
Well Known Member
i have got the best women in the world. she loves to fly too. met her at a flyin at hobby hill and been the best since. an old timer asked her if she flew and she said no im not a pilot. he said again do you fly, well yes she loves to fly the plane. never said no yet. she has learned a lot from a great teacher. guess who? she finally got a ride in stanleys meyers biplane. we love this shot. thanks stanley. thanks hobby hill.
my flying partner

I just have to post a picture of Bonnie with the oldest grandaughter taken in March when they were visiting. She took all three girls flying in the RV7a. This one said after flying the airplane when returning to the airport "this isn't so hard, and is fun, but I will let you land."

Mine too

Guess where we went for our honeymoon??


And, although not an RV grin, here is what the first solo looks like.


Pretty sure I got a woman who loves to fly:D

Makes life good.
RV Grin

Well, Pierre was the one who took my wife up for her first time. She hasn't been the same since. After Phase 1 was flown off in our plane she was in the right seat for over 70% of the hours flown to date. She is planning on taking pitch-hitter flying lessons this summer. Yup, she is a keeper.
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She's a little one

But she LOVES to fly. Everytime I'm off to the airport she says "I want go flying with Daddy!". That is music to my ears...



I know I'm a lucky guy!! She sure likes to ride. But I need to work on teaching her to hold altitude and heading - at least until I get and autopilot... ;)
Fly What?

Oh yeah guys - she does enjoy flying whatever is at hand!

My "work" machine"

Or my "personal" machine!

How'd I get so lucky?:D

Lori likes it.....


Especially when we go somewhere fun. Like on this trip to

If she had fun the trip back is like this......

yes we are a lucky group.


kim first big flight from florida to california. 2 week trip in 08 with great wx and family and friends. thank you
My first wife hated flying. :confused: She even put my 1958 Bellanca Cruisemaster up for sale! :mad:
Needless to say, I have another wife now. :D
Marilyn wasn't a pilot then, heck she didn't even know there was such a thing!
Now she's a CFII and has been a president of the Airpark association a chairman of the local 99s chapter, also president of Big World Flight For Education. Whew! And I was the catalyst for all that.
I guess she's the prototype for the Energizer Bunny :rolleyes:
Oh, and best of all, she drives rivets too! That IS important!! :p
I took Ann for her first airplane ride in 1975 in my Globe Swift. By 1985, she had her private ticket.
And as most of you know, she builds too.
She's also held every office in EAA Chapter 168 except for treasure at least once.
Jenny and Holley....

....at Jekyll Island after last month's RV gathering. Her oldest son, James is currently working for Ray Lawrence in Sandersville, Ga, building his uncle's RV-7A and yesterday got his first exposure to Proseal:D


She's the reason we have the -10...her idea:)

Builder Doll

Builder Doll, not only loves to fly, but she bucks rivets as well. In fact, she bucked nearly ever rivet in the standard slow build kit: "Beautiful Doll"

Talking about being lucky!

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Fuzzy Picture, but......

My lovely bride and I on our way back from Ohio to CA.
She is always willing to go flying (if her schedule permits), and lend a hand during annual/condition inspection time.


Arriving in our PA-20 at Johnson Creek
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Didn't have my camera with me, but there was a large gaggle of loyal Team RV ladies at the PDK airshow last weekend - all equipped with the RV Grin.

I enjoyed their company for a few moments and congratulated them all on their devotion to aviation.

roger has a great .........

flying companion. spent the morning at sebring with them and they love there 6a. turbo
going to alaska 2 up

2 in alaska flying around must be a winner!!!!!!!! great trip.

Grateful for my wife's interest in flying

Linda, my wife of 34 years, recently completed here private pilots license and is helping me build our RV10. She also helped to build the RV9A you see her standing beside here:

She loves to fly beside me, but is not yet really comfortable flying the 9A solo.

Waiting for the right time to suggest IFR training for her. :cool:
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great flying friends

stanley and sherrie are hooked on aviation. they have a hanger home on 4,000 ft grass strip in the ocala fl area owning a meyers biplane, commanche 260, and piper 140. well the small piper is the women who loves to fly plane. we need more women pilots.!!!!!!!!!!

Kathy won't touch the stick!

No desire to learn to fly, but my Kathy has been all over the country with "Miss Izzy" and me. She was serving customers in the back when we were flying
for the airlines and now enjoys the sights from the back of our RV-8.



Jessica's been flying beside me for about 600 hours now in the Columbia. She finally decided to get her own cert. and is doing great.

Doing so well that she motivated me to pull the decade-and-a-half old RV-6 project out of storage and get back to work on it. I'm totally psyched to be back building and its her's (well mostly ;) ) when I'm done!

