I didn't land on a lake, but the runway at Cabin Creek (97MT) was slicker than I expected. Good thing for big rudders, as there was zero braking available. I could barely stand up when I got out of the plane.

Brian you are promoted to Winter Sergeant! How you guys live in such a climate. :D

Hi all !

I just checked event calendar for the Quebec Bush Pilot Association (www.apbq.com), here are some ice runway events planned for this winter:

1) Mo's Fly In 2016, on Feb 27: This is happening on the Ottawa River near Aylmer, approximately 1 mile west of Ottawa VOR

2) RVA Lac Pohénégamook Feb 26-28: It is the winter festival for this small community at the border of Quebec and Maine; a 100 ft X 2500 ft runway will be plowed on the Lake Pohénégamook
Contact Info : POHÉNÉGAMOOK, HÔTEL DE VILLE 1309, rue Principale Pohénégamook (Québec) G0L 1J0 CANADA Téléphone: 418-863-7722 Url: http://pohenegamook.net/evenement/pohenegamook-haut-en-couleur-2016/

3) RVA Lake à Jim March 26: That is in the Lac St-Jean region, 32 Nm North of the city of Roberval. It is about 2.5 "Cessna flight hours" North of Montreal
Contact Info : Carl Lamothe: 418-480-5847 Christian Taillon: 418-671-0262 Restaurant: 418-274-6033

Here is a picture of Lac à Jim last winter 2015


There are 10,000 frozen lakes in Quebec each winter. Lots of frozen runways to discover. We usually speak French and English, so no excuse to come visit Quebec ! (Plus the USD/CAD exchange rate is great now for US tourists...)

Au plaisir !

Beech Sundowner based at Mascouche (CSK3)
RV-8....well in construction

Martin thanks for great info. I didn't know about Lake a Jim fly in will look into it closely. We have tons of frozen lakes down here too but I fly an RV and it's a real challenge to find a suitable ice field. Our wheelies are small and stall speed high...


I fly a 7A out of S17 in Trenton SC, but have a home/camp at Great Sacandaga Lake. We are 7 miles north of the Bachelorville bridge. Was up there last summer with the RV and landed at Plateau Sky Ranch. Amazing to see the picture of home here on VAF!!

Hah small world. I know that bridge very well. :D

Last night I had a visitor. Noah fled New England bad weather and overnighted here. Early morning he picked up his VIP and ran south. They were scheduled to fly a hydrogen balloon. :)

Noah, very cool! What was your maximum altitude?

Btw, you never answered me on the group text about needing the 5 gallon pail!

You stayed with Vlad, huh? Hmmmm... What was that like?

:rolleyes: CJ
Mark, Alfio,
What's the state of the ice at Mo's? I keep fingers crossed couldn't land to full stop on hard water this season. eApis filed :)
Mo fly-in runway/ice condition

I received word back from one of the organizers for MO's fly-in on the Ottawa river.

I landed there Sunday with the Seabee and also a 150 and a 172. The runway was very nice and 4000 feet long.

Seabee is a pretty hefty plane, so landing should not be a problem this Saturday.

Hoping weather will cooperate.
I received word back from one of the organizers for MO's fly-in on the Ottawa river.

I landed there Sunday with the Seabee and also a 150 and a 172. The runway was very nice and 4000 feet long.

Seabee is a pretty hefty plane, so landing should not be a problem this Saturday.

Hoping weather will cooperate.

Does your Seebee have a Franklin or has it been replaced with a V8 Robinson conversion?
That particular Seabee is a "VeeBee" with the Corvette engine in it. If you thought a Seabee was a dog in terms of performance, this airplane will certainly leave you with a new and much more positive impression!

(Lycosaurus flies an RV9A with an O-320 in it - the Seabee belongs to a friend in the area.)
Mark, Alfio,
What's the state of the ice at Mo's? I keep fingers crossed couldn't land to full stop on hard water this season. eApis filed :)

Hope the Wx is good for the journey, and we look forward to lots of photos!
Runway and weather conditions update Feb. 26 report

Here is a runway conditions update I received from Andre:

Tomorrow: 27th Mo's flyin on the Ottawa River.

