waiting. I remember him..he was that kid with the chip on his shoulder..acting too cool, and like he was just gonna do but it wasnt gonna be anything. HE was the kid that, after we got to altitude, and asked him if he wanted to take the stick, and of course he did..and after about one minute..he melted, and became super enthusiastic. He got the hang real quick, as most 16 year old boys would..and as I coached him thru the next two turns, he did really well. I felt good about it then, but I had no idea of his troubles..and now, well, as it turns out Thanks to his mom, two boys lives were changed that day. Mom took her photos, and we parted. I noticed something also, as they walked away, he was standing up straight and held his chin high. I was immediately overcome with both pride, and then shame. So proud I might have had a chance to change a wayward young mans life positively, and so **** ashamed, I had ignored this program..well..since it started. What a selfish turd i thought of myself in the next moment. When I walked back to the squad under the Cessna wing, The mood there was decidedly different. I went right up to the chapter president, and I told him. " I dont care how unsuccessful you guys thought this event was, and I dont care if you have only one kid come next call me, Ill come and fly , cause nothing pays better than this." They of course were all smiling now, in a much better mood. I fly young eagles now with several chapters, and never miss one. How often does a fella get a chance to make a difference in a strangers kids life so effectively, and how much is it worth? It does not happen of course every time..and you cant tell what effect you have on them always, but when you can see it..its worth more than gold. Flying young eagles can be a **** of alot more than giving airplane rides, you are setting an example.
Gherardini, thanks for the story. I believe in the young eagles program also. You know we have done our job to enspire some young ones to become pilots some day.
Several years ago a chapter member and his son brought an exchange student from Mexico out to visit our chapter hangar. The chapter member was (and still is) in the process of building his own aircraft. Rodrigo, the exchange student, was enthusiastic, curious, and clearly very happy to have an opportunity to get "up close and personal" with aircraft.

After showing the boys around our Davis DA2A I suggested that it was a great day to go for a flight, and since we had just conducted the pre-flight inspection we might as well go for a spin. Rodrigo hopped in and off we went. The Davis is quite light on the controls - most experienced pilots over-control the airplane when they first take the stick. Rodrigo, at 14, surprised me by over-controlling for about two pitch cycles, then he just seemed to have calibrated his arm and flew the airplane very smoothly. He later admitted to having a lot of hours using MS FlightSim, and it showed.

Fast forward to 2018 when our chapter member, the father who brought his son and Rodrigo to the airport, emailed me a photo he had just received from Rodrigo. Sure enough, there was Rodrigo beaming from ear to ear sitting in the front office of his new ride as a commercial pilot - a Learjet!

Yes, not every Young Eagle flight has a fairy tale ending. All it takes is one experience like that and you'll have been repaid many times over for the time and energy you invest in giving the gift of flight to a young person.
Next Young Eagles Event


Let me know when the next YE event is planned by your chapter. If you need more pilots, I will fly up from long Island and fly a few kids.


Let me know when the next YE event is planned by your chapter. If you need more pilots, I will fly up from long Island and fly a few kids.


I fly most of the YE in stuart Florida. Contact Hartford EAA chapter to get on there pilot list. I have flown with them. Stay warm.
Risk Reward

I am also one of those who did a 180 about Young Eagle flights. 4 years ago during a Saturday morning breakfast I gave about 9 to 10 rides. It was a particularly busy year for young eagle flights. About a year ago i got an email from our airport manager saying that a woman stopped by and asked for me to call her. So I did and ended up being a young man that I flew. He was 15 at that time. She ended sending me a message via Facebook of a picture that she took of us by the plane after the ride. She said that he never shuts about about flying and wants to go the the airport often. Long story short, she said that he enrolled in ROTC in College and is hoping to a Pilot in the military after graduating. I didn't go into much of details, but it was heart warming to know that I had something to do with that decision. Young Eagle's is just a pure goodness in every sense of the word. You get to fly, see kids have their RV grin and possibly change someone's life.

PS. The Risk part is some day one of them will get sick in your plane if you're not careful and plan ahead :D;):p
That first flight can be life changing

The thing that motivates me to fly Young Eagles is the possibility that such first flights can be a life changer for the young boys and girls taking part in the program.

Speaking from personal experience, a long time ago at the age of twelve, my brother-in-law took me to Lunken Airport for an airplane ride. It made such an impression on me, that I decided that day I was going to be a professional pilot. I worked at in the following years and things worked out great. I have been flying for forty-nine years and still loving every minute of it. I finished up a thirty-six year flying career in 2012.

So when we give Young Eagle rides, we could be lighting the spark of a future aviator.
more flights

saturday was an epic day for our eaa chapter 692 at stuart fl airport. 200 kids flown, pizza, donuts, hot dogs, all types aircraft including 2 rvs and one helo. these kids bring so much fun and enjoyment to me introducing them to there first flight. some start out a bit scared but they all have been cured by the end of a flight. check the little girl with her blanket and white dragon. she was a blast to be with. thanks to the jet center for a hangar and some fuel. all food contrbutions, local pilots and eaa volunteers. most of my 300 + flights have been in the rv but the r44 is a great aircraft to do the job too. if you ever get a chance to fly with me in the r44 do it. all rvers welcome any time. :cool:






[ed. I want to grow up to be Ed D'Arcy! ;^). v/r,dr]
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Good job Turbo! Hey visited our good buddy Phil in Lake Placid he is asking when you are back in the north? It's still in the lower 40es here and pouring third day in a row... :D
Bring Captain Cub!