I do- at Oshkosh

I'm sure you received AirAventure 2010 posting, but probably didn't read the "Soldier Proposes" http://www.airventure.org/news/2010/100801_proposal.html . You know his future wife will be part of his aviation career, and I'm sure he'll be an RVer since he's on his way to Fort Rucker to be an Army aviator. God bless our service members and their families.

Eyeball Mechanic,
RV-4 Slider
Daleville, AL
she is the best!!!!!!!!!!

debbie is a women who loves aviation. yes it shows!!!!! helped build their RV-7, goes to Reno, knows all the planes, a winner.
THANKS for a fun day at leeward air ranch, florida. dean is alright too!
I love flying, too. For many years it was a BIG part of my life. But, I love other things, too. Piloting and aircraft ownership had to yield to those things. I will always cherrish those exciting times and places our airplanes took us, especially the RV-7A I built. Many of my best friends I met through flying. But I reached a time in my life that I could no longer keep the commitment necessary to remain a safe and current pilot. During my retirement I still keep active golfing and building my Classic wood runabout, my two passions now. And my interest in airplanes has never dwindled and never will.


My Smarter Half

She loves to fly! Soloed in 1978.
She is Peggy at Petaluma (O69) CFII for 30 years!


Deb loves to fly!!!!!!!!! check out 339A VAF name for there links. she has been around flying. nice website scott & deb. enjoy your rv-9. ps deb, your pic came out great.
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Here's my first passenger (ever): Still flying with me 37 years and 4100+ hours later: Victoria "Tuppergal" Rosales :D


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You folks are all very lucky, like I was to have someone special to fly with.

I see many familiar smiling faces that I hope to see enjoying flight and each other for many more years to come!

Rosie & Tuppergal thanks for Sunday it was a very special day for me, enjoyed seeing Bill too.

You guys, like Deb & Scott and the gang should be in this special club for many more decades to come.

I hope you continue to enjoy every minute of it like I did.

Be well all, blue skies.
Don't worry, they get along :)


darren, hey lookn good, not sure who is sitting in the plane, mama or girlfriend, but if you dont have a booster seat for her she would see a lot better with one. looks like about 2 1/2 lift to get her up to the glare shield.
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We are lucky aren't we

Jeanne my AWESOME wife got me out of R/C flying and into a real plane. She thought it might be less expensive. Ha Ha silly girl. Well now we have a C-172 and we're building a RV 7a . She loves to fly and has had her Private for 2 years with almost 180 hrs. She dosent like to buck rivets but she has the touch for driving them.

Build on and enjoy what we got
This photo of my grand-daughter, Kaylee, was taken in 2002. She is now eleven, and dad is planning to start her flight lessons next year. Kaylee will learn very quickly about restricted airspace...her training area will be just south of Seoul, South Korea!

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Her First Flight

Michelle standing next to "Bomb 'Chelle" after her first flight with the expected RV-grin :)
Her First Flight

About 5 years ago when we were dating, I took Jamie to a Fly-in. A friend agreed to take her up on her first RV ride, and first small plane ride! She was so giddy with excitement, it shows in this picture:


About to climb in... my friend Joe Miller's beautiful RV-9A with Mike Robertson as pilot:


Here she is, about a year later, trying out the Pilot's seat in a friends' RV-6A:


She liked all of this so much, I married her and we started on our own RV-7A. She is very supportive and can't wait to go on traveling and flying adventures with me.
The wifey...

... loves to fly too. In fact, she's just started taking flying lessons with the local aeroclub; 6 hrs so far...

( and no; she has never landed our RV because landing a TD as her very first landing has never sounded like a good idea to me...)

We normally swoop roles on every other leg; one flies the RV and the other navigate and handle the radio.

Here, she's the "Acting Crewchief on Duty" before taking off:

And here, she has just landed after her very first flying lesson:

In fact; the IP even let her LAND the C-172 on her very first flight....

It's "been a while" since I had my very first flying lesson (I think it was in 1970 or something...) so it's very fun to share her flying adventure with it's ups and downs. It reminds me how it was like for me, and that's a good reminder.

Hopefully, someday I can post a formation pic here on the forum of her and me, flying formation. She with the plane from the aeroclub and I with the RV. :)

Or even better; a formation-pics with both of us flying RV's! :D
(Thanks to Paul and Louise for the great idea... you two are two really lucky pilots! )
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Here, she's the "Acting Crewchief on Duty" before taking off:

Great idea. I'm going to have to try that with my girlfriend. "honey, you're the crew chief today...that means you have to fuel up the airplane... and it could use a good wash too" :D

more women who love to fly??????????????
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Our Little Flyer

She loves to fly!!!!! Has more Hrs Logged than a lot of 20 yr olds:D

Normaly is sleeping for most of the flight.

The big grin after first RV ride

Took Samantha for her first ride in a light aircraft today.

The grin tells all.....

Weekend at the Chalet Suzanne X25 Florida

My Michelle and I enjoying an early morning launch to join up with the Dreamland Squadron