In the morning: - 12 degrees, sun and clouds, less then 1 cm of snow. Afternoon: + 1 degree, cloudy, less then 1 cm of snow.

Runway 16-34, 4000 ft X 100 ft. 16 to 18 inches of ice. A few years ago Mo had 100 airplanes on 14 inches.

Mo is waiting for you.

Check out the weather forecast at Nav Canada Metars (plug-in CYOW):


Here is the forecast for Ottawa retrieved this morning Feb. 26:

TAF CYOW 261438Z 2615/2712 30015G25KT P6SM FEW030 BECMG 2616/2618 30016KT BECMG 2623/2701 27008KT FM270200 22008KT P6SM SKC RMK NXT FCST BY 261800Z


27 FEB - 0200 to 27 FEB - 1200
220 @ 8 KNOTS

Aviation weather forecast seems to indicate sky clear, yet civilian weather forecasts indicate some light snow. Either way, forecasts look very promising for tomorrow's event.

TAF CYOW 270238Z 2703/2724 26005KT P6SM FEW030
FM271200 20012KT P6SM BKN090
FM271700 20015G25KT 6SM -SN SCT020 OVC040
FM271900 22015G30KT 2SM -SN OVC030
2016 Winter Season is closed

With all that weather swinging from cold to hot overnight I am well behind on ice landings. The only option this year was Mo's flyin on Ottawa River and there I went on a sunny NJ morning.

RV cockpits don't have adequate heat and I had to put toe warmers in flight. Now I can go cold places.

Stopped at Rome, NY for gas and customs call. What a nice place with cheap fuel and royal treatment. KRME stop by if you are in the vicinity. Top off at a self service pump ($3.86) and your ramp fee will be waived.

I called US Customs from Rome and asked to be cleared in two hours. (Canadian CBP was notified a day prior). Customs supervisor was surprised to know that I am calling from US she barraged me with questions then said we will see soon you dear :D

Canada met me with a MVFR over point of border crossing.

I deviated a bit and in 20+ minutes I was at Mo's.

That was WINDY! Windy on ice is no joke!

No wonder there weren't many airplanes there today. I landed and managed to stop at the end of ice runway. Then a rodeo started. I was unable to turn around due to strong xwind, frozen castering nose wheel and relatively worn high pressured tires. Before I knew I was out of the runway behind icy snowbanks trying to taxi.

That was quite a show. Airboss was in constant communication and could dispatch a recovery crew at any moment at my request. I was slowly moving back making a left doughnut any time the wind gusted.

The rodeo finally ended with all three wheel pants cracked. Mark was watching and worried. Finally made it to parking all stressed up. :)

After deplaning all worries went away :D

I remember I was happy like these kids 40 something years ago.

Mark's mini Bonanza.

The food was great and food was plenty. Tim Horton's coffee is the best and hottest in the world! They even had a replacement prop for me in case of a strike.

Good time was had talking and making new friends. What a great bunch of folks are the Canadians I love coming there.
I spent about an hour at Mo's. Time to depart. Here Mark goes with his Canadian Joy.

He had no trouble to depart. Rocked the wings and disappeared.

I was the last to leave the place. Fought P-factor to the end. 30 minutes later crossed Lawrence river to US side.

I was running couple minutes earlier and asked a just landed Pilatus if there is any customs vehicle by the pumps. He confirmed a few in sight and I landed.

Officers were shocked when learned where I went and for how long. The clearance procedure was the shortest I've ever had. I closed the canopy and ran away. The Pilatus followed.

Two hours later I was in sunny New Jersey again. Mission accomplished.

At least I didn't have the experience of my close relative from Astana, Kazakhstan.

See you all here next winter season! :D
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Sorry to hear about your wheel pants. Now you know why we take ours off in Canada during our nice winters. I wanted to attend but chicken out at the last minute because of the wind. Glad you made it. You were one of only 2 RV that made it.


He had no trouble to depart. Rocked the wings and disappeared.


My first experimental ride ever was in a Davis!! It was also the first for hand propping, aileron rolls and just plain fun flying. I distinctly remember having to move an RV3 out of the shared T hangar to fly the Davis, man I wanted to fly that RV and that got me where I am today. Thanks for the memory jog!
Thanks for the pics and write up Vlad. I don't know you very well, but from a short ride with you last November I do know that a little wind doesn't bother you!!!
It was terrific seeing Vlad again this year. I'm just sorry he had to take the overland route to get to the parking area. Talk about a rough taxi!

