I scored some serious points as well!!

Katie, my lovely wife, is the one that wanted me to build and the one who bought me the kit for Christmas. Already she is wanting her own rv:eek:
I love her dearly and I'm glad she is my building partner.

Her day job. Somebody has to pay for this:D

My bucking partner.
Grand daughters

In early Oct we flew our RV7a up to NH to visit the grand daughters. While there Bonnie took the three grand daughters for a flight in the RV7a to view the beautiful fall colors. They all enjoyed the nice morning flight in Nashua, NH. Later that day the youngest one built her own RV as shown in this picture. She had drawn the instrument panel on the inside of the front of the box. Maybe the next generation of RV builders?


This is Gabby, the youngest.

This is Cassidy, the oldest.

This is Sarina, the middle one.

A great time was had by all. There is really nothing better than seeing your grand kids enjoy flying in the airplane you built!!
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Love it!

Way to go, Bonnie (and Tommy)! I hope all the girls also got a little stick time. It is amazing how well kids that age (and, in my experience, especially girls) can fly a plane at that age.
Must be a genetic thing?

.... All of my beautiful ladies love to fly! Wives, daughter and grand daughter as well.:D


Wait a minute! I thought *I* was the luckiest guy in the world!? Mary has flown with me for over 20 years, and I have flown with her for the last 15.

Here's a picture of her, taken last month after she flew us into San Marcos for the $1/gallon gas. She's a great pilot, and a great wife.

Another thing the A models are better at.... taking pictures :)
Great pic... nice plane

Second passenger

Took my 10yr old daughter for her first ride last Saturday. She was slated to be the first passenger, but she gave her spot to her brother. She did great and loved it, especially the rolls. Proud dad.


kim has started her glider rating. she loves it and is have a great time. seminole lake gliderport 6FL0 is close to her. can't wait for my first ride with her. :)
Thanks Turbo for adding that picture. I am trying my best to get my RV but just waiting for someone to come along and buy the Searey. Hope to see you out there soon in our new (to us) RV.
Sunday?s weather was gorgeous, so we flew to Toronto Island for lunch. The airport is right next to downtown Toronto, quite close to the CN Tower.

Terry wanted a picture before we left.

Billy Bishop Airport

A couple of us from NJ were in Kingston for the weekend and flew back on Sunday afternoon. (What a spectacular day to fly in the Northeast.)

Always wondered about flying into Toronto Island just for lunch. Would like to do that the next time we are in Canada. Had a feeling they were not very open to that so I'm curious about landing fees, rest. options on the airport ...or do you head into the city?... appreciate any advise. thanks,
A couple of us from NJ were in Kingston for the weekend and flew back on Sunday afternoon. (What a spectacular day to fly in the Northeast.)

Always wondered about flying into Toronto Island just for lunch. Would like to do that the next time we are in Canada. Had a feeling they were not very open to that so I'm curious about landing fees, rest. options on the airport ...or do you head into the city?... appreciate any advise. thanks,

I answered this question in the Canada forum, to avoid an off-topic tangent here.
Thanks Scroll!

Two days ago I took little Emma for her first RV ride too! Emma is Jenny's 12 yo daughter. She had a great time!


;). CJ
ok john, point that spinner south and warm up. we are waiting for your arrival. :)

sunny and upper 60's this week. cold for us, warm for you.

Sounds great to me Turbo! Where are you now, Stuart?

With our impending snow storm those trees ans sand look awful inviting!

;). CJ
My wife Dee

I took my wife Dee for the first real exciting flight �� She is amazing and always love to join me for a flight! Lucky me :)

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My wife took ground school with me 16 years ago and even took a few lessons, but has been satisfied with being a passenger until our recent trip to the Keys. I'm not ready to divulge details, but we had a "significant" weather/equipment event which was a wake up call for both of us. What a trooper - where many would hang up flying altogether, she's jumped in with both feet and wants to finish her lessons. Who would have thought a near death experience would kick start flight training? She even flew the Rocket most of the way to Vegas this weekend.
August 1992. We have something to sit in and make airplane noises.

Sept. 2015. Different parent. Same plane, has been making its own airplane noise for 20+ years. Same girl, who knew that there was a Chemical Engineering Degree in that little blond head?
Kelli Girl

My girl Kelli brought KELLI GIRL to life.




Kelli makes the plane (and me) look good. :cool: And because she insists on a smooth ride, she makes me a better pilot.