Vlad,I remember that moment when you landed and john and I came to you with open arms. Laughing is good. Good friends is better. =VAF=;)

Roger, old farts headed to Sebring Thursday. Come on over with that beautiful rv14.
About insurers denying coverage

I carry insurance, but even the insurance companies are looking for ways to avoid liability (so if you failed to safety one thing or did some other minor omission, they could invalidate your policy).

This is a very common, and frequently expressed, belief among general aviation pilots, but I've never seen any data suggesting it's true. My lawyer sense tells me that coverage denials for minor omissions are unlikely to be a major problem in the real world.

But I'll be the first to admit that "no data" and "lawyer sense" aren't a great basis for my belief, either. I'd be interested to hear what the aviation insurance experts around here have to say about when and why coverage gets denied.

My guess (only a guess) is that coverage denials happen only in the most egregious cases of major regulatory violations (e.g. lapsed medical, suspended license, aircraft out of annual).

After all, huge numbers of aviation accidents doubtless involve at least some minor negligence or minor regulatory violation.
We had a guy at our airport who flew 2 skydivers with his biplane. One on each wing. After the plane didn't climb so good it wound up in a field totaling the aircraft. Lucky no one was hurt. In addition to some FAR questions about the flight, the owner did not posses the required CFI hour checkout.

The insurance company paid out the entire hull value. I asked a client of mine who works in insurance. He said they almost always pay out

I would be curious if anyone has any data or stories of a denied claim. The only one I have ever herd of was a plane that went down in the ocean on a drug running flight.
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As our EAA Chapter's Young Eagles Coordinator, I live or die by the generosity of our YE Pilot volunteers. I have heard feedback from them, both positive and negative.

The interesting thing is the negative feedback almost always is followed by a chuckle and a statement like, "I learned something today.".

The positive feedback is often quite effusive.

Frankly, it's this positive feedback that keeps me motivated to invest the labor hours required to organize an event.
A great day

Weather couldn't have been any better for our Chapter 1202 Young Eagles rally today @ KFVX Farmvile Va. We're not a very large chapter and certainly not young enough anymore either. We flew 37 quaffing kids and about 20 adults. The "WOW that was so cool/ so much fun " comments particularly from the somewhat reluctant participants as we taxi back to the ramp make all the efforts to keep this good will program alive & well.

our eaa chapter went above and beyond and collected signatures of all the kids i flew. love these guys . :)
Flew 3 Young Eagles this morning with the Boulder EAA Chapter. First time I?ve participated in more than 20 years. First time I?ve owned a multi-place airplane in 20 years!

A good time was had by all. Of course I used my Citabria, not the RV-3! :)

Planning to participate in the Chapter 515 (KFNL) Young Eagle?s Day next Saturday, too.
Nice! I flew 3 Young Eagles as well yesterday.
One was her 3rd time back, she was a natural and seemed
Pretty interested in aviation. Always good to see.
To all YE pilots, don?t forget to remind your kids that they can get free private pilot study materials from sportys. The order code is in there log book that they get after there flight. I all ways spend some fun time with the parents. Smiles galore. Turbo out. :cool:
Just completed the YE application, in the past I've to beg/borrow a headset (the wife and I use Clarity) when giving rides so looking for a recommendation for a decent reasonable priced headset for kids/young adults?
Just completed the YE application, in the past I've to beg/borrow a headset (the wife and I use Clarity) when giving rides so looking for a recommendation for a decent reasonable priced headset for kids/young adults?
walt, i just use a standard headset. nothing special.

tomorrow is our young eagles event in stuart fl. 9-2. come one come all if you are qualified to fly kids.

As our EAA Chapter's Young Eagles Coordinator, I live or die by the generosity of our YE Pilot volunteers. I have heard feedback from them, both positive and negative.

The interesting thing is the negative feedback almost always is followed by a chuckle and a statement like, "I learned something today.".

The positive feedback is often quite effusive.

Frankly, it's this positive feedback that keeps me motivated to invest the labor hours required to organize an event.

I'm the YE Coordinator for our chapter and I agree 100% on all you've said.
I just got my 50th mission in this summer. Me and my wife co-coordinate. I handle pilots and flight line, she handles all the paperwork stuff. Needless to say I have the more fun job. I have been doing them in my comanche I just sold before buy my RV4. Once i get enough time to be really comfortable taking newbies flying I cant wait to start flying them in the new bird
what a great day in stuart eaa 692. we flew 88 kids with rvs to helicopters. cubs, pipers, cessnas, bonanzas, donated food, pizza, hot dogs, drinks, muffins, but no coffee this year. got to talk to them about that. otherwise a fun successful event. some fuel donated by stuart jet center along with one of there hangers. come on over next time and join in the fun. clear skys and cool nw breezes. florida wx is coming alive.