Vald - you're welcome to invade any time - just give a call and we'll try to plow a little more snow so you'll have a place to turn around... :)

Andy - I'm glad Vlad's photos brought back some good memories for you. Like you, my first ride in a homebuilt airplane was in a Davis. THIS Davis, to be precise, and it happened several months after I had purchased it, if you can believe that! They are an absolute hoot to fly. They're also a very tough airframe that requires little in the way of maintenance, and doesn't break easily so unscheduled maintenance is minimal. While I'm building our other airplane, the Davis is a terrific way to keep my pilot skills from atrophying. I don't know what I'll do when our other airplane is ready to fly - it's more than a little difficult to part with an airplane that's as much fun and as cheap to own as the Davis.

BTW, this ain't Kansas, Andy. Come on up to the "other" Ottawa for a visit!
New RV Product opportunity

Thanks for the photos! I can see the opportunity for Mig 27 style mud flaps on the mains and Mig 29 nose wheel bikini for winter use and muddy runways.
Julian went and fought 40kt head winds! I chickened out! My Jodel only has 90hp. I might have ended up going backwards from Lachute.

Look on the bright side. At least you didn't mess up a fancy expensive paint job on the wheel pants!
Vlad, I'm pretty good with fiberglass/bodywork so bring 'em by in your travels and I'll get you patched up. :)
I am not worried about broken wheel pants I had it worse. I am coming to Montreal next weekend wx permitting. What's broken in Canada will be fixed in Canada :D

Thanks Chris. When is the field opening? Time to start grass season...
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That looks cold

It was around 70-72F here today!!!

Come for a visit if you need some warmth!
I am not worried about broken wheel pants I had it worse. I am coming to Montreal next weekend wx permitting. What's broken in Canada will be fixed in Canada :D

Thanks Chris. When is the field opening? Time to start grass season...

The field is open! I flew the J3 Cub out of here the past two days as I'm in the process of reinforcing and painting my wheel pants on the -4. Turf right now is a perfect soft. Shout when you float this way and I'll pester Smracer to get his -8 over here!
Hey Vlad, How did you cross the border with small reg numbers? I thought you needed 12" letters for all borders?

•12-inch registration marks if you’re crossing an ADIZ to get into Canada (primarily affects those flying in from Alaska)
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no ADIZ.....US dollars at PAR!!! :)

hey, you've REALLY got to try to bust the ADIZ, even from Alaska...and I'm not sure we have any of our CF-18's patrolling over Mo's anyway! :D so you're unlikely to be shot down!!!
come on over...the water's.......solid! ( thump thump!)
Feb 25, 2017 Mooselookmeguntic Lake, Maine

Mark your calendars! February 25th the annual winter flyin on Mooselookmeguntic Lake in Maine.

I will try to check the status of ice runway a week earlier and report here. :)
Vladyspaskey, Looking forward to it! I am sure that I'll see you in the meantime. I am sure that it will be a great time!

:) CJ
First Ice Landing in 2017

I've heard that the ice on the Great Sacandaga Lake in Upstate NY is more then a foot thick. Outside temperatures are in single digits, wind is not blowing hard yet and I have a map. Sport Island Pub is the target.


In 5 hours all the white fluff at my home airport will be blown away. I won't have enough rudder authority and after three go arounds I will plant my pantless RV on a frozen patch of intersecting runway.


My target is 90 Pandoran minutes away. The reception is good up to 5,500 feet.


Catstkills Mountains. If it looks cold it is cold. All airspace is mine.


The Adirondacks. Look like the Aleutians, don't they?


Landing zone clear I roll with power on mains half a mile to get a feel of the frozen surface. A but bumpy but nothing to worry about.

Sport Island Pub is couple yards away from airplane parking.


Owned by Lanzi family serves great food.



Sitting by a fireplace I can see somebody is already inspecting my aircraft.


Fed and warmed up time to go before my battery freezes. Anthony Lanzi the owner said don't worry we have heaters. If you are stuck here there is a nice motel just across the road from the Pub.


A Zenith builder gives me a thumb up. We spoke briefly and it looks like he didn't believe the RV clocked 3,000 hours since 2011.


Takeoff, a pass and southbound.


If it looks cold it is cold. Dress warm our RVs don't have enough heat to warm the cockpit if based outside.


At my home airport the CTAF was silent it means I have to trust my awos. Either I forgot how to land the airplane or there was really not enough rudder authority. After three go arounds I made a decision to land on unplowed patch of intersecting grass runway. Ground speed on final was 25 knots and I stopped after a very short roll. What a wonderful day!
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Amazing you were at the lake. We own a home on the lake down towards the ****. Great to see the pictures. We are "wintering" in SC, our RV10 snuggled nicely in the warm hangar.
I fly out of Saratoga and was up over Lake Sacandaga yesterday contemplating landing on the lake in my Mooney but ultimately decided I better stick to runways for the day. I have never landed on the ice but really would like to.
I fly out of Saratoga and was up over Lake Sacandaga yesterday contemplating landing on the lake in my Mooney but ultimately decided I better stick to runways for the day. I have never landed on the ice but really would like to.

The surface is good for our small wheels. There is about an inch of snow and could be another inch of frozen snowmobile ruts but go parallel the trail. Last year and in 2015 the snow was too deep I didn't stop. Try to do touch and go in the middle of the lake but beware of misjudging the flare height. It's all white around sorta "a mirror for seaplanes".

I am planning either Desolate Lake or Raquette this coming weekend. There will be also an event on Sacandaga, the pub owner will plow a long stretch for it. Everybody welcome.
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Desolate Lake would be short for my liking in the Mooney without good braking action, not much over 2000ft in any direction. Raquette lake is plenty large enough though.
Alternative to Alton Bay found

Year 2017. A very unique opportunity has opened on Raquette Lake in Upstate NY it won't last long. For several years I was observing the ice condition there and I wasn't able to land. Ski planes and bush wheelers go there on regular basis. There was a lot of snow in the beginning but then a couple of warm days came and the snow melted. Then the deep freeze made it solid. Couple phone calls and couple emails answered and I am airborne.


About to turn final. A good 7,000 feet available you can land a jet there.



This will be my parking spot.


Ice is very slippery but there are spots that can give you a quick traction. I stopped far from the shore then carefully slid closer.


Had to pull red knob all the way back at least two times before I got to parking. The plane moves at idle it's adjusted couple winter RPMs above normal.


Inside Raquette Lake cruse boat-restaurant.


I had to push the airplane back then turned to aim in different direction. Not easy on a slippery surface I used my metal wheelchokes to stand on for better ice grab.



Go while the weather is holding. I plan to be there tomorrow around noon.
Lake Pleasant NY

Usually it's too much snow here. There is a joint by the road to grab a bite and a hot drink. Be careful while exiting the aircraft and bring a blanket... :)



A good friend of mine just got his unmanned pilot certificate. We flew to Upstate NY to exercise the privilege. That's what he cut. His first time composing a video. :)
A good friend of mine just got his unmanned pilot certificate. We flew to Upstate NY to exercise the privilege. That's what he cut. His first time composing a video. :)

Who else was hoping for a slip and fall caught on camera as our favorite traveling pilot was walking to his plane? :D
A good friend of mine just got his unmanned pilot certificate. We flew to Upstate NY to exercise the privilege. That's what he cut. His first time composing a video. :)

You've got more nerve than me, Vlad. I would never park my RV (that I spent 6 1/2 years building) on a lake that might thaw at any moment. Gives me chills just thinking about it.

Great job by your videographer.


P.S. Good thing the pickup driver wasn't from Texas or he probably would have hit the plane :D
As I dream to flock somewhere warmer to travel to, my friend Vlad migrates north. A strange duck indeed! :D
more power to you.i will be freezing my a** off next week when i head out to utah to challenge the mountains and my legs.:)

if you need to taxi slower you can use the float plane technique and go to one mag as you get closer to your parking area.
Nice Video!

I like the picture of the parking limitations. Vlad, do you put something between the tires and the ice to keep them from sticking/freezing?